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Executable File

# Package: NaturalDocs::Project
# A package that manages information about the files in the source tree, as well as the list of files that have to be parsed
# and built.
# Usage and Dependencies:
# - All the <Config and Data File Functions> are available immediately, except for the status functions.
# - <ReparseEverything()> and <RebuildEverything()> are available immediately, because they may need to be called
# after <LoadConfigFileInfo()> but before <LoadSourceFileInfo()>.
# - Prior to <LoadConfigFileInfo()>, <NaturalDocs::Settings> must be initialized.
# - After <LoadConfigFileInfo()>, the status <Config and Data File Functions> are available as well.
# - Prior to <LoadSourceFileInfo()>, <NaturalDocs::Settings> and <NaturalDocs::Languages> must be initialized.
# - After <LoadSourceFileInfo()>, the rest of the <Source File Functions> are available.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use NaturalDocs::Project::SourceFile;
use NaturalDocs::Project::ImageFile;
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Project;
# Group: File Handles
# handle: FH_FILEINFO
# The file handle for the file information file, <FileInfo.nd>.
# The file handle for the config file information file, <ConfigFileInfo.nd>.
# handle: FH_IMAGEFILE
# The file handle for determining the dimensions of image files.
# Group: Source File Variables
# hash: supportedFiles
# A hash of all the supported files in the input directory. The keys are the <FileNames>, and the values are
# <NaturalDocs::Project::SourceFile> objects.
my %supportedFiles;
# hash: filesToParse
# An existence hash of all the <FileNames> that need to be parsed.
my %filesToParse;
# hash: filesToBuild
# An existence hash of all the <FileNames> that need to be built.
my %filesToBuild;
# hash: filesToPurge
# An existence hash of the <FileNames> that had Natural Docs content last time, but now either don't exist or no longer have
# content.
my %filesToPurge;
# hash: unbuiltFilesWithContent
# An existence hash of all the <FileNames> that have Natural Docs content but are not part of <filesToBuild>.
my %unbuiltFilesWithContent;
# bool: reparseEverything
# Whether all the source files need to be reparsed.
my $reparseEverything;
# bool: rebuildEverything
# Whether all the source files need to be rebuilt.
my $rebuildEverything;
# hash: mostUsedLanguage
# The name of the most used language. Doesn't include text files.
my $mostUsedLanguage;
# Group: Configuration File Variables
# hash: mainConfigFile
# A hash mapping all the main configuration file names without paths to their <FileStatus>. Prior to <LoadConfigFileInfo()>,
# it serves as an existence hashref of the file names.
my %mainConfigFiles = ( 'Topics.txt' => 1, 'Languages.txt' => 1 );
# hash: userConfigFiles
# A hash mapping all the user configuration file names without paths to their <FileStatus>. Prior to <LoadConfigFileInfo()>,
# it serves as an existence hashref of the file names.
my %userConfigFiles = ( 'Topics.txt' => 1, 'Languages.txt' => 1, 'Menu.txt' => 1 );
# Group: Image File Variables
# hash: imageFileExtensions
# An existence hash of all the file extensions for images. Extensions are in all lowercase.
my %imageFileExtensions = ( 'jpg' => 1, 'jpeg' => 1, 'gif' => 1, 'png' => 1, 'bmp' => 1 );
# hash: imageFiles
# A hash of all the image files in the project. The keys are the <FileNames> and the values are
# <NaturalDocs::Project::ImageFiles>.
my %imageFiles;
# hash: imageFilesToUpdate
# An existence hash of all the image <FileNames> that need to be updated, either because they changed or they're new to the
# project.
my %imageFilesToUpdate;
# hash: imageFilesToPurge
# An existence hash of all the image <FileNames> that need to be purged, either because the files no longer exist or because
# they are no longer used.
my %imageFilesToPurge;
