/* * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development"). * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files. * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools. * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/) * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false". * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/). */ (self["webpackChunkbrowser_esm_webpack"] = self["webpackChunkbrowser_esm_webpack"] || []).push([["vendors-node_modules_monaco-editor_esm_vs_basic-languages_vb_vb_js"],{ /***/ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/vb/vb.js": /*!********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/vb/vb.js ***! \********************************************************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"conf\": () => (/* binding */ conf),\n/* harmony export */ \"language\": () => (/* binding */ language)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\r\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\r\nvar conf = {\r\n comments: {\r\n lineComment: \"'\",\r\n blockComment: ['/*', '*/']\r\n },\r\n brackets: [\r\n ['{', '}'],\r\n ['[', ']'],\r\n ['(', ')'],\r\n ['<', '>'],\r\n ['addhandler', 'end addhandler'],\r\n ['class', 'end class'],\r\n ['enum', 'end enum'],\r\n ['event', 'end event'],\r\n ['function', 'end function'],\r\n ['get', 'end get'],\r\n ['if', 'end if'],\r\n ['interface', 'end interface'],\r\n ['module', 'end module'],\r\n ['namespace', 'end namespace'],\r\n ['operator', 'end operator'],\r\n ['property', 'end property'],\r\n ['raiseevent', 'end raiseevent'],\r\n ['removehandler', 'end removehandler'],\r\n ['select', 'end select'],\r\n ['set', 'end set'],\r\n ['structure', 'end structure'],\r\n ['sub', 'end sub'],\r\n ['synclock', 'end synclock'],\r\n ['try', 'end try'],\r\n ['while', 'end while'],\r\n ['with', 'end with'],\r\n ['using', 'end using'],\r\n ['do', 'loop'],\r\n ['for', 'next']\r\n ],\r\n autoClosingPairs: [\r\n { open: '{', close: '}', notIn: ['string', 'comment'] },\r\n { open: '[', close: ']', notIn: ['string', 'comment'] },\r\n { open: '(', close: ')', notIn: ['string', 'comment'] },\r\n { open: '\"', close: '\"', notIn: ['string', 'comment'] },\r\n { open: '<', close: '>', notIn: ['string', 'comment'] }\r\n ],\r\n folding: {\r\n markers: {\r\n start: new RegExp('^\\\\s*#Region\\\\b'),\r\n end: new RegExp('^\\\\s*#End Region\\\\b')\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nvar language = {\r\n defaultToken: '',\r\n tokenPostfix: '.vb',\r\n ignoreCase: true,\r\n brackets: [\r\n { token: 'delimiter.bracket', open: '{', close: '}' },\r\n { token: 'delimiter.array', open: '[', close: ']' },\r\n { token: 'delimiter.parenthesis', open: '(', close: ')' },\r\n { token: 'delimiter.angle', open: '<', close: '>' },\r\n // Special bracket statement pairs\r\n // according to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tsw2a11z.aspx\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-addhandler',\r\n open: 'addhandler',\r\n close: 'end addhandler'\r\n },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-class', open: 'class', close: 'end class' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-enum', open: 'enum', close: 'end enum' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-event', open: 'event', close: 'end event' },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-function',\r\n open: 'function',\r\n close: 'end function'\r\n },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-get', open: 'get', close: 'end get' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-if', open: 'if', close: 'end if' },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-interface',\r\n open: 'interface',\r\n close: 'end interface'\r\n },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-module', open: 'module', close: 'end module' },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-namespace',\r\n open: 'namespace',\r\n close: 'end namespace'\r\n },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-operator',\r\n open: 'operator',\r\n close: 'end