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Executable File

# Package: NaturalDocs::SymbolTable
# A package that handles all the gory details of managing symbols. It handles where they are defined, which files
# reference them, if any are undefined or duplicated, and loading and saving them to a file.
# Usage and Dependencies:
# - At any time, <RebuildAllIndexes()> can be called.
# - <NaturalDocs::Settings>, <NaturalDocs::Languages>, and <NaturalDocs::Project> must be initialized before use.
# - <Load()> must be called to initialize the package. At this point, the <Information Functions> will return the symbol
# table as of the last time Natural Docs was run.
# - Note that <Load()> and <Save()> only manage <REFERENCE_TEXT> references. All other reference types must be
# managed by their respective classes. They should be readded after <Load()> to recreate the state of the last time
# Natural Docs was run.
# - <Purge()> must be called, and then <NaturalDocs::Parser->ParseForInformation()> on all files that have changed so it
# can fully resolve the symbol table via the <Modification Functions>. Afterwards <PurgeResolvingInfo()> can be called
# to reclaim some memory, and the symbol table will reflect the current state of the code.
# - <Save()> must be called to commit any changes to the symbol table back to disk.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol;
use NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::SymbolDefinition;
use NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Reference;
use NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File;
use NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::ReferenceTarget;
use NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement;
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::SymbolTable;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
# Group: Variables
# The file handle used with <SymbolTable.nd>.
# hash: symbols
# A hash of all <SymbolStrings>. The keys are the <SymbolStrings> and the values are <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol>
# objects.
# Prior to <PurgeResolvingInfo()>, both defined symbols and symbols that are merely potential interpretations of references
# will be here. Afterwards, only defined symbols will be here.
my %symbols;
# hash: references
# A hash of all references in the project. The keys are <ReferenceStrings> and the values are
# <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Reference> objects.
# Prior to <PurgeResolvingInfo()>, all possible interpretations will be stored for each reference. Afterwards, only the current
# interpretation will be.
my %references;
# hash: files
# A hash of all the files that define symbols and references in the project. The keys are the <FileNames>, and the values are
# <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File> objects.
# After <PurgeResolvingInfo()>, this hash will be empty.
my %files;
# object: watchedFile
# A <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File> object of the file being watched for changes. This is compared to the version in <files>
# to see if anything was changed since the last parse.
my $watchedFile;
# string: watchedFileName
# The <FileName> of the watched file, if any. If there is no watched file, this will be undef.
my $watchedFileName;
# hash: watchedFileSymbolDefinitions
# A hashref of the symbol definition information for all the <SymbolStrings> in the watched file. The keys are the symbol strings,
# and the values are <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::SymbolDefinition> objects.
my %watchedFileSymbolDefinitions;
# hash: indexes
# A hash of generated symbol indexes. The keys are <TopicTypes> and the values are sorted arrayrefs of
# <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElements>, or undef if its empty.
my %indexes;
# hash: indexChanges
# A hash of all the indexes that have changed. The keys are the <TopicTypes> and the entries are undef if they have not
# changed, or 1 if they have. The key will not exist if the <TopicType> has not been checked.
my %indexChanges;
# hash: indexSectionsWithContent
# A hash of which sections in an index have content. The keys are the <TopicTypes> of each index, and the values are
# arrayrefs of bools where the first represents symbols, the second numbers, and the rest A-Z. If there is no information
# available for an index, it's entry will not exist here.
my %indexSectionsWithContent;
# bool: rebuildIndexes
# Whether all indexes should be rebuilt regardless of whether they have been changed.
my $rebuildIndexes;