# hash: insensitiveImageFiles
# A hash that maps all lowercase image <FileNames> to their proper case as it would appear in <imageFiles>. Used for
# case insensitivity, obviously.
# You can't just use all lowercase in <imageFiles> because both Linux and HTTP are case sensitive, so the original case must
# be preserved. We also want to allow separate entries for files that differ based only on case, so it goes to <imageFiles> first
# where they can be distinguished and here only if there's no match. Ties are broken by whichever is lower with cmp, because
# it has to resolve consistently on all runs of the program.
my %insensitiveImageFiles;
# Group: Files
# File: FileInfo.nd
# An index of the state of the files as of the last parse. Used to determine if files were added, deleted, or changed.
# Format:
# The format is a text file.
# > [VersionInt: app version]
# The beginning of the file is the <VersionInt> it was generated with.
# > [most used language name]
# Next is the name of the most used language in the source tree. Does not include text files.
# Each following line is
# > [file name] tab [last modification time] tab [has ND content (0 or 1)] tab [default menu title] \n
# Revisions:
# 1.3:
# - The line following the <VersionInt>, which was previously the last modification time of <Menu.txt>, was changed to
# the name of the most used language.
# 1.16:
# - File names are now absolute. Prior to 1.16, they were relative to the input directory since only one was allowed.
# 1.14:
# - The file was renamed from NaturalDocs.files to FileInfo.nd and moved into the Data subdirectory.
# 0.95:
# - The file version was changed to match the program version. Prior to 0.95, the version line was 1. Test for "1" instead
# of "1.0" to distinguish.
# File: ConfigFileInfo.nd
# An index of the state of the config files as of the last parse.
# Format:
# > [VersionInt: app version]
# First is the standard <BINARY_FORMAT> <VersionInt> header.
# > [UInt32: last modification time of menu]
# > [UInt32: last modification of main topics file]
# > [UInt32: last modification of user topics file]
# > [UInt32: last modification of main languages file]
# > [UInt32: last modification of user languages file]
# Next are the last modification times of various configuration files as UInt32s in the standard Unix format.
# Revisions:
# 1.3:
# - The file was added to Natural Docs. Previously the last modification of <Menu.txt> was stored in <FileInfo.nd>, and
# <Topics.txt> and <Languages.txt> didn't exist.
# File: ImageFileInfo.nd
# An index of the state of the image files as of the last parse.
# Format:
# > [Standard Binary Header]
# First is the standard binary file header as defined by <NaturalDocs::BinaryFile>.
# > [UString16: file name or undef]
# > [UInt32: last modification time]
# > [UInt8: was used]
# This section is repeated until the file name is null. The last modification times are UInt32s in the standard Unix format.
# Revisions:
# 1.52:
# - AString16s were changed to UString16s.
# 1.4:
# - The file was added to Natural Docs.
# Group: File Functions
# Function: LoadSourceFileInfo
# Loads the project file from disk and compares it against the files in the input directory. Project is loaded from
# <FileInfo.nd>. New and changed files will be added to <FilesToParse()>, and if they have content,
# <FilesToBuild()>.
# Will call <NaturalDocs::Languages->OnMostUsedLanguageKnown()> if <MostUsedLanguage()> changes.
# Returns:
# Returns whether the project was changed in any way.
sub LoadSourceFileInfo
my ($self) = @_;
my $fileIsOkay;
my $version;
my $hasChanged;
my $lineReader;
if (open(FH_FILEINFO, '<' . $self->DataFile('FileInfo.nd')))
$lineReader = NaturalDocs::LineReader->New(\*FH_FILEINFO);
# Check if the file is in the right format.
$version = NaturalDocs::Version->FromString($lineReader->Get());
# The project file need to be rebuilt for 1.16. The source files need to be reparsed and the output files rebuilt for 1.51.
