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1336 lines
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Executable File

# Package: NaturalDocs::Parser
# A package that coordinates source file parsing between the <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base>-derived objects and its own
# sub-packages such as <NaturalDocs::Parser::Native>. Also handles sending symbols to <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable> and
# other generic topic processing.
# Usage and Dependencies:
# - Prior to use, <NaturalDocs::Settings>, <NaturalDocs::Languages>, <NaturalDocs::Project>, <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable>,
# and <NaturalDocs::ClassHierarchy> must be initialized. <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable> and <NaturalDocs::ClassHierarchy>
# do not have to be fully resolved.
# - Aside from that, the package is ready to use right away. It does not have its own initialization function.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic;
use NaturalDocs::Parser::Native;
use NaturalDocs::Parser::JavaDoc;
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Parser;
# Group: Variables
# var: sourceFile
# The source <FileName> currently being parsed.
my $sourceFile;
# var: language
# The language object for the file, derived from <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base>.
my $language;
# Array: parsedFile
# An array of <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic> objects.
my @parsedFile;
# bool: parsingForInformation
# Whether <ParseForInformation()> was called. If false, then <ParseForBuild()> was called.
my $parsingForInformation;
# Group: Functions
# Function: ParseForInformation
# Parses the input file for information. Will update the information about the file in <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable> and
# <NaturalDocs::Project>.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> to parse.
sub ParseForInformation #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
$sourceFile = $file;
$parsingForInformation = 1;
# Watch this parse so we detect any changes.
my $defaultMenuTitle = $self->Parse();
foreach my $topic (@parsedFile)
# Add a symbol for the topic.
my $type = $topic->Type();
if ($type eq ::TOPIC_ENUMERATION())
{ $type = ::TOPIC_TYPE(); };
NaturalDocs::SymbolTable->AddSymbol($topic->Symbol(), $sourceFile, $type,
$topic->Prototype(), $topic->Summary());
# You can't put the function call directly in a while with a regex. It has to sit in a variable to work.
my $body = $topic->Body();
# If it's a list or enum topic, add a symbol for each description list entry.
if ($topic->IsList() || $topic->Type() eq ::TOPIC_ENUMERATION())
# We'll hijack the enum constants to apply to non-enum behavior too.
my $behavior;
if ($topic->Type() eq ::TOPIC_ENUMERATION())
$type = ::TOPIC_CONSTANT();
$behavior = $language->EnumValues();
elsif (NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($topic->Type())->Scope() == ::SCOPE_ALWAYS_GLOBAL())
$behavior = ::ENUM_GLOBAL();
$behavior = ::ENUM_UNDER_PARENT();
while ($body =~ /<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds><dd>(.*?)<\/dd>/g)
my ($listTextSymbol, $listSummary) = ($1, $2);
$listTextSymbol = NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($listTextSymbol);
my $listSymbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($listTextSymbol);
if ($behavior == ::ENUM_UNDER_PARENT())
{ $listSymbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($topic->Package(), $listSymbol); }
elsif ($behavior == ::ENUM_UNDER_TYPE())
{ $listSymbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($topic->Symbol(), $listSymbol); };
NaturalDocs::SymbolTable->AddSymbol($listSymbol, $sourceFile, $type, undef,
# Add references in the topic.
while ($body =~ /<link target=\"([^\"]*)\" name=\"[^\"]*\" original=\"[^\"]*\">/g)
my $linkText = NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($1);
my $linkSymbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($linkText);
NaturalDocs::SymbolTable->AddReference(::REFERENCE_TEXT(), $linkSymbol,
$topic->Package(), $topic->Using(), $sourceFile);
# Add images in the topic.
while ($body =~ /<img mode=\"[^\"]*\" target=\"([^\"]+)\" original=\"[^\"]*\">/g)
my $target = NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($1);
NaturalDocs::ImageReferenceTable->AddReference($sourceFile, $target);
# Handle any changes to the file.
# Update project on the file's characteristics.
my $hasContent = (scalar @parsedFile > 0);
NaturalDocs::Project->SetHasContent($sourceFile, $hasContent);
if ($hasContent)
{ NaturalDocs::Project->SetDefaultMenuTitle($sourceFile, $defaultMenuTitle); };
# We don't need to keep this around.
@parsedFile = ( );
# Function: ParseForBuild
# Parses the input file for building, returning it as a <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic> arrayref.
