// need to approve all static functions in Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > ScriptApproval def getBranchNames(projectName){ jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(projectName).getAllJobs().each { job -> String name = job.getName(); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antos/' + name, target: 'build/frontend/' + name); } } pipeline{ agent { node{ label'workstation' }} options { // Limit build history with buildDiscarder option: // daysToKeepStr: history is only kept up to this many days. // numToKeepStr: only this many build logs are kept. // artifactDaysToKeepStr: artifacts are only kept up to this many days. // artifactNumToKeepStr: only this many builds have their artifacts kept. buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: "1")) // Enable timestamps in build log console timestamps() // Maximum time to run the whole pipeline before canceling it timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS') // Use Jenkins ANSI Color Plugin for log console ansiColor('xterm') // Limit build concurrency to 1 per branch disableConcurrentBuilds() } stages { stage('Test') { steps { script { getBranchNames("gitea-sync/antos"); } } } stage('Prepare binaries') { steps { sh''' [ -d build ] && rm -rf build mkdir -p build/frontend mkdir -p build/backend ''' copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/ant-http/master', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antd-lua-plugin/master', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antd-tunnel-plugin/master', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antd-wvnc-plugin/master', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antd-tunnel-publishers/master', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'luasocket', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'luasec', target: 'build/backend'); copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antos/*', target: 'build/frontend'); //copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/antd-web-apps/master', target: 'build/backend'); sh''' tree build ''' } } stage('Build AMD64') { steps { sh''' cd $WORKSPACE [ -d build ] || mkdir build for file in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/nightly-antosaio/build/frontend/*; do echo "Building for AMD64 version $tag" ./mkimg.sh amd64 $(basename $file) done ''' } } stage('Build arm64') { steps { sh''' cd $WORKSPACE [ -d build ] || mkdir build for file in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/nightly-antosaio/build/frontend/*; do echo "Building for arm64 version $tag" ./mkimg.sh arm64 $(basename $file) done ''' } } stage('Build arm') { steps { sh''' cd $WORKSPACE [ -d build ] || mkdir build for file in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/nightly-antosaio/build/frontend/*; do echo "Building for arm version $tag" ./mkimg.sh arm $(basename $file) done ''' } } stage('Archive') { steps { script { archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/', fingerprint: true } } } } }