[SERVER] ; plugin directory plugins=/opt/www/lib/ ; plugin extension plugins_ext=.so ; SQLITE database path database=/opt/www/database/ ; tmp dir tmpdir=/opt/www/tmp/ ; max concurent connection maxcon=200 ; server backlocg backlog=5000 ; number of workers workers = 4 ; max upload file size in bytes max_upload_size = 10000000 ; enable compression gzip_enable = 1 gzip_types = text\/.*,.*\/css,.*\/json,.*\/javascript ; a configuration each port [PORT:80] htdocs=/opt/www/htdocs ; enable or disable SSL ssl.enable=0 ^\/os\/+(.*)$ = /os/router.lua?r=<1>& ; This enable some plugins to be initialised at server startup [AUTOSTART] plugin = tunnel ; to start a plugin at server statup use: ;plugin = plugin_name_1 ;plugin = plugin_name_2, etc [MIMES] image/bmp=bmp image/jpeg=jpg,jpeg text/css=css text/markdown=md text/csv=csv application/pdf=pdf image/gif=gif text/html=html,htm,chtml application/json=json application/javascript=js image/png=png image/x-portable-pixmap=ppm application/x-rar-compressed=rar image/tiff=tiff application/x-tar=tar text/plain=txt application/x-font-ttf=ttf application/xhtml+xml=xhtml application/xml=xml application/zip=zip image/svg+xml=svg application/vnd.ms-fontobject=eot application/x-font-woff=woff,woff2 application/x-font-otf=otf audio/mpeg=mp3,mpeg [FILEHANDLER] ; specify a plugin for handling ; a file type ; lua page script ls = lua ; pure lua script lua = lua ; php and o ther scripting languages can be ; handled by the cgi plugin ; php = cgi