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#define the OS object
self = this
self.OS or=
API: new Object()
GUI: new Object()
APP: new Object()
observable: riot.observable()
listeners: new Object
on: (e, f, a) ->
_courrier.listeners[a.pid] = [] unless _courrier.listeners[a.pid]
_courrier.listeners[a.pid].push { e: e, f: f }
_courrier.observable.on e, f
trigger: (e, d) -> _courrier.observable.trigger e, d
unregister: (app) ->
return unless _courrier.listeners[app.pid] and _courrier.listeners[app.pid].length > 0
_courrier.observable.off i.e, i.f for i in _courrier.listeners[app.pid]
delete _courrier.listeners[app.pid]
_courrier.listeners[app.pid] = []
register: (name, x) -> _APP[name] = x
pidalloc: 0
processes: new Object
createProcess: (app, cls) ->
#if it is single ton
# and a process is existing
# just return it
if cls.singleton and _PM.processes[app] and _PM.processes[app].length == 1
_PM.processes[app] = [] if not _PM.processes[app]
obj = new cls
obj.birth = (new Date).getTime()
obj.pid = _PM.pidalloc
_PM.processes[app].push obj
if cls.type is 1 then _GUI.dock obj, cls.meta else _GUI.attachservice obj
if cls.type is 2
_courrier.trigger "srvroutineready", app
appByPid: (pid) ->
app = undefined
find = (l) ->
return a for a in l when a.pid is pid
for k, v of _PM.processes
app = find v
break if app
kill: (app) ->
return if not _PM.processes[app.name]
i = _PM.processes[app.name].indexOf app
if i >= 0
if _APP[app.name].type == 1 then _GUI.undock app else _GUI.detachservice app
_courrier.unregister app
delete _PM.processes[app.name][i]
_PM.processes[app.name].splice i, 1
boot: ->
#first load the configuration
#then load the theme
_GUI = self.OS.GUI
_GUI.loadTheme "antos"
_courrier.observable.one "syspanelloaded", () ->
_GUI.pushServices ["PushNotification", "Spotlight", "Calendar"]