# Note that all new and changed files should be parsed for symbols via <ParseForInformation()> before calling this function on
# *any* file. The reason is that <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable> needs to know about all the symbol definitions and references to
# resolve them properly.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> to parse for building.
# Returns:
# An arrayref of the source file as <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic> objects.
sub ParseForBuild #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
$sourceFile = $file;
$parsingForInformation = undef;
return \@parsedFile;
# Group: Interface Functions
# Function: OnComment
# The function called by <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base>-derived objects when their parsers encounter a comment
# suitable for documentation.
# Parameters:
# commentLines - An arrayref of the comment's lines. The language's comment symbols should be converted to spaces,
# and there should be no line break characters at the end of each line. *The original memory will be
# changed.*
# lineNumber - The line number of the first of the comment lines.
# isJavaDoc - Whether the comment is in JavaDoc format.
# Returns:
# The number of topics created by this comment, or zero if none.
sub OnComment #(string[] commentLines, int lineNumber, bool isJavaDoc)
my ($self, $commentLines, $lineNumber, $isJavaDoc) = @_;
# We check if it's definitely Natural Docs content first. This overrides all else, since it's possible that a comment could start
# with a topic line yet have something that looks like a JavaDoc tag. Natural Docs wins in this case.
if (NaturalDocs::Parser::Native->IsMine($commentLines, $isJavaDoc))
{ return NaturalDocs::Parser::Native->ParseComment($commentLines, $isJavaDoc, $lineNumber, \@parsedFile); }
elsif (NaturalDocs::Parser::JavaDoc->IsMine($commentLines, $isJavaDoc))
{ return NaturalDocs::Parser::JavaDoc->ParseComment($commentLines, $isJavaDoc, $lineNumber, \@parsedFile); }
# If the content is ambiguous and it's a JavaDoc-styled comment, treat it as Natural Docs content.
elsif ($isJavaDoc)
{ return NaturalDocs::Parser::Native->ParseComment($commentLines, $isJavaDoc, $lineNumber, \@parsedFile); }
# Function: OnClass
# A function called by <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base>-derived objects when their parsers encounter a class declaration.
# Parameters:
# class - The <SymbolString> of the class encountered.
sub OnClass #(class)
my ($self, $class) = @_;
if ($parsingForInformation)
{ NaturalDocs::ClassHierarchy->AddClass($sourceFile, $class); };
# Function: OnClassParent
# A function called by <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base>-derived objects when their parsers encounter a declaration of
# inheritance.
# Parameters:
# class - The <SymbolString> of the class we're in.
# parent - The <SymbolString> of the class it inherits.
# scope - The package <SymbolString> that the reference appeared in.
# using - An arrayref of package <SymbolStrings> that the reference has access to via "using" statements.
# resolvingFlags - Any <Resolving Flags> to be used when resolving the reference. <RESOLVE_NOPLURAL> is added
# automatically since that would never apply to source code.
sub OnClassParent #(class, parent, scope, using, resolvingFlags)
my ($self, $class, $parent, $scope, $using, $resolvingFlags) = @_;
if ($parsingForInformation)
NaturalDocs::ClassHierarchy->AddParentReference($sourceFile, $class, $parent, $scope, $using,
$resolvingFlags | ::RESOLVE_NOPLURAL());
# Group: Support Functions
# Function: Parse
# Opens the source file and parses process. Most of the actual parsing is done in <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base->ParseFile()>
# and <OnComment()>, though.
# *Do not call externally.* Rather, call <ParseForInformation()> or <ParseForBuild()>.
# Returns:
# The default menu title of the file. Will be the <FileName> if nothing better is found.
sub Parse
my ($self) = @_;
$language = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($sourceFile);
@parsedFile = ( );
my ($autoTopics, $scopeRecord) = $language->ParseFile($sourceFile, \@parsedFile);
if (defined $autoTopics)
if (defined $scopeRecord)
{ $self->RepairPackages($autoTopics, $scopeRecord); };
$self->MergeAutoTopics($language, $autoTopics);
# We don't need to do this if there aren't any auto-topics because the only package changes would be implied by the comments.
