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synced 2025-02-18 16:22:48 +01:00
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92 lines
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class WVNC extends window.classes.BaseObject
constructor: (@args) ->
super "WVNC"
@socket = undefined
@uri = undefined
@uri = @args[0] if @args and @args.length > 0
init: () ->
me = @
.then () ->
.catch (m, s) ->
console.error(m, s)
openSession: () ->
me = @
$("#stop").click (e) -> me.socket.close() if me.socket
@socket.close() if @socket
return unless @uri
@socket = new WebSocket @uri
@socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"
@socket.onopen = () ->
console.log "socket opened"
@socket.onmessage = (e) ->
me.consume e
@socket.onclose = () ->
me.socket = null
console.log "socket closed"
initConnection: () ->
vncserver = "mrsang.local"
@socket.send(@buildCommand 0x01, vncserver)
buildCommand: (hex, o) ->
data = undefined
switch typeof o
when 'string'
data = (new TextEncoder()).encode(o)
data = o
cmd = new Uint8Array data.length + 3
cmd[0] = hex
cmd[2] = data.length >> 8
cmd[1] = data.length & 0x0F
cmd.set data, 3
console.log "the command is", cmd.buffer
return cmd.buffer
consume: (e) ->
data = new Uint8Array e.data
cmd = data[0]
switch cmd
when 0xFE #error
data = data.subarray 1, data.length - 1
dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8")
console.log "Error",dec.decode(data)
when 0x82
console.log "Request for login"
user = "mrsang"
pass = "!x$@n9"
arr = new Uint8Array user.length + pass.length + 1
arr.set (new TextEncoder()).encode(user), 0
arr.set ['\0'], user.length
arr.set (new TextEncoder()).encode(pass), user.length + 1
@socket.send(@buildCommand 0x03, arr)
when 0x83
console.log "resize"
w = data[1] | (data[2]<<8)
h = data[3] | (data[4]<<8)
depth = data[5]
console.log w,h,depth
when 0x84
console.log "update"
x = data[1] | (data[2]<<8)
y = data[3] | (data[4]<<8)
w = data[5] | (data[6]<<8)
h = data[7] | (data[8]<<8)
pixels = data.subarray 9, data.length - 1
console.log x,y,w,h, pixels.length
console.log cmd
WVNC.dependencies = [
makeclass "WVNC", WVNC |