feat: Support CI and cross compile for amd64, arm64, arm
All checks were successful
gitea-sync/antos/pipeline/head This commit looks good

This commit is contained in:
DanyLE 2024-03-10 00:17:53 +01:00
parent 883fbe4190
commit 8ef0a5b7db
10 changed files with 478 additions and 117 deletions

BUILD.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Work in progress
## Dependencies
### Build dependencies
build-essential \
make \
libsqlite3-dev \
cmake \
zlib1g-dev \
libreadline-dev \
libssl-dev \
autotools-dev \
autoconf \
libtool \
automake \
libffi-dev \
ca-certificates \
unzip \
libjpeg-turbo8-dev \
libvncserver-dev \
lua5.3 \
nodejs npm \
git wget curl
rustup default stable
Install cross toolchain
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf
gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu
Optional for appImage
wget libfuse2 fuse3
### Runtime dependencies
libssl libsqlite3 zlib1g libreadline libvncclient1 libjpeg-turbo8
## Build
git submodule update --init
# build docker (WIP)
make docker

Jenkinsfile vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'xsangle/ci-tools:latest'
reuseNode true
args ' --device /dev/fuse --privileged '
options {
// Limit build history with buildDiscarder option:
// daysToKeepStr: history is only kept up to this many days.
// numToKeepStr: only this many build logs are kept.
// artifactDaysToKeepStr: artifacts are only kept up to this many days.
// artifactNumToKeepStr: only this many builds have their artifacts kept.
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '1'))
// Enable timestamps in build log console
// Maximum time to run the whole pipeline before canceling it
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
// Use Jenkins ANSI Color Plugin for log console
// Limit build concurrency to 1 per branch
stage('Prepare dependencies') {
agent {
node { label'workstation' }
steps {
cd antd/luasocket && git stash || true
git submodule update --init
make clean || true
rm -rf build/* || true
mkdir build || true
stage('Build AMD64)') {
steps {
DESTDIR=$(realpath build) \
ARCH=amd64 \
RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rust/rustup \
CARGO_HOME=/opt/rust/cargo \
make all deb appimg
stage('Build ARM64)') {
steps {
DESTDIR=$(realpath build) \
ARCH=arm64 \
RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rust/rustup \
CARGO_HOME=/opt/rust/cargo \
make all deb appimg
stage('Build ARM)') {
steps {
DESTDIR=$(realpath build) \
ARCH=arm \
RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rust/rustup \
CARGO_HOME=/opt/rust/cargo \
make all deb appimg
stage('Checking build)') {
steps {
./scripts/ckarch.sh build
stage('Archive') {
steps {
script {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/', fingerprint: true

View File

@ -1,125 +1,167 @@
ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
TAG:=$(subst master,stable,$(subst refs/heads/,,$(shell git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)))
PLATFORM?=x86_64 ARCH?=amd64
RUSTUP_HOME?=/opt/rust RUSTUP_HOME?=/opt/rust
CARGO_HOME?=/opt/rust/cargo CARGO_HOME?=/opt/rust/cargo
VERSION?=2.0.0 ifeq ('$(ARCH)','amd64')
BRANCH?=b RUST_TARGET?=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
BUILDID=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) CC_PREFIX?=
VERSION_STR=$(VERSION)-$(BRANCH)-$(BUILDID) ifeq ('$(ARCH)','arm64')
PKG_NAME="AntOS_${VERSION_STR}_${PLATFORM}" RUST_TARGET?=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
all: antos deb tar.gz appimg ifeq ('$(ARCH)','arm')
BUILDID:=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
all: antos tar.gz
antos: antd backend frontend antos: antd backend frontend
cp $(ROOT_DIR)/README.md $(INSTALL_DIR)/htdocs/os
antd: httpd plugins luasec luasocket silk luafcgi antd: httpd plugins luasec luasocket silk luafcgi
rm $(BUILD_PREFIX)/runner.ini rm $(INSTALL_DIR)/runner.ini
cp $(ROOT_DIR)/config/*.ini $(BUILD_PREFIX)/etc cp $(ROOT_DIR)/config/*.ini $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc
rm $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/ant-d $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/runnerd
@echo "Finish building Antd server" @echo "Finish building Antd server"
httpd: httpd: clean_c
cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/ant-http && libtoolize && aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/ant-http && libtoolize && aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing
cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/ant-http && ./configure --prefix=$(BUILD_PREFIX) cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/ant-http && ./configure $(HOST) --prefix=$(BUILD_PREFIX)
make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/ant-http install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH) make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/ant-http install
plugins: antd-fcgi-plugin antd-tunnel-plugin antd-wvnc-plugin antd-tunnel-publishers plugins: antd-fcgi-plugin antd-tunnel-plugin antd-wvnc-plugin antd-tunnel-publishers