# Group: Files
# File: SymbolTable.nd
# The storage file for the symbol table.
# Format:
# > [VersionInt: app version]
# The file starts with the standard <BINARY_FORMAT> <VersionInt> header.
# The first stage of the file is for symbol definitions, analogous to <symbols>.
# > [SymbolString: symbol or undef to end] ...
# >
# > [UInt16: number of definitions]
# >
# > [UString16: global definition file] [UString16: TopicType]
# > [UString16: prototype] [UString16: summary]
# >
# > [UString16: definition file] ...
# >
# > ...
# These blocks continue until the <SymbolString> is undef. Only defined symbols will be included in this file, so
# number of definitions will never be zero. The first one is always the global definition. If a symbol does not have a
# prototype or summary, the UInt16 length of the string will be zero.
# The second stage is for references, which is analogous to <references>. Only <REFERENCE_TEXT> references are
# stored in this file, and their <Resolving Flags> are implied so they aren't stored either.
# > [ReferenceString (no type, resolving flags): reference or undef to end]
# >
# > [UInt8: number of definition files]
# > [UString16: definition file] [UString16: definition file] ...
# These blocks continue until the <ReferenceString> is undef. Since there can be multiple using <SymbolStrings>, those
# continue until the number of identifiers is zero. Note that all interpretations are rebuilt rather than stored.
# See Also:
# <File Format Conventions>
# Revisions:
# 1.52:
# - Changed AString16s to UString16s.
# 1.3:
# - Symbol <TopicTypes> were changed from UInt8s to AString16s, now that <TopicTypes> are strings instead of
# integer constants.
# 1.22:
# - File format was completely rebuilt to accommodate the new symbol format and to be in binary. To see the plain text
# format prior to 1.22, check out 1.21's version of this file from CVS. It is too big a change to note here.
# File: IndexInfo.nd
# The storage file for information about the indexes.
# Format:
# > [Standard Header]
# The standard binary file header.
# > [UString16: index topic name]
# > [uint8: symbols have content (0 or 1)]
# > [uint8: numbers have content (0 or 1)]
# > [uint8: A has content] [uint8: B has content] ...
# > ...
# Every index that has information about it is stored with the topic type name first, then 28 uint8s that say whether that
# part of the index has content or not. The first is for symbols, the second is for numbers, and the rest are for A-Z. If an
# index's state is unknown, it won't appear in this file.
# Revisions:
# 1.52:
# - AString16s were changed to UString16s.
# 1.4:
# - The file is introduced.
# Group: File Functions
# Function: Load
# Loads all data files from disk.
sub Load
my ($self) = @_;
# Function: LoadSymbolTable
# Loads <SymbolTable.nd> from disk.
sub LoadSymbolTable
my ($self) = @_;
my $fileIsOkay;
if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->RebuildData() &&
open(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, '<' . NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('SymbolTable.nd')) )
# See if it's binary.
my $firstChar;
read(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $firstChar, 1);
if ($firstChar == ::BINARY_FORMAT())
my $version = NaturalDocs::Version->FromBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE);
if (NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat( $version, NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.52') ))
{ $fileIsOkay = 1; }
if (!$fileIsOkay)
my $raw;
# Symbols
for (;;)
# [SymbolString: symbol or undef to end]
my $symbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE);
if (!defined $symbol)
{ last; };
my $symbolObject = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol->New();
$symbols{$symbol} = $symbolObject;
# [UInt16: number of definitions]
my $definitionCount = unpack('n', $raw);
# [UString16: (global?) definition file]
my $fileLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $file;
read(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $file, $fileLength);
$file = decode_utf8($file);
# [UString16: TopicType]
my $typeLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $type;
read(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $type, $typeLength);
$type = decode_utf8($type);
# [UString16: prototype]
my $prototypeLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $prototype;
if ($prototypeLength)
read(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $prototype, $prototypeLength);
$prototype = decode_utf8($prototype);
# [UString16: summary]
my $summaryLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $summary;
if ($summaryLength)
read(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $summary, $summaryLength);
$summary = decode_utf8($summary);
$symbolObject->AddDefinition($file, $type, $prototype, $summary);
# Add it.
if (!exists $files{$file})
{ $files{$file} = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File->New(); };
while ($definitionCount);
# References
for (;;)
# [ReferenceString (no type, resolving flags): reference or undef to end]
my $referenceString = NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->FromBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE,
::REFERENCE_TEXT(), undef);
if (!defined $referenceString)
{ last; };
my $referenceObject = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Reference->New();
$references{$referenceString} = $referenceObject;
# [UInt8: number of definition files]
my $definitionCount = unpack('C', $raw);
# [UString16: definition file] [UString16: definition file] ...
my $definitionLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $definition;
read(SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $definition, $definitionLength);
$definition = decode_utf8($definition);
# Add it.
if (!exists $files{$definition})
{ $files{$definition} = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File->New(); };
while ($definitionCount);
# Function: LoadIndexInfo
# Loads <IndexInfo.nd> from disk.
sub LoadIndexInfo
my ($self) = @_;
if (NaturalDocs::Settings->RebuildData())
{ return; };
my $version = NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->OpenForReading( NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('IndexInfo.nd') );
if (!defined $version)
{ return; }
if (!NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat($version, NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.52')))
my $topicTypeName;
while ($topicTypeName = NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->GetUString16())
my $topicType = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeFromName($topicTypeName);
my $content = [ ];
for (my $i = 0; $i < 28; $i++)
{ push @$content, NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->GetUInt8(); };
if (defined $topicType) # The name in the file could be from a type that was deleted
{ $indexSectionsWithContent{$topicType} = $content; };
# Function: Purge
# Purges the symbol table of all symbols and references from files that no longer have Natural Docs content.
sub Purge
my ($self) = @_;
my $filesToPurge = NaturalDocs::Project->FilesToPurge();
# We do this in two stages. First we delete all the references, and then we delete all the definitions. This causes us to go
# through the list twice, but it makes sure no purged files get added to the build list. For example, if we deleted all of
# Purge File A's references and definitions, and Purge File B had a reference to one of those symbols, Purge File B
# would be added to the build list because one of its references changed. By removing all the references in all the files
# before removing the definitions, we avoid this.
foreach my $file (keys %$filesToPurge)
if (exists $files{$file})
my @references = $files{$file}->References();
foreach my $reference (@references)
{ $self->DeleteReference($reference, $file); };
foreach my $file (keys %$filesToPurge)
if (exists $files{$file})
my @symbols = $files{$file}->Symbols();
foreach my $symbol (@symbols)
{ $self->DeleteSymbol($symbol, $file); };
delete $files{$file};
# Function: Save
# Saves all data files to disk.
sub Save
my ($self) = @_;
# Function: SaveSymbolTable
# Saves <SymbolTable.nd> to disk.
sub SaveSymbolTable
my ($self) = @_;
open (SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, '>' . NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('SymbolTable.nd'))
or die "Couldn't save " . NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('SymbolTable.nd') . ".\n";
NaturalDocs::Version->ToBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, NaturalDocs::Settings->AppVersion());
# Symbols
while (my ($symbol, $symbolObject) = each %symbols)