if (defined $autoTopics)
{ $self->AddPackageDelineators(); };
if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->NoAutoGroup())
{ $self->MakeAutoGroups($autoTopics); };
# Set the menu title.
my $defaultMenuTitle = $sourceFile;
if (scalar @parsedFile)
my $addFileTitle;
if (NaturalDocs::Settings->OnlyFileTitles())
# We still want to use the title from the topics if the first one is a file.
if ($parsedFile[0]->Type() eq ::TOPIC_FILE())
{ $addFileTitle = 0; }
{ $addFileTitle = 1; };
elsif (scalar @parsedFile == 1 || NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo( $parsedFile[0]->Type() )->PageTitleIfFirst())
{ $addFileTitle = 0; }
{ $addFileTitle = 1; };
if (!$addFileTitle)
$defaultMenuTitle = $parsedFile[0]->Title();
# If the title ended up being the file name, add a leading section for it.
unshift @parsedFile,
NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New(::TOPIC_FILE(), (NaturalDocs::File->SplitPath($sourceFile))[2],
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, undef);
return $defaultMenuTitle;
# Function: CleanComment
# Removes any extraneous formatting and whitespace from the comment. Eliminates comment boxes, horizontal lines, trailing
# whitespace from lines, and expands all tab characters. It keeps leading whitespace, though, since it may be needed for
# example code, and blank lines, since the original line numbers are needed.
# Parameters:
# commentLines - An arrayref of the comment lines to clean. *The original memory will be changed.* Lines should have the
# language's comment symbols replaced by spaces and not have a trailing line break.
sub CleanComment #(commentLines)
my ($self, $commentLines) = @_;
use constant DONT_KNOW => 0;
use constant IS_UNIFORM => 1;
use constant IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END => 2;
use constant IS_NOT_UNIFORM => 3;
my $leftSide = DONT_KNOW;
my $rightSide = DONT_KNOW;
my $leftSideChar;
my $rightSideChar;
my $index = 0;
my $tabLength = NaturalDocs::Settings->TabLength();
while ($index < scalar @$commentLines)
# Strip trailing whitespace from the original.
$commentLines->[$index] =~ s/[ \t]+$//;
# Expand tabs in the original. This method is almost six times faster than Text::Tabs' method.
my $tabIndex = index($commentLines->[$index], "\t");
while ($tabIndex != -1)
substr( $commentLines->[$index], $tabIndex, 1, ' ' x ($tabLength - ($tabIndex % $tabLength)) );
$tabIndex = index($commentLines->[$index], "\t", $tabIndex);
# Make a working copy and strip leading whitespace as well. This has to be done after tabs are expanded because
# stripping indentation could change how far tabs are expanded.
my $line = $commentLines->[$index];
$line =~ s/^ +//;
# If the line is blank...
if (!length $line)
# If we have a potential vertical line, this only acceptable if it's at the end of the comment.
if ($leftSide == IS_UNIFORM)
{ $leftSide = IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END; };
if ($rightSide == IS_UNIFORM)
{ $rightSide = IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END; };
# If there's at least four symbols in a row, it's a horizontal line. The second regex supports differing edge characters. It
# doesn't matter if any of this matches the left and right side symbols. The length < 256 is a sanity check, because that
# regexp has caused the perl regexp engine to choke on an insane line someone sent me from an automatically generated
# file. It had over 10k characters on the first line, and most of them were 0x00.
elsif ($line =~ /^([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1{3,}$/ ||
(length $line < 256 && $line =~ /^([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1*([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\2{3,}([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\3*$/) )
