-- create class Template = BaseObject:extends{class="Template",registry = {}} function Template:initialize() self.vars = {} end function Template:set(k, v, ow) if not self.vars[k] or (self.vars[k] and ow) then self.vars[k] = v end end function Template:get(k) return self.vars[k] end function Template:remove(k) self.vars[k] = nil end -- infer view path function Template:setView(name, controller) self.name = name if controller then self.controller = controller end end function Template:path() local path = VIEW_ROOT..DIR_SEP..self.registry.layout..DIR_SEP..self.controller..DIR_SEP..self.name..".ls" if ulib.exists(path) then return path else self:error("View not found: "..path) end end -- render the page function Template:render() local fn, e = loadscript(self:path()) if fn then local r,o = pcall(fn, self.vars) if not r then self:error(o) end else self:error(e) end end