var OS; (function (OS) { let API; (function (API) { class SQLiteDBBase { constructor(path) { this.db_file = path.asFileHandle(); } pwd() { return "pkg://SQLiteDB/".asFileHandle(); } /** * init and create the db file if it doesnot exist */ init() { return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => { try { let request = { action: 'init', args: { db_source: this.db_file.path, } }; let _result = await; _result = await this.db_file.onready(); if (!this.db_file || !this.db_file.ready || !== "file") { throw __("DB file meta-data is invalid: {0}", this.db_file.path).__(); } ok(true); } catch (e) { reject(__e(e)); } }); } call(request) { return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => { request.args.db_source = this.db_file.path; let cmd = { path: this.pwd().path + "/api/api.lua", parameters: request }; let data = await API.apigateway(cmd, false); if (!data.error) { ok(data.result); } else { reject(API.throwe(__("SQLiteDB server call error: {0}", data.error))); } }); } request(rq) { return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => { try { if (!this.db_file.ready) { let _ = await this.init(); } let result = await; ok(result); } catch (e) { reject(__e(e)); } }); } query(sql) { let rq = { action: 'query', args: { query: sql } }; return this.request(rq); } select(table, fields, condition) { let rq = { action: 'select', args: { table: table, fields: fields.join(","), cond: condition } }; return this.request(rq); } list_tables() { return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => { try { let result = await"sqlite_master", ["name"], "type ='table'"); return ok( =>; } catch (e) { reject(__e(e)); } }); } last_insert_id() { let rq = { action: 'last_insert_id', args: {} }; return this.request(rq); } } API.SQLiteDBBase = SQLiteDBBase; })(API = OS.API || (OS.API = {})); })(OS || (OS = {}));