// Copyright 2017-2018 Xuan Sang LE // AnTOS Web desktop is is licensed under the GNU General Public // License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. namespace OS { /** * This namespace is dedicated to application and service definition. * When an application is loaded, its prototype definition will be * inserted to this namespace for reuse lately */ export namespace application { /** * Abstract prototype of all AntOS applications. * Any new application definition should extend * this prototype * * @export * @abstract * @class BaseApplication * @extends {BaseModel} */ export abstract class BaseApplication extends BaseModel { /** * Placeholder of all settings specific to the application. * The settings stored in this object will be saved to system * setting when logout and can be reused in the next login session * * @type {GenericObject} * @memberof BaseApplication */ setting: GenericObject; /** * Hotkeys (shortcuts) defined for this application * * @protected * @type {GUI.ShortcutType} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected keycomb: GUI.ShortcutType; /** * Reference to the system dock * * @type {GUI.tag.AppDockTag} * @memberof BaseApplication */ sysdock: GUI.tag.AppDockTag; /** * Reference to the system application menu located * on the system panel * * @type {GUI.tag.MenuTag} * @memberof BaseApplication */ appmenu: GUI.tag.MenuTag; /** *Creates an instance of BaseApplication. * @param {string} name application name * @param {AppArgumentsType[]} args application arguments * @memberof BaseApplication */ constructor(name: string, args: AppArgumentsType[]) { super(name, args); if (!setting.applications[this.name]) { setting.applications[this.name] = {}; } this.setting = setting.applications[this.name]; this.keycomb = {}; } /** * Init the application, this function is called when the * application process is created and docked in the application * dock. * * The application UI will be rendered after the execution * of this function. * * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ init(): void { this.off("*"); this.on("exit", () => this.quit(false)); // first register some base event to the app this.on("focus", () => { this.sysdock.selectedApp = this; this.appmenu.pid = this.pid; this.appmenu.items = this.baseMenu() || []; this.appmenu.onmenuselect = ( d: GUI.tag.MenuEventData ): void => { return this.trigger("menuselect", d); }; if (this.dialog) { return this.dialog.show(); } }); this.on("hide", () => { this.sysdock.selectedApp = null; this.appmenu.items = []; this.appmenu.pid = -1; if (this.dialog) { return this.dialog.hide(); } }); this.on("menuselect", (d) => { switch (d.data.item.data.dataid) { case `${this.name}-about`: return this.openDialog("AboutDialog"); case `${this.name}-exit`: return this.trigger("exit", undefined); } }); this.on("apptitlechange", () => this.sysdock.update(this)); this.subscribe("appregistry", (m) => { if (m.name === this.name) { this.applySetting(m.message as string); } }); this.updateLocale(this.systemsetting.system.locale); return this.loadScheme(); } /** * Render the application UI by first loading its scheme * and then mount this scheme to the DOM tree * * @protected * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected loadScheme(): void { //now load the scheme const path = `${this.meta().path}/scheme.html`; return this.render(path); } /** * API function to perform an heavy task. * This function will trigger the global `loading` * event at the beginning of the task, and the `loaded` * event after finishing the task * * @protected * @param {Promise} promise the promise on a task to be performed * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected load(promise: Promise): Promise { const q = this._api.mid(); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this._api.loading(q, this.name); try { await promise; this._api.loaded(q, this.name, "OK"); return resolve(); } catch (e) { this._api.loaded(q, this.name, "FAIL"); return reject(__e(e)); } }); } /** * Bind a hotkey to the application, this function * is used to define application keyboard shortcut * * @protected * @param {string} k the hotkey to bind, should be in the following * format: `[ALT|SHIFT|CTRL|META]-KEY`, e.g. `CTRL-S` * @param {(e: JQuery.KeyboardEventBase) => void} f the callback function * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected bindKey( k: string, f: (e: JQuery.KeyboardEventBase) => void ): void { const arr = k.toUpperCase().split("-"); const c = arr.pop(); let fnk = ""; if (arr.includes("META")) { fnk += "META"; } if (arr.includes("CTRL")) { fnk += "CTRL"; } if (arr.includes("ALT")) { fnk += "ALT"; } if (arr.includes("SHIFT")) { fnk += "SHIFT"; } if ( fnk == "") { return; } fnk = `fn_${fnk.hash()}`; if (!this.keycomb[fnk]) { this.keycomb[fnk] = {}; } this.keycomb[fnk][c] = f; } /** * Update the application local from the system * locale or application specific locale configuration * * @param {string} name locale name e.g. `en_GB` * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ updateLocale(name: string): void { const meta = this.meta(); if (!meta || !meta.locales) { return; } if (!meta.locales[name]) { return; } const result = []; for (let k in meta.locales[name]) { const v = meta.locales[name][k]; result.push((this._api.lang[k] = v)); } } /** * Execute the callback subscribed to a * keyboard shortcut * * @param {string} fnk meta or modifier key e.g. `CTRL`, `ALT`, `SHIFT` or `META` * @param {string} c a regular key * @param {JQuery.KeyDownEvent} e JQuery keyboard event * @returns {boolean} return whether the shortcut is executed * @memberof BaseApplication */ shortcut(fnk: string, c: string, e: JQuery.KeyDownEvent): boolean { if (!this.keycomb[fnk]) { return true; } if (!this.keycomb[fnk][c]) { return true; } this.keycomb[fnk][c](e); return false; } /** * Apply a setting to the application * * @protected * @param {string} k the setting name * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected applySetting(k: string): void {} /** * Apply all settings to the application * * @protected * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected applyAllSetting(): void { for (let k in this.setting) { const v = this.setting[k]; this.applySetting(k); } } /** * Set a setting value to the application setting * registry * * @protected * @param {string} k setting name * @param {*} v setting value * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected registry(k: string, v: any): void { this.setting[k] = v; return this.publish("appregistry", k); } /** * Show the appliation * * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ show(): void { this.trigger("focus", undefined); } /** * Blur the application * * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ blur(): void { if (this.appmenu && this.pid === this.appmenu.pid) { this.appmenu.items = []; } return this.trigger("blur", undefined); } /** * Hide the application * * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ hide(): void { return this.trigger("hide", undefined); } /** * Maximize or restore the application window size * and its position * * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseApplication */ toggle(): void { return this.trigger("toggle", undefined); } /** * Get the application title * * @returns {(string| FormattedString)} * @memberof BaseApplication */ title(): string | FormattedString { return (this.scheme as GUI.tag.WindowTag).apptitle; } /** * Function called when the application exit. * If the input exit event is prevented, the application * process will not be killed * * * @protected * @param {BaseEvent} evt exit event * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected onexit(evt: BaseEvent): void { this.cleanup(evt); if (!evt.prevent) { if (this.pid === this.appmenu.pid) { this.appmenu.items = []; } $(this.scheme).remove(); } } /** * Get the application meta-data * * @returns {API.PackageMetaType} * @memberof BaseApplication */ meta(): API.PackageMetaType { return application[this.name].meta; } /** * Base menu definition. This function * returns the based menu definition of all applications. * Other application specific menu entries * should be defined in [[menu]] function * * @protected * @returns {GUI.BasicItemType[]} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected baseMenu(): GUI.BasicItemType[] { let mn: GUI.BasicItemType[] = [ { text: application[this.name].meta.name, nodes: [ { text: "__(About)", dataid: `${this.name}-about` }, { text: "__(Exit)", dataid: `${this.name}-exit` }, ], }, ]; mn = mn.concat(this.menu() || []); return mn; } /** * The main application entry that is called after * the application UI is rendered. This application * must be implemented by all subclasses * * @abstract * @memberof BaseApplication */ abstract main(): void; /** * Application specific menu definition * * @protected * @returns {GUI.BasicItemType[]} * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected menu(): GUI.BasicItemType[] { // implement by subclasses // to add menu to application return []; } /** * The cleanup function that is called by [[onexit]] function. * Application need to override this function to perform some * specific task before exiting or to prevent the application * to be exited * * @protected * @param {BaseEvent} e * @memberof BaseApplication */ protected cleanup(e: BaseEvent): void {} } BaseApplication.type = ModelType.Application; } }