@echo "Finish making plugins" @echo "Finish making plugins"
luasec: luasec: clean_c
@echo "Building $@" @echo "Building $@"
lua5.3 $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec/src/options.lua -g \ lua5.3 $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec/src/options.lua -g \
/usr/include/openssl/ssl.h \ /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h \
> $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec/src/options.c > $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec/src/options.c
CC=$(CC) \
INC_PATH=-I$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \ INC_PATH=-I$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \
make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec linux make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec linux
CC=$(CC) \
INC_PATH=-I$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \ INC_PATH=-I$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \
LUAPATH=/opt/www/lib/lua \ LUAPATH=/opt/www/lib/lua \
LUACPATH=/opt/www/lib/lua \ LUACPATH=/opt/www/lib/lua \
make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec install make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasec install
luasocket: luasocket: clean_c
@echo "Building $@" @echo "Building $@"
sed -i 's/^CC_linux=/CC_linux?=/g' $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasocket/src/makefile
sed -i 's/^LD_linux=/LD_linux?=/g' $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasocket/src/makefile
CC_linux=$(CC) \
LD_linux=$(CC) \
LUAV=5.4 \ LUAV=5.4 \
LUAINC_linux=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \ LUAINC_linux=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \
PLAT=linux \ PLAT=linux \
make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasocket linux make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasocket linux
CC_linux=$(CC) \
LD_linux=$(CC) \
LUAV=5.4 \ LUAV=5.4 \
LUAINC_linux=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \ LUAINC_linux=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/silk/modules/lua/lua54/ \
PLAT=linux \ PLAT=linux \
make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasocket install-unix DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH) make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luasocket install-unix
-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/lib/lua -mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/lua
cp -rf $(DESTDIR)/lib/lua/5.4/* $(DESTDIR)/opt/www/lib/lua/ cp -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/lua/5.4/* $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/lua/
cp -rf $(DESTDIR)/share/lua/5.4/* $(DESTDIR)/opt/www/lib/lua/ cp -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)/share/lua/5.4/* $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/lua/
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/lib $(DESTDIR)/share rm -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/lua/5.4 $(INSTALL_DIR)/share
antd-% sil%: httpd antd-% sil%: clean_c
@echo "Building $@" @echo "Building $@"
cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/$@ && libtoolize && aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/$@ && libtoolize && aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing
cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/$@ && CFLAGS="-I$(BUILD_PREFIX)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(BUILD_PREFIX)/lib" ./configure --prefix=$(BUILD_PREFIX) cd $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/$@ && CFLAGS="-I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib" \
make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/$@ install ./configure $(HOST) --prefix=$(BUILD_PREFIX)
DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH) make -C $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/$@ install
luafcgi: luafcgi:
@echo "Building $@" @echo "Building $@"
mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
. $(CARGO_HOME)/env && \ . $(CARGO_HOME)/env && \
rustup default stable && \ rustup default stable && \
rustup target add $(RUST_TARGET) && \ rustup target add $(RUST_TARGET) && \
cargo build --target=$(RUST_TARGET) --release \ cargo build --target=$(RUST_TARGET) --release \
--manifest-path=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/Cargo.toml --manifest-path=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/Cargo.toml \
install -m 0755 $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/target/$(RUST_TARGET)/release/luad $(BUILD_PREFIX)/bin --config=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/.cargo/config.toml
install -m 0755 $(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/target/$(RUST_TARGET)/release/luad $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
else else
@echo "Ignore building $@" @echo "Ignore building $@"
endif endif
clean: clean_c:
@echo "Clean all target" @echo "Clean all C based modules"
make -C antd/ant-http clean -make -C antd/ant-http clean
make -C antd/antd-fcgi-plugin clean -make -C antd/antd-fcgi-plugin clean
