BaseController:subclass( "OfficeController", { registry = {}, models = {} } ) local docType = function(ext) if ext == "doc" or ext=="docx" or ext =="odt" then return "word" elseif ext == "csv" or ext =="ods" or ext== "xls" or ext == "xlsx" then return "cell" elseif ext == "odp" or ext == "ppt" or ext == "pptx" then return "slide" else return "none" end end function OfficeController:index(sid) -- doing nothing here require("sqlite") local ospath = require("shared").ospath(sid) local ext = ospath:match("^.+%.(.+)$") local name = ospath:match("^.+/(.+)$") if(ulib.exists(ospath)) then local stat = ulib.file_stat(ospath) if stat.error == nil then local key = std.sha1(ospath..":"..stat.mtime) self.template:set("shareid", sid) self.template:set("ext", ext ) self.template:set("doctype", docType(ext) ) self.template:set("name", name) self.template:set("key", key) end end self:switchLayout("office") return true end function OfficeController:shared(id) require("sqlite") require(BASE_FRW.."shared").get(id) return false end function OfficeController:save(sid) require("sqlite") local ospath = require("shared").ospath(sid) std.json() local obj = { error = false, result = false } if not REQUEST.json then obj.error = "Invalid request" echo(JSON.encode(obj)) return false end local data = JSON.decodeString(REQUEST.json) if not data then obj.error = "Invalid request" echo(JSON.encode(obj)) return false end if data.status == 2 then local tmpfile = "/tmp/"..std.sha1(ospath) local cmd = "curl -o "..tmpfile..' "''"' os.execute(cmd) -- move file to correct position if ulib.exists(tmpfile) then cmd = "mv "..tmpfile.." "..ospath os.execute(cmd) print("File "..ospath.." sync with remote") else obj.error = "Unable to sync file" echo(JSON.encode(obj)) return false end end obj.result = "OK" echo(JSON.encode(obj)) return false end function OfficeController:actionnotfound(...) self.template:setView("index") return self:index(table.unpack({...})) end