# Only existing symbols.
if ($symbolObject->IsDefined())
# [SymbolString: symbol or undef to end]
NaturalDocs::SymbolString->ToBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $symbol);
# [UInt16: number of definitions]
my @definitions = $symbolObject->Definitions();
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('n', scalar @definitions);
# [UString16: global definition file] [UString16: TopicType]
my $uGlobalDefinition = encode_utf8($symbolObject->GlobalDefinition());
my $uGlobalType = encode_utf8($symbolObject->GlobalType());
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*na*', length $uGlobalDefinition, $uGlobalDefinition,
length $uGlobalType, $uGlobalType);
# [UString16: prototype]
my $prototype = $symbolObject->GlobalPrototype();
if (defined $prototype)
my $uPrototype = encode_utf8($prototype);
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*', length($uPrototype), $uPrototype);
{ print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('n', 0); };
# [UString16: summary]
my $summary = $symbolObject->GlobalSummary();
if (defined $summary)
my $uSummary = encode_utf8($summary);
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*', length($uSummary), $uSummary);
{ print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('n', 0); };
foreach my $definition (@definitions)
if ($definition ne $symbolObject->GlobalDefinition())
# [UString16: definition file] [UString16: TopicType]
my $uDefinition = encode_utf8($definition);
my $uTopicType = encode_utf8($symbolObject->TypeDefinedIn($definition));
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*na*', length $uDefinition, $uDefinition,
length $uTopicType, $uTopicType);
# [UString16: prototype]
my $prototype = $symbolObject->PrototypeDefinedIn($definition);
if (defined $prototype)
my $uPrototype = encode_utf8($prototype);
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*', length($uPrototype), $uPrototype);
{ print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('n', 0); };
# [UString16: summary]
my $summary = $symbolObject->SummaryDefinedIn($definition);
if (defined $summary)
my $uSummary = encode_utf8($summary);
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*', length($uSummary), $uSummary);
{ print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('n', 0); };
# [SymbolString: symbol or undef to end]
NaturalDocs::SymbolString->ToBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, undef);
# References
while (my ($reference, $referenceObject) = each %references)
my $type = NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->TypeOf($reference);
if ($type == ::REFERENCE_TEXT())
# [ReferenceString (no type, resolving flags): reference or undef to end]
NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->ToBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, $reference,
# [UInt8: number of definition files]
my @definitions = $referenceObject->Definitions();
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('C', scalar @definitions);
# [UString16: definition file] [UString16: definition file] ...
foreach my $definition (@definitions)
my $uDefinition = encode_utf8($definition);
print SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE pack('na*', length($uDefinition), $uDefinition);
# [ReferenceString (no type, resolving flags): reference or undef to end]
NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->ToBinaryFile(\*SYMBOLTABLE_FILEHANDLE, undef,
# Function: SaveIndexInfo
# Saves <IndexInfo.nd> to disk.
sub SaveIndexInfo
my ($self) = @_;
NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->OpenForWriting( NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('IndexInfo.nd') );
while (my ($topicType, $content) = each %indexSectionsWithContent)
NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->WriteUString16( NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($topicType) );
for (my $i = 0; $i < 28; $i++)
if ($content->[$i])
{ NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->WriteUInt8(1); }
{ NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->WriteUInt8(0); };
# Group: Modification Functions
# These functions should not be called after <PurgeResolvingInfo()>.
# Function: AddSymbol
# Adds a symbol definition to the table, if it doesn't already exist. If the definition changes or otherwise requires the files that
# reference it to be updated, the function will call <NaturalDocs::Project->RebuildFile()> to make sure that they are.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The <SymbolString>.
# file - The <FileName> where it's defined.
# type - The symbol's <TopicType>.
# prototype - The symbol's prototype, if applicable.
# summary - The symbol's summary, if applicable.
sub AddSymbol #(symbol, file, type, prototype, summary)
my ($self, $symbol, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary) = @_;
# If the symbol doesn't exist...
if (!exists $symbols{$symbol})
# Create the symbol. There are no references that could be interpreted as this or else it would have existed already.
my $newSymbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol->New();
$newSymbol->AddDefinition($file, $type, $prototype, $summary);
$symbols{$symbol} = $newSymbol;
# If the symbol already exists...
my $symbolObject = $symbols{$symbol};
# If the symbol isn't defined, i.e. it was a potential interpretation only...
if (!$symbolObject->IsDefined())
$symbolObject->AddDefinition($file, $type, $prototype, $summary);
# See if this symbol provides a better interpretation of any references. We can assume this symbol has interpretations
# because the object won't exist without either that or definitions.
my %referencesAndScores = $symbolObject->ReferencesAndScores();
while (my ($referenceString, $referenceScore) = each %referencesAndScores)
my $referenceObject = $references{$referenceString};
if (!$referenceObject->HasCurrentInterpretation() ||
$referenceScore > $referenceObject->CurrentScore())
# If the symbol is defined but not in this file...
elsif (!$symbolObject->IsDefinedIn($file))
$symbolObject->AddDefinition($file, $type, $prototype, $summary);
# We don't have to check other files because if the symbol is defined it already has a global definiton,
# and everything else is either using that or its own definition, and thus wouldn't be affected by this.
# If the symbol was already defined in this file, ignore it.
# Add it to the file index.
if (!exists $files{$file})
{ $files{$file} = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File->New(); };
# Add it to the watched file, if necessary.
if (defined $watchedFileName)
if (!exists $watchedFileSymbolDefinitions{$symbol})
$watchedFileSymbolDefinitions{$symbol} =
NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::SymbolDefinition->New($type, $prototype, $summary);
