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Executable File

# Package: NaturalDocs::Parser::JavaDoc
# A package for translating JavaDoc topics into Natural Docs.
# Supported tags:
# - @param
# - @author
# - @deprecated
# - @code, @literal (doesn't change font)
# - @exception, @throws (doesn't link to class)
# - @link, @linkplain (doesn't change font)
# - @return, @returns
# - @see
# - @since
# - @value (shown as link instead of replacement)
# - @version
# Stripped tags:
# - @inheritDoc
# - @serial, @serialField, @serialData
# - All other block level tags.
# Unsupported tags:
# These will appear literally in the output because I cannot handle them easily.
# - @docRoot
# - Any other tags not mentioned
# Supported HTML:
# - p
# - b, i, u
# - pre
# - a href
# - ol, ul, li (ol gets converted to ul)
# - gt, lt, amp, quot, nbsp entities
# Stripped HTML:
# - code
# - HTML comments
# Unsupported HTML:
# These will appear literally in the output because I cannot handle them easily.
# - Any tags with additional properties other than a href. (ex. <p class=Something>)
# - Any other tags not mentioned
# Reference:
# http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/windows/javadoc.html
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Parser::JavaDoc;
# hash: blockTags
# An existence hash of the all-lowercase JavaDoc block tags, not including the @.
my %blockTags = ( 'param' => 1, 'author' => 1, 'deprecated' => 1, 'exception' => 1, 'return' => 1, 'see' => 1,
'serial' => 1, 'serialfield' => 1, 'serialdata' => 1, 'since' => 1, 'throws' => 1, 'version' => 1,
'returns' => 1 );
# hash: inlineTags
# An existence hash of the all-lowercase JavaDoc inline tags, not including the @.
my %inlineTags = ( 'inheritdoc' => 1, 'docroot' => 1, 'code' => 1, 'literal' => 1, 'link' => 1, 'linkplain' => 1, 'value' => 1 );
# Examines the comment and returns whether it is *definitely* JavaDoc content, i.e. is owned by this package.
# Parameters:
# commentLines - An arrayref of the comment lines. Must have been run through <NaturalDocs::Parser->CleanComment()>.
# isJavaDoc - Whether the comment is JavaDoc styled. This doesn't necessarily mean it has JavaDoc content.
# Returns:
# Whether the comment is *definitely* JavaDoc content.
sub IsMine #(string[] commentLines, bool isJavaDoc)
my ($self, $commentLines, $isJavaDoc) = @_;
if (!$isJavaDoc)
{ return undef; };
for (my $line = 0; $line < scalar @$commentLines; $line++)
if ($commentLines->[$line] =~ /^ *@([a-z]+) /i && exists $blockTags{$1} ||
$commentLines->[$line] =~ /\{@([a-z]+) /i && exists $inlineTags{$1})
return 1;
return 0;
# Parses the JavaDoc-syntax comment and adds it to the parsed topic list.
# Parameters:
# commentLines - An arrayref of the comment lines. Must have been run through <NaturalDocs::Parser->CleanComment()>.
# *The original memory will be changed.*
# isJavaDoc - Whether the comment is JavaDoc styled. This doesn't necessarily mean it has JavaDoc content.
# lineNumber - The line number of the first of the comment lines.
# parsedTopics - A reference to the array where any new <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopics> should be placed.
# Returns:
# The number of parsed topics added to the array, which in this case will always be one.
sub ParseComment #(string[] commentLines, bool isJavaDoc, int lineNumber, ParsedTopics[]* parsedTopics)
my ($self, $commentLines, $isJavaDoc, $lineNumber, $parsedTopics) = @_;
