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2021-04-21 11:37:58 +02:00
* ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development").
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(self["webpackChunkbrowser_esm_webpack"] = self["webpackChunkbrowser_esm_webpack"] || []).push([["vendors-node_modules_monaco-editor_esm_vs_basic-languages_mysql_mysql_js"],{
/***/ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/mysql/mysql.js":
!*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/mysql/mysql.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"conf\": () => (/* binding */ conf),\n/* harmony export */ \"language\": () => (/* binding */ language)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\r\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\r\nvar conf = {\r\n comments: {\r\n lineComment: '--',\r\n blockComment: ['/*', '*/']\r\n },\r\n brackets: [\r\n ['{', '}'],\r\n ['[', ']'],\r\n ['(', ')']\r\n ],\r\n autoClosingPairs: [\r\n { open: '{', close: '}' },\r\n { open: '[', close: ']' },\r\n { open: '(', close: ')' },\r\n { open: '\"', close: '\"' },\r\n { open: \"'\", close: \"'\" }\r\n ],\r\n surroundingPairs: [\r\n { open: '{', close: '}' },\r\n { open: '[', close: ']' },\r\n { open: '(', close: ')' },\r\n { open: '\"', close: '\"' },\r\n { open: \"'\", close: \"'\" }\r\n ]\r\n};\r\nvar language = {\r\n defaultToken: '',\r\n tokenPostfix: '.sql',\r\n ignoreCase: true,\r\n brackets: [\r\n { open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' },\r\n { open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' }\r\n ],\r\n keywords: [\r\n 'ACCESSIBLE',\r\n 'ACCOUNT',\r\n 'ACTION',\r\n 'ADD',\r\n 'AFTER',\r\n 'AGAINST',\r\n 'AGGREGATE',\r\n 'ALGORITHM',\r\n 'ALL',\r\n 'ALTER',\r\n 'ALWAYS',\r\n 'ANALYSE',\r\n 'ANALYZE',\r\n 'AND',\r\n 'ANY',\r\n 'AS',\r\n 'ASC',\r\n 'ASCII',\r\n 'ASENSITIVE',\r\n 'AT',\r\n 'AUTOEXTEND_SIZE',\r\n 'AUTO_INCREMENT',\r\n 'AVG',\r\n 'AVG_ROW_LENGTH',\r\n 'BACKUP',\r\n 'BEFORE',\r\n 'BEGIN',\r\n 'BETWEEN',\r\n 'BIGINT',\r\n 'BINARY',\r\n 'BINLOG',\r\n 'BIT',\r\n 'BLOB',\r\n 'BLOCK',\r\n 'BOOL',\r\n 'BOOLEAN',\r\n 'BOTH',\r\n 'BTREE',\r\n 'BY',\r\n 'BYTE',\r\n 'CACHE',\r\n 'CALL',\r\n 'CASCADE',\r\n 'CASCADED',\r\n 'CASE',\r\n 'CATALOG_NAME',\r\n 'CHAIN',\r\n 'CHANGE',\r\n 'CHANGED',\r\n 'CHANNEL',\r\n 'CHAR',\r\n 'CHARACTER',\r\n 'CHARSET',\r\n 'CHECK',\r\n 'CHECKSUM',\r\n 'CIPHER',\r\n 'CLASS_ORIGIN',\r\n 'CLIENT',\r\n 'CLOSE',\r\n 'COALESCE',\r\n 'CODE',\r\n 'COLLATE',\r\n 'COLLATION',\r\n 'COLUMN',\r\n 'COLUMNS',\r\n 'COLUMN_FORMAT',\r\n 'COLUMN_NAME',\r\n 'COMMENT',\r\n 'COMMIT',\r\n 'COMMITTED',\r\n 'COMPACT',\r\n 'COMPLETION',\r\n 'COMPRESSED',\r\n 'COMPRESSION',\r\n 'CONCURRENT',\r\n 'CONDITION',\r\n 'CONNECTION',\r\n 'CONSISTENT',\r\n 'CONSTRAINT',\r\n 'CONSTRAINT_CATALOG',\r\n 'CONSTRAINT_NAME',\r\n 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA',\r\n 'CONTAINS',\r\n 'CONTEXT',\r\n 'CONTINUE',\r\n 'CONVERT',\r\n 'CPU',\r\n 'CREATE',\r\n 'CROSS',\r\n 'CUBE',\r\n 'CURRENT',\r\n 'CURRENT_DATE',\r\n 'CURRENT_TIME',\r\n 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',\r\n 'CURRENT_USER',\r\n 'CURSOR',\r\n 'CURSOR_NAME',\r\n 'DATA',\r\n 'DATABASE',\r\n 'DATABASES',\r\n 'DATAFILE',\r\n 'DATE',\r\n 'DATETIME',\r\n 'DAY',\r\n 'DAY_HOUR',\r\n 'DAY_MICROSECOND',\r\n 'DAY_MINUTE',\r\n 'DAY_SECOND',\r\n 'DEALLOCATE',\r\n 'DEC',\r\n 'DECIMAL',\r\n 'D
/***/ })