namespace OS { export namespace API { export namespace VFS { declare var gapi: any; interface GAPITYPE { CLIENT_ID: string; API_KEY: string; apilink: string; DISCOVERY_DOCS: string[]; SCOPES: string; uploadlink: string; // logout: string; }; let G_CACHE = {"gdv://":{ id: "root", mime: 'dir' } }; export class GoogleDriveHandle extends BaseFileHandle { private gid: string; static API_META: GAPITYPE; private local_copy: BaseFileHandle; constructor(path: string) { super(path); if (!GoogleDriveHandle.API_META) { OS.announcer.oserror( __("Unknown API setting for GAPI"), OS.API.throwe("OS.VFS")); return undefined; } if (this.isRoot()) { this.gid = 'root'; } this.cache = ""; this.local_copy = undefined; } private fields(): string { return "webContentLink, id, name,mimeType,description, kind, parents, properties, iconLink, createdTime, modifiedTime, owners, permissions, fullFileExtension, fileExtension, size, version"; } private isFolder(): boolean { return === "application/"; } private load(promise: Promise): Promise { return API.Task(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let ret = await promise; return resolve(ret); } catch (e) { return reject(__e(e)); } }); } private sync(meta_data?: GenericObject): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ if((! || != meta_data.version) && meta_data.mimeType !== "application/") { await VFS.mkdirAll([ "home://.gdv_cache", `home://.gdv_cache/${}` ], true); let copy = `home://.gdv_cache/${}/${meta_data.version}.${meta_data.fullFileExtension}`.asFileHandle(); try { let r = await copy.onready(); } catch(e1) { await `home://.gdv_cache/${}`.asFileHandle().remove(); await VFS.mkdirAll([`home://.gdv_cache/${}`]); let r = await this.load({ fileId:, alt: 'media' })); if (!r.body) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot download file : {0}", this.path).__()); } copy.cache = new Blob([r.body.asUint8Array()], { type: "octet/stream" }); await copy.write(meta_data.mimeType); } this.local_copy = copy; resolve(true); } else { resolve(true); } } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } meta(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ await this.oninit(); if (G_CACHE[this.path]) { this.gid = G_CACHE[this.path].id; }; if(this.gid) { let ret = await this.load({ fileId: this.gid, fields: this.fields() })); if (ret.result) { ret.result.mime = ret.result.mimeType; await this.load(this.sync(ret.result)); resolve(ret); } else { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot get meta data for {0}", this.gid).__()); } } else { const fp = this.parent().asFileHandle(); let d = await fp.meta(); const file: any = d.result; G_CACHE[fp.path] = { id:, mime: file.mimeType }; let r = await this.load({ q: `name = '${this.basename}' and '${}' in parents and trashed = false`, fields: `files(${this.fields()})` })); if (!r.result.files || !(r.result.files.length > 0)) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot get meta data for {0}", this.path).__()); } else { G_CACHE[this.path] = { id: r.result.files[0].id, mime: r.result.files[0].mimeType }; r.result.files[0].mime = r.result.files[0].mimeType; this.gid = G_CACHE[this.path].id; await this.load(this.sync(r.result.files[0])); resolve({ result: r.result.files[0], error: false}); } } } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } private oninit(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const fn = async function(r: boolean) { if (r) { return resolve(true); } // perform the login G_CACHE = {"gdv://":{ id: "root", mime: 'dir' } }; try { let ret = await gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn(); resolve(ret); } catch(e) { reject(__e(e)); } }; try { if(!GoogleDriveHandle.API_META) { throw new Error(__("No GAPI meta found").__()); } if(!API.libready(GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.apilink)) { await this.load(API.requires(GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.apilink, false)); // load the api await this.load(new Promise((res,rej) => { gapi.load('client:auth2', res); })); await this.load(gapi.client.init({ apiKey: GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.API_KEY, clientId: GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.CLIENT_ID, discoveryDocs: GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.DISCOVERY_DOCS, scope: GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.SCOPES })); gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.listen(r => fn(r)); let ret = await GUI.openDialog("YesNoDialog", { title: __("Authentication"), text: __("Would you like to login to GoogleDrive?") }); if(!ret) { throw new Error(__("User abort the authentication").__()); } else { fn(gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get()); } } else { gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.listen(r => fn(r)); fn(gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get()); } } catch (e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }) } getlink() { if (this.local_copy) { return this.local_copy.getlink(); } return undefined; } private child(name: string): string { if(this.isFolder()) return `${this.path}/${name}` return undefined } /** * Low level protocol-specific read operation * * @protected * @param {string} t data type, see [[read]] * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _rd(t: string): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ if(! { throw new Error(__("File ID is not valid").__()); } if(this.isFolder()) { let r = await this.load({ q: `'${}' in parents and trashed = false`, fields: `files(${this.fields()})` })); if(!r.result.files) { throw new Error(__("File {0} not found",; } for (let file of r.result.files) { file.path = this.child(; file.mime = file.mimeType; file.filename =; file.type = "file"; file.gid =; if (file.mimeType === "application/") { file.mime = "dir"; file.type = "dir"; file.size = 0; } G_CACHE[file.path] = { id: file.gid, mime: file.mime }; } resolve({ result: r.result.files, error: false}); } else { if(!this.local_copy) { throw new Error(__("Cannot find local copy of file; {0}", this.path).__()); } /* let r = await this.load({ fileId:, alt: 'media' })); if (t !