mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 17:32:47 +01:00
app launcher
This commit is contained in:
@ -191,6 +191,31 @@ class YesNoDialog extends BasicDialog
this.OS.register "YesNoDialog", YesNoDialog
class SelectionDialog extends BasicDialog
constructor: () ->
super "SelectionDialog", {
tag: "afx-list-view",
att: "",
width: 250,
height: 300,
resizable: false,
buttons: [
label: "Ok", onclick: (d) ->
el = d.find "content"
it = el.get "selected"
return unless it
d.handler it if d.handler
{ label: "Cancel", onclick: (d) -> d.quit() }
filldata: (d) ->
return unless d.data
(d.find "content").set "items", d.data
this.OS.register "SelectionDialog", SelectionDialog
class AboutDialog extends BaseDialog
constructor: () ->
super "AboutDialog"
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ class BaseModel
constructor: (@name, @args) ->
@observable = riot.observable()
@_api = self.OS.API
@_gui = self.OS.GUI
me = @
@on "exit", () -> me.quit()
@host = "#desktop"
@host = "#workingenv"
@dialog = undefined
render: (p) ->
@ -35,10 +36,10 @@ class BaseModel
if @dialog
if not _GUI.dialog[d]
if not _GUI.dialogs[d]
@error "Dialog #{d} not found"
@dialog = new _GUI.dialog[d]()
@dialog = new _GUI.dialogs[d]()
@dialog.parent = @
@dialog.handler = f
@dialog.pid = @pid
@ -117,5 +117,5 @@ self.OS.API =
catch e
err = e
return "" if not err
return err.stack
return err
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ self.OS or=
user: {}
applications: {}
desktop: {}
appearance: {}
observable: riot.observable()
@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ self.OS or=
_courrier.ostrigger "fail", { m: m, e: e, s: s }
oserror: (m, e, s) ->
_courrier.ostrigger "error", { m: m, e: e, s: s }
osinfo: (m) ->
_courrier.ostrigger "info", { m: m, e: null, s: null }
ostrigger: (e, d) ->
_courrier.trigger e, { id: 0, data: d, name: "OS" }
unregister: (app) ->
@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ self.OS or=
_courrier.quota += 1
register: (name, x) ->
if x.type is 3 then self.OS.GUI.dialog[name] = x else _OS.APP[name] = x
if x.type is 3 then self.OS.GUI.dialogs[name] = x else _OS.APP[name] = x
pidalloc: 0
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
self.OS.GUI =
dialog: new Object()
dialogs: new Object()
dialog: undefined
htmlToScheme: (html, app, parent) ->
scheme = $.parseHTML html
($ parent).append scheme
@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ self.OS.GUI =
$ "head link#ostheme"
.attr "href", ""
loadTheme: (name) ->
loadTheme: (name, force) ->
_GUI.clearTheme() if force
path = "resources/themes/#{name}/#{name}.css"
$ "head link#ostheme"
.attr "href", path
@ -31,6 +33,21 @@ self.OS.GUI =
srvs.splice 0, 1
f i for i in srvs
openDialog: (d, f, title, data) ->
if _GUI.dialog
if not _GUI.dialogs[d]
ex = _API.throwe "Dialog"
return _courrier.oserror "Dialog #{d} not found", ex, null
_GUI.dialog = new _GUI.dialogs[d]()
_GUI.dialog.parent = _GUI
_GUI.dialog.handler = f
_GUI.dialog.pid = -1
_GUI.dialog.data = data
_GUI.dialog.title = title
pushService: (ph) ->
arr = ph.split "/"
srv = arr[1]
@ -43,6 +60,32 @@ self.OS.GUI =
_courrier.trigger "srvroutineready", srv
_courrier.osfail "Cannot read service script: #{srv} ", e, s
appsByMime: (mime) ->
metas = ( a.meta for k, a of _OS.APP when a.type is 1)
mimes = ( m.mimes for m in metas )
apps = []
# search app by mimes
f = ( arr, idx ) ->
arr.filter (m, i) ->
if mime.match (new RegExp m, "g")
apps.push metas[idx]
return false
return false
f m, i for m, i in mimes
return apps
openWith: (it) ->
return unless it
console.log "open #{it.path}"
apps = _GUI.appsByMime ( if it.type is "dir" then "dir" else it.mime )
return OS.info "No application available to open #{it.filename}" if apps.length is 0
return _GUI.launch apps[0].app, [it.path] if apps.length is 1
list = ( { text: e.app, icon: e.icon, iconclass: e.iconclass } for e in apps )
_GUI.openDialog "SelectionDialog", ( d ) ->
_GUI.launch d.text, [it.path]
, "Open width", list
forceLaunch: (app, args) ->
console.log "This method is used for developing only, please use the launch method instead"
_PM.killAll app
@ -129,19 +172,71 @@ self.OS.GUI =
return null unless x
scheme = $.parseHTML x
($ "#wrapper").append scheme
# system menu and dock
riot.mount ($ "#syspanel", $ "#wrapper")
riot.mount ($ "#sysdock", $ "#wrapper"), { items: [] }
