/** * Broadcast plugin for Antunnel to communication * with the backend Antunnel broadcast publisher */ namespace Antunnel { /** * Broadcast control message type * * @export * @enum {number} */ export enum BroadcastCTRLType { SUBSCRIBE = 0x0A, UNSUBSCRIBE = 0xB, QUERY = 0xC } /** * Group state * * @export * @enum {number} */ export enum BroadcastGroupState { INIT, SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED } /** * Broadcast control message * * @export * @interface BroadcastCTRLMsg */ export interface BroadcastCTRLMsg { /** * Message type * * @type {BroadcastCTRLType} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ type: BroadcastCTRLType; /** * Group name * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ group?: string; /** * User name * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ user: string; /** * group id - allocated by backend * * @type {number} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ id: number; } /** * Broadcast group handle * * @export * @class BroadcastGroup */ export class BroadcastGroup { /** * Group name * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ groupname: string; /** * Group id allocated by backend * * @type {number} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ id: number; /** * Active users of the group * * @type {Set} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ users: Set; /** * Called when grouped is opened by backend * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onready: () => void; /** * Called whe a message is sent to group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onmessage: (data: Uint8Array) => void; /** * Called when user added to the group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onuseradd: (user: string) => void; /** * Called when user is removed from the group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onuserdel: (user: string) => void; /** * Called when handle owner left the group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onclose: () => void; /** * Owner of this handle * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ user: string; /** * reference to the attached Broadcast manage * * @type {BroadcastManager} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ mgr: BroadcastManager; /** * Current state of the handle * * @type {BroadcastGroupState} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ state: BroadcastGroupState; /** * Creates an instance of BroadcastGroup. * @param {string} name * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ constructor(name: string) { this.groupname = name; this.users = new Set(); this.onmessage = undefined; this.onready = undefined; this.onuseradd = undefined; this.onuserdel = undefined; this.onclose = undefined; this.user = OS.setting.user.name; this.mgr = undefined; this.state = BroadcastGroupState.INIT; } /** * Leave the group * * @return {*} {void} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ close(): void { if (!this.mgr || !this.id) { return; } this.mgr.unsubscribe(this.id); } /** * Query all users in the group * * @return {*} {void} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ refresh(): void { if (!this.mgr || !this.id) { return; } this.mgr.query(this.id); } /** * Send a message to the group * * @param {Uint8Array} data * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ send(data: Uint8Array): void { this.mgr.send(this.id, data); } } /** * Broadcast Manager * Managing all group handles created by the current * user * * @export * @class BroadcastManager */ export class BroadcastManager { /** * Reference to Antunnel subscriber * * @private * @type {SubscriberInterface} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private sub: SubscriberInterface; /** * channel name * * @private * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private channel: string; /** * Reference to the global tunnel handle * * @private * @type {AntunnelAPI} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private tunnel: AntunnelAPI; /** * list of all registered group handles * * @private * @type {{[prop: number]: BroadcastGroup}} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private groups: { [prop: number]: BroadcastGroup }; /** * temporary list of group handles that wait for * an connection confirmation from the backend * * @private * @type {GenericObject} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private pendings: GenericObject; /** * Creates an instance of BroadcastManager. * @param {string} channel * @memberof BroadcastManager */ constructor(channel: string) { this.sub = undefined; this.channel = channel; this.tunnel = undefined; this.groups = {}; this.pendings = {}; } /** * Connect to the broadcast channel * * @private * @param {(d: any)=> void} resolve * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private connect(resolve: (d: any) => void): void { this.sub = new Subscriber(this.channel); this.sub.onopen = () => { OS.announcer.osinfo(__("Subscriber {0}: Connected to the {1} channel", this.sub.id, this.channel)); resolve(true); }; this.sub.onerror = (e:AntunnelMSG) => { let err: any = e; if(e.data) { err = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(e.data); } OS.announcer.oserror( __("Subscriber {0}: Error from the {1} channel: {2}", this.sub.id, this.channel, err), undefined); } this.sub.onmessage = (e: GenericObject) => { if (e.data) { let gid = Antunnel.Msg.int_from(e.data.slice(0, 4), 0, 4); let g_handle = this.groups[gid]; if (!g_handle) return; if (g_handle.onmessage) { g_handle.onmessage(e.data.slice(4)); } } } this.sub.onctrl = (d) => { let msg: BroadcastCTRLMsg = { user: undefined, group: undefined, type: d.data[0] as BroadcastCTRLType, id: undefined } switch (msg.type) { case BroadcastCTRLType.SUBSCRIBE: case BroadcastCTRLType.UNSUBSCRIBE: let offset = d.data[1] + 2; msg.user = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(d.data.slice(2, offset)); msg.id = Antunnel.Msg.int_from(d.data, offset, 4); offset += 4; msg.group = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(d.data.slice(offset)); if (msg.type === BroadcastCTRLType.SUBSCRIBE) { let g_handle = this.pendings[msg.group]; if (g_handle && g_handle.user === msg.user) { g_handle.id = msg.id; g_handle.onready(); this.pendings[msg.group] = undefined; delete this.pendings[msg.group]; this.groups[msg.id] = g_handle; g_handle.state = BroadcastGroupState.SUBSCRIBED; } g_handle = this.groups[msg.id]; if (!g_handle) { return; } g_handle.users.add(msg.user); if (g_handle.onuseradd) g_handle.onuseradd(msg.user); } else { let g_handle = this.groups[msg.id]; if (!g_handle) { return; } if (g_handle.user === msg.user) { OS.announcer.osinfo(__("Subcriber {0}: leave group {1}", this.sub.id, msg.group)); this.groups[msg.id] = undefined; delete this.groups[msg.id]; g_handle.state = BroadcastGroupState.UNSUBSCRIBED; if (g_handle.onclose) g_handle.onclose(); } else { g_handle.users.delete(msg.user); if (g_handle.onuserdel) g_handle.onuserdel(msg.user); } } break; case BroadcastCTRLType.QUERY: msg.id = Antunnel.Msg.int_from(d.data, 1, 4); msg.user = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(d.data.slice(5)); let g_handle = this.groups[msg.id]; if (!g_handle) return; if (!g_handle.users.has(msg.user)) { g_handle.users.add(msg.user); if (g_handle.onuseradd) g_handle.onuseradd(msg.user); } break; default: break; } } this.sub.onclose = () => { OS.announcer.osinfo(__("Subscriber {0}: Connection to {1} closed", this.sub.id, this.channel)); this.sub = undefined; } this.tunnel.subscribe(this.sub); } /** * Perform setup of the manager: * - Check if Antunnel API is available * - Connect to the tunnel if the global tunnel does not exists * - Subscribe to th e broadcast channel if not done * * @private * @return {*} {Promise} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private setup(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if (!Antunnel) { throw new Error(__("Library not fould: %s", "Antunnel").__()); } if (!Antunnel.tunnel) { await OS.GUI.pushService("Antunnel/AntunnelService"); let uri = (OS.setting.system as any).tunnel_uri as string; if (!uri) { throw new Error(__("Unable to connect to: %s", "Antunnel").__()); } await Antunnel.init(uri); this.tunnel = Antunnel.tunnel; } else { this.tunnel = Antunnel.tunnel; } if (!this.sub) { this.connect(resolve); } else { resolve(true); } } catch (e) { if (Antunnel.tunnel) Antunnel.tunnel.close(); reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Remove a group handle from the manager * * @param {number} gid * @memberof BroadcastManager */ unsubscribe(gid: number): void { let arr = new Uint8Array(5); arr[0] = BroadcastCTRLType.UNSUBSCRIBE; arr.set(Antunnel.Msg.bytes_of(gid, 4), 1); this.sub.send(Antunnel.Msg.CTRL, arr); } /** * Query users in the specific group * * @param {number} gid group id * @memberof BroadcastManager */ query(gid: number): void { let arr = new Uint8Array(5); arr[0] = BroadcastCTRLType.QUERY; arr.set(Antunnel.Msg.bytes_of(gid, 4), 1); this.sub.send(Antunnel.Msg.CTRL, arr); } /** * Register a group to the manager * * @param {BroadcastGroup} group * @memberof BroadcastManager */ subscribe(group: BroadcastGroup): void { this.setup() .then((_) => { let arr = new Uint8Array(group.groupname.length + 1); arr[0] = BroadcastCTRLType.SUBSCRIBE; arr.set(new TextEncoder().encode(group.groupname), 1); this.sub.send(Antunnel.Msg.CTRL, arr); group.mgr = this; this.pendings[group.groupname] = group; }) .catch((e) => { OS.announcer.oserror(__("Unable to subscribe to group {0}: {1}", group.groupname, e.toString()), e); }) } /** *CLeanup the manager * * @memberof BroadcastManager */ teardown(): void { if (this.sub) { this.sub.close(); } this.groups = {}; this.pendings = {}; } /** * Send a message to a specific group * * @param {number} gid * @param {Uint8Array} data * @memberof BroadcastManager */ send(gid: number, data: Uint8Array): void { let arr = new Uint8Array(data.length + 4); arr.set(Antunnel.Msg.bytes_of(gid, 4), 0); arr.set(data, 4); this.sub.send(Antunnel.Msg.DATA, arr); } } }