# Stage one: Before block level tags.
my $i = 0;
my $output;
my $unformattedText;
my $inCode;
my $sharedCodeIndent;
while ($i < scalar @$commentLines &&
!($commentLines->[$i] =~ /^ *@([a-z]+) /i && exists $blockTags{$1}) )
my $line = $self->ConvertAmpChars($commentLines->[$i]);
my @tokens = split(/(&lt;\/?pre&gt;)/, $line);
foreach my $token (@tokens)
if ($token =~ /^&lt;pre&gt;$/i)
if (!$inCode && $unformattedText)
$output .= '<p>' . $self->FormatText($unformattedText, 1) . '</p>';
$inCode = 1;
$unformattedText = undef;
elsif ($token =~ /^&lt;\/pre&gt;$/i)
if ($inCode && $unformattedText)
$unformattedText =~ s/^ {$sharedCodeIndent}//mg;
$unformattedText =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/g;
$unformattedText =~ s/\n+$//;
$output .= '<code type="anonymous">' . $unformattedText . '</code>';
$sharedCodeIndent = undef;
$inCode = 0;
$unformattedText = undef;
elsif (length($token))
if (!$inCode)
$token =~ s/^ +//;
if ($unformattedText)
{ $unformattedText .= ' '; };
$token =~ /^( *)/;
my $indent = length($1);
if (!defined $sharedCodeIndent || $indent < $sharedCodeIndent)
{ $sharedCodeIndent = $indent; };
$unformattedText .= $token;
if ($inCode && $unformattedText)
{ $unformattedText .= "\n"; };
if ($unformattedText)
if ($inCode)
$unformattedText =~ s/^ {$sharedCodeIndent}//mg;
$unformattedText =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/g;
$unformattedText =~ s/\n+$//;
$output .= '<code type="anonymous">' . $unformattedText . '</code>';
{ $output .= '<p>' . $self->FormatText($unformattedText, 1) . '</p>'; };
$unformattedText = undef;
# Stage two: Block level tags.
my ($keyword, $value, $unformattedTextPtr, $unformattedTextCloser);
my ($params, $authors, $deprecation, $throws, $returns, $seeAlso, $since, $version);
while ($i < scalar @$commentLines)
my $line = $self->ConvertAmpChars($commentLines->[$i]);
$line =~ s/^ +//;
if ($line =~ /^@([a-z]+) ?(.*)$/i)
($keyword, $value) = (lc($1), $2);
# Process the previous one, if any.
if ($unformattedText)
$$unformattedTextPtr .= $self->FormatText($unformattedText) . $unformattedTextCloser;
$unformattedText = undef;
if ($keyword eq 'param')
$value =~ /^([a-z0-9_]+) *(.*)$/i;
$params .= '<de>' . $1 . '</de><dd>';
$unformattedText = $2;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$params;
$unformattedTextCloser = '</dd>';
elsif ($keyword eq 'exception' || $keyword eq 'throws')
$value =~ /^([a-z0-9_]+) *(.*)$/i;
$throws .= '<de>' . $1 . '</de><dd>';
$unformattedText = $2;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$throws;
$unformattedTextCloser = '</dd>';
elsif ($keyword eq 'return' || $keyword eq 'returns')
if ($returns)
{ $returns .= ' '; };
$unformattedText = $value;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$returns;
$unformattedTextCloser = undef;
elsif ($keyword eq 'author')
if ($authors)
{ $authors .= ', '; };
$unformattedText = $value;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$authors;
$unformattedTextCloser = undef;
elsif ($keyword eq 'deprecated')
if ($deprecation)
{ $deprecation .= ' '; };
$unformattedText = $value;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$deprecation;
$unformattedTextCloser = undef;
elsif ($keyword eq 'since')
if ($since)
{ $since .= ', '; };
$unformattedText = $value;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$since;
$unformattedTextCloser = undef;
elsif ($keyword eq 'version')
if ($version)
{ $version .= ', '; };
$unformattedText = $value;
$unformattedTextPtr = \$version;
$unformattedTextCloser = undef;
elsif ($keyword eq 'see')
if ($seeAlso)
{ $seeAlso .= ', '; };
$unformattedText = undef;
if ($value =~ /^&(?:quot|lt);/i)
{ $seeAlso .= $self->FormatText($value); }
{ $seeAlso .= $self->ConvertLink($value); };