# context menu
riot.mount ($ "#contextmenu")
($ "#workspace").contextmenu (e) -> _GUI.bindContextMenu e
desktop = ($ "#desktop")
desktop.on "click", (e) ->
return if e.target isnt desktop.get(0)
($ "#sysdock").get(0).set "selectedApp", null
desktop.get(0).contextmenuHandler = (e, m) ->
console.log "context menu handler for desktop"
# system menu
riot.mount ($ "#syspanel", $ "#wrapper")
riot.mount ($ "#sysdock", $ "#wrapper"), { items: [] }
# desktop default file manager
desktop = $ "#desktop"
desktop[0].fetch = () ->
fp = _OS.setting.desktop.path.asFileHandler()
fn = () ->
fp.read (d) ->
return _courrier.osfail d.error, (_API.throwe "OS.VFS"), d.error if d.error
items = []
$.each d.result, (i, v) ->
return if v.filename[0] is '.' and not _OS.setting.desktop.showhidden
v.text = v.filename
#v.text = v.text.substring(0,9) + "..." ifv.text.length > 10
v.iconclass = v.type
desktop[0].set "items", items
fp.onready () ->
, ( e ) -> # try to create the path
console.log "#{fp.path} not found"
name = fp.basename
fp.parent().asFileHandler().mk name, (r) ->
ex = _API.throwe "OS.VFS"
if r.error then _courrier.osfail d.error, ex, d.error else fn()
desktop[0].ready = (e) ->
e.observable = _courrier
window.onresize = () ->
_courrier.trigger "desktopresize"
desktop[0].set "onlistselect", (d) ->
($ "#sysdock").get(0).set "selectedApp", null
desktop[0].set "onlistdbclick", ( d ) ->
($ "#sysdock").get(0).set "selectedApp", null
it = desktop[0].get "selected"
_GUI.openWith it
($ "#workingenv").on "click", (e) ->
desktop[0].set "selected", -1
desktop.on "click", (e) ->
($ "#sysdock").get(0).set "selectedApp", null
desktop[0].set "selected", -1 if e.target is desktop[0]
console.log "desktop clicked"
desktop[0].contextmenuHandler = (e, m) ->
desktop[0].set "selected", -1 if e.target is desktop[0]
console.log "context menu handler for desktop"
_courrier.trigger "desktoploaded"
# mount it
riot.mount desktop
, (e, s) ->
alert "System fall: Cannot init desktop manager"
@ -161,16 +256,25 @@ self.OS.GUI =
alert "System fall: Cannot init login screen"
startAntOS: (conf) ->
# clean up things
# get setting from conf
_OS.setting.desktop = conf.desktop if conf.desktop
_OS.setting.applications = conf.applications if conf.applications
_OS.setting.appearance = conf.appearance if conf.appearance
_OS.setting.user = conf.user
# get setting from conf
# load packages list
_OS.setting.desktop.path = "home:///.desktop" unless _OS.setting.desktop.path
# load theme
# initDM
_GUI.loadTheme "antos"
# initDM
_courrier.observable.one "syspanelloaded", () ->
#_GUI.loadApp "CoreServices", (a) ->
_GUI.pushServices ["CoreServices/PushNotification", "CoreServices/Spotlight", "CoreServices/Calendar"]
# TODO load packages list then build system menu
# push startup services
# TODO: get services list from user setting
_GUI.pushServices ["CoreServices/PushNotification", "CoreServices/Spotlight", "CoreServices/Calendar"]
# startup application here
_courrier.observable.one "desktoploaded", () ->
_GUI.launch "Files"
_GUI.launch "NotePad"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<!--div class = "afx-clear"></div-->
<div id = "workspace">
<afx-apps-dock id="sysdock"></afx-apps-dock>
<div id = "desktop">
<afx-float-list id = "desktop" ></afx-float-list>
<div id = "workingenv"></div>
<afx-menu id="contextmenu" context="true" style="display:none;"></afx-menu>
@ -50,8 +50,10 @@
this.on('mount', function() {
var left,top
left = 20 + Math.floor(Math.random() * ($("#desktop").width() - width))
top = 20 + Math.floor(Math.random() * ($("#desktop").height() - height))
//left = 20 + Math.floor(Math.random() * ($("#desktop").width() - width))
//top = 20 + Math.floor(Math.random() * ($("#desktop").height() - height))
left = ($("#desktop").width() - width)/2
top = ($("#desktop").height() - height)/2
.css("left",left + "px")
@ -1,8 +1,176 @@
<afx-float-list ref = "container">
<div each={item,i in items } class={float_list_item:true, float_list_item_selected: parent._autoselect(item,i)} ondblclick = {parent._dbclick} onmousedown = {parent._select} oncontextmenu = {parent._select}>
<afx-label color = {item.color} iconclass = {item.iconclass} icon = {item.icon} text = {item.text}></afx-label>
this.items = opts.items || []
var self = this
self.selidx = -1
self.onlistselect = opts.onlistselect
