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203 lines
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Executable File
# Package: NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry
# A class representing an entry in the menu.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry;
# Group: Implementation
# Constants: Members
# The object is implemented as a blessed arrayref with the indexes below.
# TYPE - The <MenuEntryType>
# TITLE - The title of the entry.
# TARGET - The target of the entry. If the type is <MENU_FILE>, it will be the source <FileName>. If the type is
# <MENU_LINK>, it will be the URL. If the type is <MENU_GROUP>, it will be an arrayref of
# <NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry> objects representing the group's content. If the type is <MENU_INDEX>, it will be
# a <TopicType>.
# FLAGS - Any <Menu Entry Flags> that apply.
use constant TYPE => 0;
use constant TITLE => 1;
use constant TARGET => 2;
use constant FLAGS => 3;
# DEPENDENCY: New() depends on the order of these constants.
# Group: Functions
# Function: New
# Creates and returns a new object.
# Parameters:
# type - The <MenuEntryType>.
# title - The title of the entry.
# target - The target of the entry, if applicable. If the type is <MENU_FILE>, use the source <FileName>. If the type is
# <MENU_LINK>, use the URL. If the type is <MENU_INDEX>, use the <TopicType>. Otherwise set it to undef.
# flags - Any <Menu Entry Flags> that apply.
sub New #(type, title, target, flags)
# DEPENDENCY: This gode depends on the order of the constants.
my $package = shift;
my $object = [ @_ ];
bless $object, $package;
if ($object->[TYPE] == ::MENU_GROUP())
{ $object->[TARGET] = [ ]; };
if (!defined $object->[FLAGS])
{ $object->[FLAGS] = 0; };
return $object;
# Function: Type
# Returns the <MenuEntryType>.
sub Type
{ return $_[0]->[TYPE]; };
# Function: Title
# Returns the title of the entry.
sub Title
{ return $_[0]->[TITLE]; };
# Function: SetTitle
# Replaces the entry's title.
sub SetTitle #(title)
{ $_[0]->[TITLE] = $_[1]; };
# Function: Target
# Returns the target of the entry, if applicable. If the type is <MENU_FILE>, it returns the source <FileName>. If the type is
# <MENU_LINK>, it returns the URL. If the type is <MENU_INDEX>, it returns the <TopicType>. Otherwise it returns undef.
sub Target
my $self = shift;
# Group entries are the only time when target won't be undef when it should be.
if ($self->Type() == ::MENU_GROUP())
{ return undef; }
{ return $self->[TARGET]; };
# Function: SetTarget
# Replaces the entry's target.
sub SetTarget #(target)
{ $_[0]->[TARGET] = $_[1]; };
# Function: Flags
# Returns the <Menu Entry Flags>.
sub Flags
{ return $_[0]->[FLAGS]; };
# Function: SetFlags
# Replaces the <Menu Entry Flags>.
sub SetFlags #(flags)
{ $_[0]->[FLAGS] = $_[1]; };
# Group: Group Functions
# All of these functions assume the type is <MENU_GROUP>. Do *not* call any of these without checking <Type()> first.
# Function: GroupContent
# Returns an arrayref of <NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry> objects representing the contents of the
# group, or undef otherwise. This arrayref will always exist for <MENU_GROUP>'s and can be changed.
sub GroupContent
return $_[0]->[TARGET];
# Function: GroupIsEmpty
# If the type is <MENU_GROUP>, returns whether the group is empty.
sub GroupIsEmpty
my $self = shift;
return (scalar @{$self->GroupContent()} > 0);
# Function: PushToGroup
# Pushes the entry to the end of the group content.
sub PushToGroup #(entry)
my ($self, $entry) = @_;
push @{$self->GroupContent()}, $entry;
# Function: DeleteFromGroup
# Deletes an entry from the group content by index.
sub DeleteFromGroup #(index)
my ($self, $index) = @_;
my $groupContent = $self->GroupContent();
splice( @$groupContent, $index, 1 );
# Function: MarkEndOfOriginal
# If the group doesn't already have one, adds a <MENU_ENDOFORIGINAL> entry to the end and sets the
sub MarkEndOfOriginal
my $self = shift;
if (($self->Flags() & ::MENU_GROUP_HASENDOFORIGINAL()) == 0)
$self->PushToGroup( NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry->New(::MENU_ENDOFORIGINAL(), undef, undef, undef) );
$self->SetFlags( $self->Flags() | ::MENU_GROUP_HASENDOFORIGINAL() );