# We'll tolerate the difference between 1.16 and 1.3 in the loader.
if (NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat( $version, NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.16') ))
$fileIsOkay = 1;
if (!NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat( $version, NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.51') ))
$reparseEverything = 1;
$rebuildEverything = 1;
$hasChanged = 1;
$hasChanged = 1;
if ($fileIsOkay)
my %indexedFiles;
my $line = $lineReader->Get();
# Prior to 1.3 it was the last modification time of Menu.txt, which we ignore and treat as though the most used language
# changed. Prior to 1.32 the settings didn't transfer over correctly to Menu.txt so we need to behave that way again.
if ($version < NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.32') || lc($mostUsedLanguage) ne lc($line))
$reparseEverything = 1;
# Parse the rest of the file.
while ($line = $lineReader->Get())
my ($file, $modification, $hasContent, $menuTitle) = split(/\t/, $line, 4);
# If the file no longer exists...
if (!exists $supportedFiles{$file})
if ($hasContent)
{ $filesToPurge{$file} = 1; };
$hasChanged = 1;
# If the file still exists...
$indexedFiles{$file} = 1;
# If the file changed...
if ($supportedFiles{$file}->LastModified() != $modification)
$filesToParse{$file} = 1;
# If the file loses its content, this will be removed by SetHasContent().
if ($hasContent)
{ $filesToBuild{$file} = 1; };
$hasChanged = 1;
# If the file has not changed...
my $status;
if ($rebuildEverything && $hasContent)
$status = ::FILE_CHANGED();
# If the file loses its content, this will be removed by SetHasContent().
$filesToBuild{$file} = 1;
$hasChanged = 1;
$status = ::FILE_SAME();
if ($hasContent)
{ $unbuiltFilesWithContent{$file} = 1; };
if ($reparseEverything)
$status = ::FILE_CHANGED();
$filesToParse{$file} = 1;
$hasChanged = 1;
# Check for added files.
if (scalar keys %supportedFiles > scalar keys %indexedFiles)
foreach my $file (keys %supportedFiles)
if (!exists $indexedFiles{$file})
$filesToParse{$file} = 1;
# It will be added to filesToBuild if HasContent gets set to true when it's parsed.
$hasChanged = 1;
# If something's wrong with FileInfo.nd, everything is new.
foreach my $file (keys %supportedFiles)
$filesToParse{$file} = 1;
# It will be added to filesToBuild if HasContent gets set to true when it's parsed.
$hasChanged = 1;
# There are other side effects, so we need to call this.
if ($rebuildEverything)
{ $self->RebuildEverything(); };
return $hasChanged;
# Function: SaveSourceFileInfo
# Saves the source file info to disk. Everything is saved in <FileInfo.nd>.
sub SaveSourceFileInfo
my ($self) = @_;
open(FH_FILEINFO, '>' . $self->DataFile('FileInfo.nd'))
or die "Couldn't save project file " . $self->DataFile('FileInfo.nd') . "\n";
NaturalDocs::Version->ToTextFile(\*FH_FILEINFO, NaturalDocs::Settings->AppVersion());
print FH_FILEINFO $mostUsedLanguage . "\n";
while (my ($fileName, $file) = each %supportedFiles)
print FH_FILEINFO $fileName . "\t"
. $file->LastModified() . "\t"
. ($file->HasContent() || '0') . "\t"
. $file->DefaultMenuTitle() . "\n";
# Function: LoadConfigFileInfo
# Loads the config file info from disk.
sub LoadConfigFileInfo
my ($self) = @_;
my $fileIsOkay;
my $version;
my $fileName = NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('ConfigFileInfo.nd');
if (open(FH_CONFIGFILEINFO, '<' . $fileName))
# See if it's binary.
my $firstChar;
read(FH_CONFIGFILEINFO, $firstChar, 1);
if ($firstChar == ::BINARY_FORMAT())
$version = NaturalDocs::Version->FromBinaryFile(\*FH_CONFIGFILEINFO);
