-- the rewrite rule for the framework -- should be something like this -- ^\/apps\/+(.*)$ = /apps/router.lua?r=<1>& -- some global variables function fail(msg) std.json() std.t(JSON.encode({error = msg})) end function result(obj) std.json() std.t(JSON.encode({result = obj, error = false})) end DIR_SEP = "/" WWW_ROOT = __ROOT__ .. "/talk" if HEADER.Host then HTTP_ROOT = "https://" .. HEADER.Host else HTTP_ROOT = "https://talk.iohub.dev" end -- class path: path.to.class BASE_FRW = "" -- class path: path.to.class CONTROLLER_ROOT = BASE_FRW .. "talk.controllers" MODEL_ROOT = BASE_FRW .. "talk.models" -- file path: path/to/file VIEW_ROOT = WWW_ROOT .. DIR_SEP .. "views" LOG_ROOT = WWW_ROOT .. DIR_SEP .. "logs" -- require needed library require(BASE_FRW .. "silk.api") -- registry object store global variables local REGISTRY = {} -- set logging level REGISTRY.logger = Logger:new{ levels = {INFO = false, ERROR = false, DEBUG = false} } REGISTRY.layout = 'default' REGISTRY.fileaccess = true REGISTRY.db = DBHelper:new{db = "quicktalk"} REGISTRY.db:open() local router = Router:new{registry = REGISTRY} REGISTRY.router = router router:setPath(CONTROLLER_ROOT) -- router:route('edit', 'post/edit', "ALL" ) std.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") std.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST") std.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "content-type") -- router:route('default', nil) router:delegate() if REGISTRY.db then REGISTRY.db:close() end