self.onlistdbclick = opts.onlistdbclick
self.fetch = undefined
this.root.observable = opts.observable || riot.observable()
this.rid = $(self.root).attr("data-id") || Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) + 1
self.dir = opts.dir || "horizontal"
self.root.set = function(k,v)
if(k == "selected")
if(self.selidx != -1)
self.items[self.selidx].selected =false
if(self.items[v]) self.items[v].selected = true
else if(k == "*")
for(var i in v)
self[i] = v[i]
self[k] = v
self.root.get = function(k)
if(k == "selected")
if(self.selidx == -1)
return undefined
return self.items[self.selidx]
return self[k]
self.root.push = function(e,u)
if(u) self.update()
self.root.unshift = function(e,u)
if(u) self.update()
self.root.remove = function(e,u)
var i = self.items.indexOf(e)
if(i >= 0)
if(self.selidx != -1)
self.items[self.selidx].selected =false
self.selidx = -1
self.items.splice(i, 1)
self.root.refresh = function()
this.on("mount", function(){
// now refresh the list
var _refresh = function()
var ctop = 20
var cleft = 20
var gw = $(self.refs.container).width()
var gh = $(self.refs.container).height()
var w = $(this).width()
var h = $(this).height()
$(this).css("top", ctop + "px").css("left", cleft + "px")
if(self.dir == "horizontal")
ctop += h + 20
if(ctop > gh)
ctop = 20
cleft += w + 20
cleft += w + 20
if(cleft > gw )
cleft = 20
ctop += h + 20
var _enable_drag = function(el)
var globalof = $(self.refs.container).offset()
.on("mousedown", function(e){
offset = el.offset()
offset.top = e.clientY - offset.top
offset.left = e.clientX - offset.left
$(window).on("mousemove", function(e){
var top,left
top = e.clientY - offset.top - globalof.top
left = e.clientX - globalof.top - offset.left
left = left < 0?0:left
top = top < 0?0:top
el.css("top", top +"px").css("left",left + "px")
$(window).on("mouseup", function(e){
//console.log("unbind mouse up")
$(window).unbind("mousemove", null)
if(!it.selected || it.selected == false) return false
var data = {
//if(self.selidx != -1)
// self.items[self.selidx].selected =false
self.selidx = i
return true
if(self.selidx != -1 && self.selidx < self.items.length)
self.items[self.selidx].selected =false
event.item.item.selected = true
data = {
idx: event.item.i}
self.root.observable.trigger('listdbclick', data)
@ -35,7 +35,10 @@
self.root.get = function(k)
if(k == "selected")
return self.items[self.selidx]
if(self.selidx != -1)
return self.items[self.selidx]
return undefined
return self[k]
self.root.push = function(e,u)
@ -39,12 +39,13 @@ class BasicFileHandler
return @ if @isRoot()
return (@protocol + ":///" + (@genealogy.slice 0 , @genealogy.length - 1).join "/")
onready: (f) ->
onready: (f, err) ->
# read meta data
return f() if @ready
me = @
me.meta (d) ->
return _courrier.osfail d.error, (_API.throwe "OS.VFS"), d.error if d.error
if d.error
return if err then err d else _courrier.osfail d.error, (_API.throwe "OS.VFS"), d.error
me.meta = d.result
me.ready = true
@ -27,11 +27,12 @@ class PushNotification extends this.OS.GUI.BaseService
@nzone = @find "notifyzone"
@fzone = @find "feedzone"
(@find "btclear").set "onbtclick", (e) -> me.mlist.set "items", []
#mlist.set "onlistselect", (e) -> console.log e
@subscribe "fail", (e) -> console.log e
@subscribe "notification", (o) -> me.pushout 'INFO', o
@subscribe "fail", (o) -> me.pushout 'FAIL', o
@subscribe "error", (o) -> me.pushout 'ERROR', o
@subscribe "info", (o) -> me.pushout 'INFO', o
@subscribe "loading", (o) ->
me.pending.push o.id
me.spin true
@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ class PushNotification extends this.OS.GUI.BaseService
icon: o.data.icon,
iconclass: o.data.iconclass,
closable: true }
console.log o.data.s
console.log o.data.e
@mlist.unshift d, true
@notifeed d
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class Files extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@view = @find "fileview"
@navinput = @find "navinput"
@navbar = @find "nav-bar"
@currdir = undefined
@currdir = if @args and @args.length > 0 then @args[0].asFileHandler() else "home:///".asFileHandler()
@favo = @find "favouri"
@clipboard = undefined
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ class Files extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
#@on "fileselect", (d) -> console.log d
@on "filedbclick", (e) ->