# It hasn't changed since being introduced.
if (NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat($version))
{ $fileIsOkay = 1; }
else # it's not in binary
my @configFiles = ( $self->UserConfigFile('Menu.txt'), \$userConfigFiles{'Menu.txt'},
$self->MainConfigFile('Topics.txt'), \$mainConfigFiles{'Topics.txt'},
$self->UserConfigFile('Topics.txt'), \$userConfigFiles{'Topics.txt'},
$self->MainConfigFile('Languages.txt'), \$mainConfigFiles{'Languages.txt'},
$self->UserConfigFile('Languages.txt'), \$userConfigFiles{'Languages.txt'} );
if ($fileIsOkay)
my $raw;
read(FH_CONFIGFILEINFO, $raw, 20);
my @configFileDates = unpack('NNNNN', $raw);
while (scalar @configFiles)
my $file = shift @configFiles;
my $fileStatus = shift @configFiles;
my $fileDate = shift @configFileDates;
if (-e $file)
if ($fileDate == (stat($file))[9])
{ $$fileStatus = ::FILE_SAME(); }
{ $$fileStatus = ::FILE_CHANGED(); };
{ $$fileStatus = ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST(); };
else # !$fileIsOkay
while (scalar @configFiles)
my $file = shift @configFiles;
my $fileStatus = shift @configFiles;
if (-e $file)
{ $$fileStatus = ::FILE_CHANGED(); }
{ $$fileStatus = ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST(); };
if ($userConfigFiles{'Menu.txt'} == ::FILE_SAME() && $rebuildEverything)
{ $userConfigFiles{'Menu.txt'} = ::FILE_CHANGED(); };
# Function: SaveConfigFileInfo
# Saves the config file info to disk. You *must* save all other config files first, such as <Menu.txt> and <Topics.txt>.
sub SaveConfigFileInfo
my ($self) = @_;
open (FH_CONFIGFILEINFO, '>' . NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('ConfigFileInfo.nd'))
or die "Couldn't save " . NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('ConfigFileInfo.nd') . ".\n";
NaturalDocs::Version->ToBinaryFile(\*FH_CONFIGFILEINFO, NaturalDocs::Settings->AppVersion());
print FH_CONFIGFILEINFO pack('NNNNN', (stat($self->UserConfigFile('Menu.txt')))[9],
(stat($self->UserConfigFile('Languages.txt')))[9] );
# Function: LoadImageFileInfo
# Loads the image file info from disk.
sub LoadImageFileInfo
my ($self) = @_;
my $version = NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->OpenForReading( NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('ImageFileInfo.nd') );
my $fileIsOkay;
if (defined $version)
if (NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat($version, NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.52')))
{ $fileIsOkay = 1; }
{ NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->Close(); };
if ($fileIsOkay)
# [UString16: file name or undef]
while (my $imageFile = NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->GetUString16())
# [UInt32: last modified]
# [UInt8: was used]
my $lastModified = NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->GetUInt32();
my $wasUsed = NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->GetUInt8();
my $imageFileObject = $imageFiles{$imageFile};
# If there's an image file in ImageFileInfo.nd that no longer exists...
if (!$imageFileObject)
$imageFileObject = NaturalDocs::Project::ImageFile->New($lastModified, ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST(), $wasUsed);
$imageFiles{$imageFile} = $imageFileObject;
if ($wasUsed)
{ $imageFilesToPurge{$imageFile} = 1; };
# This will be removed if it gets any references.
if ($wasUsed)
{ $imageFilesToPurge{$imageFile} = 1; };
if ($imageFileObject->LastModified() == $lastModified && !$rebuildEverything)
{ $imageFileObject->SetStatus(::FILE_SAME()); }
{ $imageFileObject->SetStatus(::FILE_CHANGED()); };