# Ignore it. This has no effect on the vertical line detection. We want to keep it in the output though in case it was
# in a code section.
# If the line is not blank or a horizontal line...
# More content means any previous blank lines are no longer tolerated in vertical line detection. They are only
# acceptable at the end of the comment.
if ($leftSide == IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END)
{ $leftSide = IS_NOT_UNIFORM; };
if ($rightSide == IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END)
{ $rightSide = IS_NOT_UNIFORM; };
# Detect vertical lines. Lines are only lines if they are followed by whitespace or a connected horizontal line.
# Otherwise we may accidentally detect lines from short comments that just happen to have every first or last
# character the same.
if ($leftSide != IS_NOT_UNIFORM)
if ($line =~ /^([^a-zA-Z0-9])\1*(?: |$)/)
if ($leftSide == DONT_KNOW)
$leftSide = IS_UNIFORM;
$leftSideChar = $1;
else # ($leftSide == IS_UNIFORM) Other choices already ruled out.
if ($leftSideChar ne $1)
{ $leftSide = IS_NOT_UNIFORM; };
# We'll tolerate the lack of symbols on the left on the first line, because it may be a
# /* Function: Whatever
# * Description.
# */
# comment which would have the leading /* blanked out.
elsif ($index != 0)
$leftSide = IS_NOT_UNIFORM;
if ($rightSide != IS_NOT_UNIFORM)
if ($line =~ / ([^a-zA-Z0-9])\1*$/)
if ($rightSide == DONT_KNOW)
$rightSide = IS_UNIFORM;
$rightSideChar = $1;
else # ($rightSide == IS_UNIFORM) Other choices already ruled out.
if ($rightSideChar ne $1)
{ $rightSide = IS_NOT_UNIFORM; };
$rightSide = IS_NOT_UNIFORM;
# We'll remove vertical lines later if they're uniform throughout the entire comment.
if ($leftSide == IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END)
{ $leftSide = IS_UNIFORM; };
if ($rightSide == IS_UNIFORM_IF_AT_END)
{ $rightSide = IS_UNIFORM; };
$index = 0;
my $inCodeSection = 0;
while ($index < scalar @$commentLines)
# Clear horizontal lines only if we're not in a code section.
if ($commentLines->[$index] =~ /^ *([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1{3,}$/ ||
( length $commentLines->[$index] < 256 &&
$commentLines->[$index] =~ /^ *([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1*([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\2{3,}([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\3*$/ ) )
if (!$inCodeSection)
{ $commentLines->[$index] = ''; }
# Clear vertical lines.
if ($leftSide == IS_UNIFORM)
# This works because every line should either start this way, be blank, or be the first line that doesn't start with a
# symbol.
$commentLines->[$index] =~ s/^ *([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1*//;
if ($rightSide == IS_UNIFORM)
$commentLines->[$index] =~ s/ *([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1*$//;
# Clear horizontal lines again if there were vertical lines. This catches lines that were separated from the verticals by
# whitespace.
if (($leftSide == IS_UNIFORM || $rightSide == IS_UNIFORM) && !$inCodeSection)
$commentLines->[$index] =~ s/^ *([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1{3,}$//;
$commentLines->[$index] =~ s/^ *([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\1*([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\2{3,}([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])\3*$//;
# Check for the start and end of code sections. Note that this doesn't affect vertical line removal.
if (!$inCodeSection &&
$commentLines->[$index] =~ /^ *\( *(?:(?:start|begin)? +)?(?:table|code|example|diagram) *\)$/i )
$inCodeSection = 1;
elsif ($inCodeSection &&
$commentLines->[$index] =~ /^ *\( *(?:end|finish|done)(?: +(?:table|code|example|diagram))? *\)$/i)
$inCodeSection = 0;
# Group: Processing Functions
# Function: RepairPackages
# Recalculates the packages for all comment topics using the auto-topics and the scope record. Call this *before* calling
# <MergeAutoTopics()>.
# Parameters:
# autoTopics - A reference to the list of automatically generated <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopics>.
