/** * This namespace describe the Antunnel API * used by o ther application */ declare namespace Antunnel { /** * Tunnel message type * * @export * @enum {number} */ enum AntunnelMSGType { OK = 0, SUBSCRIBE = 2, UNSUBSCRIBE = 3, ERROR = 1, DATA = 6, CTRL = 7, CLOSE = 5, PING = 8 } /** * Main tunnel core handle API * * @export * @interface AntunnelAPI */ interface AntunnelAPI { /** * Close the socket connection attached to the * current handle * * @memberof AntunnelAPI */ close(): void; /** * register a subscriber to the handle * * @param {SubscriberInterface} sub * @memberof AntunnelAPI */ subscribe(sub: SubscriberInterface): void; /** * Remove a subscriber from the handle * * @param {SubscriberInterface} sub * @param {boolean} b notify the backend ? * @memberof AntunnelAPI */ unsubscribe(sub: SubscriberInterface, b: boolean): void; } /** * Singleton instance to the current core tunnel handle */ var tunnel: AntunnelAPI; /** * A tunnel frame header * * @export * @interface AntunnelMSGHeader */ interface AntunnelMSGHeader { /** * Client ID allocated by the backend * * @type {number} * @memberof AntunnelMSGHeader */ cid: number; /** * Subscriber ID allocated by Antunnel frontend * * @type {number} * @memberof AntunnelMSGHeader */ sid: number; /** * Payload size * * @type {number} * @memberof AntunnelMSGHeader */ size: number; /** * Message type * * @type {AntunnelMSGType} * @memberof AntunnelMSGHeader */ type: AntunnelMSGType; } /** * Tunnel frame format * * @export * @interface AntunnelMSG */ interface AntunnelMSG { /** * frame header * * @type {AntunnelMSGHeader} * @memberof AntunnelMSG */ header: AntunnelMSGHeader; /** * raw data * * @type {Uint8Array} * @memberof AntunnelMSG */ data: Uint8Array; /** * helper function that convert the * entire frame to byte array * * @memberof AntunnelMSG */ as_raw(): void; } /** * Static members of Msg class * * @export * @interface AntunnelMSGMeta */ interface AntunnelMSGMeta { /** * constructor */ new (): AntunnelMSG; /** * convert number to array (network byte order) * * @param {number} x * @param {number} [s] * @return {*} {Uint8Array} * @memberof AntunnelMSGMeta */ bytes_of(x: number, s?: number): Uint8Array; /** * convert network byte order array to number * * @param {Uint8Array} data * @param {number} offset * @param {number} [s] * @return {*} {number} * @memberof AntunnelMSGMeta */ int_from(data: Uint8Array, offset: number, s?: number): number; OK: AntunnelMSGType; ERROR: AntunnelMSGType; DATA: AntunnelMSGType; CLOSE: AntunnelMSGType; SUBSCRIBE: AntunnelMSGType; UNSUBSCRIBE: AntunnelMSGType; CTRL: AntunnelMSGType; PING: AntunnelMSGType; } var Msg: AntunnelMSGMeta; /** * Interface of a Subscriber class * * @export * @interface SubscriberInterface */ interface SubscriberInterface { /** * Subscriber ID allocated by Antunnel API * * @type {number} * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ id: number; /** * Channel ID/ Client ID allocated by backend * * @type {number} * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ channel_id: number; /** * Called when a channel is opened for * this subscriber * * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ onopen: () => void; /** * Error handle callback * * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ onerror: (d: string | AntunnelMSG) => void; /** * Message callback * * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ onmessage: (m: AntunnelMSG) => void; /** * Control messqge callback * * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ onctrl: (m: AntunnelMSG) => void; /** * Subscriber close callback * * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ onclose: () => void; /** * Send a message to backend * * @memberof SubscriberInterface */ send: (t: AntunnelMSGType, arr: Uint8Array) => void; close: () => void; } /** * Static member of a subscriber * * @export * @interface SubscriberInterfaceMeta */ interface SubscriberInterfaceMeta { new (channel: string): SubscriberInterface; } var Subscriber: SubscriberInterfaceMeta; /** * Core handle initialization */ var init: (u: string) => void; } /** * Broadcast plugin for Antunnel to communication * with the backend Antunnel broadcast publisher */ declare namespace Antunnel { /** * Broadcast control message type * * @export * @enum {number} */ enum BroadcastCTRLType { SUBSCRIBE = 10, UNSUBSCRIBE = 11, QUERY_USER = 12, QUERY_GROUP = 13 } /** * Group state * * @export * @enum {number} */ enum BroadcastGroupState { INIT = 0, SUBSCRIBED = 1, UNSUBSCRIBED = 2 } /** * Broadcast control message * * @export * @interface BroadcastCTRLMsg */ interface BroadcastCTRLMsg { /** * Message type * * @type {BroadcastCTRLType} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ type: BroadcastCTRLType; /** * Group name * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ group?: string; /** * User name * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ user: string; /** * group id - allocated by backend * * @type {number} * @memberof BroadcastCTRLMsg */ id: number; } /** * Broadcast group handle * * @export * @class BroadcastGroup */ class BroadcastGroup { /** * Group name * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ groupname: string; /** * Group id allocated by backend * * @type {number} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ id: number; /** * Active users of the group * * @type {Set} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ users: Set; /** * Called when grouped is opened by backend * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onready: () => void; /** * Called whe a message is sent to group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onmessage: (data: Uint8Array) => void; /** * Called when user added to the group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onuseradd: (user: string) => void; /** * Called when user is removed from the group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onuserdel: (user: string) => void; /** * Called when handle owner left the group * * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ onclose: () => void; /** * Owner of this handle * * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ user: string; /** * reference to the attached Broadcast manage * * @type {BroadcastManager} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ mgr: BroadcastManager; /** * Current state of the handle * * @type {BroadcastGroupState} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ state: BroadcastGroupState; /** * Creates an instance of BroadcastGroup. * @param {string} name * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ constructor(name: string); /** * Leave the group * * @return {*} {void} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ close(): void; /** * Query all users in the group * * @return {*} {void} * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ refresh(): void; /** * Send a message to the group * * @param {Uint8Array} data * @memberof BroadcastGroup */ send(data: Uint8Array): void; } /** * Broadcast Manager * Managing all group handles created by the current * user * * @export * @class BroadcastManager */ class BroadcastManager { /** * Reference to Antunnel subscriber * * @private * @type {SubscriberInterface} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private sub; /** * channel name * * @private * @type {string} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private channel; /** * Reference to the global tunnel handle * * @private * @type {AntunnelAPI} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private tunnel; /** * list of all registered group handles * * @private * @type {{[prop: number]: BroadcastGroup}} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private groups; /** * temporary list of group handles that wait for * an connection confirmation from the backend * * @private * @type {GenericObject} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private pendings; /** * callback handle when a group is added to the * manager * * @private * @type (group: BroadcastGroup)=> void * @memberof BroadcastManager */ ongroupadd: (group: BroadcastGroup) => void; /** * callback handle when a group is removed from the * manager * * @private * @type (group: BroadcastGroup)=> void * @memberof BroadcastManager */ ongroupdel: (group: BroadcastGroup) => void; /** * Creates an instance of BroadcastManager. * @param {string} channel * @memberof BroadcastManager */ constructor(channel: string); /** * Connect to the broadcast channel * * @private * @param {(d: any)=> void} resolve * @memberof BroadcastManager */ private connect; /** * Perform setup of the manager: * - Check if Antunnel API is available * - Connect to the tunnel if the global tunnel does not exists * - Subscribe to th e broadcast channel if not done * * @return {*} {Promise} * @memberof BroadcastManager */ setup(): Promise; /** * Remove a group handle from the manager * * @param {number} gid * @memberof BroadcastManager */ unsubscribe(gid: number): void; /** * Query users in the specific group * * @param {number} gid group id * @memberof BroadcastManager */ query(gid: number): void; /** * Query all groups of the current user * * @memberof BroadcastManager */ refresh(): void; /** * Register a group to the manager * * @param {string} group * @memberof BroadcastManager */ subscribe(group: string): void; /** *CLeanup the manager * * @memberof BroadcastManager */ teardown(): void; /** * return the current subscriber ID * * @memberof BroadcastManager * @return {number} */ id(): number; /** * Send a message to a specific group * * @param {number} gid * @param {Uint8Array} data * @memberof BroadcastManager */ send(gid: number, data: Uint8Array): void; } }