# Everything else will be skipped.
elsif ($unformattedText)
$unformattedText .= ' ' . $line;
if ($unformattedText)
$$unformattedTextPtr .= $self->FormatText($unformattedText) . $unformattedTextCloser;
$unformattedText = undef;
if ($params)
{ $output .= '<h>Parameters</h><dl>' . $params . '</dl>'; };
if ($returns)
{ $output .= '<h>Returns</h><p>' . $returns . '</p>'; };
if ($throws)
{ $output .= '<h>Throws</h><dl>' . $throws . '</dl>'; };
if ($since)
{ $output .= '<h>Since</h><p>' . $since . '</p>'; };
if ($version)
{ $output .= '<h>Version</h><p>' . $version . '</p>'; };
if ($deprecation)
{ $output .= '<h>Deprecated</h><p>' . $deprecation . '</p>'; };
if ($authors)
{ $output .= '<h>Author</h><p>' . $authors . '</p>'; };
if ($seeAlso)
{ $output .= '<h>See Also</h><p>' . $seeAlso . '</p>'; };
# Stage three: Build the parsed topic.
my $summary = NaturalDocs::Parser->GetSummaryFromBody($output);
push @$parsedTopics, NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $summary,
$output, $lineNumber, undef);
return 1;
# Translates any inline tags or HTML codes to <NDMarkup> and returns it.
sub FormatText #(string text, bool inParagraph)
my ($self, $text, $inParagraph) = @_;
# JavaDoc Literal
$text =~ s/\{\@(?:code|literal) ([^\}]*)\}/$self->ConvertAmpChars($1)/gie;
$text =~ s/&lt;b&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/b&gt;/<b>$1<\/b>/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;i&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/i&gt;/<i>$1<\/i>/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;u&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/<u>$1<\/u>/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;code&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/code&gt;/$1/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;ul.*?&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/ul&gt;/<ul>$1<\/ul>/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;ol.*?&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/ol&gt;/<ul>$1<\/ul>/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;li.*?&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/li&gt;/<li>$1<\/li>/gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;!--.*?--&gt;//gi;
$text =~ s/&lt;\/p&gt;//gi;
$text =~ s/^&lt;p&gt;//i;
if ($inParagraph)
{ $text =~ s/&lt;p&gt;/<\/p><p>/gi; }
{ $text =~ s/&lt;p&gt;//gi; };
$text =~ s/&lt;a href=&quot;mailto:(.*?)&quot;.*?&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/a&gt;/$self->MakeEMailLink($1, $2)/gie;
$text =~ s/&lt;a href=&quot;(.*?)&quot;.*?&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/a&gt;/$self->MakeURLLink($1, $2)/gie;
$text =~ s/&amp;nbsp;/ /gi;
$text =~ s/&amp;amp;/&amp;/gi;
$text =~ s/&amp;gt;/&gt;/gi;
$text =~ s/&amp;lt;/&lt;/gi;
$text =~ s/&amp;quot;/&quot;/gi;
# JavaDoc
$text =~ s/\{\@inheritdoc\}//gi;
$text =~ s/\{\@(?:linkplain|link|value) ([^\}]*)\}/$self->ConvertLink($1)/gie;
return $text;
sub ConvertAmpChars #(text)
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
return $text;
sub ConvertLink #(text)
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text =~ /^ *([a-z0-9\_\.\:\#]+(?:\([^\)]*\))?) *(.*)$/i;
my ($target, $label) = ($1, $2);
# Convert the anchor to part of the link, but remove it altogether if it's the beginning of the link.
$target =~ s/^\#//;
$target =~ s/\#/\./;
$label =~ s/ +$//;
if (!length $label)
{ return '<link target="' . $target . '" name="' . $target . '" original="' . $target . '">'; }
{ return '<link target="' . $target . '" name="' . $label . '" original="' . $label . ' (' . $target . ')">'; };
sub MakeURLLink #(target, text)
my ($self, $target, $text) = @_;
return '<url target="' . $target . '" name="' . $text . '">';
sub MakeEMailLink #(target, text)
my ($self, $target, $text) = @_;
return '<email target="' . $target . '" name="' . $text . '">';