BaseController:subclass( "SystemController", { registry = {}, models = {} } ) function SystemController:actionnotfound(...) return self:index(table.unpack({...})) end function SystemController:index(...) local api = { description = "This api handle system operations", actions = { ["/packages"] = "Handle all operation relate to package: list, install, cache, uninstall", ["/settings"] = "Save user setting", ["/application"] = "Call a specific server side application api", ["/apigateway"] = "Gateway for executing custom server side code" } } result(api) return false end function SystemController:packages(...) auth_or_die("User unauthorized. Please login") local rq = (JSON.decodeString(REQUEST.json)) local packages = require("packages") packages.init(rq.args.paths) if rq ~= nil then -- check user command here if (rq.command == "install") then packages.install(rq.args) elseif rq.command == "cache" then packages.cache(rq.args) elseif rq.command == "list" then packages.list(rq.args.paths) elseif rq.command == "uninstall" then packages.uninstall(rq.args.path) else fail("Uknown packages command") end else fail("Uknown request") end end function SystemController:settings(...) auth_or_die("User unauthorized. Please login") local user = SESSION.user if user then local ospath = require("vfs").ospath("home:///", user) if REQUEST and REQUEST.json then local file_path = ospath .. "/" .. ".settings.json" local f =, "w") if f then f:write(REQUEST.json) f:close() os.execute("chmod o-r "..file_path) result(true) else fail("Cannot save setting") end else fail("No setting founds") end else fail("User not found") end end function SystemController:application(...) auth_or_die("User unauthorized. Please login") local rq = nil if REQUEST.json ~= nil then rq = (JSON.decodeString(REQUEST.json)) else rq = REQUEST end if rq.path ~= nil then local pkg = require("vfs").ospath(rq.path) if pkg == nil then pkg = WWW_ROOT .. "/packages/" .. rq.path --die("unkown request path:"..rq.path) end pkg = pkg .. "/api.lua" if ulib.exists(pkg) then dofile(pkg).exec(rq.method, rq.arguments) else fail("Uknown application handler: " .. pkg) end else fail("Uknown request") end end function SystemController:apigateway(...) local args={...} local use_ws = false if REQUEST and == "1" then -- override the global echo command echo = use_ws = true --else -- std.json() end local exec_with_user_priv = function(data) local uid = ulib.uid(SESSION.user) if not ulib.setgid(uid.gid) or not ulib.setuid( then echo("Cannot set permission to execute the code") return end local r, e e = "{'error': 'Unknow function'}" -- set env var local home = ulib.home_dir( ulib.setenv("USER", SESSION.user, 1) ulib.setenv("LOGNAME", SESSION.user, 1) if home then ulib.setenv("HOME", home, 1) ulib.setenv("PWD", home,1) local paths = "" if ulib.exists(home.."/bin") then paths = home.."/bin:" end if ulib.exists(home.."/.local/bin") then paths = paths..home.."/.local/bin:" end local envar = ulib.getenv("PATH") if envar then paths = paths..envar end ulib.setenv("PATH", paths,1) end -- run the code as user if data.code then r, e = load(data.code) if r then local status, result = pcall(r) if result then if (status) then echo(JSON.encode(result)) else echo(result) end end else echo(e) end elseif data.path then local ospath = require("vfs").ospath(data.path) r, e = loadfile(ospath) if r then local status, result = pcall(r, data.parameters) if result then if (status) then echo(JSON.encode(result)) else echo(result) end end else echo(e) end else echo(e) end end if (is_auth()) then local pid = ulib.fork()--std.pfork( if (pid == -1) then echo("{'error':'Cannot create process'}") elseif pid > 0 then -- parent -- wait for the child exit or websocket exit ulib.waitpid(pid, 0) --ulib.kill(pid) print("Parent exit") else -- child if use_ws then if then -- read header local header = nil -- wait until we receive request while(not header) do header = end if header then if header.mask == 0 then print("Data is not masked") elseif header.opcode == then print("Connection closed") -- elseif header.opcode == then -- read the file local data = if data then data = (JSON.decodeString(data)) exec_with_user_priv(data) else print("Error: Invalid request") end end else end else print("Web socket is not available.") end else if REQUEST.path then exec_with_user_priv(REQUEST) elseif REQUEST.json then data = JSON.decodeString(REQUEST.json) exec_with_user_priv(data) elseif args and #args > 0 then -- data is encoded in url safe base64 local encoded = args[1]:gsub('_', '/'):gsub('-', '+') if #encoded % 4 == 2 then encoded = encoded.."==" elseif #encoded %4 == 3 then encoded = encoded.."=" end local decoded = std.b64decode(encoded) data = JSON.decodeString(bytes.__tostring(decoded)) if data and data.path then exec_with_user_priv(data) else fail("Unknown request") end else fail("Unkown request") end end print("Child exit") ulib.kill(-1) end else echo('{"error":"User unauthorized. Please login"}') end end