== "binary") { resolve(r.body); } else { resolve(r.body.asUint8Array()); }*/ let r = await; resolve(r); } } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } private save(gid: string, t: string): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const user = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get(); const oauthToken = user.getAuthResponse().access_token; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); const url = __(GoogleDriveHandle.API_META.uploadlink,gid).__();'PATCH', url); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + oauthToken); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', t); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Encoding', 'base64'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64'); let error = (e:Error) => { OS.announcer.oserror(__("VFS cannot save : {0}", this.path), e); return reject(e); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = () => { if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) { if ( xhr.status === 200 ) { return resolve({ result: JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), error: false}); } else { error(OS.API.throwe("OS.VFS")); } } }; xhr.onerror = () => error(OS.API.throwe("OS.VFS")); let data = this.cache; if (t !== "base64") { data = await this.b64(t); } xhr.send(data.replace(/^data:[^;]+;base64,/g, "")); resolve(true); } catch(e) { reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Low level protocol-specific write operation * * @protected * @param {string} t data type, see [[write]] * @param {*} [d] * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _wr(t: string, d?: any): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ var gid = undefined; if (G_CACHE[this.path]) { gid = G_CACHE[this.path].id; } if (gid) { resolve(await this.load(, t))); } else { const dir = this.parent().asFileHandle(); await dir.onready(); const meta = { name: this.basename, mimeType: t, parents: [] }; let r = await this.load({ resource: meta, fields: 'id' })); if (!r || !r.result) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot write : {0}", this.path).__()); } G_CACHE[this.path] = { id:, mime: t }; resolve(this.load(, t))); } } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Low level protocol-specific sub-directory creation * * @protected * @param {string} d sub directory name * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _mk(d: string): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if (!this.isFolder()) { throw new Error(__("{0} is not a directory", this.path).__()); } var meta = { name: d, parents: [], mimeType: 'application/' }; let r = await this.load({ resource: meta, fields: 'id' })); if (!r || !r.result) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot create : {0}", d).__()); } G_CACHE[this.child(d)] = { id:, mime: "dir" }; resolve(r); } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Low level protocol-specific delete operation * * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _rm(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ if (! { throw new Error(__("Cannot identify file id of {0}", this.path).__()); } let r = await this.load({ fileId: })); if (!r) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot delete : {0}", this.path).__()); } G_CACHE[this.path] = null; delete G_CACHE[this.path]; resolve({ result: true, error: false}); } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Low level protocol-specific move operation * * @protected * @param {string} d * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _mv(d: string): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { var dest = d.asFileHandle().parent().asFileHandle(); await dest.onready(); const previousParents =','); let r = await this.load({ fileId:, addParents:, removeParents: previousParents, fields: "id" })); if (!r) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot move : {0}", this.path).__()); } resolve(r); } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Low level protocol-specific upload operation * * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _up(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ if (!this.isFolder()) { throw new Error(__("Target file should be a folder").__()); } var o = ($('')).attr('type', 'file').css("display", "none"); o.on("change", async () => { const fo = (o[0] as HTMLInputElement).files[0]; const file = (this.child(; file.cache = fo; let ret = await this.load(file.write(fo.type)); return o.remove(); resolve(ret); }); o.trigger("click"); } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Low level protocol-specific download operation * * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseFileHandle */ protected _down(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve,reject) => { try { let r = await this.load({ fileId:, alt: 'media' })); if (!r.body) { throw new Error(__("VFS cannot download file : {0}", this.path).__()); } let bs = []; for (let i = 0, end = r.body.length - 1, asc = 0 <= end; asc ? i <= end : i >= end; asc ? i++ : i--) { bs.push(r.body.charCodeAt(i)); } let bytes = new Uint8Array(bs); const blob = new Blob([bytes], { type: "octet/stream" }); OS.API.saveblob(this.basename, blob); resolve(true); } catch(e) { OS.announcer.oserror(e.toString(), e); reject(__e(e)); } }); } } GoogleDriveHandle.API_META = { CLIENT_ID: "", API_KEY: "AIzaSyBZhM5KbARvT10acWC8JQKlRn2WbSsmfLc", apilink: "", DISCOVERY_DOCS: [ "", ], SCOPES: "", uploadlink: "{0}?uploadType=media", logout: "" }; register("^gdv$", GoogleDriveHandle); API.onsearch("Google Drive", function(t) { const arr = []; const term = new RegExp(t, "i"); for (let k in G_CACHE) { const v = G_CACHE[k]; if ((k.match(term)) || (v && v.mime.match(term))) { const file = k.asFileHandle() as any; file.text = file.basename; file.mime = v.mime; file.iconclass = "fa fa-file"; if (file.mime === "dir") { file.iconclass = "fa fa-folder"; } file.complex = true; file.detail = [{ text: file.path }]; arr.push(file); } } return arr; }); /** * FIXME: proper way to logout */ OS.onexit("cleanUpGoogleDrive", function() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>{ try{ await "home://.gdv_cache".asFileHandle().remove(); G_CACHE = { "gdv://": { id: "root", mime: 'dir' } }; if (!Ant.OS.API.libready(Ant.OS.setting.VFS.gdrive.apilink)) { return resolve(true); } const auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance(); if (!auth2) { throw new Error(__("Unable to get OATH instance").__()); } if (auth2.isSignedIn.get()) { $('