# Function: AddReference
# Adds a reference to the table, if it doesn't already exist.
# Parameters:
# type - The <ReferenceType>.
# symbol - The reference <SymbolString>.
# scope - The scope <SymbolString> it appears in.
# using - An arrayref of scope <SymbolStrings> accessible to the reference via "using" statements, or undef if none.
# file - The <FileName> where the reference appears. This is not required unless the type is <REFERENCE_TEXT>.
# resolvingFlags - The <Resolving Flags> of the reference. They will be ignored if the type is <REFERENCE_TEXT>.
# Alternate Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> to add.
# file - The <FileName> where the reference appears. This is not required unless the type is <REFERENCE_TEXT>.
sub AddReference #(type, symbol, scope, using, file, resolvingFlags) or (referenceString, file)
my ($self, $referenceString, $file);
if (scalar @_ <= 3)
($self, $referenceString, $file) = @_;
my ($type, $symbol, $scope, $using, $resolvingFlags);
($self, $type, $symbol, $scope, $using, $file, $resolvingFlags) = @_;
$referenceString = NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->MakeFrom($type, $symbol,
$scope, $using, $resolvingFlags);
# If the reference doesn't exist...
if (!exists $references{$referenceString})
my $referenceObject = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Reference->New();
$references{$referenceString} = $referenceObject;
if (defined $file)
# Add it to the file index.
if (!exists $files{$file})
{ $files{$file} = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File->New(); };
# Add it to the watched file, if necessary.
if (defined $watchedFileName)
{ $watchedFile->AddReference($referenceString); };
# Function: WatchFileForChanges
# Tracks a file to see if any symbols or references were changed or deleted in ways that would require other files to be rebuilt.
# Assumes that after this function call, the entire file will be parsed again, and thus every symbol and reference will go through
# <AddSymbol()> and <AddReference()>. Afterwards, call <AnalyzeChanges()> to handle any differences.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> to watch.
sub WatchFileForChanges #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
$watchedFile = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::File->New();
$watchedFileName = $file;
%watchedFileSymbolDefinitions = ( );
# Function: AnalyzeChanges
# Handles any changes found when reparsing a file using <WatchFileForChanges()>.
sub AnalyzeChanges
my ($self) = @_;
if (exists $files{$watchedFileName})
# Go through the references and remove any that were deleted. Ones that were added will have already been added to
# the table in AddReference().
my @references = $files{$watchedFileName}->References();
foreach my $reference (@references)
if (!$watchedFile->DefinesReference($reference))
{ $self->DeleteReference($reference, $watchedFileName); };
# We have to check if the watched file exists again because DeleteReference() could have removed it. I'm still not sure how a
# file could have references without symbols, but apparently it's happened in the real world because it's crashed on people.
if (exists $files{$watchedFileName})
# Go through the symbols.
my $rebuildFile;
my @symbols = $files{$watchedFileName}->Symbols();
foreach my $symbol (@symbols)
# Delete symbols that don't exist.
if (!$watchedFile->DefinesSymbol($symbol))
$self->DeleteSymbol($symbol, $watchedFileName);
$rebuildFile = 1;
my $symbolObject = $symbols{$symbol};
my $newSymbolDef = $watchedFileSymbolDefinitions{$symbol};
# Update symbols that changed.
if ( $symbolObject->TypeDefinedIn($watchedFileName) ne $newSymbolDef->Type() ||
$symbolObject->PrototypeDefinedIn($watchedFileName) ne $newSymbolDef->Prototype() ||
$symbolObject->SummaryDefinedIn($watchedFileName) ne $newSymbolDef->Summary() )
$rebuildFile = 1;
$symbolObject->ChangeDefinition($watchedFileName, $newSymbolDef->Type(), $newSymbolDef->Prototype(),
# If the symbol definition was the global one, we need to update all files that reference it. If it wasn't, the only file
# that could references it is itself, and the only way the symbol definition could change in the first place was if it was
# itself changed.
if ($symbolObject->GlobalDefinition() eq $watchedFileName)
# Rebuild the files that have references to this symbol
my @references = $symbolObject->References();
foreach my $reference (@references)
if ($references{$reference}->CurrentInterpretation() eq $symbol)
{ $self->OnTargetSymbolChange($reference); };
}; # While references
}; # If global definition is watched file
}; # If the symbol definition changed
}; # If the symbol still exists
}; # foreach symbol in watched file
if ($rebuildFile)
{ NaturalDocs::Project->RebuildFile($watchedFileName); };
$watchedFile = undef;
$watchedFileName = undef;
%watchedFileSymbolDefinitions = ( );
# Function: DeleteReference
# Deletes a reference from the table.
# Be careful with this function, as deleting a reference means there are no more of them in the file at all. The tables do not
# keep track of how many times references appear in a file. In these cases you should instead call <WatchFileForChanges()>,
# reparse the file, thus readding all the references, and call <AnalyzeChanges()>.
# <REFERENCE_TEXT> references should *always* be managed with <WatchFileForChanges()> and <AnalyzeChanges()>.
# This function should only be used externally for other types of references.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString>.
