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2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
var OS;
(function (OS) {
let API;
(function (API) {
* Generate SQL expression from input object
* Example of input object
* ```ts
* {
* where: {
* id$gte: 10,
* user: "dany'",
* $or: {
* '': "",
* age$lte: 30,
* $and: {
* 'user.birth$ne': 1986,
* age$not_between: [20,30],
* name$not_like: "%LE"
* }
* }
* },
* fields: ['name as n', 'id', 'email'],
* order: ['$asc', "id$desc"],
* joins: {
* cid: '',
* did: ''
* }
* ```
* This will generate the followings expressions:
* - `( as n,, )` for fields
* - condition:
* ```
* (
* ( >= 10 ) AND
* ( self.user = 'dany''' ) AND
* (
* ( = '' ) OR
* ( self.age <= 30 ) OR
* (
* ( user.birth != 1986 ) AND
* ( self.age NOT BETWEEN 20 AND 30 ) AND
* ( NOT LIKE '%LE' )
* )
* )
* )
* ```
* - order: ` ASC, DESC`
* - joining:
* ```
* INNER JOIN Category ON self.cid =
* INNER JOIN Country ON self.did =
* ```
class SQLiteQueryGenerator {
constructor(obj) {
this._where = undefined;
this._fields = undefined;
this._order = undefined;
this._joins = undefined;
this._is_joining = false;
if (obj.joins) {
this._is_joining = true;
this._joins = this.joins(obj.joins);
if (obj.where) {
this._where = this.where("$and", obj.where);
if (obj.fields) {
this._fields = `( ${ => this.infer_field(v)).join(",")} )`;
if (obj.order) {
this._order = this.order_by(obj.order);
infer_field(k) {
if (!this._is_joining || k.indexOf(".") > 0)
return k;
return `self.${k}`;
joins(data) {
let joins_arr = [];
for (let k in data) {
let v = data[k];
let arr = v.split('.');
if (arr.length != 2) {
throw new Error(__("Other table name parsing error: {0}", v).__());
joins_arr.push(`INNER JOIN ${arr[0]} ON ${this.infer_field(k)} = ${v}`);
return joins_arr.join(" ");
print() {
order_by(order) {
if (!Array.isArray(order)) {
throw new Error(__("Invalid type: expect array get {0}", typeof (order)).__());
return, _) => {
const arr = v.split('$');
if (arr.length != 2) {
throw new Error(__("Invalid field order format {0}", v).__());
switch (arr[1]) {
case 'asc': return `${this.infer_field(arr[0])} ASC`;
case 'desc': return `${this.infer_field(arr[0])} DESC`;
default: throw new Error(__("Invalid field order type {0}", v).__());
escape_string(s) {
let regex = /[']/g;
var chunkIndex = regex.lastIndex = 0;
var escapedVal = '';
var match;
while ((match = regex.exec(s))) {
escapedVal += s.slice(chunkIndex, match.index) + { '\'': '\'\'' }[match[0]];
chunkIndex = regex.lastIndex;
if (chunkIndex === 0) {
// Nothing was escaped
return "'" + s + "'";
if (chunkIndex < s.length) {
return "'" + escapedVal + s.slice(chunkIndex) + "'";
return "'" + escapedVal + "'";
parse_value(v, t) {
if (!t.includes(typeof (v))) {
throw new Error(__("Invalid type: expect [{0}] get {1}", t.join(","), typeof (v)).__());
switch (typeof (v)) {
case 'number': return JSON.stringify(v);
case 'string': return this.escape_string(v);
default: throw new Error(__("Un supported value {0} of type {1}", v, typeof (v)).__());
binary(k, v) {
const arr = k.split("$");
if (arr.length > 2) {
throw new Error(__("Invalid left hand side format: {0}", k).__());
if (arr.length == 2) {
switch (arr[1]) {
case "gt":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} > ${this.parse_value(v, ['number'])} )`;
case "gte":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} >= ${this.parse_value(v, ['number'])} )`;
case "lt":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} < ${this.parse_value(v, ['number'])} )`;
case "lte":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} <= ${this.parse_value(v, ['number'])} )`;
case "ne":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} != ${this.parse_value(v, ['number', 'string'])} )`;
case "between":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} BETWEEN ${this.parse_value(v[0], ['number'])} AND ${this.parse_value(v[1], ['number'])} )`;
case "not_between":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} NOT BETWEEN ${this.parse_value(v[0], ['number'])} AND ${this.parse_value(v[1], ['number'])} )`;
case "in":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} IN [${this.parse_value(v[0], ['number'])}, ${this.parse_value(v[1], ['number'])}] )`;
case "not_in":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} NOT IN [${this.parse_value(v[0], ['number'])}, ${this.parse_value(v[1], ['number'])}] )`;
case "like":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} LIKE ${this.parse_value(v, ['string'])} )`;
case "not_like":
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} NOT LIKE ${this.parse_value(v, ['string'])} )`;
default: throw new Error(__("Unsupported operator `{0}`", arr[1]).__());