make -C antd/antd-tunnel-plugin clean -make -C antd/antd-tunnel-plugin clean
make -C antd/antd-wvnc-plugin clean -make -C antd/antd-wvnc-plugin clean
make -C antd/antd-tunnel-publishers clean -make -C antd/antd-tunnel-publishers clean
make -C antd/luasec clean -make -C antd/luasec clean
make -C antd/luasocket clean -make -C antd/luasocket clean
make -C antd/silk clean -make -C antd/silk clean
clean: clean_c
@echo "Clean Rust project and output DIR"
. $(CARGO_HOME)/env && cargo clean --manifest-path=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/Cargo.toml . $(CARGO_HOME)/env && \
rustup default stable && \
cargo clean \
--manifest-path=$(ROOT_DIR)/antd/luafcgi/Cargo.toml \
-rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/* -rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/*
backend: backend:
@echo "Building $@" @echo "Building $@"
DESTDIR=$(BUILD_PREFIX)/htdocs/os make -C antos-backend mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/htdocs/os
DESTDIR=$(INSTALL_DIR)/htdocs/os make -C antos-backend
frontend: frontend:
@echo "Building $@" @echo "Building $@"
BUILDDIR=$(BUILD_PREFIX)/htdocs/os make -C antos-frontend install_dev release mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/htdocs/os
BUILDDIR=$(INSTALL_DIR)/htdocs/os make -C antos-frontend install_dev release
else else
@echo "Ignore building $@" @echo "Ignore building $@"
endif endif
deb: antos deb:
-rm $(DESTDIR)/*.deb -rm $(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.deb
scripts/mkdeb.sh $(VERSION_STR) $(PLATFORM) $(DESTDIR) scripts/mkdeb.sh $(VERSION_STR) $(ARCH) $(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH)
tar.gz: antos tar.gz: antos
-rm $(DESTDIR)/$(PKG_NAME).tar.gz -rm $(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH)/$(PKG_NAME).tar.gz
cd $(DESTDIR)/ && tar cvzf $(PKG_NAME).tar.gz opt cd $(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH)/ && tar cvzf $(PKG_NAME).tar.gz opt
appimg: antos appimg:
-rm $(DESTDIR)/*.AppImage -rm $(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.AppImage
scripts/mkappimg.sh $(PLATFORM) $(VERSION_STR) $(DESTDIR) $(ROOT_DIR)/antos-64.png scripts/mkappimg.sh $(ARCH) $(VERSION_STR) $(DESTDIR)/$(ARCH) $(ROOT_DIR)/antos-64.png
.PHONY: antd antos .PHONY: antd antos

View File

@ -1,46 +1,133 @@
# AntOS # ![https://github.com/antos-rde/antos/raw/master/antos-64.png](https://github.com/antos-rde/antos/raw/master/antos-64.png) antOS v2.0.0
[![Build Status](https://ci.iohub.dev/buildStatus/icon?job=gitea-sync%2Fantos%2F2.0.x)](https://ci.iohub.dev/buildStatus/icon?job=gitea-sync%2Fantos%2F2.0.x)
## Dependencies AntOS is a web-based remote desktop environment that provides an all-in-one solution for setting up a cloud-based, self-hosted working environment. It features a backend API and services, a front-end web-based window manager, application APIs, a GUI toolkit, and file system abstractions. It also includes an application store and an SDK for in-browser application development, deployment, and packaging. AntOS is designed to work across devices, including desktop computers and mobile devices.
### Build dependencies ![https://github.com/antos-rde/antos/raw/master/antos-shot.png](https://github.com/antos-rde/antos/raw/master/antos-shot.png)
``` AntOS can be used in several application contexts, such as:
build-essential \ - Providing visual tools to access and control resources on remote servers and embedded Linux environments
make \ - Providing and developing SaaS web-based applications
libsqlite3-dev \ - Self-hosting a cloud-based working environment
cmake \ - Creating a customized, user-friendly interface for managing and interacting with cloud-based resources and services
zlib1g-dev \ - Setting up a collaborative, online workspace for remote teams and distributed organizations
libreadline-dev \ - Building a web-based operating system that can run on various devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones
libssl-dev \ - Creating a virtualized environment for testing and deploying web-based applications in a sandboxed environment
autotools-dev \ - Building a platform for creating and hosting web-based educational or training content
autoconf \ - Setting up a web-based development environment for prototyping and building web-based applications quickly and easily
libtool \ - Etc, You name it!
automake \
libffi-dev \
ca-certificates \
unzip \
libjpeg-turbo8-dev \
libvncserver-dev \
lua5.3 \
nodejs npm \
git wget curl
Optional for appImage
``` With the provided application API and SDK, AntOS facilitates the development and deployment of user-specific applications inside the VDE environment
wget libfuse2 fuse3
### Runtime dependencies Github: [https://github.com/antos-rde](https://github.com/antos-rde)
libssl libsqlite3 zlib1g libreadline libvncclient1 libjpeg-turbo8
## Build
git submodule update --init
# build docker (WIP) ## Demo
make docker A demo of the VDE is available at [https://app.iohub.dev/antos/](https://app.iohub.dev/antos/) using username: demo and password: demo.