# file - The <FileName> where the reference is. This is not required unless the type is <REFERENCE_TEXT>.
sub DeleteReference #(referenceString, file)
my ($self, $referenceString, $file) = @_;
# If the reference exists...
if (exists $references{$referenceString})
my $referenceObject = $references{$referenceString};
if (defined $file)
{ $referenceObject->DeleteDefinition($file); };
# If there are no other definitions, or it doesn't use file definitions to begin with...
if (!$referenceObject->IsDefined())
my @interpretations = $referenceObject->Interpretations();
foreach my $interpretation (@interpretations)
delete $references{$referenceString};
if (defined $file)
# Remove it from the file index.
if (!$files{$file}->HasAnything())
{ delete $files{$file}; };
# We don't need to worry about the watched file, since this function will only be called by AnalyzeChanges() and
# LoadAndPurge().
# Function: RebuildAllIndexes
# When called, it makes sure all indexes are listed as changed by <IndexChanged()>, regardless of whether they actually did
# or not.
# This can be called at any time.
sub RebuildAllIndexes
my $self = shift;
$rebuildIndexes = 1;
# Function: PurgeResolvingInfo
# Purges unnecessary information from the symbol table after it is fully resolved. This will reduce the memory footprint for the
# build stage. After calling this function, you can only call the <Information Functions> and <Save()>.
sub PurgeResolvingInfo
my ($self) = @_;
# Go through the symbols. We don't need to keep around potential symbols anymore, nor do we need what references can
# be interpreted as the defined ones.
while (my ($symbol, $symbolObject) = each %symbols)
if ($symbolObject->IsDefined())
{ $symbolObject->DeleteAllReferences(); }
{ delete $symbols{$symbol}; };
# Go through the references. We don't need any of the interpretations except for the current.
foreach my $referenceObject (values %references)
{ $referenceObject->DeleteAllInterpretationsButCurrent(); };
# We don't need the information by file at all.
%files = ( );
# Function: PurgeIndexes
# Clears all generated indexes.
sub PurgeIndexes
my ($self) = @_;
%indexes = ( );
# Group: Information Functions
# These functions should not be called until the symbol table is fully resolved.
# Function: References
# Returns what the passed reference information resolve to, if anything. Note that this only works if the reference had
# been previously added to the table via <AddReference()> with the exact same parameters.
# Parameters:
# type - The <ReferenceType>.
# symbol - The reference <SymbolString>.
# scope - The scope <SymbolString> the reference appears in, or undef if none.
# using - An arrayref of scope <SymbolStrings> available to the reference via using statements.
# file - The source <FileName> the reference appears in, or undef if none.
# resolvingFlags - The <Resolving Flags> of the reference. Ignored if the type is <REFERENCE_TEXT>.
# Alternate Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> to resolve.
# file - The source <FileName> the reference appears in, or undef if none.
# Returns:
# A <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::ReferenceTarget> object, or undef if the reference doesn't resolve to anything.
sub References #(type, symbol, scope, using, file, resolvingFlags) or (referenceString, file)
my ($self, $referenceString, $file);
if (scalar @_ <= 3)
{ ($self, $referenceString, $file) = @_; }
my ($type, $symbol, $scope, $using, $resolvingFlags);
($self, $type, $symbol, $scope, $using, $file, $resolvingFlags) = @_;
$referenceString = NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->MakeFrom($type, $symbol,
$scope, $using, $resolvingFlags);
if (exists $references{$referenceString} && $references{$referenceString}->HasCurrentInterpretation())
my $targetSymbol = $references{$referenceString}->CurrentInterpretation();
my $targetObject = $symbols{$targetSymbol};
my $targetFile;
my $targetType;
my $targetPrototype;
my $targetSummary;
if (defined $file && $targetObject->IsDefinedIn($file))
$targetFile = $file;
$targetType = $targetObject->TypeDefinedIn($file);
$targetPrototype = $targetObject->PrototypeDefinedIn($file);
$targetSummary = $targetObject->SummaryDefinedIn($file);
$targetFile = $targetObject->GlobalDefinition();
$targetType = $targetObject->GlobalType();
$targetPrototype = $targetObject->GlobalPrototype();
$targetSummary = $targetObject->GlobalSummary();
return NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::ReferenceTarget->New($targetSymbol, $targetFile, $targetType, $targetPrototype,
{ return undef; };
# Function: Lookup
# Returns information on the passed <SymbolString>, if it exists. Note that the symbol must be fully resolved.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The <SymbolString>.
# file - The source <FileName> the reference appears in, or undef if none.
# Returns:
# A <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::ReferenceTarget> object, or undef if the symbol isn't defined.
sub Lookup #(symbol, file)
my ($self, $symbol, $file) = @_;
my $symbolObject = $symbols{$symbol};
if (defined $symbolObject)
my $targetFile;
my $targetType;
my $targetPrototype;
my $targetSummary;
if (defined $file && $symbolObject->IsDefinedIn($file))
$targetFile = $file;
$targetType = $symbolObject->TypeDefinedIn($file);
$targetPrototype = $symbolObject->PrototypeDefinedIn($file);
$targetSummary = $symbolObject->SummaryDefinedIn($file);
$targetFile = $symbolObject->GlobalDefinition();
$targetType = $symbolObject->GlobalType();
$targetPrototype = $symbolObject->GlobalPrototype();
$targetSummary = $symbolObject->GlobalSummary();
return NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::ReferenceTarget->New($symbol, $targetFile, $targetType, $targetPrototype,
{ return undef; };
# Function: Index
# Returns a symbol index.
# Indexes are generated on demand, but they are stored so subsequent calls for the same index will be fast. Call
# <PurgeIndexes()> to clear the generated indexes.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> of symbol to limit the index to, or undef for none.