else # !$fileIsOkay
# Function: SaveImageFileInfo
# Saves the image file info to disk.
sub SaveImageFileInfo
my $self = shift;
NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->OpenForWriting( NaturalDocs::Project->DataFile('ImageFileInfo.nd') );
while (my ($imageFile, $imageFileInfo) = each %imageFiles)
if ($imageFileInfo->Status() != ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST())
# [UString16: file name or undef]
# [UInt32: last modification time]
# [UInt8: was used]
NaturalDocs::BinaryFile->WriteUInt8( ($imageFileInfo->ReferenceCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0) );
# Function: MigrateOldFiles
# If the project uses the old file names used prior to 1.14, it converts them to the new file names.
sub MigrateOldFiles
my ($self) = @_;
my $projectDirectory = NaturalDocs::Settings->ProjectDirectory();
# We use the menu file as a test to see if we're using the new format.
if (-e NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs_Menu.txt'))
# The Data subdirectory would have been created by NaturalDocs::Settings.
rename( NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs_Menu.txt'), $self->UserConfigFile('Menu.txt') );
if (-e NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs.sym'))
{ rename( NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs.sym'), $self->DataFile('SymbolTable.nd') ); };
if (-e NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs.files'))
{ rename( NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs.files'), $self->DataFile('FileInfo.nd') ); };
if (-e NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs.m'))
{ rename( NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'NaturalDocs.m'), $self->DataFile('PreviousMenuState.nd') ); };
# Group: Config and Data File Functions
# Function: MainConfigFile
# Returns the full path to the passed main configuration file. Pass the file name only.
sub MainConfigFile #(string file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->ConfigDirectory(), $file );
# Function: MainConfigFileStatus
# Returns the <FileStatus> of the passed main configuration file. Pass the file name only.
sub MainConfigFileStatus #(string file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return $mainConfigFiles{$file};
# Function: UserConfigFile
# Returns the full path to the passed user configuration file. Pass the file name only.
sub UserConfigFile #(string file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->ProjectDirectory(), $file );
# Function: UserConfigFileStatus
# Returns the <FileStatus> of the passed user configuration file. Pass the file name only.
sub UserConfigFileStatus #(string file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return $userConfigFiles{$file};
# Function: DataFile
# Returns the full path to the passed data file. Pass the file name only.
sub DataFile #(string file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->ProjectDataDirectory(), $file );
# Group: Source File Functions
# Function: FilesToParse
# Returns an existence hashref of the <FileNames> to parse. This is not a copy of the data, so don't change it.
sub FilesToParse
{ return \%filesToParse; };
# Function: FilesToBuild
# Returns an existence hashref of the <FileNames> to build. This is not a copy of the data, so don't change it.
sub FilesToBuild
{ return \%filesToBuild; };
# Function: FilesToPurge
# Returns an existence hashref of the <FileNames> that had content last time, but now either don't anymore or were deleted.
# This is not a copy of the data, so don't change it.
sub FilesToPurge
{ return \%filesToPurge; };
# Function: RebuildFile
# Adds the file to the list of files to build. This function will automatically filter out files that don't have Natural Docs content and
# files that are part of <FilesToPurge()>. If this gets called on a file and that file later gets Natural Docs content, it will be added.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> to build or rebuild.
sub RebuildFile #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
# We don't want to add it to the build list if it doesn't exist, doesn't have Natural Docs content, or it's going to be purged.
# If it wasn't parsed yet and will later be found to have ND content, it will be added by SetHasContent().
if (exists $supportedFiles{$file} && !exists $filesToPurge{$file} && $supportedFiles{$file}->HasContent())
$filesToBuild{$file} = 1;
if (exists $unbuiltFilesWithContent{$file})
{ delete $unbuiltFilesWithContent{$file}; };
# Function: ReparseEverything
# Adds all supported files to the list of files to parse. This does not necessarily mean these files are going to be rebuilt.
sub ReparseEverything
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$reparseEverything)
foreach my $file (keys %supportedFiles)
$filesToParse{$file} = 1;
$reparseEverything = 1;
# Function: RebuildEverything
# Adds all supported files to the list of files to build. This does not necessarily mean these files are going to be reparsed.