operator'\r\n },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-property',\r\n open: 'property',\r\n close: 'end property'\r\n },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-raiseevent',\r\n open: 'raiseevent',\r\n close: 'end raiseevent'\r\n },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-removehandler',\r\n open: 'removehandler',\r\n close: 'end removehandler'\r\n },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-select', open: 'select', close: 'end select' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-set', open: 'set', close: 'end set' },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-structure',\r\n open: 'structure',\r\n close: 'end structure'\r\n },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-sub', open: 'sub', close: 'end sub' },\r\n {\r\n token: 'keyword.tag-synclock',\r\n open: 'synclock',\r\n close: 'end synclock'\r\n },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-try', open: 'try', close: 'end try' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-while', open: 'while', close: 'end while' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-with', open: 'with', close: 'end with' },\r\n // Other pairs\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-using', open: 'using', close: 'end using' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-do', open: 'do', close: 'loop' },\r\n { token: 'keyword.tag-for', open: 'for', close: 'next' }\r\n ],\r\n keywords: [\r\n 'AddHandler',\r\n 'AddressOf',\r\n 'Alias',\r\n 'And',\r\n 'AndAlso',\r\n 'As',\r\n 'Async',\r\n 'Boolean',\r\n 'ByRef',\r\n 'Byte',\r\n 'ByVal',\r\n 'Call',\r\n 'Case',\r\n 'Catch',\r\n 'CBool',\r\n 'CByte',\r\n 'CChar',\r\n 'CDate',\r\n 'CDbl',\r\n 'CDec',\r\n 'Char',\r\n 'CInt',\r\n 'Class',\r\n 'CLng',\r\n 'CObj',\r\n 'Const',\r\n 'Continue',\r\n 'CSByte',\r\n 'CShort',\r\n 'CSng',\r\n 'CStr',\r\n 'CType',\r\n 'CUInt',\r\n 'CULng',\r\n 'CUShort',\r\n 'Date',\r\n 'Decimal',\r\n 'Declare',\r\n 'Default',\r\n 'Delegate',\r\n 'Dim',\r\n 'DirectCast',\r\n 'Do',\r\n 'Double',\r\n 'Each',\r\n 'Else',\r\n 'ElseIf',\r\n 'End',\r\n 'EndIf',\r\n 'Enum',\r\n 'Erase',\r\n 'Error',\r\n 'Event',\r\n 'Exit',\r\n 'False',\r\n 'Finally',\r\n 'For',\r\n 'Friend',\r\n 'Function',\r\n 'Get',\r\n 'GetType',\r\n 'GetXMLNamespace',\r\n 'Global',\r\n 'GoSub',\r\n 'GoTo',\r\n 'Handles',\r\n 'If',\r\n 'Implements',\r\n 'Imports',\r\n 'In',\r\n 'Inherits',\r\n 'Integer',\r\n 'Interface',\r\n 'Is',\r\n 'IsNot',\r\n 'Let',\r\n 'Lib',\r\n 'Like',\r\n 'Long',\r\n 'Loop',\r\n 'Me',\r\n 'Mod',\r\n 'Module',\r\n 'MustInherit',\r\n 'MustOverride',\r\n 'MyBase',\r\n 'MyClass',\r\n 'NameOf',\r\n 'Namespace',\r\n 'Narrowing',\r\n 'New',\r\n 'Next',\r\n 'Not',\r\n 'Nothing',\r\n 'NotInheritable',\r\n 'NotOverridable',\r\n 'Object',\r\n 'Of',\r\n 'On',\r\n 'Operator',\r\n 'Option',\r\n 'Optional',\r\n 'Or',\r\n 'OrElse',\r\n 'Out',\r\n 'Overloads',\r\n 'Overridable',\r\n 'Overrides',\r\n 'ParamArray',\r\n 'Partial',\r\n 'Private',\r\n 'Property',\r\n 'Protected',\r\n 'Public',\r\n 'RaiseEvent',\r\n 'ReadOnly',\r\n 'ReDim',\r\n 'RemoveHandler',\r\n 'Resume',\r\n 'Return',\r\n 'SByte',\r\n 'Select',\r\n 'Set',\r\n 'Shadows',\r\n 'Shared',\r\n 'Short',\r\n 'Single',\r\n 'Static',\r\n 'Step',\r\n 'Stop',\r\n 'String',\r\n 'Structure',\r\n 'Sub',\r\n 'SyncLock',\r\n 'Then',\r\n 'Throw',\r\n 'To',\r\n 'True',\r\n 'Try',\r\n 'TryCast',\r\n 'TypeOf',\r\n 'UInteger',\r\n 'ULong',\r\n 'UShort',\r\n 'Using',\r\n 'Variant',\r\n 'Wend',\r\n 'When',\r\n 'While',\r\n 'Widening',\r\n 'With',\r\n 'WithEvents',\r\n 'WriteOnly',\r\n 'Xor'\r\n ],\r\n tagwords: [\r\n 'If',\r\n 'Sub',\r\n 'Select',\r\n 'Try',\r\n 'Class',\r\n 'Enum',\r\n 'Function',\r\n 'Get',\r\n 'Interface',\r\n 'Module',\r\n 'Namespace',\r\n 'Operator',\r\n 'Set',\r\n 'Structure',\r\n 'Using',\r\n 'While',\r\n 'With',\r\n 'Do',\r\n 'Loop',\r\n 'For',\r\n 'Next',\r\n 'Property',\r\n 'Continue',\r\n 'AddHandler',\r\n 'RemoveHandler',\r\n 'Event',\r\n 'RaiseEvent',\r\n 'SyncLock'\r\n ],\r\n // we include these common regular expressions\r\n symbols: /[=>