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# Class: NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement
# A class representing part of an indexed symbol.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use Tie::RefHash;
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement;
# Topic: How IndexElements Work
# This is a little tricky, so make sure you understand this. Indexes are sorted by symbol, then packages, then file. If there is only
# one package for a symbol, or one file definition for a package/symbol, they are added inline to the entry. However, if there are
# multiple packages or files, the function for it returns an arrayref of IndexElements instead. Which members are defined and
# undefined should follow common sense. For example, if a symbol is defined in multiple packages, the symbol's IndexElement
# will not define <File()>, <Type()>, or <Prototype()>; those will be defined in child elements. Similarly, the child elements will
# not define <Symbol()> since it's redundant.
# Diagrams may be clearer. If a member isn't listed for an element, it isn't defined.
# A symbol that only has one package and file:
# > [Element]
# > - Symbol
# > - Package
# > - File
# > - Type
# > - Prototype
# > - Summary
# A symbol that is defined by multiple packages, each with only one file:
# > [Element]
# > - Symbol
# > - Package
# > [Element]
# > - Package
# > - File
# > - Type
# > - Prototype
# > - Summary
# > [Element]
# > - ...
# A symbol that is defined by one package, but has multiple files
# > [Element]
# > - Symbol
# > - Package
# > - File
# > [Element]
# > - File
# > - Type
# > - Protype
# > - Summary
# > [Element]
# > - ...
# A symbol that is defined by multiple packages which have multiple files:
# > [Element]
# > - Symbol
# > - Package
# > [Element]
# > - Package
# > - File
# > [Element]
# > - File
# > - Type
# > - Prototype
# > - Summary
# > [Element]
# > - ...
# > [Element]
# > - ...
# Why is it done this way?:
# Because it makes it easier to generate nice indexes since all the splitting and combining is done for you. If a symbol
# has only one package, you just want to link to it, you don't want to break out a subindex for just one package. However, if
# it has multiple package, you do want the subindex and to link to each one individually. Use <HasMultiplePackages()> and
# <HasMultipleFiles()> to determine whether you need to add a subindex for it.
# Combining Properties:
# All IndexElements also have combining properties set.
# CombinedType - The general <TopicType> of the entry. Conflicts combine into <TOPIC_GENERAL>.
# PackageSeparator - The package separator symbol of the entry. Conflicts combine into a dot.
# So if an IndexElement only has one definition, <CombinedType()> is the same as the <TopicType> and <PackageSeparator()>
# is that of the definition's language. If other definitions are added and they have the same properties, the combined properties
# will remain the same. However, if they're different, they switch values as noted above.
# Sortable Symbol:
# <SortableSymbol()> is a pseudo-combining property. There were a few options for dealing with multiple languages defining
# the same symbol but stripping different prefixes off it, but ultimately I decided to go with whatever the language does that
# has the most definitions. There's not likely to be many conflicts here in the real world; probably the only thing would be
# defining it in a text file and forgetting to specify the prefixes to strip there too. So this works.
# Ties are broken pretty much randomly, except that text files always lose if its one of the options.
# It's a pseudo-combining property because it's done after the IndexElements are all filled in and only stored in the top-level
# ones.
# Group: Implementation
# Constants: Members
# The class is implemented as a blessed arrayref. The following constants are its members.
# SYMBOL - The <SymbolString> without the package portion.
# PACKAGE - The package <SymbolString>. Will be a package <SymbolString>, undef for global, or an arrayref of
# <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects if multiple packages define the symbol.
# FILE - The <FileName> the package/symbol is defined in. Will be the file name or an arrayref of
# <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElements> if multiple files define the package/symbol.
# TYPE - The package/symbol/file <TopicType>.
# PROTOTYPE - The package/symbol/file prototype, or undef if not applicable.
# SUMMARY - The package/symbol/file summary, or undef if not applicable.
# COMBINED_TYPE - The combined <TopicType> of the element.
# PACKAGE_SEPARATOR - The combined package separator symbol of the element.
# SORTABLE_SYMBOL - The sortable symbol as a text string.
# IGNORED_PREFIX - The part of the symbol that was stripped off to make the sortable symbol.
use NaturalDocs::DefineMembers 'SYMBOL', 'Symbol()',
'PACKAGE', 'Package()',
'FILE', 'File()',
'TYPE', 'Type()',
'PROTOTYPE', 'Prototype()',
'SUMMARY', 'Summary()',
'COMBINED_TYPE', 'CombinedType()',
'PACKAGE_SEPARATOR', 'PackageSeparator()',
'SORTABLE_SYMBOL', 'SortableSymbol()',
'IGNORED_PREFIX', 'IgnoredPrefix()';
# DEPENDENCY: New() depends on the order of these constants and that there is no inheritance..
# Group: Modification Functions
# Function: New
# Returns a new object.
# This should only be used for creating an entirely new symbol. You should *not* pass arrayrefs as package or file parameters
# if you are calling this externally. Use <Merge()> instead.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The <SymbolString> without the package portion.
