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680 lines
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Executable File
# Package: NaturalDocs::SourceDB
# SourceDB is an experimental package meant to unify the tracking of various elements in the source code.
# Requirements:
# - All extension packages must call <RegisterExtension()> before they can be used.
# Architecture: The Idea
# For quite a while Natural Docs only needed <SymbolTable>. However, 1.3 introduced the <ClassHierarchy> package
# which duplicated some of its functionality to track classes and parent references. 1.4 now needs <ImageReferenceTable>,
# so this package was an attempt to isolate the common functionality so the wheel doesn't have to keep being rewritten as
# the scope of Natural Docs expands.
# SourceDB is designed around <Extensions> and items. The purposefully vague "items" are anything in the source code
# that we need to track the definitions of. Extensions are the packages to track them, only they're derived from
# <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension> and registered with this package instead of being free standing and duplicating
# functionality such as watched files.
# The architecture on this package isn't comprehensive yet. As more extensions are added or previously made free standing
# packages are migrated to it it will expand to encompass them. However, it's still experimental so this concept may
# eventually be abandoned for something better instead.
# Architecture: Assumptions
# SourceDB is built around certain assumptions.
# One item per file:
# SourceDB assumes that only the first item per file with a particular item string is relevant. For example, if two functions
# have the exact same name, there's no way to link to the second one either in HTML or internally so it doesn't matter for
# our purposes. Likewise, if two references are exactly the same they go to the same target, so it doesn't matter whether
# there's one or two or a thousand. All that matters is that at least one reference exists in this file because you only need
# to determine whether the entire file gets rebuilt. If two items are different in some meaningful way, they should generate
# different item strings.
# Watched file parsing:
# SourceDB assumes the parse method is that the information that was stored from Natural Docs' previous run is loaded, a
# file is watched, that file is reparsed, and then <AnalyzeWatchedFileChanges()> is called. When the file is reparsed all
# items within it are added the same as if the file was never parsed before.
# If there's a new item this time around, that's fine no matter what. However, a changed item wouldn't normally be
# recorded because the previous run's definition is seen as the first one and subsequent ones are ignored. Also, deleted
# items would normally not be recorded either because we're only adding.
# The watched file method fixes this because everything is also added to a second, clean database specifically for the
# watched file. Because it starts clean, it always gets the first definition from the current parse which can then be
# compared to the original by <AnalyzeWatchedFileChanges()>. Because it starts clean you can also compare it to the
# main database to see if anything was deleted, because it would appear in the main database but not the watched one.
# This means that functions like <ChangeDefinition()> and <DeleteDefinition()> should only be called by
# <AnalyzeWatchedFileChanges()>. Externally only <AddDefinition()> should be called. <DeleteItem()> is okay to be
# called externally because entire items aren't managed by the watched file database, only definitions.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright <20> 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use strict;
use integer;
use NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension;
use NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Item;
use NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition;
use NaturalDocs::SourceDB::File;
use NaturalDocs::SourceDB::WatchedFileDefinitions;
package NaturalDocs::SourceDB;
# Group: Types
# Type: ExtensionID
# A unique identifier for each <NaturalDocs::SourceDB> extension as given out by <RegisterExtension()>.
# Group: Variables
# array: extensions
# An array of <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension>-derived extensions, as added with <RegisterExtension()>. The indexes
# are the <ExtensionIDs> and the values are package references.
my @extensions;
# array: extensionUsesDefinitionObjects
# An array where the indexes are <ExtensionIDs> and the values are whether that extension uses its own definition class
# derived from <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition> or it just tracks their existence.
my @extensionUsesDefinitionObjects;
# array: items
# The array of source items. The <ExtensionIDs> are the indexes, and the values are hashrefs mapping the item
# string to <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Item>-derived objects. Hashrefs may be undef.
my @items;
# hash: files
# A hashref mapping source <FileNames> to <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Files>.
my %files;
# object: watchedFile
# When a file is being watched for changes, will be a <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::File> for that file. Is undef otherwise.
