BaseController:subclass( "PostController", { registry = {}, models = {"blog", "analytical"} } ) function PostController:index(...) return self:top(table.unpack({...})) end function PostController:top(limit) limit = limit or POST_LIMIT local data, order =, limit) if not data or #order == 0 then return self:notfound("No entry found") end self:list(data, order) return true end function PostController:afterof(id, limit) limit = limit or POST_LIMIT local data, order ={[">"] = {id = id}}, limit, {ctime = "ASC"}) if not data or #order == 0 then return self:notfound("No entry found") end table.sort( order, function(a, b) return a > b end ) self:list(data, order) return true end function PostController:beforeof(id, limit) limit = limit or POST_LIMIT local data, order ={["<"] = {id = id}}, limit) if not data or #order == 0 then return self:notfound("No entry found") end self:list(data, order) return true end -- this is a private function, should not be called by user function PostController:list(data, order) self.template:setView("posts") self.template:set("posts", data) self.template:set("order", order) self.template:set("title", "Blog Home") self.template:set("minid", self.template:set("maxid", return false end function PostController:bytag(b64tag, limit, action, id) local tag = bytes.__tostring(std.b64decode(b64tag .. "==")) local cond = {["LIKE"] = {tags = "%%" .. tag .. "%%"}} local order = nil limit = limit or POST_LIMIT if action == "before" then cond = {["and"] = {cond, {["<"] = {id = id}}}} elseif action == "after" then cond = {["and"] = {cond, {[">"] = {id = id}}}} order = {ctime = "ASC"} end local data, sort =, limit, order) if not data or #sort == 0 then return self:notfound("No entry found") end if (action == "after") then table.sort( sort, function(a, b) return a > b end ) end self.template:set("query", b64tag) self.template:set("action", "bytag") self:list(data, sort) return true end function PostController:id(pid) local data, order ={["="] = {id = pid}}) if not data or #order == 0 then return self:notfound("No post found") end data = data[1] data.rendered = bytes.__tostring(std.b64decode(data.rendered)):gsub("%%", "%%%%") local a, b = data.rendered:find("<[Hh]1[^>]*>") if a then local c, d = data.rendered:find("") if c then self.template:set("title", data.rendered:sub(b + 1, c - 1)) end end -- get similarity post local st_records = self.analytical:similarof( local similar_posts = {} for k, v in pairs(st_records) do similar_posts[k] = {st = v, post =} end self.template:set("post", data) self.template:set("similar_posts", similar_posts) self.template:set("render", true) self.template:set("tags", data.tags) self.template:set("url", HTTP_ROOT .. "/post/id/" .. pid) self.template:setView("detail") return true end function PostController:notfound(...) local args = {...} self.template:set("title", "404 not found") self.template:set("error", args[1]) self.template:setView("notfound") return true end function PostController:actionnotfound(...) local args = {...} return self:notfound("Action [" .. args[1] .. "] not found") end function PostController:analyse(n) if not n then n = 5 end local path = "/home/mrsang/aiws/blog-clustering" local gettext = loadfile(path .. "/gettext.lua")() local cluster = loadfile(path .. "/cluster.lua")() local data = gettext.get({publish = 1}) local documents = {} if data then local sw = gettext.stopwords(path .. "/stopwords.txt") for k, v in pairs(data) do local bag = cluster.bow(data[k].content, sw) documents[data[k].id] = bag end cluster.tfidf(documents) --local v ="arm", documents) --echo(JSON.encode(v)) local vectors, maxv, size = cluster.get_vectors(documents) -- purge the table self.analytical:delete({["="] = {["1"] = 1}}) -- get similarity and put to the table for id, v in pairs(vectors) do local top = cluster.top_similarity(id, vectors, n) for a, b in pairs(top) do local record = {pid = id, sid = a, score = b} self.analytical:create(record) end end self.template:set(message, "Analyse complete") else self.template:set(message, "Cannot analyse") end return true end