#define PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bst.h" #define MAX_CHANNEL_PATH 108 #define MAX_CHANNEL_NAME 64 #define HOT_LINE_SOCKET "antd_hotline.sock" #define SOCK_DIR_NAME "channels" #define MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN 0x414e5444 //ANTD #define MSG_MAGIC_END 0x44544e41 //DTNA #define SELECT_TIMEOUT 300 // ms #define CHANNEL_OK (uint8_t)0x0 #define CHANNEL_ERROR (uint8_t)0x1 #define CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE (uint8_t)0x2 #define CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE (uint8_t)0x3 #define CHANNEL_OPEN (uint8_t)0x4 #define CHANNEL_CLOSE (uint8_t)0x5 #define CHANNEL_DATA (uint8_t)0x6 //#define CHANNEL_LIST (uint8_t)0x7 typedef struct { int sock; char name[MAX_CHANNEL_NAME]; bst_node_t* subscribers; } antd_tunnel_channel_t; typedef struct { uint8_t type; int channel_id; int client_id; int size; } antd_tunnel_msg_h_t; typedef struct{ antd_tunnel_msg_h_t header; uint8_t* data; } antd_tunnel_msg_t; /** * Message is sent in the following format * |BEGIN MAGIC(4)|MSG TYPE(1)| CHANNEL ID (4)| CLIENT ID (4)| data length (4)| data(m) | END MAGIC(4)| */ typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t lock; bst_node_t* channels; pthread_t tid; int hotline; uint32_t id_allocator; uint8_t initialized; } antd_tunnel_t; static antd_tunnel_t g_tunnel; static int mk_socket(const char* name, char* path) { struct sockaddr_un address; address.sun_family = AF_UNIX; // create the socket (void)snprintf(path, MAX_CHANNEL_PATH,"%s/%s/",__plugin__.tmpdir, SOCK_DIR_NAME); if(!_exist(path)) { LOG("Socket dir does not exist, create it: %s",path); if(mkdir(path, 0755) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to create socket dir: %s =", strerror(errno)); return -1; } } // Append the name of the socket if(strlen(path) + strlen(name) > MAX_CHANNEL_PATH) { ERROR("Socket file path exceeds the maximal size of: %d", MAX_CHANNEL_PATH); return -1; } (void)strcat(path, name); (void) strncpy(address.sun_path, path, sizeof(address.sun_path)); int fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(fd == -1) { ERROR("Unable to create Unix domain socket: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)(&address), sizeof(address)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to bind name: %s to a socket: %s", address.sun_path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } // mark the socket as passive mode if(listen(fd , 100) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to listen to socket: %d (%s): %s",fd, path , strerror(errno)); return -1; } LOG("Socket %s is created successfully: %d", path, fd); return fd; } static int msg_check_number(int fd, int number) { int value; if(read(fd,&value,sizeof(value)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read integer value on socket %d: %s", fd, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(number != value) { ERROR("Value mismatches: %0x%04X, expected %0x%04X", value, number); return -1; } return 0; } static int msg_read_string(int fd, char* buffer, uint8_t max_length) { uint8_t size; if(read(fd,&size,sizeof(size)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read string size: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(size > max_length) { ERROR("String length exceeds the maximal value of ", max_length); return -1; } if(read(fd,buffer,size) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read string to buffer: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } static uint8_t* msg_read_payload(int fd, int* size) { uint8_t* data; if(read(fd,size,sizeof(*size)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read payload data size: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if(*size <= 0) { return NULL; } data = (uint8_t*) malloc(*size); if(data == NULL) { ERROR("Unable to allocate memory for payload data: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if(read(fd,data,*size) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read payload data to buffer: %s", strerror(errno)); free(data); return NULL; } return data; } static int msg_read(int fd, antd_tunnel_msg_t* msg) { if(msg_check_number(fd, MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to check begin magic number on socket: %d", fd); return -1; } if(read(fd,&msg->header.type,sizeof(msg->header.type)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read msg type: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(msg->header.type > 0x6) { ERROR("Unknown msg type: %d", msg->header.type); return -1; } if(read(fd, &msg->header.channel_id, sizeof(msg->header.channel_id)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read msg channel id"); return -1; } if(read(fd, &msg->header.client_id, sizeof(msg->header.client_id)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read msg client id"); return -1; } if((msg->data = msg_read_payload(fd, &msg->header.size)) == NULL && msg->header.size != 0) { ERROR("Unable to read msg payload data"); return -1; } if(msg_check_number(fd, MSG_MAGIC_END) == -1) { if(msg->data) { free(msg->data); } ERROR("Unable to check end magic number"); return -1; } return 0; } static int msg_write(int fd, antd_tunnel_msg_t* msg) { // write begin magic number int number = MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN; if(write(fd,&number, sizeof(number)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write begin magic number: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } // write type if(write(fd,&msg->header.type, sizeof(msg->header.type)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write msg type: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } // write channel id if(write(fd,&msg->header.channel_id, sizeof(msg->header.channel_id)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write msg channel id: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } //write client id if(write(fd,&msg->header.client_id, sizeof(msg->header.client_id)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write msg client id: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } // write payload len if(write(fd,&msg->header.size, sizeof(msg->header.size)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write msg payload length: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } // write payload data if(msg->header.size > 0) { if(write(fd,msg->data, msg->header.size) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write msg payload: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } } number = MSG_MAGIC_END; if(write(fd,&number, sizeof(number)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write end magic number: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } static void destroy_channel(antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel) { if(channel == NULL) return; if(channel->sock != -1) { (void) close(channel->sock); channel->sock = -1; } /** TODO: send message to all subcribers before close*/ bst_free(channel->subscribers); free(channel); } static void channel_open(int fd, const char* name) { char buffer[BUFFLEN]; antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel = NULL; bst_node_t* node; int hash_val = simple_hash(name); antd_tunnel_msg_t msg; msg.data = (uint8_t*)buffer; msg.header.channel_id = 0; msg.header.client_id = 0; // look if the channel is already opened if(g_tunnel.channels != NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); node = bst_find(g_tunnel.channels, hash_val); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); if(node != NULL) { channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*) node->data; if(channel != NULL && channel->sock != -1) { snprintf(buffer, BUFFLEN, "Cannot open new channel: channel %s exists", name); LOG("%s", buffer); msg.header.type = CHANNEL_ERROR; msg.header.size = strlen(buffer); if(msg_write(fd, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write message to channel %s (%d)", channel->name, channel->sock); } return; } } } // create new channel channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*)malloc(sizeof(antd_tunnel_channel_t)); channel->subscribers = NULL; if(channel == NULL) { snprintf(buffer, BUFFLEN, "Unable to allocate new memory for new channel"); LOG("%s", buffer); msg.header.type = CHANNEL_ERROR; msg.header.size = strlen(buffer); if(msg_write(fd, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write message to hotline"); } return; } // create socket file (void)strncpy(channel->name, name, MAX_CHANNEL_NAME); channel->sock = fd; // response with ok message msg.header.type = CHANNEL_OK; msg.header.channel_id = hash_val; msg.header.size = 0; if(msg_write(fd, &msg) == -1) { destroy_channel(channel); ERROR("Unable to write message to hotline (%d)", fd); } // channel created pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); g_tunnel.channels = bst_insert(g_tunnel.channels, hash_val, (void*) channel); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); } static void