diff --git a/src/core/languages/vi_VN.json b/src/core/languages/vi_VN.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da8afe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/languages/vi_VN.json @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +{ + "About":"Thông tin", + "About: {0}":"Thông tin: {0}", + "Add category":"Thêm danh mục", + "Add repository":"Thêm kho ứng dụng", + "Address":"Địa chỉ", + "Alive (ms)":"Hoạt động (ms)", + "Application installed":"Ứng dụng đã được cà đặt", + "Application {0} is not executable":"Ứng dụng {0} không thực thi được", + "Application":"Ứng dụng", + "Applications":"Các ứng dụng", + "Authentication":"Xác thực", + "Cancel":"Huỷ", + "Cannot Edit category":"Không thể sửa danh mục", + "Cannot add new category":"Không thể tạo mới danh mục", + "Cannot create {0}":"Không thể tạo {0}", + "Cannot delete all content of: {0} [{1}]":"Không thể xoá hết nội dung của: {0} [{1}]", + "Cannot delete the category: {0} [{1}]":"Không thể xoá danh mục: {0} [{1}]", + "Cannot delete the section: {0}":"Không thể xoá mục: {0}", + "Cannot delete: {0}":"Không thể xoá: {0}", + "Cannot down load the app {0}":"Không thể tải xuống ứng dụng {0}", + "Cannot export file for embedding to text":"Không thể xuất bản file để chèn vào text", + "Cannot fetch CV categories":"Không thể lấy danh mục CV", + "Cannot fetch the entry content":"Không thể truy vấn nội dung của mục", + "Cannot fetch user data":"Không thể truy vấn thông tin người dùng", + "Cannot install {0}":"Không thể cài đặt {0}", + "Cannot load 3rd library at: {0}":"Không thể tải về thư viện bên thứ 3: {0}", + "Cannot move section":"Không thể di chuyển mục", + "Cannot read service script: {0}":"Không thể tải về script của dịch vụ: {0}", + "Cannot render the PDF file":"Không thể hiển thị file PDF", + "Cannot save blog: {0}":"Không thể lưu blog: {0}", + "Cannot save section: {0}":"Không thể lưu mục: {0}", + "Cannot save system setting":"Không thể lưu cài đặt hệ thống", + "Cannot save user data":"Không thể lưu thông tin người dùng", + "Cannot share file: {0}":"Không thể chia sẻ file: {0}", + "Cannot uninstall package: {0}":"Không thể gỡ cài đặt ứng dụng: {0}", + "Categories":"Các danh mục", + "Clear all":"Xoá tất cả", + "Close tab":"Đóng tab", + "Close without saving ?":"Đóng không cần lưu ?", + "Close":"Đóng", + "Copy not yet implemented":"Chức năng copy chưa được cài đặt", + "Copy":"Copy", + "Created: {0}":"Tạo: {0}", + "Cut":"Cắt", + "Delete a post":"Delete a post", + "Delete category":"Delete category", + "Delete section":"Delete section", + "Delete":"Delete", + "Desktop":"Desktop", + "Dialog {0} not found":"Dialog {0} not found", + "Do you really want to delete this post ?":"Do you really want to delete this post ?", + "Do you really want to delete: {0}?":"Do you really want to delete: {0}?", + "Download":"Download", + "Edit category":"Edit category", + "Edit repository":"Edit repository", + "Edit":"Edit", + "Email":"Email", + "Error find app by mimes {0}":"Error find app by mimes {0}", + "Error reading package meta data: {0}":"Error reading package meta data: {0}", + "Error saving file {0}":"Error saving file {0}", + "Exit":"Exit", + "Fail to create directory: {0}":"Fail to create directory: {0}", + "Fail to create {0}: {1}":"Fail to create {0}: {1}", + "Fail to delete {0}: {1}":"Fail to delete {0}: {1}", + "Fail to delete: {0}":"Fail to delete: {0}", + "Fail to fetch packages list from: {0}":"Fail to fetch packages list from: {0}", + "Fail to get file meta data: {0}":"Fail to get file meta data: {0}", + "Fail to make request: {0}":"Fail to make request: {0}", + "Fail to move file: {0} -> {1}":"Fail to move file: {0} -> {1}", + "Fail to paste: {0}":"Fail to paste: {0}", + "Fail to publish file: {0}":"Fail to publish file: {0}", + "Fail to query data from database: {0}":"Fail to query data from database: {0}", + "Fail to read file: {0}":"Fail to read file: {0}", + "Fail to rename to {0}: {1}":"Fail to rename to {0}: {1}", + "Fail to scan directory: {0}":"Fail to scan directory: {0}", + "Fail to upload file to: {0}":"Fail to upload file to: {0}", + "Fail to upload to {0}: {1}":"Fail to upload to {0}: {1}", + "Fail to write to file: {0}":"Fail to write to file: {0}", + "Fail to {0} package":"Fail to {0} package", + "File name":"File name", + "File not found {0}":"File not found {0}", + "File {0} copied":"File {0} copied", + "File {0} cut":"File {0} cut", + "File":"File", + "Folder name":"Folder name", + "Format : [name] url":"Format : [name] url", + "Found {0} sections":"Found {0} sections", + "From":"From", + "Full