# package - The package <SymbolString>, or undef for global.
# file - The symbol's definition file.
# type - The symbol's <TopicType>.
# prototype - The symbol's prototype, if applicable.
# summary - The symbol's summary, if applicable.
# Optional Parameters:
# These parameters don't need to be specified. You should ignore them when calling this externally.
# combinedType - The symbol's combined <TopicType>.
# packageSeparator - The symbol's combined package separator symbol.
sub New #(symbol, package, file, type, prototype, summary, combinedType, packageSeparator)
# DEPENDENCY: This depends on the parameter list being in the same order as the constants.
my $self = shift;
my $object = [ @_ ];
bless $object, $self;
if (!defined $object->[COMBINED_TYPE])
{ $object->[COMBINED_TYPE] = $object->[TYPE]; };
if (!defined $object->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR])
if ($object->[TYPE] eq ::TOPIC_FILE())
{ $object->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = '.'; }
$object->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($object->[FILE])->PackageSeparator();
return $object;
# Function: Merge
# Adds another definition of the same symbol. Perhaps it has a different package or defining file.
# Parameters:
# package - The package <SymbolString>, or undef for global.
# file - The symbol's definition file.
# type - The symbol's <TopicType>.
# prototype - The symbol's protoype if applicable.
# summary - The symbol's summary if applicable.
sub Merge #(package, file, type, prototype, summary)
my ($self, $package, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary) = @_;
# If there's only one package...
if (!$self->HasMultiplePackages())
# If there's one package and it's the same as the new one...
if ($package eq $self->Package())
$self->MergeFile($file, $type, $prototype, $summary);
# If there's one package and the new one is different...
my $selfDefinition = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New(undef, $self->Package(), $self->File(),
$self->Type(), $self->Prototype(),
$self->Summary(), $self->CombinedType(),
my $newDefinition = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New(undef, $package, $file, $type, $prototype,
$self->[PACKAGE] = [ $selfDefinition, $newDefinition ];
$self->[FILE] = undef;
$self->[TYPE] = undef;
$self->[PROTOTYPE] = undef;
$self->[SUMMARY] = undef;
if ($newDefinition->Type() ne $self->CombinedType())
{ $self->[COMBINED_TYPE] = ::TOPIC_GENERAL(); };
if ($newDefinition->PackageSeparator() ne $self->PackageSeparator())
{ $self->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = '.'; };
# If there's more than one package...
# See if the new package is one of them.
my $selfPackages = $self->Package();
my $matchingPackage;
foreach my $testPackage (@$selfPackages)
if ($package eq $testPackage->Package())
$testPackage->MergeFile($file, $type, $prototype, $summary);;
my $newDefinition = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New(undef, $package, $file, $type, $prototype,
push @{$self->[PACKAGE]}, $newDefinition;
if ($newDefinition->Type() ne $self->CombinedType())
{ $self->[COMBINED_TYPE] = ::TOPIC_GENERAL(); };
if ($newDefinition->PackageSeparator() ne $self->PackageSeparator())
{ $self->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = '.'; };
# Function: Sort
# Sorts the package and file lists of the symbol.
sub Sort
my $self = shift;
if ($self->HasMultipleFiles())
@{$self->[FILE]} = sort { ::StringCompare($a->File(), $b->File()) } @{$self->File()};
elsif ($self->HasMultiplePackages())
@{$self->[PACKAGE]} = sort { ::StringCompare( $a->Package(), $b->Package()) } @{$self->[PACKAGE]};
foreach my $packageElement ( @{$self->[PACKAGE]} )
if ($packageElement->HasMultipleFiles())
{ $packageElement->Sort(); };
# Function: MakeSortableSymbol
# Generates <SortableSymbol()> and <IgnoredPrefix()>. Should only be called after everything is merged.
sub MakeSortableSymbol
my $self = shift;
my $finalLanguage;
if ($self->HasMultiplePackages() || $self->HasMultipleFiles())
# Collect all the files that define this symbol.
my @files;
if ($self->HasMultipleFiles())
my $fileElements = $self->File();
foreach my $fileElement (@$fileElements)
{ push @files, $fileElement->File(); };
else # HasMultiplePackages
my $packages = $self->Package();
foreach my $package (@$packages)
if ($package->HasMultipleFiles())
my $fileElements = $package->File();
foreach my $fileElement (@$fileElements)
{ push @files, $fileElement->File(); };
{ push @files, $package->File(); };