# scopeRecord - A reference to an array of <NaturalDocs::Languages::Advanced::ScopeChanges>.
sub RepairPackages #(autoTopics, scopeRecord)
my ($self, $autoTopics, $scopeRecord) = @_;
my $topicIndex = 0;
my $autoTopicIndex = 0;
my $scopeIndex = 0;
my $topic = $parsedFile[0];
my $autoTopic = $autoTopics->[0];
my $scopeChange = $scopeRecord->[0];
my $currentPackage;
my $inFakePackage;
while (defined $topic)
# First update the scope via the record if its defined and has the lowest line number.
if (defined $scopeChange &&
$scopeChange->LineNumber() <= $topic->LineNumber() &&
(!defined $autoTopic || $scopeChange->LineNumber() <= $autoTopic->LineNumber()) )
$currentPackage = $scopeChange->Scope();
$scopeChange = $scopeRecord->[$scopeIndex]; # Will be undef when past end.
$inFakePackage = undef;
# Next try to end a fake scope with an auto topic if its defined and has the lowest line number.
elsif (defined $autoTopic &&
$autoTopic->LineNumber() <= $topic->LineNumber())
if ($inFakePackage)
$currentPackage = $autoTopic->Package();
$inFakePackage = undef;
$autoTopic = $autoTopics->[$autoTopicIndex]; # Will be undef when past end.
# Finally try to handle the topic, since it has the lowest line number. Check for Type() because headerless topics won't have
# one.
my $scope;
if ($topic->Type())
{ $scope = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($topic->Type())->Scope(); }
{ $scope = ::SCOPE_NORMAL(); };
if ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END())
# They should already have the correct class and scope.
$currentPackage = $topic->Package();
$inFakePackage = 1;
# Fix the package of everything else.
# Note that the first function or variable topic to appear in a fake package will assume that package even if it turns out
# to be incorrect in the actual code, since the topic will come before the auto-topic. This will be corrected in
# MergeAutoTopics().
$topic = $parsedFile[$topicIndex]; # Will be undef when past end.
# Function: MergeAutoTopics
# Merges the automatically generated topics into the file. If an auto-topic matches an existing topic, it will have it's prototype
# and package transferred. If it doesn't, the auto-topic will be inserted into the list unless
# <NaturalDocs::Settings->DocumentedOnly()> is set. If an existing topic doesn't have a title, it's assumed to be a headerless
# comment and will be merged with the next auto-topic or discarded.
# Parameters:
# language - The <NaturalDocs::Languages::Base>-derived class for the file.
# autoTopics - A reference to the list of automatically generated topics.
sub MergeAutoTopics #(language, autoTopics)
my ($self, $language, $autoTopics) = @_;
my $topicIndex = 0;
my $autoTopicIndex = 0;
# Keys are topic types, values are existence hashrefs of titles.
my %topicsInLists;
while ($topicIndex < scalar @parsedFile && $autoTopicIndex < scalar @$autoTopics)
my $topic = $parsedFile[$topicIndex];
my $autoTopic = $autoTopics->[$autoTopicIndex];
my $cleanTitle = $topic->Title();
$cleanTitle =~ s/[\t ]*\([^\(]*$//;
# Add the auto-topic if it's higher in the file than the current topic.
if ($autoTopic->LineNumber() < $topic->LineNumber())
if (exists $topicsInLists{$autoTopic->Type()} &&
exists $topicsInLists{$autoTopic->Type()}->{$autoTopic->Title()})
# Remove it from the list so a second one with the same name will be added.
delete $topicsInLists{$autoTopic->Type()}->{$autoTopic->Title()};
elsif (!NaturalDocs::Settings->DocumentedOnly())
splice(@parsedFile, $topicIndex, 0, $autoTopic);
# Remove a headerless topic if there's another topic between it and the next auto-topic.
elsif (!$topic->Title() && $topicIndex + 1 < scalar @parsedFile &&
$parsedFile[$topicIndex+1]->LineNumber() < $autoTopic->LineNumber())
splice(@parsedFile, $topicIndex, 1);
