# antosaio Docker image layer for All-in-one AntOS VDE system. This layer allows to build a minimal docker image with an out-of-the-box working AntOS system: - The web-server (HTTP only) on port 80 - AntOS server side API - AntOS client side API The docker images available at: [https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio/](https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio/) ## How it works ? The following manual requires docker to be installed on the host system. The image can be run in a container with the following steps ```sh # app dir that will be mounted to the container # the server configuration is stored in this location mkdir -p /tmp/app/{home,tmp,database} # create the server configuration cat << EOF > /tmp/app/antd-config.ini [SERVER] plugins=/opt/www/lib/ plugins_ext=.so database=/app/data/database/ tmpdir=/app/data/tmp/ maxcon=200 backlog=5000 workers = 4 max_upload_size = 10000000 gzip_enable = 1 gzip_types = text\/.*,.*\/css,.*\/json,.*\/javascript [PORT:80] htdocs=/opt/www/htdocs ssl.enable=0 ^/(.*)$ = /os/router.lua?r=<1>& [AUTOSTART] plugin = tunnel [MIMES] image/bmp=bmp image/jpeg=jpg,jpeg text/css=css text/markdown=md text/csv=csv application/pdf=pdf image/gif=gif text/html=html,htm,chtml application/json=json application/javascript=js image/png=png image/x-portable-pixmap=ppm application/x-rar-compressed=rar image/tiff=tiff application/x-tar=tar text/plain=txt application/x-font-ttf=ttf application/xhtml+xml=xhtml application/xml=xml application/zip=zip image/svg+xml=svg application/vnd.ms-fontobject=eot application/x-font-woff=woff,woff2 application/x-font-otf=otf audio/mpeg=mp3,mpeg [FILEHANDLER] lua = lua EOF # run the container docker run \ -p 8080:80 \ --mount type=bind,source=/tmp/app,target=/app \ -e ANTOS_USER=demo \ -e ANTOS_PASSWORD=demo \ -it xsangle/antosaio:latest ``` From the host browser, the VDE can be accessed via ``` http://localhost:8080 ``` ### Build the image The build support support multi-arch build with docker **buildx** plugin. Instruction to install buildx can be found here: [# https://github.com/docker/buildx#installing ](https://github.com/docker/buildx#installing ). The following architectures are supported: armv7, amd64 and arm64. After installing the plugin, execute the following commands before running the build script: ```sh docker buildx create --use # Register Arm executables to run on x64 machines docker run --rm --privileged docker/binfmt:a7996909642ee92942dcd6cff44b9b95f08dad64 ``` Clone the repository and run the build script: ```sh git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/lxsang/antosaio cd antosaio chmod +x bake.sh sudo ./bake.sh ```