-- create class BaseObject:subclass("BaseController", { registry = {}, models = {}, main = false }) -- set the name here in each subclasses function BaseController:initialize() for k, v in pairs(self.models) do --- infer the class here local modelname = firstToUpper(v).."Model" local path = MODEL_ROOT.."."..modelname -- require it pcall(require, path) --require(controller_path) if not _G[modelname] then self:modelnotfound(v) else -- create new model object self[v] = _G[modelname]:new{registry = self.registry} end end -- create template self.template = Template:new{registry = self.registry} end function BaseController:print(...) return self:actionnotfound("print") end function BaseController:redirect(url) std.status(301, "Moved Permanently") std.custom_header("Content-Type","text/html") std.custom_header("Location", url) std.header_flush() end function BaseController:switchLayout(name) if self.main then self.registry.layout = name else self:log("Cannot switch layout since the controller "..self.class.." is not the main controller") end end function BaseController:setSession(key, value) SESSION[key] = value end function BaseController:getSession(key) return SESSION[key] end function BaseController:removeSession(key) self:setSession(key, nil) end function BaseController:index(...) self:error("#index: subclasses responsibility") end -- not found action function BaseController:actionnotfound(...) local args = {...} self:error("#action "..args[1].." is not found in controller "..self.class) end -- not found model function BaseController:modelnotfound(...) local args = {...} self:error("Model "..firstToUpper(args[1]).."Model is not found in controller "..self.class) end -- The not found controller BaseController:subclass("NotfoundController",{ registry = {}, models = {} }) function NotfoundController:index(...) local args = {...} local error = args[2] or "" if self.template:path() then self.template:set("error", error) self.template:set("title", "404 not found") return true end self:error("404: Controller "..args[1].." not found : "..error) return false end -- The asset controller for the static file BaseController:subclass("AssetController", {registry={}, models={}}) function AssetController:index(...) local args = {...} return self:get(table.unpack(args)) end function AssetController:get(...) local path = WWW_ROOT..DIR_SEP..implode({...}, DIR_SEP) local mime = std.mimeOf(path) if ulib.exists(path) then if POLICY.mimes[mime] then std.header(mime) if std.isBinary(path) then std.fb(path) else std.f(path) end else self:error("Access forbidden: "..path) end else self:error("Asset file not found: "..path) end return false end