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2017-08-24 01:53:13 +02:00
class BaseDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseModel
constructor: (name) ->
super name
@parent = undefined
@modal = false
@handler = undefined
quit: () ->
evt = new _GUI.BaseEvent("exit")
if not evt.prevent
delete @.observable
@parent.dialog = undefined if @parent
($ @scheme).remove() if @scheme
@dialog.quit() if @dialog
meta: () ->
show: () ->
@trigger 'focus'
($ @scheme).css "z-index", window._zindex+2
hide: () ->
@trigger 'hide'
BaseDialog.type = 3
this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog = BaseDialog
this dialog rende a tag as main content
and a list of buttons, the behaviour of
the button is specified by user. The conf
object is in the follow form
tag: <tag_name>,
label: 'buton label',
onclick: function(d){...}
}, ...
class BasicDialog extends BaseDialog
constructor: ( name, @conf ) ->
super name
html = "<afx-app-window data-id = 'dia-window' apptitle='#{name}' width='#{@conf.width}' height='#{@conf.height}'>
html += "<#{@conf.tag} data-id = 'content'></#{@conf.tag}>"
html += "<div data-height = '40' style='padding:5px; text-align:right;'>"
html += "<afx-button data-id = 'bt#{k}' text = '#{v.label}' style='margin-left:5px;'></afx-button>" for k,v of @conf.buttons
html += "</div></afx-hbox></afx-app-window>"
#render the html
_GUI.htmlToScheme html, @, @host
main: () ->
@scheme.set "minimizable", false
me = @
f = (_v) -> () -> _v.onclick me
# bind action to button
( (me.find "bt#{k}").set "onbtclick", f(v) ) for k, v of @conf.buttons
this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog = BasicDialog
class CalendarDialog extends BasicDialog
constructor: () ->
super "CalendarDialog", {
tag: 'afx-calendar-view',
width: 300,
height: 220,
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
onclick: (d) ->
date = (d.find "content").get "selectedDate"
if date
d.handler date if d.handler
d.notify "Please select a date"
label: 'Cancel',
onclick: (d) -> d.quit()
this.OS.register "CalendarDialog", CalendarDialog