#if e.data.type is 'dir' then me.chdir e.data.path, true
return unless e.data
return if e.data.type is "dir"
me._gui.openWith e.data
@favo.set "onlistselect", (e) -> me.chdir e.data.path
($ @find "btback").click () ->
@ -38,15 +40,17 @@ class Files extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@setting.favorite = [
{ text: "Applications", path: 'app:///', iconclass: "fa fa-adn" },
{ text: "Home", path: 'home:///', iconclass: "fa fa-home", selected: true },
{ text: "Home", path: 'home:///', iconclass: "fa fa-home" },
{ text: "OS", path: 'os:///', iconclass: "fa fa-inbox" },
{ text: "Desktop", path: 'home:///.desktop', iconclass: "fa fa-desktop" },
] if not @setting.favorite
@setting.sidebar = true if @setting.sidebar is undefined
@setting.nav = true if @setting.nav is undefined
@setting.showhidden = false if @setting.showhidden is undefined
@favo.set "items", @setting.favorite
@favo.set "items", $.extend true, {}, @setting.favorite
@chdir null
applySetting: (k) ->
# view setting
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
"iconclass":"fa fa-hdd-o",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class NotePad extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
constructor: (args) ->
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "NotePad", args
main: () ->
me = @
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ class NotePad extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@fileview = @find "fileview"
div = @find "datarea"
ace.require "ace/ext/language_tools"
@currfile = if @args and @args.length > 0 then @args[0].asFileHandler() else undefined
@.editor = ace.edit div
@.editor.setOptions {
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class NotePad extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
enableLiveAutocompletion: true,
fontSize: "9pt"
@.editor.completers.push {getCompletions:(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback)->}
@.editor.completers.push { getCompletions: ( editor, session, pos, prefix, callback ) -> }
@.editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode true
list = @find "modelist"
@ -64,11 +65,20 @@ class NotePad extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@location.set "onlistselect", (e) -> me.chdir e.data.path
@location.set "items", [
{ text: "Home", path: 'home:///', iconclass:"fa fa-home", selected:true},
{ text: "OS", path: 'os:///', iconclass:"fa fa-inbox" },
{ text: "Home", path: 'home:///', iconclass: "fa fa-home", selected: true },
{ text: "OS", path: 'os:///', iconclass: "fa fa-inbox" },
{ text: "Desktop", path: 'home:///.desktop', iconclass: "fa fa-desktop" },
@open @currfile if @currfile
open: (file) ->
me = @
file.read (d) ->
return unless d
me.scheme.set "apptitle", file.basename
me.editor.setValue d, -1
chdir: (p) ->
me = @
me._api.handler.scandir p,
@ -82,10 +92,10 @@ class NotePad extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
menu: ()->
menu = [{
{text:"Open", dataid:"#{@name}-Open"},
{text:"Close", dataid:"#{@name}-Close"}
text: "File",
child: [
{ text: "Open", dataid: "#{@name}-Open" },
{ text: "Close", dataid: "#{@name}-Close" }
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
"iconclass":"fa fa-pencil-square-o",
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class wTerm extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
@socket.onmessage = (e) -> me.term.write e.data if me.term and e.data
@socket.onclose = () ->
me.socket = null
console.log "socket closed"
#el.style.display = "block"
cleanup: (e)->
@ -42,6 +42,48 @@ html,body{
cursor: default;
#desktop > div.float_list_item {
text-align: center;
width: 70px;
color: white;
#desktop > div.float_list_item_selected {
background-color: #116cd6;
border-radius: 6px;
text-align: center;
width: 70px;
color: white;
#desktop > div.float_list_item i.file:before{
content: "\f15b\a";
font-family: "FontAwesome";
font-size: 32px;
display: block;
color: white;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
#desktop > div.float_list_item span{
width: 100%;
word-wrap: break-word;
#desktop > div.float_list_item i.dir:before{
display: block;
content: "\f07b\a";
font-family: "FontAwesome";
font-size: 32px;
color: #76D2F9;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
input {
outline: none;
padding: 2px;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user