``` If one want to run AntOS VDE locally in their system, a docker image is available at:
## Build and install
See [BUILD.md](BUILD.md) for more information on project building and installing
## AntOS applications (Available on the MarketPlace)
## Front-end Documentation
- API: [https://doc.iohub.dev/antos/api/](https://doc.iohub.dev/antos/api/)
## Change logs
### v.2.0.0
- Work In Progress: The UI is redesigned to support mobile device
### V1.2.1
- 9b5da17 - App name now can differ from pkgname
- b381294 - fix: fix icon display problem when application is installed, remove all related settings when an application is uinstalled
- b6c90e5 - update image path in readme
- 14b72ef - Fix dragndrop bug on Fileview (grid mod)
- c96919e - fix: correct jenkins build demo stage
- 1cf7181 - Fix fileview status incorrect, add more build stage to Jenkinsfile
- 255f9dc - update readme file, and include it to delivery
- d08b33a - fix ar generation problem: with new version format
- da5bbda - Allow to set version number and build ID to the current Antos build
- 699c697 - update login form style
- 2fd4bb5 - Bug fix + improvement
- 6cbb463 - Fileview: list view display modified date instead of mime
- f7081ae - Include current Antos version to login screen
- 5d17c42 - Makefile read current version from gcode
- 583a0c0 - update version number in code
- c0603cd - Minor style fixes on menus and dropdown list
- 8b029c2 - fix minor visual bug on grid view, list view and tree view
- 86bcaf9 - visual bug fix on label: inline block by default
- 61de957 - Visual improvements
- 52af4b6 - fix visualize bug after style changes
- e63cae1 - style improvement on Label, FileView, GridView, system menu and app Panel
- f97a45b - Add more control to mem file + bug fix on File
- fdcc5ce - allow to create memory-based temporal VFS file system
- 81d78aa - robusify VFS mem file handling
- d109d6a - fix: file name display inconsitent between views
- c26e27d - Fix multiple dialogs focus bug
- 8b23ebe - Loading animation is now based on the current context (global or application context)
- 2cdd8f9 - support dnd and grid sort
- 079af3b - fix type conversion error in gridview tag
- a6d725e - User a custom tag to manage the desktop instead of GUI
- 0624f42 - API improvement & bug fix: - subscribed global event doesnt unsubcribed when process is killed - process killall API doesnt work as expected - improve core API
- 3a24df1 - update announcement system
- e345a61 - update bootstrap icons to v.1.7.1
- b3d38cc - allow multiple files upload in single request
- 66e96cc - update VFS API
- 86a94a8 - update GUI API
- 27ac7c0 - Minor bug fix on desktop handling
- 99e0d02 - enable setting blur overlay window
- 52709d5 - improve Window GUI API
- 9c06d88 - AntOS load automatically custom VFS handles if available
- c23cb1b - Improve core API: - improve OS exit API - improve VFS API
### V.1.2.0 Improvement GUI API
- [x] File dialog should remember last opened folder
- [x] Add dynamic key-value dialog that work on any object
- [x] Window list panel should show window title in tooltip when mouse hovering on application icon
- [x] Allow pinning application to system panel
- [x] Improvement application list in market place
- [x] Allow triplet keyboard shortcut in GUI
- [x] CodePad allows setting shortcut in CommandPalette commands
- [ ] Improvement multi-window application support
- [x] CodePad should have recent menu entry that remember top n file opened
- [x] Improve File application grid view
- [x] Label text should be selectable
- [x] switch window using shortcut
- [x] Loading bar animation on system pannel
- [x] Multiple file upload support
- [x] Generic key-value dialog
- [x] Add bootstrap font support for icons
- [x] Class applications by categories in start menu