sub RebuildEverything
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $file (keys %unbuiltFilesWithContent)
$filesToBuild{$file} = 1;
%unbuiltFilesWithContent = ( );
$rebuildEverything = 1;
if ($userConfigFiles{'Menu.txt'} == ::FILE_SAME())
{ $userConfigFiles{'Menu.txt'} = ::FILE_CHANGED(); };
while (my ($imageFile, $imageObject) = each %imageFiles)
if ($imageObject->ReferenceCount())
{ $imageFilesToUpdate{$imageFile} = 1; };
# Function: UnbuiltFilesWithContent
# Returns an existence hashref of the <FileNames> that have Natural Docs content but are not part of <FilesToBuild()>. This is
# not a copy of the data so don't change it.
sub UnbuiltFilesWithContent
{ return \%unbuiltFilesWithContent; };
# Function: FilesWithContent
# Returns and existence hashref of the <FileNames> that have Natural Docs content.
sub FilesWithContent
# Don't keep this one internally, but there's an easy way to make it.
return { %filesToBuild, %unbuiltFilesWithContent };
# Function: HasContent
# Returns whether the <FileName> contains Natural Docs content.
sub HasContent #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (exists $supportedFiles{$file})
{ return $supportedFiles{$file}->HasContent(); }
{ return undef; };
# Function: SetHasContent
# Sets whether the <FileName> has Natural Docs content or not.
sub SetHasContent #(file, hasContent)
my ($self, $file, $hasContent) = @_;
if (exists $supportedFiles{$file} && $supportedFiles{$file}->HasContent() != $hasContent)
# If the file now has content...
if ($hasContent)
$filesToBuild{$file} = 1;
# If the file's content has been removed...
delete $filesToBuild{$file}; # may not be there
$filesToPurge{$file} = 1;
# Function: StatusOf
# Returns the <FileStatus> of the passed <FileName>.
sub StatusOf #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (exists $supportedFiles{$file})
{ return $supportedFiles{$file}->Status(); }
{ return ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST(); };
# Function: DefaultMenuTitleOf
# Returns the default menu title of the <FileName>. If one isn't specified, it returns the <FileName>.
sub DefaultMenuTitleOf #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (exists $supportedFiles{$file})
{ return $supportedFiles{$file}->DefaultMenuTitle(); }
{ return $file; };
# Function: SetDefaultMenuTitle
# Sets the <FileName's> default menu title.
sub SetDefaultMenuTitle #(file, menuTitle)
my ($self, $file, $menuTitle) = @_;
if (exists $supportedFiles{$file} && $supportedFiles{$file}->DefaultMenuTitle() ne $menuTitle)
# Function: MostUsedLanguage
# Returns the name of the most used language in the source trees. Does not include text files.
sub MostUsedLanguage
{ return $mostUsedLanguage; };
# Group: Image File Functions
# Function: ImageFileExists
# Returns whether the passed image file exists.
sub ImageFileExists #(FileName file) => bool
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (!exists $imageFiles{$file})
{ $file = $insensitiveImageFiles{lc($file)}; };
return (exists $imageFiles{$file} && $imageFiles{$file}->Status() != ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST());
# Function: ImageFileDimensions
# Returns the dimensions of the passed image file as the array ( width, height ). Returns them both as undef if it cannot be
# determined.
sub ImageFileDimensions #(FileName file) => (int, int)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (!exists $imageFiles{$file})
{ $file = $insensitiveImageFiles{lc($file)}; };
my $object = $imageFiles{$file};
if (!$object)
{ die "Tried to get the dimensions of an image that doesn't exist."; };
if ($object->Width() == -1)
{ $self->DetermineImageDimensions($file); };
return ($object->Width(), $object->Height());
# Function: ImageFileCapitalization
# Returns the properly capitalized version of the passed image <FileName>. Image file paths are treated as case insensitive