name must be entered":"Full name must be entered", + "Full name":"Full name", + "Google Drive":"Google Drive", + "Hidden files":"Hidden files", + "Home":"Home", + "Icon view":"Icon view", + "Ignore all {0} unsaved files ?":"Ignore all {0} unsaved files ?", + "Install":"Install", + "Invalid package: Meta data file not found":"Invalid package: Meta data file not found", + "Kill process":"Kill process", + "Language file {0} not found":"Language file {0} not found", + "Launch":"Launch", + "List view":"List view", + "Location":"Location", + "Log out":"Log out", + "Logout":"Logout", + "Mime type {0} is not supported":"Mime type {0} is not supported", + "Modify section entry":"Modify section entry", + "Move to":"Move to", + "Name":"Name", + "Navigation bar":"Navigation bar", + "New file":"New file", + "New folder":"New folder", + "New section entry for {0}":"New section entry for {0}", + "New":"New", + "No application available to open {0}":"No application available to open {0}", + "No post found: {0}":"No post found: {0}", + "No":"No", + "OS":"OS", + "Ok":"Ok", + "Only {0} could be selected":"Only {0} could be selected", + "Open file":"Open file", + "Open with":"Open with", + "Open":"Open", + "Options":"Options", + "Package uninstalled":"Package uninstalled", + "Parent can not be the category itself":"Parent can not be the category itself", + "Paste":"Paste", + "Phone":"Phone", + "Pid":"Pid", + "Please enter category name":"Please enter category name", + "Please enter tags":"Please enter tags", + "Please insert a title in the text: beginning with heading":"Please insert a title in the text: beginning with heading", + "Please select a category":"Please select a category", + "Please select a date":"Please select a date", + "Please select a file":"Please select a file", + "Please select a parent category":"Please select a parent category", + "Please select a section to edit":"Please select a section to edit", + "Please select a section to move":"Please select a section to move", + "Preview":"Preview", + "Properties":"Properties", + "Quit without saving ?":"Quit without saving ?", + "Quit":"Quit", + "Read more":"Read more", + "Refresh":"Refresh", + "Rename":"Rename", + "Repositories":"Repositories", + "Resource not found {0}":"Resource not found {0}", + "Resource not found: {0}":"Resource not found: {0}", + "Row {0}, col {1}, lines: {2}":"Row {0}, col {1}, lines: {2}", + "Save as":"Save as", + "Save":"Save", + "Section list is empty, please add one":"Section list is empty, please add one", + "Select image file":"Select image file", + "Service":"Service", + "Share file":"Share file", + "Shared url: {0}":"Shared url: {0}", + "Shared":"Shared", + "Short biblio":"Short biblio", + "Sidebar":"Sidebar", + "Subtitle":"Subtitle", + "System fail: Cannot init desktop manager":"System fail: Cannot init desktop manager", + "System fail: Cannot init login screen":"System fail: Cannot init login screen", + "Tags":"Tags", + "This feature is not implemented yet":"This feature is not implemented yet", + "Title or content must not be blank":"Title or content must not be blank", + "Title":"Title", + "Toggle Full screen":"Toggle Full screen", + "Tree view":"Tree view", + "Type":"Type", + "Uninstall : {0}?":"Uninstall : {0}?", + "Uninstall":"Uninstall", + "Unknown API setting for {0}":"Unknown API setting for {0}", + "Updated: {0}":"Updated: {0}", + "Upload":"Upload", + "Url":"Url", + "User abort the authentication":"User abort the authentication", + "User data updated":"User data updated", + "VDB Unknown condition for delete command":"VDB Unknown condition for delete command", + "VFS Cannot encode file: {0}":"VFS Cannot encode file: {0}", + "VFS cannot create : {0}":"VFS cannot create : {0}", + "VFS cannot delete : {0}":"VFS cannot delete : {0}", + "VFS cannot download file : {0}":"VFS cannot download file : {0}", + "VFS cannot get meta data for {0}":"VFS cannot get meta data for {0}", + "VFS cannot init {0}: {1}":"VFS cannot init {0}: {1}", + "VFS cannot move : {0}":"VFS cannot move : {0}", + "VFS cannot read : {0}":"VFS cannot read : {0}", + "VFS cannot save : {0}":"VFS cannot save : {0}", + "VFS cannot write : {0}":"VFS cannot write : {0}", + "VFS unknown action: {0}":"VFS unknown action: {0}", + "VFS unknown handler: {0}":"VFS unknown handler: {0}", + "View":"View", + "Would you like to login to {0}?":"Would you like to login to {0}?", + "Wrong format: it should be [name] url":"Wrong format: it should be [name] url", + "Yes":"Yes", + "{0} is not a directory":"{0} is not a directory" +}