# When the file is parsed, items are added to both this and the version in <files>. Thus afterwards we can compare the two to
# see if any were deleted since the last time Natural Docs was run, because they would be in the <files> version but not this
# one.
my $watchedFile;
# string: watchedFileName
# When a file is being watched for changes, will be the <FileName> of the file being watched. Is undef otherwise.
my $watchedFileName;
# object: watchedFileDefinitions
# When a file is being watched for changes, will be a <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::WatchedFileDefinitions> object. Is undef
# otherwise.
# When the file is parsed, items are added to both this and the version in <items>. Since only the first definition is kept, this
# will always have the definition info from the file whereas the version in <items> will have the first definition as of the last time
# Natural Docs was run. Thus they can be compared to see if the definitions of items that existed the last time around have
# changed.
my $watchedFileDefinitions;
# Group: Extension Functions
# Function: RegisterExtension
# Registers a <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension>-derived package and returns a unique <ExtensionID> for it. All extensions
# must call this before they can be used.
# Registration Order:
# The order in which extensions register is important. Whenever possible, items are added in the order their extensions
# registered. However, items are changed and deleted in the reverse order. Take advantage of this to minimize
# churn between extensions that are dependent on each other.
# For example, when symbols are added or deleted they may cause references to be retargeted and thus their files need to
# be rebuilt. However, adding or deleting references never causes the symbols' files to be rebuilt. So it makes sense that
# symbols should be created before references, and that references should be deleted before symbols.
# Parameters:
# extension - The package or object of the extension. Must be derived from <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension>.
# usesDefinitionObjects - Whether the extension uses its own class derived from <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition>
# or simply tracks each definitions existence.
# Returns:
# An <ExtensionID> unique to the extension. This should be saved because it's required in functions such as <AddItem()>.
sub RegisterExtension #(package extension, bool usesDefinitionObjects) => ExtensionID
my ($self, $extension, $usesDefinitionObjects) = @_;
push @extensions, $extension;
push @extensionUsesDefinitionObjects, $usesDefinitionObjects;
return scalar @extensions - 1;
# Group: File Functions
# Function: Load
# Loads the data of the source database and all the extensions. Will call <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension->Load()> for
# all of them, unless there's a situation where all the source files are going to be reparsed anyway in which case it's not needed.
sub Load
my $self = shift;
# No point loading if RebuildData is set.
if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->RebuildData())
# If any load fails, stop loading the rest and just reparse all the source files.
my $success = 1;
for (my $extension = 0; $extension < scalar @extensions && $success; $extension++)
$success = $extensions[$extension]->Load();
if (!$success)
{ NaturalDocs::Project->ReparseEverything(); };
# Function: Save
# Saves the data of the source database and all its extensions. Will call <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Extension->Save()> for all
# of them.
sub Save
my $self = shift;
for (my $extension = scalar @extensions - 1; $extension >= 0; $extension--)
# Function: PurgeDeletedSourceFiles
# Removes all data associated with deleted source files.
sub PurgeDeletedSourceFiles
my $self = shift;
my $filesToPurge = NaturalDocs::Project->FilesToPurge();
# Extension is the outermost loop because we want the extensions added last to have their definitions removed first to cause
# the least amount of churn between interdependent extensions.
for (my $extension = scalar @extensions - 1; $extension >= 0; $extension--)
foreach my $file (keys %$filesToPurge)
if (exists $files{$file})
my @items = $files{$file}->ListItems($extension);
foreach my $item (@items)
$self->DeleteDefinition($extension, $item, $file);
}; # file exists
}; # each file
}; # each extension
# Group: Item Functions
# Function: AddItem
# Adds the passed item to the database. This will not work if the item string already exists. The item added should *not*