# Returns:
# An arrayref of sections. The first represents all the symbols, the second the numbers, and the rest A through Z.
# Each section is a sorted arrayref of <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects. If a section has no content,
# it will be undef.
sub Index #(type)
my ($self, $type) = @_;
if (!exists $indexes{$type})
{ $indexes{$type} = $self->MakeIndex($type); };
return $indexes{$type};
# Function: HasIndexes
# Determines which indexes out of a list actually have content.
# Parameters:
# types - An existence hashref of the <TopicTypes> to check for indexes.
# Returns:
# An existence hashref of all the specified indexes that have content. Will return an empty hashref if none.
sub HasIndexes #(types)
my ($self, $types) = @_;
# EliminationHash is a copy of all the types, and the types will be deleted as they are found. This allows us to quit early if
# we've found all the types because the hash will be empty. We'll later return the original hash minus what was left over
# in here, which are the ones that weren't found.
my %eliminationHash = %$types;
foreach my $symbolObject (values %symbols)
foreach my $definition ($symbolObject->Definitions())
delete $eliminationHash{ $symbolObject->TypeDefinedIn($definition) };
delete $eliminationHash{ ::TOPIC_GENERAL() };
if (!scalar keys %eliminationHash)
{ last finddefs; };
my $result = { %$types };
foreach my $type (keys %eliminationHash)
{ delete $result->{$type}; };
return $result;
# Function: IndexChanged
# Returns whether the specified index has changed.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> to limit the index to.
sub IndexChanged #(TopicType type)
my ($self, $type) = @_;
return ($rebuildIndexes || defined $indexChanges{$type});
# Function: IndexSectionsWithContent
# Returns an arrayref of whether each section of the specified index has content. The first entry will be for symbols, the second
# for numbers, and the rest A-Z. Do not change the arrayref.
sub IndexSectionsWithContent #(TopicType type)
my ($self, $type) = @_;
if (!exists $indexSectionsWithContent{$type})
# This is okay because Index() stores generated indexes. It's not an expensive operation unless the index was never asked
# for before or it will never be asked for otherwise, and this shouldn't be the case.
my $index = $self->Index($type);
my $content = [ ];
for (my $i = 0; $i < 28; $i++)
push @$content, (defined $index->[$i] ? 1 : 0);
$indexSectionsWithContent{$type} = $content;
return $indexSectionsWithContent{$type};
# Group: Event Handlers
# Function: OnIndexChange
# Called whenever a change happens to a symbol that would cause an index to be regenerated.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> of the symbol that caused the change.
sub OnIndexChange #(TopicType type)
my ($self, $type) = @_;
$indexChanges{$type} = 1;
$indexChanges{::TOPIC_GENERAL()} = 1;
delete $indexSectionsWithContent{$type};
# Function: OnInterpretationChange
# Called whenever the current interpretation of a reference changes, meaning it switched from one symbol to another.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> whose current interpretation changed.
sub OnInterpretationChange #(referenceString)
my ($self, $referenceString) = @_;
my $referenceType = NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->TypeOf($referenceString);
if ($referenceType == ::REFERENCE_TEXT())
my @referenceDefinitions = $references{$referenceString}->Definitions();
foreach my $referenceDefinition (@referenceDefinitions)
elsif (NaturalDocs::Constants->IsClassHierarchyReference($referenceType))
# Function: OnTargetSymbolChange
# Called whenever the symbol that serves as the interpretation of a reference changes, but the reference still resolves to
# the same symbol. This would happen if the type, prototype, summary, or which file serves as global definition of the symbol
# changes.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> whose interpretation's symbol changed.
sub OnTargetSymbolChange #(referenceString)
my ($self, $referenceString) = @_;
my $referenceType = NaturalDocs::ReferenceString->TypeOf($referenceString);
if ($referenceType == ::REFERENCE_TEXT())
my @referenceDefinitions = $references{$referenceString}->Definitions();
foreach my $referenceDefinition (@referenceDefinitions)
elsif (NaturalDocs::Constants->IsClassHierarchyReference($referenceType))
# Group: Support Functions
# Function: DeleteSymbol
# Removes a symbol definition from the table. It will call <OnInterpretationChange()> for all references that have it as their
# current interpretation.
# External code should not attempt to delete symbols using this function. Instead it should call <WatchFileFoChanges()>,
# reparse the file, and call <AnalyzeChanges()>.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The <SymbolString>.
# file - The <FileName> where the definition is.
sub DeleteSymbol #(symbol, file)
my ($self, $symbol, $file) = @_;
# If the symbol and definition exist...
if (exists $symbols{$symbol} && $symbols{$symbol}->IsDefinedIn($file))
my $symbolObject = $symbols{$symbol};
my $wasGlobal = ($symbolObject->GlobalDefinition() eq $file);
# If this was one definition of many...
if ($symbolObject->IsDefined())
# If this was the global definition...
if ($wasGlobal)
# Update every file that referenced the global symbol; i.e. every file that doesn't have its own definition.
my @references = $symbolObject->References();
foreach my $reference (@references)
if ($references{$reference}->CurrentInterpretation() eq $symbol)
# If this wasn't the global definition...
# It's a safe bet that we don't need to do anything here. The only thing that we even need to look for here is if the
# file referenced its own symbol and thus should be rebuilt. However, if the file is having a symbol deleted, it either
# changed or was itself deleted. If it changed and still has other Natural Docs content, it should already be on the
# rebuild list. If it was deleted or no longer has Natural Docs content, we certainly don't want to add it to the rebuild
# list.
# If this is the only definition...
# If this symbol is the interpretation of any references...
if ($symbolObject->HasReferences())
# If this was the current interpretation of any references, reinterpret them and rebuild their files.
my @references = $symbolObject->References();
foreach my $reference (@references)
if ($references{$reference}->CurrentInterpretation() eq $symbol)
# If there are no interpretations of the symbol...
# Delete the symbol entirely.
delete $symbols{$symbol};
# Remove it from the file index.
if (!$files{$file}->HasAnything())
{ delete $files{$file}; };
# We don't need to worry about the watched file, since this function will only be called by AnalyzeChanges() and
# LoadAndPurge().
# Function: GenerateInterpretations
# Generates the list of interpretations for the passed reference. Also creates potential symbols as necessary.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> to generate the interpretations of.