channel_close(antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel) { antd_tunnel_msg_t msg; msg.data = NULL; msg.header.channel_id = 0; msg.header.client_id = 0; // look for the channel if(g_tunnel.channels != NULL) { msg.header.channel_id = msg.header.channel_id; if(channel != NULL) { msg.header.type = CHANNEL_OK; msg.header.size = 0; if(msg_write(channel->sock, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write message to channel %s (%d)", channel->name, channel->sock); } LOG("Close channel: %s (%d)", channel->name, channel->sock); destroy_channel(channel); } //g_tunnel.channels = bst_delete(g_tunnel.channels, node->key); } } static void monitor_hotline(int listen_fd) { char buff[MAX_CHANNEL_NAME+1]; antd_tunnel_msg_t msg; int fd; fd = accept(listen_fd, NULL, NULL); if (fd < 0) { ERROR("Unable to accept the new connection: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } if(msg_read(fd, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read message from hotline"); (void) close(fd); return; } switch (msg.header.type) { case CHANNEL_OPEN: // get channel name if(msg.header.size > MAX_CHANNEL_NAME) { if(msg.data) free(msg.data); msg.header.type = CHANNEL_ERROR; (void) snprintf(buff, MAX_CHANNEL_NAME, "Channel name exceeds %d bytes", MAX_CHANNEL_NAME); LOG("%s", buff); msg.header.size = strlen(buff); msg.data = (uint8_t*)buff; if(msg_write(fd, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write error to hotline"); } } else { (void)memcpy(buff, msg.data, msg.header.size); buff[msg.header.size] = '\0'; LOG("Open a new channel: %s (%d)", buff, fd); channel_open(fd, buff); } break; default: msg.header.type = CHANNEL_ERROR; (void) snprintf(buff, MAX_CHANNEL_NAME, "Unsupported msg type %d in hotline", (int)msg.header.type); msg.header.size = strlen(buff); msg.data = (uint8_t*)buff; LOG("%s", buff); if(msg_write(fd, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write error to hotline"); } break; } } static void write_msg_to_client(antd_tunnel_msg_t* msg, antd_client_t* client) { uint8_t* buffer; int long_value = 0; int offset = 0; long_value = msg->header.size + sizeof((int)MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN) + sizeof(msg->header.type) + sizeof(msg->header.channel_id) + sizeof(msg->header.client_id) + sizeof(msg->header.size) + msg->header.size + sizeof((int)MSG_MAGIC_END); buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(long_value); if(buffer == NULL) { ERROR("unable to allocate memory for write"); return; } // magic long_value = (int) MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN; (void)memcpy(buffer,&long_value,sizeof(long_value)); offset += sizeof(long_value); // type (void)memcpy(buffer+offset,&msg->header.type,sizeof(msg->header.type)); offset += sizeof(msg->header.type); // channel id (void)memcpy(buffer+offset,&msg->header.channel_id,sizeof(msg->header.channel_id)); offset += sizeof(msg->header.channel_id); // client id (void)memcpy(buffer+offset,&msg->header.client_id,sizeof(msg->header.client_id)); offset += sizeof(msg->header.client_id); // payload length (void)memcpy(buffer+offset,&msg->header.size,sizeof(msg->header.size)); offset += sizeof(msg->header.size); // payload (void)memcpy(buffer+offset,&msg->data,sizeof(msg->header.size)); offset += msg->header.size; // magic end long_value = (int) MSG_MAGIC_END; (void)memcpy(buffer,&long_value,sizeof(long_value)); offset += sizeof(long_value); // write it to the websocket ws_b(client,buffer, offset); free(buffer); } static void handle_channel(bst_node_t* node, void** args, int argc) { antd_tunnel_msg_t msg; (void) argc; fd_set* fd_in = (fd_set*) args[0]; antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*) node->data; bst_node_t * client; antd_client_t* rq; int n; if(channel != NULL && channel->sock != -1 && FD_ISSET(channel->sock, fd_in)) { ioctl(channel->sock, FIONREAD, &n); if(n == 0) { // the socket is closed LOG("Channel %s (%d) is closed by application", channel->name, channel->sock); destroy_channel(channel); node->data = NULL; return; } LOG("Got new data on channel %s (%d)", channel->name, channel->sock); // handle msg read if(msg_read(channel->sock, &msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to read message from channel %s (%d)", channel->name, channel->sock); return; } switch (msg.header.type) { case CHANNEL_OK: case CHANNEL_ERROR: case CHANNEL_DATA: // forward message to the correct client in the channel msg.header.channel_id = node->key; client = bst_find(channel->subscribers, msg.header.client_id); if(client != NULL) { rq = (antd_client_t*) client->data; if(rq != NULL) { write_msg_to_client(&msg, rq); } } else { ERROR("Unable to find client %d to write on channel %s", msg.header.client_id, channel->name); } break; case CHANNEL_CLOSE: // close the current channel channel_close(channel); node->data = NULL; break; default: LOG("Message type %d is not supported in client-application communication", msg.header.type); break; } } } static void set_sock_fd(bst_node_t* node, void** args, int argc) { (void) argc; fd_set* fd_in = (fd_set*) args[0]; int* max_fd = args[1]; antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*) node->data; if(channel != NULL && channel->sock != -1) { FD_SET(channel->sock, fd_in); if(*max_fd < channel->sock) { *max_fd = channel->sock; } } } static void* multiplex(void* data_p) { int max_fdm; fd_set fd_in; int status = 0; struct timeval timeout; int rc; void *args[2]; antd_tunnel_t* tunnel_p = (antd_tunnel_t*) data_p; while(status == 0) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = SELECT_TIMEOUT; FD_ZERO(&fd_in); FD_SET(tunnel_p->hotline, &fd_in); max_fdm = tunnel_p->hotline; pthread_mutex_lock(&tunnel_p->lock); args[0] = (void*) &fd_in; args[1] = (void*) &max_fdm; bst_for_each(tunnel_p->channels, set_sock_fd, args, 2); pthread_mutex_unlock(&tunnel_p->lock); rc = select(max_fdm + 1, &fd_in, NULL, NULL, &timeout); switch (rc) { case -1: LOG("Error %d on select()\n", errno); status = 1; break; case 0: // time out // sleep here break; // we have data default: if(FD_ISSET(tunnel_p->hotline, &fd_in)) { LOG("Got new data on hotline"); monitor_hotline(tunnel_p->hotline); } pthread_mutex_lock(&tunnel_p->lock); args[0] = (void*) &fd_in; bst_for_each(tunnel_p->channels, handle_channel,args, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&tunnel_p->lock); } } return NULL; } void init() { char path[MAX_CHANNEL_PATH]; // initialise the lock (void) pthread_mutex_init(&g_tunnel.lock,NULL); // initialise the channel g_tunnel.hotline = -1; g_tunnel.channels = NULL; g_tunnel.id_allocator = 0; g_tunnel.initialized = 0; if((g_tunnel.hotline = mk_socket(HOT_LINE_SOCKET, path)) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to create hotline socket"); destroy(); return; } // create the thread if (pthread_create(&g_tunnel.tid, NULL,(void* (*)(void *))multiplex, (void*)&g_tunnel) != 0) { ERROR("pthread_create: cannot create tunnel multiplex thread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); destroy(); } LOG("Tunnel plugin initialised"); g_tunnel.initialized = 1; } static void free_subscribers(bst_node_t* node, void** args, int argc) { (void) argc; (void) args; antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*) node->data; destroy_channel(channel); node->data = NULL; } void destroy() { char path[BUFFLEN]; if(g_tunnel.initialized) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); bst_for_each(g_tunnel.channels, free_subscribers, NULL, 0); if(g_tunnel.hotline != -1) { (void) close(g_tunnel.hotline); (void) snprintf(path, BUFFLEN, "%s/%s/%s", __plugin__.tmpdir, SOCK_DIR_NAME, HOT_LINE_SOCKET); (void) unlink(path); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); (void)pthread_join(g_tunnel.tid, NULL); bst_free(g_tunnel.channels); pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_tunnel.lock); } } static void process_client_message(antd_tunnel_msg_t* msg, antd_client_t* client) { char buff[BUFFLEN+1]; bst_node_t* node; antd_tunnel_channel_t* channel; int hash_val; // let send it to the correct channel switch (msg->header.type) { case CHANNEL_OK: case CHANNEL_ERROR: case CHANNEL_DATA: node = bst_find(g_tunnel.channels, msg->header.channel_id); if(node) { channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*)node->data; if(channel) { if(msg_write(channel->sock, msg) == -1) { ERROR("Unable to write data to channel [%s] from client %d", channel->name, msg->header.client_id); } } } break; case CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE: case CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE: if(msg->header.size > MAX_CHANNEL_NAME) { msg->header.type = CHANNEL_ERROR; (void) snprintf(buff, BUFFLEN, "Channel name is too long. Max length is %d", MAX_CHANNEL_NAME); msg->header.size = strlen(buff); msg->data = (uint8_t*)buff; ERROR("%s", buff); write_msg_to_client(msg, client); return; } (void)memcpy(buff, msg->data, msg->header.size); buff[msg->header.size] = '\0'; hash_val = simple_hash(buff); node = bst_find(g_tunnel.channels, hash_val); if(node) { channel = (antd_tunnel_channel_t*)node->data; if(channel) { if(msg->header.type == CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE) { g_tunnel.id_allocator++; channel->subscribers = bst_insert(channel->subscribers, g_tunnel.id_allocator, client); // sent ok to client msg->header.type = CHANNEL_OK; msg->header.channel_id = hash_val; msg->header.size = sizeof(g_tunnel.id_allocator); (void)memcpy(buff, &g_tunnel.id_allocator, sizeof(g_tunnel.id_allocator)); write_msg_to_client(msg, client); } else { channel->subscribers = bst_delete(channel->subscribers, msg->header.client_id); msg->header.type = CHANNEL_OK; msg->header.channel_id = hash_val; msg->header.size = 0; write_msg_to_client(msg, client); } } } else { msg->header.type = CHANNEL_ERROR; (void) snprintf(buff, BUFFLEN, "Channel not found"); msg->header.size = strlen(buff); msg->data = (uint8_t*)buff; ERROR("%s", buff); write_msg_to_client(msg, client); } break; default: LOG("Unsupported message type for client msg %d", msg->header.type); break; } } void *handle(void *rq_data) { antd_request_t *rq = (antd_request_t *)rq_data; antd_task_t *task = antd_create_task(NULL, (void *)rq, NULL, time(NULL)); ws_msg_header_t *h = NULL; antd_tunnel_msg_t msg; struct timeval timeout; uint8_t* buffer; fd_set fd_in; int rc, long_value, offset; task->priority++; int cl_fd = ((antd_client_t *)rq->client)->sock; if(g_tunnel.initialized == 0) { ERROR("The tunnel plugin is not initialised correctly"); return task; } if (ws_enable(rq->request)) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; FD_ZERO(&fd_in); FD_SET(cl_fd, &fd_in); rc = select(cl_fd + 1, &fd_in, NULL, NULL, &timeout); switch (rc) { case -1: LOG("Error on select(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); ws_close(rq->client, 1011); /** TODO: remove all subscriber of this ws connection */ return task; case 0: // time out break; // we have data default: pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); h = ws_read_header(rq->client); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); if (h) { if (h->mask == 0) { LOG("Data is not mask"); // kill the child process free(h); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); ws_close(rq->client, 1011); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); /** TODO: remove all subscriber of this ws connection */ return task; } if (h->opcode == WS_CLOSE) { LOG("Websocket: connection closed"); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); ws_close(rq->client, 1011); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); free(h); /** TODO: remove all subscriber of this ws connection */ return task; } if (h->opcode == WS_BIN) { // we have data, now read the message, // the message must be in bin buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(h->plen + 1); if(buffer) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); rc = ws_read_data(rq->client,h, h->plen, buffer); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); if(h->plen == 0) { offset = 0; // verify begin magic (void)memcpy(&long_value, buffer,sizeof(long_value)); offset += sizeof(long_value); if(long_value != MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN) { ERROR("Invalid begin magic number: %d, expected %d", long_value, MSG_MAGIC_BEGIN); free(buffer); goto reschedule_task; } // msgtype (void) memcpy(&msg.header.type, buffer + offset, sizeof(msg.header.type)); offset += sizeof(msg.header.type); // channel id (void) memcpy(&msg.header.channel_id, buffer + offset, sizeof(msg.header.channel_id)); offset += sizeof(msg.header.channel_id); // client id (void) memcpy(&msg.header.client_id, buffer + offset, sizeof(msg.header.client_id)); offset += sizeof(msg.header.client_id); // data size (void) memcpy(&msg.header.size, buffer + offset, sizeof(msg.header.size)); offset += sizeof(msg.header.size); // data msg.data = buffer + offset; offset += msg.header.size; // verify end magic (void)memcpy(&long_value, buffer + offset ,sizeof(long_value)); offset += sizeof(long_value); if(long_value != MSG_MAGIC_END) { ERROR("Invalid end magic number: %d, expected %d", long_value, MSG_MAGIC_END); free(buffer); goto reschedule_task; } // now we have the message pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tunnel.lock); process_client_message(&msg, rq->client); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tunnel.lock); } free(buffer); } } free(h); } } } reschedule_task: task->handle = handle; task->type = HEAVY; task->access_time = time(NULL); return task; }