# already have definitions attached. Only use this to add blank items and then call <AddDefinition()> instead.
# Parameters:
# extension - An <ExtensionID>.
# itemString - The string serving as the item identifier.
# item - An object derived from <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Item>.
# Returns:
# Whether the item was added, that is, whether it was the first time this item was added.
sub AddItem #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString, NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Item item) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString, $item) = @_;
if (!defined $items[$extension])
{ $items[$extension] = { }; };
if (!exists $items[$extension]->{$itemString})
if ($item->HasDefinitions())
{ die "Tried to add an item to SourceDB that already had definitions."; };
$items[$extension]->{$itemString} = $item;
return 1;
return 0;
# Function: GetItem
# Returns the <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Item>-derived object for the passed <ExtensionID> and item string, or undef if there
# is none.
sub GetItem #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString) => bool
my ($self, $extensionID, $itemString) = @_;
if (defined $items[$extensionID])
{ return $items[$extensionID]->{$itemString}; }
{ return undef; };
# Function: DeleteItem
# Deletes the record of the passed <ExtensionID> and item string. Do *not* delete items that still have definitions. Use
# <DeleteDefinition()> first.
# Parameters:
# extension - The <ExtensionID>.
# itemString - The item's identifying string.
# Returns:
# Whether it was successful, meaning whether an entry existed for it.
sub DeleteItem #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString) = @_;
if (defined $items[$extension] && exists $items[$extension]->{$itemString})
if ($items[$extension]->{$itemString}->HasDefinitions())
{ die "Tried to delete an item from SourceDB that still has definitions."; };
delete $items[$extension]->{$itemString};
return 1;
{ return 0; };
# Function: HasItem
# Returns whether there is an item defined for the passed <ExtensionID> and item string.
sub HasItem #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString) = @_;
if (defined $items[$extension])
{ return (exists $items[$extension]->{$itemString}); }
{ return 0; };
# Function: GetAllItemsHashRef
# Returns a hashref of all the items defined for an extension. *Do not change the contents.* The keys are the item strings and
# the values are <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::Items> or derived classes.
sub GetAllItemsHashRef #(ExtensionID extension) => hashref
my ($self, $extension) = @_;
return $items[$extension];
# Group: Definition Functions
# Function: AddDefinition
# Adds a definition to an item. Assumes the item was already created with <AddItem()>. If there's already a definition for this
# file in the item, the new definition will be ignored.
# Parameters:
# extension - The <ExtensionID>.
# itemString - The item string.
# file - The <FileName> the definition is in.
# definition - If you're using a custom <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition> class, you must include an object for it here.
# Otherwise this parameter is ignored.
# Returns:
# Whether the definition was added, which is to say, whether this was the first definition for the passed <FileName>.
sub AddDefinition #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString, FileName file, optional NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition definition) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString, $file, $definition) = @_;
# Items
my $item = $self->GetItem($extension, $itemString);
if (!defined $item)
{ die "Tried to add a definition to an undefined item in SourceDB."; };
if (!$extensionUsesDefinitionObjects[$extension])
{ $definition = 1; };
my $result = $item->AddDefinition($file, $definition);
# Files
if (!exists $files{$file})
{ $files{$file} = NaturalDocs::SourceDB::File->New(); };
$files{$file}->AddItem($extension, $itemString);
# Watched File
if ($self->WatchingFileForChanges())
$watchedFile->AddItem($extension, $itemString);
if ($extensionUsesDefinitionObjects[$extension])
{ $watchedFileDefinitions->AddDefinition($extension, $itemString, $definition); };
return $result;
# Function: ChangeDefinition
# Changes the definition of an item. This function is only used for extensions that use custom
# <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition>-derived classes.
# Parameters:
# extension - The <ExtensionID>.
# itemString - The item string.
# file - The <FileName> the definition is in.
# definition - The definition, which must be an object derived from <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition>.