else {
return `( ${this.infer_field(arr[0])} = ${this.parse_value(v, ['number', 'string'])} )`;
where(op, obj) {
let join_op = undefined;
switch (op) {
case "$and":
join_op = " AND ";
case "$or":
join_op = " OR ";
throw new Error(__("Invalid operator {0}", op).__());
if (typeof obj !== "object") {
throw new Error(__("Invalid input data for operator {0}", op).__());
let arr = [];
for (let k in obj) {
if (k == "$and" || k == "$or") {
arr.push(this.where(k, obj[k]));
else {
arr.push(this.binary(k, obj[k]));
return `( ${arr.join(join_op)} )`;
class SQLiteDBCore {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
constructor(path) {
if (!SQLiteDBCore.REGISTY) {
SQLiteDBCore.REGISTY = {};
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
this.db_file = path.asFileHandle();
if (SQLiteDBCore.REGISTY[this.db_file.path]) {
this.db_file = SQLiteDBCore.REGISTY[this.db_file.path];
else {
SQLiteDBCore.REGISTY[this.db_file.path] = this.db_file;
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
pwd() {
return "pkg://SQLiteDB/".asFileHandle();
fileinfo() {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
* init and create the db file if it does not exist
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
init() {
return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => {
try {
if (this.db_file.ready) {
return ok(true);
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
let request = {
action: 'init',
args: {
db_source: this.db_file.path,
let _result = await;
_result = await this.db_file.onready();
if (!this.db_file || !this.db_file.ready || !== "file") {
throw __("DB file meta-data is invalid: {0}", this.db_file.path).__();
catch (e) {
call(request) {
return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => {
request.args.db_source = this.db_file.path;
let cmd = {
path: this.pwd().path + "/api/api.lua",
parameters: request
let data = await API.apigateway(cmd, false);
if (!data.error) {
else {
reject(API.throwe(__("SQLiteDB server call error: {0}", data.error)));
request(rq) {
return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => {
try {
if (!this.db_file.ready) {
let _ = await this.init();
let result = await;
catch (e) {
select(filter) {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
let rq = {
action: 'select',
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
args: {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
return this.request(rq);
delete_records(filter) {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
let rq = {
action: 'delete_records',
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
args: {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
return this.request(rq);
drop_table(table_name) {
let rq = {
action: 'drop_table',
args: { table_name }
return this.request(rq);
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
list_tables() {
let rq = {
action: 'list_table',
args: {}
return this.request(rq);
create_table(table, scheme) {
let rq = {
action: 'create_table',
args: {
table_name: table,
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
return this.request(rq);
get_table_scheme(table_name) {
let rq = {
action: 'table_scheme',
args: {
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
return this.request(rq);
insert(table_name, record) {
let rq = {
action: 'insert',
args: {
return this.request(rq);
update(table_name, record) {
let rq = {
action: 'update',
args: {
return this.request(rq);
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
last_insert_id() {
let rq = {
action: 'last_insert_id',
args: {}
return this.request(rq);
let VFS;
(function (VFS) {
* SQLite VFS handle for database accessing
* A Sqlite file handle shall be in the following formats:
* * `sqlite://remote/path/to/file.db` refers to the entire databale (`remote/path/to/file.db` is relative to the home folder)
* - read operation, will list all available tables
* - write operations will create table
* - rm operation will delete table
* - meta operation will return file info
* - other operations are not supported
* * `sqlite://remote/path/to/file.db@table_name` refers to the table `table_name` in the database
* - meta operation will return fileinfo with table scheme information
* - read operation will read all records by filter defined by the filter operation
* - write operations will insert a new record
* - rm operation will delete records by filter defined by the filter operation
* - filter operation sets the filter for the table
* - other operations are not supported
* - `sqlite://remote/path/to/file.db@table_name@id` refers to a records in `table_name` with ID `id`
