BaseController:subclass("DocController") local getpath = function(vfspath, controller) return vfspath:gsub(controller.path_map.vfs_path, controller.path_map.local_path) end local pre_process_md = function(str, obj) local content = str for capture in str:gmatch("(%[%[@book:image:[^\n%]]*%]%])") do local apath = capture:match("%[%[@book:image:([^\n%]]*)%]%]") local pattern = capture:gsub("%[", "%%["):gsub("%]", "%%]"):gsub("%-", "%%-") if apath then apath = apath:gsub(" ", "%%%%20") --print(apath) content = content:gsub(pattern, "![](" .. HTTP_ROOT .. "/" .. .. "/asset/" .. apath .. ")") end end return content end local post_process_md = function(str, obj) local content = str local has_model = false -- 3D model for capture in str:gmatch("(%[%[@book:3dmodel:[^\n%]]*%]%])") do local apath = capture:match("%[%[@book:3dmodel:([^\n%]]*)%]%]") local pattern = capture:gsub("%[", "%%["):gsub("%]", "%%]"):gsub("%-", "%%-") if apath then -- apath = utils.urlencode(apath):gsub("%%", "%%%%") apath = apath:gsub(" ", "%%20") content = content:gsub(pattern, "") has_model = true end end -- Youtube video for capture in str:gmatch("(%[%[youtube:[^\n%]]*%]%])") do local apath = capture:match("%[%[youtube:([^\n%]]*)%]%]") local pattern = capture:gsub("%[", "%%["):gsub("%]", "%%]"):gsub("%-", "%%-") if apath then content = content:gsub(pattern, "") end end return content, has_model end function DocController:loadTOC() local path = self.path_map.local_path .. "/meta.json" local result = {error = false} if ulib.exists(path) then local bmeta = JSON.decodeFile(path) if bmeta == nil then result.error = true = "Unable to read book meta.json" else = { name =, path = self.path_map.vfs_path .. "/", entries = {}, parent = nil } -- read all the entries for kc, vc in pairs(bmeta.entries) do local cpath = getpath(vc.path, self) .. "/meta.json" if ulib.exists(cpath) then local cmeta = JSON.decodeFile(cpath) if cmeta then local chapter = { name =, path = vc.path .. "/", tpath = vc.path, entries = {}, parent =, id = kc } -- read all sections for ks, vs in pairs(cmeta.entries) do local spath = getpath(vs.path, self) .. "/meta.json" local smeta = JSON.decodeFile(spath) if smeta then local section = { name =, path = vs.path .. "/", tpath = vs.path, entries = {}, parent = chapter, id = ks } -- read all files for kf, vf in pairs(smeta.entries) do local fpath = getpath(vf.path, self) if ulib.exists(fpath) then local file =, "r") io.input(file) local line = io.close() if line then local file = { name = ulib.trim( ulib.trim(line, "#"), " "), path = vf.path, tpath = vf.path, parent = section, id = kf } table.insert(section.entries, file) end end end table.insert(chapter.entries, section) end end table.insert(, chapter) end end end end else result.error = true = "No meta-data found" end return result end function DocController:index(...) local args = {...} local toc = self:loadTOC() toc.controller = self.template:set("toc", toc) self.template:set("elinks", self.elinks) -- read data from the parameter local path = nil if args[1] then local b64text = args[1] if b64text then local p = tostring(enc.b64decode(b64text .. "==")) if p then toc.cpath = p path = getpath(p, self) if path and ulib.exists(path) then self.template:set("url", HTTP_ROOT .. '/' .. .. '/' .. enc.b64encode(toc.cpath):gsub("=", "")) end end end else toc.cpath = self.path_map.vfs_path path = self.path_map.local_path .. "/" end if path and ulib.exists(path) then local has_3d = false local file =, "r") local content = "" local md = require("md") local callback = function(s) content = content .. s end md.to_html(pre_process_md(file:read("*a"), self), callback) file.close() content, has_3d = post_process_md(content, self) -- replace some display plugins self.template:setView("book", "index") self.template:set("data", content) self.template:set("has_3d", has_3d) else self.template:setView("notfound", "index") end return true end function DocController:search(...) local args = {...} local query = REQUEST.q if query then local cmd = "grep -ri --include=\\*.md " local arr = explode(query, " ") local patterns = {} for k, v in ipairs(arr) do local world = ulib.trim(v, " ") if v and v ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. " -e '" .. v .. "' " table.insert(patterns, v:lower()) end end if #patterns > 0 then local toc = self:loadTOC() toc.controller = self.template:set("toc", toc) self.template:setView("search", "index") cmd = cmd .. self.path_map.local_path local handle = io.popen(cmd) local result = {} for line in handle:lines() do file = line:match("^[^:]*") if file then if not result[file] then result[file] = {} end local content = line:gsub("^[^:]*:", ""):lower() for k, p in ipairs(patterns) do content = content:gsub(p, "" .. p .. "") end table.insert(result[file], content) end end handle:close() -- process the result self.template:set("data", result) self.template:set("controller", self.template:set("map", self.path_map) self.template:set("elinks", self.elinks) else return self:actionnotfound(table.unpack(args)) end else return self:actionnotfound(table.unpack(args)) end return true end function DocController:asset(...) local args = {...} if #args == 0 then return self:actionnotfound(table.unpack(args)) end local path = self.path_map.local_path .. "/" .. implode(args, DIR_SEP) if self.registry.fileaccess and ulib.exists(path) then local mime = std.mimeOf(path) if POLICY.mimes[mime] then std.sendFile(path) else self:error("Access forbidden: " .. path) end else self:error("Asset file not found or access forbidden: " .. path) end return false end function DocController:api(...) local args = {...} if not self.path_map.api_path then return self:actionnotfound(table.unpack(args)) end local rpath = "index.html" if #args ~= 0 then rpath = implode(args, "/") end local path = self.path_map.api_path .. "/" .. rpath if ulib.exists(path) then local mime = std.mimeOf(path) if POLICY.mimes[mime] then std.sendFile(path) else self:error("Access forbidden: " .. path) end else self:error("File not found or access forbidden: " .. path) end return false end function DocController:actionnotfound(...) local args = {...} return self:index(table.unpack(args)) end