sub ChangeDefinition #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString, FileName file, NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition definition)
my ($self, $extension, $itemString, $file, $definition) = @_;
my $item = $self->GetItem($extension, $itemString);
if (!defined $item)
{ die "Tried to change the definition of an undefined item in SourceDB."; };
if (!$extensionUsesDefinitionObjects[$extension])
{ die "Tried to change the definition of an item in an extension that doesn't use definition objects in SourceDB."; };
if (!$item->HasDefinition($file))
{ die "Tried to change a definition that doesn't exist in SourceDB."; };
$item->ChangeDefinition($file, $definition);
$extensions[$extension]->OnChangedDefinition($itemString, $file);
# Function: GetDefinition
# If the extension uses custom <NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition> classes, returns it for the passed definition or undef
# if it doesn't exist. Otherwise returns whether it exists.
sub GetDefinition #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString, FileName file) => NaturalDocs::SourceDB::ItemDefinition or bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString, $file) = @_;
my $item = $self->GetItem($extension, $itemString);
if (!defined $item)
{ return undef; };
return $item->GetDefinition($file);
# Function: DeleteDefinition
# Removes the definition for the passed item. Returns whether it was successful, meaning whether a definition existed for that
# file.
sub DeleteDefinition #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString, FileName file) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString, $file) = @_;
my $item = $self->GetItem($extension, $itemString);
if (!defined $item)
{ return 0; };
my $result = $item->DeleteDefinition($file);
if ($result)
$files{$file}->DeleteItem($extension, $itemString);
$extensions[$extension]->OnDeletedDefinition($itemString, $file, !$item->HasDefinitions());
return $result;
# Function: HasDefinitions
# Returns whether there are any definitions for this item.
sub HasDefinitions #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString) = @_;
my $item = $self->GetItem($extension, $itemString);
if (!defined $item)
{ return 0; };
return $item->HasDefinitions();
# Function: HasDefinition
# Returns whether there is a definition for the passed <FileName>.
sub HasDefinition #(ExtensionID extension, string itemString, FileName file) => bool
my ($self, $extension, $itemString, $file) = @_;
my $item = $self->GetItem($extension, $itemString);
if (!defined $item)
{ return 0; };
return $item->HasDefinition($file);
# Group: Watched File Functions
# Function: WatchFileForChanges
# Begins watching a file for changes. Only one file at a time can be watched.
# This should be called before a file is parsed so the file info goes both into the main database and the watched file info.
# Afterwards you call <AnalyzeWatchedFileChanges()> so item deletions and definition changes can be detected.
# Parameters:
# filename - The <FileName> to watch.
sub WatchFileForChanges #(FileName filename)
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
$watchedFileName = $filename;
$watchedFile = NaturalDocs::SourceDB::File->New();
$watchedFileDefinitions = NaturalDocs::SourceDB::WatchedFileDefinitions->New();
# Function: WatchingFileForChanges
# Returns whether we're currently watching a file for changes or not.
sub WatchingFileForChanges # => bool
my $self = shift;
return defined $watchedFileName;
# Function: AnalyzeWatchedFileChanges
# Analyzes the watched file for changes. Will delete and change definitions as necessary.
sub AnalyzeWatchedFileChanges
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->WatchingFileForChanges())
{ die "Tried to analyze watched file for changes in SourceDB when no file was being watched."; };
if (!$files{$watchedFileName})
{ return; };
# Process extensions last registered to first.
for (my $extension = scalar @extensions - 1; $extension >= 0; $extension--)
my @items = $files{$watchedFileName}->ListItems($extension);
foreach my $item (@items)
if ($watchedFile->HasItem($extension, $item))
if ($extensionUsesDefinitionObjects[$extension])
my $originalDefinition = $items[$extension]->GetDefinition($watchedFileName);
my $watchedDefinition = $watchedFileDefinitions->GetDefinition($extension, $item);
if (!$originalDefinition->Compare($watchedDefinition))
{ $self->ChangeDefinition($extension, $item, $watchedFileName, $watchedDefinition); };
else # !$watchedFile->HasItem($item)
$self->DeleteDefinition($extension, $item, $watchedFileName);
$watchedFile = undef;
$watchedFileName = undef;
$watchedFileDefinitions = undef;