
226 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
class DataViewer
constructor: (data) ->
@target = data
@el = ($ "<canvas>").attr("class", "viewer")[0]
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
@offset = 10
@points = []
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
canvasPoint: (v) ->
2019-05-06 17:51:57 +02:00
return new paper.Point(v[0] / @target.resolution + @base.x, - v[1] / @target.resolution + @base.y)
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
preprocess: () ->
@points =
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
getBound: () ->
peak_tl = { x:0, y:0}
peak_rb = { x:0, y:0}
start = null
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
for v in @points
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
x = v[0] / @target.resolution
y = v[1] / @target.resolution
peak_tl.x = x if x < peak_tl.x
peak_tl.y = y if y < peak_tl.y
peak_rb.x = x if x > peak_rb.x
peak_rb.y = y if y > peak_rb.y
@bound = [ peak_tl, peak_rb ]
2019-05-06 17:51:57 +02:00
@base = {x: 0 - @bound[0].x+ @offset, y: @bound[1].y + @offset}
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
@width = peak_rb.x - peak_tl.x + 2*@offset
@height = peak_rb.y - peak_tl.y + 2*@offset
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
drawPoint: (v, color, size) ->
# center
new paper.Path.Circle {
center: @canvasPoint(v),
radius: size,
fillColor: color
drawGrid: (size, color) ->
wgridsize = @target.resolution*size
# draw y line
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
i = Math.ceil(@bound[0].x / size)
while i*size < @bound[1].x
start = new paper.Point(i*size + @base.x, -@bound[0].y + @base.y )
end = new paper.Point(i*size + @base.x, -@bound[1].y + @base.y )
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
path = new paper.Path()
path.strokeColor = color
path.moveTo start
path.lineTo end
# draw x line
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
i = Math.ceil(@bound[0].y / size)
while i*size < @bound[1].y
start = new paper.Point(@bound[0].x + @base.x,-i*size + @base.y )
end = new paper.Point(@bound[1].x + @base.x, -i*size + @base.y )
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
path = new paper.Path()
path.strokeColor = color
path.moveTo start
path.lineTo end
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
# draw text
text = new paper.PointText(@bound[0].x + @base.x, @base.y - @bound[1].y + @offset)
text.justification = 'left'
text.fillColor = '#494949'
text.content = "Resolution: #{@target.resolution}, grid size: #{wgridsize} mm"
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
drawAxis: (color) ->
# x axis
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
path = new paper.Path()
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
path.strokeColor = color
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
start = new paper.Point( @bound[0].x + @base.x, @base.y)
end = new paper.Point( @bound[1].x + @base.x, @base.y)
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
# y axis
path = new paper.Path()
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
path.strokeColor = color
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
start = new paper.Point(@base.x, -@bound[0].y + @base.y)
end = new paper.Point(@base.x, -@bound[1].y + @base.y)
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
@drawPoint [0,0], color, 3
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
prepare: () ->
ctx = @el.getContext "2d"
ctx.translate @base.x, @base.y
ctx.canvas.width = @width
ctx.canvas.height = @height
paper.setup @el
#tool = new paper.Tool()
#hitOptions = {
# segments: true,
# stroke: true,
# fill: true,
# tolerance: 5
#tool.onMouseMove = (event) ->
# hitResult = paper.project.hitTest event.point, hitOptions
# return unless hitResult
# console.log hitResult
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
render:() ->
# sub class responsibility
class PointCloudViewer extends DataViewer
constructor: (data) ->
super data
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
p2c: (length, angle) ->
rad = angle*Math.PI / 180
return [length*Math.cos(rad), length*Math.sin(rad)]
preprocess: () ->
return @points = unless @target.coordinate is "polar"
@point = []
i = 0
for v in
@points.push @p2c v, @target.start + i*@target.angularResolution
i = i+1
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
# point clound render
render: () ->
2019-05-06 19:15:23 +02:00
@drawGrid 20, "#DBDBDB" # 20 px
2019-05-06 20:31:20 +02:00
for v in @points
if @target.coordinate is "polar"
path = new paper.Path()
path.strokeColor = '#c2a10e'
start = @canvasPoint [0,0]
end = @canvasPoint v
path.moveTo start
path.lineTo end
@drawPoint v, "red", 3
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
class LuaPlayground extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "LuaPlayground", args
main: () ->
me = @
@datarea = @find "editorea"
@output = @find "output"
@.editor = ace.edit @datarea
@.editor.setOptions {
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableLiveAutocompletion: true,
fontSize: "10pt"
@editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode true
@editor.session.setMode "ace/mode/lua"
@editor.setTheme "ace/theme/monokai"
@on "vboxchange", () ->
2018-04-14 19:10:58 +02:00
(@find "log-clear").set "onbtclick", (e) ->
me.log "clean"
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
@socket = null
2018-04-14 19:10:58 +02:00
@bindKey "CTRL-R", () ->
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
menu: () ->
me = @
menu = [{
text: "__(Code)",
child: [
{ text: "__(Run)", dataid: "#{@name}-Run", shortcut: "C-R" }
onmenuselect: (e) ->
log: (t, m) ->
return $(@output).empty() if t is "clean"
p = ($ "<p>").attr("class", t.toLowerCase())[0]
$(p).html "#{t}: #{m.__()}"
($ @output).append p
($ @output).scrollTop @output.scrollHeight
run: () ->
me = @
value = @editor.getValue().trim()
return unless value and value isnt ""
proto = if window.location.protocol is "https:" then "wss://" else "ws://"
2018-09-16 20:29:49 +02:00
@socket = new WebSocket proto + @_api.HOST + "/system/apigateway?ws=1"
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
@socket.onopen = () ->
#send data to server
me.socket.send( JSON.stringify { code: value } )
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
@socket.onmessage = (e) ->
return unless
obj = JSON.parse
me.log "INFO", unless me.view obj
catch err
me.log "INFO",
console.log err
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
@socket.onclose = () ->
me.socket = null
console.log "socket closed"
2019-05-06 16:08:46 +02:00
view: (obj) ->
return false unless obj and obj.type and @[obj.type]
el = @[obj.type](obj).el
p = ($ "<p>").attr("class", "info")[0]
$(p).append el
($ @output).append p
($ @output).scrollTop @output.scrollHeight
return true
pc: (data) ->
return new PointCloudViewer(data)
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
cleanup: (e)->
@socket.close() if @socket
2018-07-24 19:18:07 +02:00
LuaPlayground.dependencies = ["ace/ace"]
2018-04-14 17:41:57 +02:00
this.OS.register "LuaPlayground", LuaPlayground