* - read operation will read the current record
* - write operation will update current record
* - rm operation will delete current record
* - other operations are not supported
* Some example of filters:
* ```ts
* handle.filter = (filter) => {
* filter.fields()
* }
* ```
* @class SqliteFileHandle
* @extends {BaseFileHandle}
class SqliteFileHandle extends VFS.BaseFileHandle {
* Set a file path to the current file handle
* @param {string} p
* @returns {void}
* @memberof SqliteFileHandle
setPath(p) {
let arr = p.split("@");
if (arr.length > 3) {
throw new Error(__("Invalid file path").__());
this.path = p;
this._table_name = arr[1];
this._id = arr[2] ? parseInt(arr[2]) : undefined;
this._handle = new SQLiteDBCore(`home://${this.genealogy.join("/")}`);
* Read database file meta-data
* Return file info on the target database file, if the table_name is specified
* return also the table scheme
* @returns {Promise<RequestResult>}
* @memberof SqliteFileHandle
meta() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
await this._handle.init();
const d = { result: this._handle.fileinfo(), error: false };
if (this._table_name) {
const data = await this._handle.get_table_scheme(this._table_name);
if (data.length == 0) {
d.result.scheme = undefined;
else {
d.result.scheme = {};
for (let v of data) {
d.result.scheme[] = v.type;
return resolve(d);
catch (e) {
return reject(__e(e));
* Query the database based on the provided info
* If no table is provided, return list of tables in the
* data base.
* If the current table is specified:
* - if the record id is specfied return the record
* - otherwise, return the records in the table using the specified filter
* @protected
* @param {any} t filter type
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @memberof SqliteFileHandle
_rd(user_data) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (this._table_name && ! {
throw new Error(__("Table `{0}` does not exists in database: {1}", this._table_name, this.path).__());
if (!this._table_name) {
// return list of tables in form of data base file handles in ready mode
let list = await this._handle.list_tables();
const map = {};
for (let v of list) {
map[] = `${this.path}@${}`.asFileHandle();
this.cache = map;
else {
// return all the data in the table set by the filter
// if this is a table, return the filtered records
// otherwise, it is a record, fetch only that record
let filter = user_data;
if (!filter || this._id) {
filter = {};
filter.table_name = this._table_name;
if (this._id) {
filter.where = { id: this._id };
let data = await;
if (this._id) {
this.cache = data[0];
else {
this.cache = data;
catch (e) {
return reject(__e(e));
* Write commit file cache to the remote database
* @protected
* @param {string} t is table name, used only when create table
* @returns {Promise<RequestResult>}
* @memberof SqliteFileHandle
_wr(t) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (!this.cache) {
throw new Error(__("No data to submit to remote database, please check the `cache` field").__());
if (this._id && this._table_name) { = this._id;
const ret = await this._handle.update(this._table_name, this.cache);
resolve({ result: ret, error: false });
if (this._table_name) {
const ret = await this._handle.insert(this._table_name, this.cache);
resolve({ result: ret, error: false });
// create a new table with the scheme provided in the cache
let r = await this._handle.create_table(t, this.cache);
resolve({ result: r, error: false });
catch (e) {
return reject(__e(e));
* Delete data from remote database
* @protected
* @param {any} user_data is table name, for delete table, otherwise, filter object for deleting records
* @returns {Promise<RequestResult>}
* @memberof SqliteFileHandle
_rm(user_data) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (this._table_name && ! {
throw new Error(__("Table `{0}` does not exists in database: {1}", this._table_name, this.path).__());
if (!this._table_name) {
let table_name = user_data;
if (!table_name) {
throw new Error(__("No table specified for dropping").__());
let ret = await this._handle.drop_table(table_name);
resolve({ result: ret, error: false });
// delete the table
else {
let filter = user_data;
// delete the records in the table using the filter
if (!filter || this._id) {
filter = {};
filter.table_name = this._table_name;
if (this._id) {
filter.where = { id: this._id };
let ret = await this._handle.delete_records(filter);
resolve({ result: ret, error: false });
catch (e) {
return reject(__e(e));
VFS.register("^sqlite$", SqliteFileHandle);
})(VFS = API.VFS || (API.VFS = {}));
2023-01-30 09:37:44 +01:00
})(API = OS.API || (OS.API = {}));
})(OS || (OS = {}));