self.OS.API = # the handler object could be a any remote or local handle to # fetch user data, used by the API to make requests # handlers are defined in /src/handlers handler: { } #request a user data post: (p, d, c, f) -> q = _courrier.getMID() _API.loading q, p $.ajax { type: 'POST', url: p, contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify d, dataType: 'json', # data type need to be configurable success: null } #$.getJSON p, d .done (data) -> _API.loaded q, p, "OK" c(data) .fail (e, s) -> _API.loaded q, p, "FAIL" f(e, s) blob: (p, c, f) -> q = _courrier.getMID() r = new XMLHttpRequest() "GET", p, true r.responseType = "arraybuffer" r.onload = (e) -> if @status is 200 and @readyState is 4 c @response _API.loaded q, p, "OK" else f e, @ _API.loaded q, p, "FAIL" _API.loading q, p r.send() upload: (p, d, c, f) -> q = _courrier.getMID() #insert a temporal file selector o = ($ '').attr('type', 'file').css("display", "none") o.change () -> _API.loading q, p formd = new FormData() formd.append 'path', d # TODO: only one file is selected at this time formd.append 'upload', o[0].files[0] $.ajax { url: p, data: formd, type: 'POST', contentType: false, processData: false, } .done (data) -> _API.loaded q, p, "OK" c(data) .fail (e, s) -> _API.loaded q, p, "FAIL" f(e, s) saveblob: (name, b) -> url = window.URL.createObjectURL b o = ($ '') .attr("href", url) .attr("download", name) .css("display", "none") .appendTo("body") o[0].click() window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url) o.remove() systemConfig: -> _API.request 'config', (result) -> console.log result loading: (q, p) -> _courrier.trigger "loading", { id: q, data: { m: "#{p}", s: true }, name: "OS" } loaded: (q, p, m ) -> _courrier.trigger "loaded", { id: q, data: { m: "#{m}: #{p}", s: false }, name: "OS" } get: (p, c, f) -> q = _courrier.getMID() _API.loading q, p $.get p # TODO add return type setting support .done (data) -> _API.loaded q, p, "OK" c(data) .fail (e, s) -> _API.loaded q, p, "FAIL" f(e, s) script: (p, c, f) -> q = _courrier.getMID() _API.loading q, p $.getScript p .done (data) -> _API.loaded q, p, "OK" c(data) .fail (e, s) -> _API.loaded q, p, "FAIL" f(e, s) resource: (r, c, f) -> path = "resources/#{r}" _API.get path, c, f throwe: (n) -> err = undefined try throw new Error(n) catch e err = e return "" if not err return err