local packages={} local vfs = require("vfs") local uid = ulib.uid(SESSION.user) packages._cache = function(y) local p = vfs.ospath(y) local f = io.open(p.."/packages.json", "w") local has_cache = false local i = 1 local meta = {} if f then local files = vfs.readDir(y) for k,v in pairs(files) do if v.type == "dir" then local f1 = io.open(vfs.ospath(v.path.."/package.json")) if f1 then local name = utils.basename(v.path) local mt = JSON.decodeString(f1:read("*all")) mt.path = v.path meta[i] ='"'..name..'":'..JSON.encode(mt) i = i+1 f1:close() has_cache = true; end end end f:write(table.concat(meta, ",")) f:close() if has_cache == false then ulib.delete(p.."/packages.json"); end end end -- we will change this later packages.list = function(paths) std.json() std.t("{\"result\" : { ") local first = true --std.f(__ROOT__.."/system/packages.json") for k,v in pairs(paths) do local osp = vfs.ospath(v.."/packages.json") if ulib.exists(osp) == false then packages._cache(v) end if ulib.exists(osp) then if first == false then std.t(",") else first = false end std.f(osp) end end std.t("}, \"error\":false}") end -- generate the packages caches packages.cache = function(args) -- perform a packages caches for x,y in pairs(args.paths) do packages._cache(y) end result(true) end -- install a function from zip file packages.install = function(args) local path = vfs.ospath(args.dest) local zip = vfs.ospath(args.zip) if(ulib.exists(path) == false) then -- create directory if not exist ulib.mkdir(path) -- change permission ulib.chown(path, uid.id, uid.gid) end -- extract the zip file to it if(ulib.unzip(zip, path)) then -- read metadata local meta = JSON.decodeFile(path.."/metadata.json") meta.path = args.dest meta.scope = "user" local f=io.open(path.."/package.json","w") if f then f:write(JSON.encode(meta)) f:close() end result(true) else fail("Problem extracting zip file") end end -- uninstall the package packages.uninstall = function(path) local osf = vfs.ospath(path) if(osf and ulib.exists(osf) ) then --remove it ulib.delete(osf) result(true) else fail("Cannot find package") end end -- set user packages environment packages.init = function(paths) if(paths) then for k,v in pairs(paths) do local p = vfs.ospath(v) if p and (ulib.exists(p) == false) then ulib.mkdir(p) -- change permission ulib.chown(p, uid.id, uid.gid) end end end end return packages