sub GenerateInterpretations #(referenceString)
my ($self, $referenceString) = @_;
my ($type, $symbol, $languageName, $scope, $using, $resolvingFlags) =
# RESOLVE_NOPLURAL is handled by having @singulars be empty.
my @singulars;
if (!($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_NOPLURAL()))
{ @singulars = $self->SingularInterpretationsOf($symbol); };
# Since higher scores are better, we'll start at a high number and decrement.
my $score = 50000;
# If RESOLVE_RELATIVE is set, we do all the scope relatives before the global.
if ($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_RELATIVE())
$score = $self->GenerateRelativeInterpretations($referenceString, $symbol, \@singulars, $scope, $score);
# If neither RESOLVE_RELATIVE nor RESOLVE_ABSOLUTE is set, we only do the local before the global.
elsif (!($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_ABSOLUTE()))
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($scope, $symbol), $score);
foreach my $singular (@singulars)
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($scope, $singular), $score);
# Do the global.
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, $symbol, $score);
foreach my $singular (@singulars)
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, $singular, $score);
# If neither RESOLVE_RELATIVE nor RESOLVE_ABSOLUTE is set, we need to do the rest of the scope relatives after the global.
if (!($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_RELATIVE()) && !($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_ABSOLUTE()))
$score = $self->GenerateRelativeInterpretations($referenceString, $symbol, \@singulars, $scope, $score, 1);
# Finally, if RESOLVE_NOUSING isn't set, go through the using scopes.
if (!($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_NOUSING()) && defined $using)
foreach my $usingScope (@$using)
if ($resolvingFlags & ::RESOLVE_ABSOLUTE())
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($usingScope, $symbol), $score);
foreach my $singular (@singulars)
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($usingScope, $singular), $score);
$score = $self->GenerateRelativeInterpretations($referenceString, $symbol, \@singulars, $usingScope, $score);
# Function: GenerateRelativeInterpretations
# Generates the list of relative interpretations for the passed reference and packages. Also creates potential symbols as
# necessary.
# This function will _not_ create global interpretations. It _will_ create a local interpretations (symbol + all packages) unless
# you set dontUseFull.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> to generate interpretations for.
# symbol - The <SymbolString> to generate interpretations of.
# singulars - A reference to an array of singular <SymbolStrings> to also generate interpretations of. Set to an empty array
# if none.
# package - The package <SymbolString> to use. May be undef.
# score - The starting score to apply.
# dontUseFull - Whether to not generate an interpretation including the full package identifier. If set, generated interpretations
# will start one level down.
# Returns:
# The next unused score. This is basically the passed score minus the number of interpretations created.
sub GenerateRelativeInterpretations #(referenceString, symbol, singulars, package, score, dontUseFull)
my ($self, $referenceString, $symbol, $singulars, $package, $score, $dontUseFull) = @_;
my @packages = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($package);
# The last package index to include. This number is INCLUSIVE!
my $packageLevel = scalar @packages - 1;
if ($dontUseFull)
{ $packageLevel--; };
while ($packageLevel >= 0)
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join(@packages[0..$packageLevel], $symbol),
foreach my $singular (@$singulars)
$self->AddInterpretation($referenceString, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join(@packages[0..$packageLevel], $singular),
return $score;
# Function: SingularInterpretationsOf
# Generates singular interpretations of a <SymbolString> if it can be interpreted as a plural. Not all of them will be valid singular
# forms, but that doesn't matter since it's incredibly unlikely an invalid form would exist as a symbol. What matters is that the
# legimate singular is present on the list.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The <SymbolString>.
# Returns:
# An array of potential singular interpretations as <SymbolStrings>, in no particular order. If the symbol can't be interpreted
# as a plural, returns an empty array.
sub SingularInterpretationsOf #(symbol)
my ($self, $symbol) = @_;
my @identifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($symbol);
my $lastIdentifier = pop @identifiers;
my $preIdentifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join(@identifiers);
my @results;
# First cut off any 's or ' at the end, since they can appear after other plural forms.
if ($lastIdentifier =~ s/\'s?$//i)
push @results, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($preIdentifiers, $lastIdentifier);
# See http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/egw/crump.htm for a good list of potential plural forms. There are a couple more than
# listed below, but they're fairly rare and this is already seriously over-engineered. This is split by suffix length to make
# comparisons more efficient.
# The fact that this will generate some impossible combinations (leaves => leave, leav, leaf, leafe) doesn't matter. It's very
# unlikely that more than one will manage to match a defined symbol. Even if they do (leave, leaf), it's incredibly unlikely
# that someone has defined an impossible one (leav, leafe). So it's not so important that we remove impossible combinations,
