class PushNotification extends this.OS.GUI.BaseService constructor: (args) -> super "PushNotification", args @iconclass = "fa fa-bars" @onmenuselect = (e) -> console.log e @cb = undefined @pending = [] init: -> @view = false path = "resources/schemes/notifications.html" @render path spin: (b) -> if b and @iconclass is "fa fa-bars" @iconclass = "fa fa-spinner fa-spin" @color = "#f90e00" @update() else if not b and @iconclass is "fa fa-spinner fa-spin" @iconclass = "fa fa-bars" @color = "#414339" @update() main: -> me = @ @mlist = @find "notifylist" @mfeed = @find "notifeed" @nzone = @find "notifyzone" @fzone = @find "feedzone" (@find "btclear").set "onbtclick", (e) -> me.mlist.set "items", [] #mlist.set "onlistselect", (e) -> console.log e @subscribe "notification", (o) -> me.pushout 'INFO', o @subscribe "fail", (o) -> me.pushout 'FAIL', o @subscribe "error", (o) -> me.pushout 'ERROR', o @subscribe "loading", (o) -> me.pending.push me.spin true @subscribe "loaded", (o) -> i = me.pending.indexOf me.pending.splice i, 1 if i >= 0 me.spin false if me.pending.length is 0 ($ @nzone).css "right", 0 .css "top", "-3px" .css "height", "" .css "bottom", "0" .css "z-index", 1000000 .hide() ($ @fzone) #.css("z-index", 99999) .css("bottom", "0") .css("height", "") .hide() pushout: (s, o, mfeed) -> d = { text: "[#{s}] #{} (#{}): #{}", icon:, iconclass:, closable: true } @mlist.unshift d, true @notifeed d notifeed: (d) -> me = @ @mfeed.unshift d, true ($ @fzone).show() timer = setTimeout () -> me.mfeed.remove d, true clearTimeout timer , 3000 awake: (e) -> if @view then ($ @nzone).hide() else ($ @nzone).show() @view = not @view me = @ if not @cb @cb = (e) -> return if e.originalEvent.item and e.originalEvent.item.i isnt undefined if not ($$ me.nzone).length and not ($$ me.holder.root).length ($ me.nzone).hide() $(document).unbind "click", me.cb me.view = not me.view if @view $(document).on "click", @cb else $(document).unbind "click", @cb cleanup: (evt) -> # do nothing this.OS.register "PushNotification",PushNotification