2018-03-10 01:05:34 +01:00

264 lines
7.9 KiB

String.prototype.hash = () ->
hash = 5381
i = this.length
hash = (hash * 33) ^ this.charCodeAt(--i) while i
hash >>> 0
String.prototype.asBase64 = () ->
tmp = encodeURIComponent this
return btoa ( tmp.replace /%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) ->
return String.fromCharCode (parseInt p1, 16)
String.prototype.unescape = () ->
d = @
d = d.replace /\\\\/g, "\\"
d = d.replace /\\"/g, '"'
d = d.replace /\\n/g, "\n"
d = d.replace /\\t/g, "\t"
d = d.replace /\\b/g, "\b"
d = d.replace /\\f/g, "\f"
d = d.replace /\\r/g, "\r"
String.prototype.asUnit8Array = () ->
bytes = []
for i in [0..(@length - 1)]
bytes.push @charCodeAt i
bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes)
return bytes
if not String.prototype.format
String.prototype.format = () ->
args = arguments
return @replace /{(\d+)}/g, (match, number) ->
return if typeof args[number] != 'undefined' then args[number] else match
# language directive
this.__ = () ->
_API = window.OS.API
args = arguments
return "Undefined" unless args.length > 0
d = args[0]
_API.lang[d] = d unless _API.lang[d]
return _API.lang[d] unless args.length > 1
return String.prototype.format.apply _API.lang[d], (args[i] for i in [1 .. args.length - 1])
Date.prototype.toString = () ->
dd = @getDate()
mm = @getMonth() + 1
yyyy = @getFullYear()
hh = @getHours()
mi = @getMinutes()
se = @getSeconds()
dd = "0#{dd}" if dd < 10
mm = "0#{mm}" if mm < 10
hh = "0#{hh}" if hh < 10
mi = "0#{mi}" if mi < 10
se = "0#{se}" if se < 10
return "#{dd}/#{mm}/#{yyyy} #{hh}:#{mi}:#{se}"
Date.prototype.timestamp = () ->
return @getTime() / 1000 | 0
self.OS.API =
# the handler object could be a any remote or local handle to
# fetch user data, used by the API to make requests
# handlers are defined in /src/handlers
handler: {}
shared: {} # shared libraries
#request a user data
mid: () ->
return _courrier.getMID()
post: (p, d, c, f) ->
q = _courrier.getMID()
_API.loading q, p
$.ajax {
type: 'POST',
url: p,
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify d,
dataType: 'json',
success: null
#$.getJSON p, d
.done (data) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "OK"
.fail (e, s) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "FAIL"
f(e, s)
blob: (p, c, f) ->
q = _courrier.getMID()
r = new XMLHttpRequest() "GET", p, true
r.responseType = "arraybuffer"
r.onload = (e) ->
if @status is 200 and @readyState is 4
c @response
_API.loaded q, p, "OK"
f e, @
_API.loaded q, p, "FAIL"
_API.loading q, p
upload: (p, d, c, f) ->
q = _courrier.getMID()
#insert a temporal file selector
o = ($ '<input>').attr('type', 'file').css("display", "none")
o.change () ->
_API.loading q, p
formd = new FormData()
formd.append 'path', d
# TODO: only one file is selected at this time
formd.append 'upload', o[0].files[0]
$.ajax {
url: p,
data: formd,
type: 'POST',
contentType: false,
processData: false,
.done (data) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "OK"
.fail (e, s) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "FAIL"
f(e, s)
saveblob: (name, b) ->
url = window.URL.createObjectURL b
o = ($ '<a>')
.attr("href", url)
.attr("download", name)
.css("display", "none")
systemConfig: ->
_API.request 'config', (result) ->
console.log result
loading: (q, p) ->
_courrier.trigger "loading", { id: q, data: { m: "#{p}", s: true }, name: "OS" }
loaded: (q, p, m ) ->
_courrier.trigger "loaded", { id: q, data: { m: "#{m}: #{p}", s: false }, name: "OS" }
get: (p, c, f, t) ->
conf =
type: 'GET',
url: p,
conf.dataType = t if t
q = _courrier.getMID()
_API.loading q, p
$.ajax conf
.done (data) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "OK"
.fail (e, s) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "FAIL"
f(e, s)
script: (p, c, f) ->
q = _courrier.getMID()
_API.loading q, p
$.getScript p
.done (data) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "OK"
.fail (e, s) ->
_API.loaded q, p, "FAIL"
f(e, s)
resource: (r, c, f) ->
path = "resources/#{r}"
_API.get path, c, f
libready: (l) ->
return _API.shared[l] || false
require: (l,f) ->
if not _API.shared[l]
if l.match /^(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g
_API.script l, () ->
_API.shared[l] = true
_courrier.trigger "sharedlibraryloaded", l
f() if f
, (e, s) ->
_courrier.oserror __("Cannot load 3rd library at: {0}", l), e, r
path = "os:///scripts/"
js = "#{path}#{l}.js"
js.asFileHandler().onready (d) ->
_API.shared[l] = true
el = $ '<script>', { src: "#{_API.handler.get}/#{js}" }
.appendTo 'head'
#load css file
css = "#{path}#{l}.css"
css.asFileHandler().onready (d) ->
el = $ '<link>', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', 'href': "#{_API.handler.get}/#{css}" }
.appendTo 'head'
, () ->
console.log "loaded", l
_courrier.trigger "sharedlibraryloaded", l
f() if f
console.log l, "Library exist, no need to load"
_courrier.trigger "sharedlibraryloaded", l
requires:(libs, f) ->
return f() unless libs.length > 0 "sharedlibraryloaded", (l) ->
libs.splice 0, 1
_API.requires libs, f
_API.require libs[0], null
fetch: (f) ->
_API.handler.packages {
command: "list", args: { paths: (v for k, v of _OS.setting.system.pkgpaths) }
}, f
cache: (f) ->
_API.handler.packages {
command: "cache", args: { paths: (v for k, v of _OS.setting.system.pkgpaths) }
}, f
search: (text) ->
r = []
for k, v of _API.searchHandler
ret = _API.searchHandler[k](text)
if ret.length > 0
ret.unshift { text: k, class: "search-header", dataid: "header" }
r = r.concat ret
return r
onsearch: (name, fn) ->
self.OS.API.searchHandler[name] = fn unless self.OS.API.searchHandler[name]
setLocale: (name) ->
path = "resources/languages/#{name}.json"
_API.get path, (d) ->
_OS.setting.user.language = name
_API.lang = d
, (e, s) ->
_OS.setting.user.language = "en_GB"
_courrier.oserror __("Language file {0} not found", path), e, s
, "json"
throwe: (n) ->
err = undefined
throw new Error(n)
catch e
err = e
return "" if not err
return err