#! /bin/bash BRANCH="master" REPO="https://github.com/lxsang/antos.git" DEST="/opt/www/htdocs/os" if [ ! -z $1 ]; then BRANCH="$1" fi echo "Build date: $(date)" echo "Building AntOS using branch $BRANCH..." if [ -d "/tmp/ci" ]; then echo "Clean up /tmp/ci" rm -rf /tmp/ci/* else echo "Creating /tmp/ci" mkdir -p "/tmp/ci" fi cd /tmp/ci || (echo "Unable to change directory to /tmp/ci" && exit 1) echo "Cloning Antos (branch $BRANCH) to /tmp/ci..." git clone -b "$BRANCH" --single-branch --depth=1 "$REPO" npm i @types/jquery cd antos || (echo "Unable to change directory to source code folder" && exit 1) BUILDDIR="$DEST" make release echo "Done!"