# just that we include all the possible ones.
my @suffixGroups = ( [ 's', undef, # boys => boy
'i', 'us', # alumni => alumnus
'a', 'um', # errata => erratum
'a', 'on' ], # phenomena => phenomenon
[ 'es', undef, # foxes => fox
'ae', 'a' ], # amoebae => amoeba
[ 'ies', 'y', # pennies => penny
'ves', 'f', # calves => calf
'ves', 'fe', # knives => knife
'men', 'man', # women => woman
'ice', 'ouse', # mice => mouse
'oes', 'o', # vetoes => veto
'ces', 'x', # matrices => matrix
'xen', 'x' ], # oxen => ox
[ 'ices', 'ex', # indices => index
'feet', 'foot', # feet => foot
'eese', 'oose', # geese => goose
'eeth', 'ooth', # teeth => tooth
'dren', 'd' ] ); # children => child
my $suffixLength = 1;
foreach my $suffixGroup (@suffixGroups)
my $identifierSuffix = lc( substr($lastIdentifier, 0 - $suffixLength) );
my $cutIdentifier = substr($lastIdentifier, 0, 0 - $suffixLength);
for (my $i = 0; $i + 1 < scalar @$suffixGroup; $i += 2)
my $suffix = $suffixGroup->[$i];
my $replacement = $suffixGroup->[$i + 1];
if ($identifierSuffix eq $suffix)
if (defined $replacement)
push @results, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($preIdentifiers, $cutIdentifier . $replacement);
push @results, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($preIdentifiers, $cutIdentifier . uc($replacement));
push @results, NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($preIdentifiers, $cutIdentifier);
return @results;
# Function: AddInterpretation
# Adds an interpretation to an existing reference. Creates potential symbols as necessary.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> to add the interpretation to.
# symbol - The <SymbolString> the reference can be interpreted as.
# score - The score of the interpretation.
sub AddInterpretation #(referenceString, symbol, score)
my ($self, $referenceString, $symbol, $score) = @_;
$references{$referenceString}->AddInterpretation($symbol, $score);
# Create a potential symbol if it doesn't exist.
if (!exists $symbols{$symbol})
{ $symbols{$symbol} = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol->New(); };
$symbols{$symbol}->AddReference($referenceString, $score);
# Function: InterpretReference
# Interprets the passed reference, matching it to the defined symbol with the highest score. If the symbol is already
# interpreted, it will reinterpret it. If there are no matches, it will make it an undefined reference.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The <ReferenceString> to interpret.
sub InterpretReference #(referenceString)
my ($self, $referenceString) = @_;
my $interpretation;
my $currentInterpretation;
my $score;
my $currentScore = -1;
my $referenceObject = $references{$referenceString};
my %interpretationsAndScores = $referenceObject->InterpretationsAndScores();
while ( ($interpretation, $score) = each %interpretationsAndScores )
if ($score > $currentScore && $symbols{$interpretation}->IsDefined())
$currentScore = $score;
$currentInterpretation = $interpretation;
if ($currentScore > -1)
{ $referenceObject->SetCurrentInterpretation($currentInterpretation); }
{ $referenceObject->SetCurrentInterpretation(undef); };
# Function: MakeIndex
# Generates a symbol index.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> to limit the index to.
# Returns:
# An arrayref of sections. The first represents all the symbols, the second the numbers, and the rest A through Z.
# Each section is a sorted arrayref of <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects. If a section has no content,
# it will be undef.
sub MakeIndex #(type)
my ($self, $type) = @_;
# Go through the symbols and generate IndexElements for any that belong in the index.
# Keys are the symbol strings, values are IndexElements.
my %indexSymbols;
while (my ($symbolString, $object) = each %symbols)
my ($symbol, $package) = $self->SplitSymbolForIndex($symbolString, $object->GlobalType());
my @definitions = $object->Definitions();
foreach my $definition (@definitions)
my $definitionType = $object->TypeDefinedIn($definition);
if ($type eq ::TOPIC_GENERAL() || $type eq $definitionType)
if (!exists $indexSymbols{$symbol})
$indexSymbols{$symbol} =
NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement->New($symbol, $package, $definition, $definitionType,
$object->SummaryDefinedIn($definition) );
$indexSymbols{$symbol}->Merge($package, $definition, $definitionType,
$object->SummaryDefinedIn($definition) );
}; # If type matches
}; # Each definition
}; # Each symbol
# Generate sortable symbols for each IndexElement, sort them internally, and divide them into sections.
my $sections = [ ];
foreach my $indexElement (values %indexSymbols)
my $sectionNumber;
if ($indexElement->SortableSymbol() =~ /^([a-z])/i)
{ $sectionNumber = ord(lc($1)) - ord('a') + 2; }
elsif ($indexElement->SortableSymbol() =~ /^[0-9]/)
{ $sectionNumber = 1; }
{ $sectionNumber = 0; };
if (!defined $sections->[$sectionNumber])
{ $sections->[$sectionNumber] = [ ]; };
push @{$sections->[$sectionNumber]}, $indexElement;
# Sort each section.
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$sections; $i++)
if (defined $sections->[$i])
@{$sections->[$i]} = sort
my $result = ::StringCompare($a->SortableSymbol(), $b->SortableSymbol());
if ($result == 0)
{ $result = ::StringCompare($a->IgnoredPrefix(), $b->IgnoredPrefix()); };
return $result;
return $sections;
# Function: SplitSymbolForIndex
# Splits a <SymbolString> into its symbol and package portions for indexing.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The <SymbolString>.
# type - Its <TopicType>.
# Returns:
# The array ( symbol, package ), which are both <SymbolStrings>. If the symbol is global, package will be undef.
sub SplitSymbolForIndex #(symbol, type)
my ($self, $symbol, $type) = @_;
my $scope = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($type)->Scope();
if ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_ALWAYS_GLOBAL())
{ return ( $symbol, undef ); }
my @identifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($symbol);
$symbol = pop @identifiers;
my $package = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join(@identifiers);
return ( $symbol, $package );