# regardless of whether the underlying operating system is or not, so we have to make sure the final version matches the
# capitalization of the actual file.
sub ImageFileCapitalization #(FileName file) => FileName
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (exists $imageFiles{$file})
{ return $file; }
elsif (exists $insensitiveImageFiles{lc($file)})
{ return $insensitiveImageFiles{lc($file)}; }
{ die "Tried to get the capitalization of an image file that doesn't exist."; };
# Function: AddImageFileReference
# Adds a reference to the passed image <FileName>.
sub AddImageFileReference #(FileName imageFile)
my ($self, $imageFile) = @_;
if (!exists $imageFiles{$imageFile})
{ $imageFile = $insensitiveImageFiles{lc($imageFile)}; };
my $imageFileInfo = $imageFiles{$imageFile};
if ($imageFileInfo == undef || $imageFileInfo->Status() == ::FILE_DOESNTEXIST())
{ die "Tried to add a reference to a non-existant image file."; };
if ($imageFileInfo->AddReference() == 1)
delete $imageFilesToPurge{$imageFile};
if (!$imageFileInfo->WasUsed() ||
$imageFileInfo->Status() == ::FILE_NEW() ||
$imageFileInfo->Status() == ::FILE_CHANGED())
{ $imageFilesToUpdate{$imageFile} = 1; };
# Function: DeleteImageFileReference
# Deletes a reference from the passed image <FileName>.
sub DeleteImageFileReference #(FileName imageFile)
my ($self, $imageFile) = @_;
if (!exists $imageFiles{$imageFile})
{ $imageFile = $insensitiveImageFiles{lc($imageFile)}; };
if (!exists $imageFiles{$imageFile})
{ die "Tried to delete a reference to a non-existant image file."; };
if ($imageFiles{$imageFile}->DeleteReference() == 0)
delete $imageFilesToUpdate{$imageFile};
if ($imageFiles{$imageFile}->WasUsed())
{ $imageFilesToPurge{$imageFile} = 1; };
# Function: ImageFilesToUpdate
# Returns an existence hashref of image <FileNames> that need to be updated. *Do not change.*
sub ImageFilesToUpdate
{ return \%imageFilesToUpdate; };
# Function: ImageFilesToPurge
# Returns an existence hashref of image <FileNames> that need to be updated. *Do not change.*
sub ImageFilesToPurge
{ return \%imageFilesToPurge; };
# Group: Support Functions
# Function: GetAllSupportedFiles
# Gets all the supported files in the passed directory and its subdirectories and puts them into <supportedFiles>. The only
# attribute that will be set is <NaturalDocs::Project::SourceFile->LastModified()>. Also sets <mostUsedLanguage>.
sub GetAllSupportedFiles
my ($self) = @_;
my @directories = @{NaturalDocs::Settings->InputDirectories()};
my $isCaseSensitive = NaturalDocs::File->IsCaseSensitive();
# Keys are language names, values are counts.
my %languageCounts;
# Make an existence hash of excluded directories.
my %excludedDirectories;
my $excludedDirectoryArrayRef = NaturalDocs::Settings->ExcludedInputDirectories();
foreach my $excludedDirectory (@$excludedDirectoryArrayRef)
if ($isCaseSensitive)
{ $excludedDirectories{$excludedDirectory} = 1; }
{ $excludedDirectories{lc($excludedDirectory)} = 1; };
my $imagesOnly;
my $language;
while (scalar @directories)
my $directory = pop @directories;
opendir DIRECTORYHANDLE, $directory;
my @entries = readdir DIRECTORYHANDLE;
@entries = NaturalDocs::File->NoUpwards(@entries);
foreach my $entry (@entries)
my $fullEntry = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($directory, $entry);
# If an entry is a directory, recurse.
if (-d $fullEntry)
