# antOS v2.0.0 [![Build Status](https://ci.iohub.dev/buildStatus/icon?job=gitea-sync%2Fantos%2F2.0.x)](https://ci.iohub.dev/buildStatus/icon?job=gitea-sync%2Fantos%2F2.0.x) [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Flxsang%2Fantos.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Flxsang%2Fantos?ref=badge_shield) > Warning: v2.0.0 is the experimental version of AntOS which is strongly redesigned to support mobile device. > For a plus stable AntOS system, please use v.1.x for production. AntOS is a web-based desktop platform that features a window manager, application APIs, GUI toolkit, file system abstractions, application store, and an API and SDK for in-browser application development. The purpose of this project is to enable users to easily set up a self-hosted, cloud-based working environment using only a web browser. The front-end can connect to a remote server and act as a virtual desktop environment (VDE). AntOS can be used in several application contexts, such as: - Providing visual tools to access and control resources on remote servers and embedded Linux environments - Providing and developing SaaS web-based applications - Self-hosting a cloud-based working environment - Creating a customized, user-friendly interface for managing and interacting with cloud-based resources and services - Setting up a collaborative, online workspace for remote teams and distributed organizations - Building a web-based operating system that can run on various devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones - Creating a virtualized environment for testing and deploying web-based applications in a sandboxed environment - Building a platform for creating and hosting web-based educational or training content - Setting up a web-based development environment for prototyping and building web-based applications quickly and easily - Etc, You name it! With the provided application API and SDK, AntOS facilitates the development and deployment of user-specific applications inside the VDE environment ![https://github.com/lxsang/antos/raw/master/antos-shot.png](https://github.com/lxsang/antos/raw/master/antos-shot.png) Github: [https://github.com/lxsang/antos](https://github.com/lxsang/antos) ## Demo A demo of the VDE is available at [https://app.iohub.dev/antos/](https://app.iohub.dev/antos/) using username: demo and password: demo. If one want to run AntOS VDE locally in their system, a docker image is available at: [https://github.com/lxsang/antosaio](https://github.com/lxsang/antosaio) ## AntOS applications (Available on the MarketPlace) [https://github.com/lxsang/antosdk-apps](https://github.com/lxsang/antosdk-apps) ## Documentation - Documentation: [https://doc.iohub.dev/antos](https://doc.iohub.dev/antos) - API: [https://doc.iohub.dev/antos/api/](https://doc.iohub.dev/antos/api/) ## Change logs * v.2.0.0 - Work In Progress: The UI is redesigned to support mobile device * V1.2.1 - 9b5da17 - App name now can differ from pkgname - b381294 - fix: fix icon display problem when application is installed, remove all related settings when an application is uinstalled - b6c90e5 - update image path in readme - 14b72ef - Fix dragndrop bug on Fileview (grid mod) - c96919e - fix: correct jenkins build demo stage - 1cf7181 - Fix fileview status incorrect, add more build stage to Jenkinsfile - 255f9dc - update readme file, and include it to delivery - d08b33a - fix ar generation problem: with new version format - da5bbda - Allow to set version number and build ID to the current Antos build - 699c697 - update login form style - 2fd4bb5 - Bug fix + improvement - 6cbb463 - Fileview: list view display modified date instead of mime - f7081ae - Include current Antos version to login screen - 5d17c42 - Makefile read current version from gcode - 583a0c0 - update version number in code - c0603cd - Minor style fixes on menus and dropdown list - 8b029c2 - fix minor visual bug on grid view, list view and tree view - 86bcaf9 - visual bug fix on label: inline block by default - 61de957 - Visual improvements - 52af4b6 - fix visualize bug after style changes - e63cae1 - style improvement on Label, FileView, GridView, system menu and app Panel - f97a45b - Add more control to mem file + bug fix on File - fdcc5ce - allow to create memory-based temporal VFS file system - 81d78aa - robusify VFS mem file handling - d109d6a - fix: file name display inconsitent between views - c26e27d - Fix multiple dialogs focus bug - 8b23ebe - Loading animation is now based on the current context (global or application context) - 2cdd8f9 - support dnd and grid sort - 079af3b - fix type conversion error in gridview tag - a6d725e - User a custom tag to manage the desktop instead of GUI - 0624f42 - API improvement & bug fix: - subscribed global event doesnt unsubcribed when process is killed - process killall API doesnt work as expected - improve core API - 3a24df1 - update announcement system - e345a61 - update bootstrap icons to v.1.7.1 - b3d38cc - allow multiple files upload in single request - 66e96cc - update VFS API - 86a94a8 - update GUI API - 27ac7c0 - Minor bug fix on desktop handling - 99e0d02 - enable setting blur overlay window - 52709d5 - improve Window GUI API - 9c06d88 - AntOS load automatically custom VFS handles if available - c23cb1b - Improve core API: - improve OS exit API - improve VFS API * V.1.2.0 Improvement GUI API - [x] File dialog should remember last opened folder - [x] Add dynamic key-value dialog that work on any object - [x] Window list panel should show window title in tooltip when mouse hovering on application icon - [x] Allow pinning application to system panel - [x] Improvement application list in market place - [x] Allow triplet keyboard shortcut in GUI - [x] CodePad allows setting shortcut in CommandPalette commands - [ ] Improvement multi-window application support - [x] CodePad should have recent menu entry that remember top n file opened - [x] Improve File application grid view - [x] Label text should be selectable - [x] switch window using shortcut - [x] Loading bar animation on system pannel - [x] Multiple file upload support - [x] Generic key-value dialog - [x] Add bootstrap font support for icons - [x] Class applications by categories in start menu - [x] Support vertical and horizontal resize window * Market place now classifies application by categories * CodePad is no longer default system application, it has been moved to MarketPlace * More applications added to MarketPlace * Antos SDK - SDK is no longer included in base Antos release, it can be installed via MarketPlace - The SDK now has a generic API that can be used in different development tasks other than AntOS application - Heavy SDK tasks are now offloaded to workers - Introduce new JSON based syntax for SDK task/target definition * From this version, docker image of All-in-one AntOS system is available at: [https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio](https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio) ## Licence Copyright 2017-2022 Xuan Sang LE AnTOS is is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . **For comercial use, please contact author**