self.OS.API.handler = scandir: (p, c ) -> path = "lua-api/fs/scandir" path, { path: p }, c, (e, s) -> _courrier.osfail "Fail to scan directory: #{path}", e, s fileinfo: (p, c) -> path = "lua-api/fs/fileinfo" path, { path: p }, c, (e, s) -> _courrier.osfail "Fail to get file metadata: #{path}", e, s scanapp: (p, c ) -> path = "lua-api/system/application" auth: (c) -> p = "lua-api/system/auth" p, {}, c, () -> alert "Resource not found: #{p}" login: (d, c) -> p = "lua-api/system/login" p, d, c, () -> alert "Resource not found: #{p}" logout: () -> p = "lua-api/system/logout" p, {}, (d) -> _OS.boot() , () -> alert "Resource not found #{p}" setting: () -> p = "lua-api/system/settings" p, _OS.setting, (d) -> _courrier.oserror "Cannot save system setting", d.error if d.error , (e, s) -> _courrier.osfail "Fail to make request: #{p}", e, s