# Join again with the noFile flag set in case the platform handles them differently.
$fullEntry = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($directory, $entry, 1);
if ($isCaseSensitive)
if (!exists $excludedDirectories{$fullEntry})
{ push @directories, $fullEntry; };
if (!exists $excludedDirectories{lc($fullEntry)})
{ push @directories, $fullEntry; };
# Otherwise add it if it's a supported extension.
my $extension = NaturalDocs::File->ExtensionOf($entry);
if (exists $imageFileExtensions{lc($extension)})
my $fileObject = NaturalDocs::Project::ImageFile->New( (stat($fullEntry))[9], ::FILE_NEW(), 0 );
$imageFiles{$fullEntry} = $fileObject;
my $lcFullEntry = lc($fullEntry);
if (!exists $insensitiveImageFiles{$lcFullEntry} ||
($fullEntry cmp $insensitiveImageFiles{$lcFullEntry}) < 0)
$insensitiveImageFiles{$lcFullEntry} = $fullEntry;
elsif (!$imagesOnly && ($language = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($fullEntry)) )
my $fileObject = NaturalDocs::Project::SourceFile->New();
$fileObject->SetLastModified(( stat($fullEntry))[9] );
$supportedFiles{$fullEntry} = $fileObject;
# After we run out of source directories, add the image directories.
if (scalar @directories == 0 && !$imagesOnly)
$imagesOnly = 1;
@directories = @{NaturalDocs::Settings->ImageDirectories()};
my $topCount = 0;
while (my ($language, $count) = each %languageCounts)
if ($count > $topCount && $language ne 'Text File')
$topCount = $count;
$mostUsedLanguage = $language;
# Function: DetermineImageDimensions
# Attempts to determine the dimensions of the passed image and apply them to their object in <imageFiles>. Will set them to
# undef if they can't be determined.
sub DetermineImageDimensions #(FileName imageFile)
my ($self, $imageFile) = @_;
my $imageFileObject = $imageFiles{$imageFile};
if (!defined $imageFileObject)
{ die "Tried to determine image dimensions of a file with no object."; };
my $extension = lc( NaturalDocs::File->ExtensionOf($imageFile) );
my ($width, $height);
if ($imageFileExtensions{$extension})
open(FH_IMAGEFILE, '<' . $imageFile)
or die 'Could not open ' . $imageFile . "\n";
my $raw;
if ($extension eq 'gif')
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 6);
if ($raw eq 'GIF87a' || $raw eq 'GIF89a')
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 4);
($width, $height) = unpack('vv', $raw);
elsif ($extension eq 'png')
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 8);
if ($raw eq "\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A")
seek(FH_IMAGEFILE, 4, 1);
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 4);
if ($raw eq 'IHDR')
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 8);
($width, $height) = unpack('NN', $raw);
elsif ($extension eq 'bmp')
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 2);
if ($raw eq 'BM')
seek(FH_IMAGEFILE, 16, 1);
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 8);
($width, $height) = unpack('VV', $raw);
elsif ($extension eq 'jpg' || $extension eq 'jpeg')
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 2);
my $isOkay = ($raw eq "\xFF\xD8");
while ($isOkay)
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 4);
my ($marker, $code, $length) = unpack('CCn', $raw);
$isOkay = ($marker eq 0xFF);
if ($isOkay)
if ($code >= 0xC0 && $code <= 0xC3)
read(FH_IMAGEFILE, $raw, 5);
($height, $width) = unpack('xnn', $raw);
$isOkay = seek(FH_IMAGEFILE, $length - 2, 1);
# Sanity check the values. Although images can theoretically be bigger than 5000, most won't. The worst that happens in this
# case is just that they don't get length and width values in the output anyway.
if ($width > 0 && $width < 5000 && $height > 0 && $height < 5000)
{ $imageFileObject->SetDimensions($width, $height); }
{ $imageFileObject->SetDimensions(undef, undef); };