- [x] Support vertical and horizontal resize window
* Market place now classifies application by categories
* CodePad is no longer default system application, it has been moved to MarketPlace
* More applications added to MarketPlace
* Antos SDK
- SDK is no longer included in base Antos release, it can be installed via MarketPlace
- The SDK now has a generic API that can be used in different development tasks other than AntOS application
- Heavy SDK tasks are now offloaded to workers
- Introduce new JSON based syntax for SDK task/target definition
* From this version, docker image of All-in-one AntOS system is available at: [https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio](https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio)
## Licence
Copyright 2017-2022 Xuan Sang LE <mrsang AT iohub DOT dev>
AnTOS is is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
**For comercial use, please contact author**

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 813792885171de1fda208b50c9ed24686acd471d Subproject commit d72025741c9ba54e77c9a9c321d6fa7eca54dfe4

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
FROM ubuntu:jammy AS deploy-env FROM debian:bookworm AS deploy-env
ARG tag ARG tag
COPY deps/ / COPY deps/ /
RUN dpkg -i /libssl1.1_1.1.1f-$(uname -m).deb RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install libsqlite3-0 zlib1g libreadline8 wget libssl3 libvncclient1 libturbojpeg0 openssh-client tar tree
# manual install libssl1.1
RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install libsqlite3-0 zlib1g libreadline8 wget libvncclient1 libjpeg-turbo8 openssh-client tar tree
RUN apt clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN apt clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir /ulib RUN mkdir /ulib
RUN cp -rf /lib/*-linux-*/libsqlite3*.so* /ulib RUN cp -rf /lib/*-linux-*/libsqlite3*.so* /ulib
@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ RUN chown -R root:root /platform
RUN tree /platform RUN tree /platform
RUN ls -al /platform RUN ls -al /platform
FROM busybox:stable-glibc FROM busybox:1.36.1-glibc
#copy all necessary libraries #copy all necessary libraries
COPY --from=deploy-env /ulib/ /lib/ COPY --from=deploy-env /ulib/ /lib/
COPY --from=deploy-env /bin/wget /bin/ COPY --from=deploy-env /bin/wget /bin/

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
FROM ubuntu:jammy AS deploy-env FROM debian:bookworm AS deploy-env
ARG UID=1000
ARG GID=1000
# manual install libssl1.1
RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install \ RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install \
build-essential \ build-essential \
make \ make \
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install \
libffi-dev \ libffi-dev \
ca-certificates \ ca-certificates \
unzip \ unzip \
libjpeg-turbo8-dev \ libturbojpeg0-dev \
libvncserver-dev \ libvncserver-dev \
lua5.3 lua5.3
@ -25,3 +27,19 @@ RUN RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rust/rustup CARGO_HOME=/opt/rust/cargo bash -c 'curl https:
RUN chmod -R 777 /opt/rust/ RUN chmod -R 777 /opt/rust/
RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install \ RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install \
nodejs npm git wget libfuse2 fuse3 nodejs npm git wget libfuse2 fuse3
# cross build support
RUN dpkg --add-architecture armhf
RUN dpkg --add-architecture arm64
RUN apt-get update && apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install \
crossbuild-essential-armhf \
crossbuild-essential-armhf \
libsqlite3-0:arm64 zlib1g:arm64 libreadline8:arm64 libssl3:arm64 \
libffi-dev:arm64 libturbojpeg0:arm64 libvncclient1:arm64 \
libsqlite3-0:armhf zlib1g:armhf libreadline8:armhf libssl3:armhf \
libffi-dev:armhf libturbojpeg0:armhf libvncclient1:armhf
RUN groupadd -g 1000 -o ci