# Determine which language defines it the most.
# Keys are language objects, values are counts.
my %languages;
tie %languages, 'Tie::RefHash';
foreach my $file (@files)
my $language = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($file);
if (exists $languages{$language})
{ $languages{$language}++; }
{ $languages{$language} = 1; };
my $topCount = 0;
my @topLanguages;
while (my ($language, $count) = each %languages)
if ($count > $topCount)
$topCount = $count;
@topLanguages = ( $language );
elsif ($count == $topCount)
push @topLanguages, $language;
if (scalar @topLanguages == 1)
{ $finalLanguage = $topLanguages[0]; }
if ($topLanguages[0]->Name() ne 'Text File')
{ $finalLanguage = $topLanguages[0]; }
{ $finalLanguage = $topLanguages[1]; };
else # !hasMultiplePackages && !hasMultipleFiles
{ $finalLanguage = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($self->File()); };
my $textSymbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->ToText($self->Symbol(), $self->PackageSeparator());
my $ignoredPrefixLength = $finalLanguage->IgnoredPrefixLength($textSymbol, $self->CombinedType());
if ($ignoredPrefixLength)
$self->[IGNORED_PREFIX] = substr($textSymbol, 0, $ignoredPrefixLength);
$self->[SORTABLE_SYMBOL] = substr($textSymbol, $ignoredPrefixLength);
{ $self->[SORTABLE_SYMBOL] = $textSymbol; };
# Functions: Information Functions
# Symbol - Returns the <SymbolString> without the package portion.
# Package - If <HasMultiplePackages()> is true, returns an arrayref of <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects.
# Otherwise returns the package <SymbolString>, or undef if global.
# File - If <HasMultipleFiles()> is true, returns an arrayref of <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects. Otherwise
# returns the name of the definition file.
# Type - Returns the <TopicType> of the package/symbol/file, if applicable.
# Prototype - Returns the prototype of the package/symbol/file, if applicable.
# Summary - Returns the summary of the package/symbol/file, if applicable.
# CombinedType - Returns the combined <TopicType> of the element.
# PackageSeparator - Returns the combined package separator symbol of the element.
# SortableSymbol - Returns the sortable symbol as a text string. Only available after calling <MakeSortableSymbol()>.
# IgnoredPrefix - Returns the part of the symbol that was stripped off to make the <SortableSymbol()>, or undef if none.
# Only available after calling <MakeSortableSymbol()>.
# Function: HasMultiplePackages
# Returns whether <Packages()> is broken out into more elements.
sub HasMultiplePackages
{ return ref($_[0]->[PACKAGE]); };
# Function: HasMultipleFiles
# Returns whether <File()> is broken out into more elements.
sub HasMultipleFiles
{ return ref($_[0]->[FILE]); };
# Group: Support Functions
# Function: MergeFile
# Adds another definition of the same package/symbol. Perhaps the file is different.
# Parameters:
# file - The package/symbol's definition file.
# type - The package/symbol's <TopicType>.
# prototype - The package/symbol's protoype if applicable.
# summary - The package/symbol's summary if applicable.
sub MergeFile #(file, type, prototype, summary)
my ($self, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary) = @_;
# If there's only one file...
if (!$self->HasMultipleFiles())
# If there's one file and it's the different from the new one...
if ($file ne $self->File())
my $selfDefinition = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New(undef, undef, $self->File(), $self->Type(),
$self->Prototype(), $self->Summary(),
my $newDefinition = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New(undef, undef, $file, $type, $prototype,
$self->[FILE] = [ $selfDefinition, $newDefinition ];
$self->[TYPE] = undef;
$self->[PROTOTYPE] = undef;
$self->[SUMMARY] = undef;
if ($newDefinition->Type() ne $self->CombinedType())
{ $self->[COMBINED_TYPE] = ::TOPIC_GENERAL(); };
if ($newDefinition->PackageSeparator() ne $self->PackageSeparator())
{ $self->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = '.'; };
# If the file was the same, just ignore the duplicate in the index.
# If there's more than one file...
# See if the new file is one of them.
my $files = $self->File();
foreach my $testElement (@$files)
if ($testElement->File() eq $file)
# If the new file's already in the index, ignore the duplicate.
my $newDefinition = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New(undef, undef, $file, $type, $prototype,
push @{$self->[FILE]}, $newDefinition;
if ($newDefinition->Type() ne $self->CombinedType())
{ $self->[COMBINED_TYPE] = ::TOPIC_GENERAL(); };
if ($newDefinition->PackageSeparator() ne $self->PackageSeparator())
{ $self->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = '.'; };