RUN useradd -m -u 1000 -g 1000 -o -s /bin/bash ci
WORKDIR /home/ci

scripts/ckarch.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
set -e
[[ -z "$TARGET" ]] && echo "No taget provided" && exit 1
[[ ! -d "$TARGET" ]] && echo "Target is not a directory" && exit 1
DIRS=$(ls "$TARGET")
check_file() {
echo -n -e "${YELLOW}Checking $FILE:....................${NC}"
if ! file "$(realpath "$FILE")" | grep "$LD" > /dev/null ; then
echo -e "${CERR}FAILED${NC}"
echo -e -n "${GRAY}"
file "$(realpath "$FILE")"
echo -e "${NC}"
echo -e "${COK}OK${NC}"
echo -e -n "${GRAY}"
readelf -d "$FILE" | grep NEEDED || true
echo -e "${NC}"
check() {
echo -e "${BLUE}Checking: $TARGET/$ARCH${NC}"
# check bin directory
for file in "$ROOT"/bin/*; do
check_file "$file" "$LD"
# check for libraries
libs=$(find "$ROOT"/lib/ -name "*.so*")
for lib in $libs; do
check_file "$lib" "$LD"
for dir in $DIRS; do
case $dir in
check "$dir" "ARM aarch64"
check "$dir" "ARM, EABI"
check "$dir" "x86-64"
echo "Unkown architecture: $dir, ignore it"

View File

@ -6,25 +6,22 @@ arch=$1
tag=$2 tag=$2
DIR=$3 DIR=$3
logo=$4 logo=$4
[ -z $arch ] && echo "1. No architecture provided" && exit 1 [ -z "$arch" ] && echo "1. No architecture provided" && exit 1
[ -z $tag ] && echo "2. No version provided" && exit 1 [ -z "$tag" ] && echo "2. No version provided" && exit 1
[ -z $DIR ] && echo "3. No input dir provided" && exit 1 [ -z "$DIR" ] && echo "3. No input dir provided" && exit 1
[ -z $logo ] && echo "4. No logo file provided" && exit 1 [ -z "$logo" ] && echo "4. No logo file provided" && exit 1
# download the appimagetools # download the appimagetools
echo "Downloading the appimage tools" echo "Downloading the appimage tools"
archname=x86_64 archname=x86_64
case $arch in case $arch in
amd64|x86_64) amd64|x86_64)
archname=x86_64 archname=x86_64
;; ;;
aarch64|arm64) aarch64|arm64)
archname=aarch64 archname=aarch64
;; ;;
armv7l|arm) armv7l|arm)
archname=armhf archname=armhf
;; ;;
*) *)
echo "Unkown architecture" echo "Unkown architecture"
@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ echo "Building app image for $arch"
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR" mkdir -p "$APP_DIR"
cp -rf $DIR/opt "$APP_DIR" cp -rf "$DIR/opt" "$APP_DIR"
rm -rf $APP_DIR/opt/www/include || true rm -rf $APP_DIR/opt/www/include || true
rm -rf $APP_DIR/opt/www/etc/* || true rm -rf $APP_DIR/opt/www/etc/* || true
@ -186,6 +183,6 @@ Categories=Utility;
Terminal=true Terminal=true
cp $logo $APP_DIR/antos.png cp "$logo" "$APP_DIR/antos.png"
$APP_IMG --runtime-file $APP_RUNT $APP_DIR $DIR/$NAME.AppImage $APP_IMG --runtime-file $APP_RUNT $APP_DIR "$DIR/$NAME.AppImage"

View File

@ -42,23 +42,23 @@ NAME="AntOS_${TAG}_${archname}"
FILE="$NAME.deb" FILE="$NAME.deb"
TMP="/tmp/$NAME" TMP="/tmp/$NAME"
[ -d "$TMP" ] && rm -rf "$TMP" [ -d "$TMP" ] && rm -rf "$TMP"
mkdir -p $TMP mkdir -p "$TMP"
echo "Copying binaries of version $TAG, architecture $ARCH to $TMP" echo "Copying binaries of version $TAG, architecture $ARCH to $TMP"
cp $DIR/opt $TMP/ -rf cp "$DIR/opt" "$TMP/" -rf
cd $TMP cd "$TMP"
mkdir DEBIAN mkdir DEBIAN
cat << EOF >> DEBIAN/control cat << EOF >> DEBIAN/control
Package: AntOS Package: AntOS
Version: $TAG Version: $TAG
Architecture: $archname Architecture: $archname
Depends: libsqlite3-0,zlib1g,libreadline8,libssl1.1,libvncclient1,libjpeg-turbo8 | libturbojpeg0 Depends: libsqlite3-0,zlib1g,libreadline8,libssl3,libvncclient1,libjpeg-turbo8 | libturbojpeg0 | libjpeg62-turbo
Maintainer: Dany LE <mrsang@iohub.dev> Maintainer: Dany LE <dany@iohub.dev>
Description: All-in-one AntOS remote web-based desktop environment Description: All-in-one AntOS web-based remote desktop environment
cat DEBIAN/control cat DEBIAN/control
cd .. cd ..
dpkg-deb --build $TMP dpkg-deb --build "$TMP"
mv "$FILE" "$DIR/" mv "$FILE" "$DIR/"