# Transfer information if we have a match or a headerless topic.
elsif ( !$topic->Title() ||
$topic->Symbol() eq $autoTopic->Symbol() ||
( $topic->Type() == $autoTopic->Type() &&
( index($autoTopic->Title(), $cleanTitle) != -1 || index($cleanTitle, $autoTopic->Title()) != -1 ) ) )
if (!$topic->Title())
{ $topic->SetTitle($autoTopic->Title()); };
if (NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($topic->Type())->Scope() != ::SCOPE_START())
{ $topic->SetPackage($autoTopic->Package()); }
elsif ($autoTopic->Package() ne $topic->Package())
my @autoPackageIdentifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($autoTopic->Package());
my @packageIdentifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($topic->Package());
while (scalar @autoPackageIdentifiers && $autoPackageIdentifiers[-1] eq $packageIdentifiers[-1])
pop @autoPackageIdentifiers;
pop @packageIdentifiers;
if (scalar @autoPackageIdentifiers)
{ $topic->SetPackage( NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join(@autoPackageIdentifiers) ); };
# Extract topics in lists.
elsif ($topic->IsList())
if (!exists $topicsInLists{$topic->Type()})
{ $topicsInLists{$topic->Type()} = { }; };
my $body = $topic->Body();
while ($body =~ /<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds>/g)
{ $topicsInLists{$topic->Type()}->{NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($1)} = 1; };
# Otherwise there's no match. Skip the topic. The auto-topic will be added later.
# Add any auto-topics remaining.
if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->DocumentedOnly())
while ($autoTopicIndex < scalar @$autoTopics)
my $autoTopic = $autoTopics->[$autoTopicIndex];
if (exists $topicsInLists{$autoTopic->Type()} &&
exists $topicsInLists{$autoTopic->Type()}->{$autoTopic->Title()})
# Remove it from the list so a second one with the same name will be added.
delete $topicsInLists{$autoTopic->Type()}->{$autoTopic->Title()};
push(@parsedFile, $autoTopic);
# Function: RemoveRemainingHeaderlessTopics
# After <MergeAutoTopics()> is done, this function removes any remaining headerless topics from the file. If they don't merge
# into anything, they're not valid topics.
sub RemoveRemainingHeaderlessTopics
my ($self) = @_;
my $index = 0;
while ($index < scalar @parsedFile)
if ($parsedFile[$index]->Title())
{ $index++; }
{ splice(@parsedFile, $index, 1); };
# Function: MakeAutoGroups
# Creates group topics for files that do not have them.
sub MakeAutoGroups
my ($self) = @_;
# No groups only one topic.
if (scalar @parsedFile < 2)
{ return; };
my $index = 0;
my $startStretch = 0;
# Skip the first entry if its the page title.
if (NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo( $parsedFile[0]->Type() )->PageTitleIfFirst())
$index = 1;
$startStretch = 1;
# Make auto-groups for each stretch between scope-altering topics.
while ($index < scalar @parsedFile)
my $scope = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($parsedFile[$index]->Type())->Scope();
if ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END())
if ($index > $startStretch)
{ $index += $self->MakeAutoGroupsFor($startStretch, $index); };
$startStretch = $index + 1;
if ($index > $startStretch)
{ $self->MakeAutoGroupsFor($startStretch, $index); };
# Function: MakeAutoGroupsFor
# Creates group topics for sections of files that do not have them. A support function for <MakeAutoGroups()>.
# Parameters:
# startIndex - The index to start at.
# endIndex - The index to end at. Not inclusive.
# Returns:
# The number of group topics added.
sub MakeAutoGroupsFor #(startIndex, endIndex)
my ($self, $startIndex, $endIndex) = @_;
# No groups if any are defined already.
for (my $i = $startIndex; $i < $endIndex; $i++)
if ($parsedFile[$i]->Type() eq ::TOPIC_GROUP())
{ return 0; };
use constant COUNT => 0;
use constant TYPE => 1;
use constant SECOND_TYPE => 2;
use constant SIZE => 3;
# This is an array of ( count, type, secondType ) triples. Count and Type will always be filled in; count is the number of
# consecutive topics of type. On the second pass, if small groups are combined secondType will be filled in. There will not be
# more than two types per group.
my @groups;
my $groupIndex = 0;
# First pass: Determine all the groups.
my $i = $startIndex;
my $currentType;
while ($i < $endIndex)
if (!defined $currentType || ($parsedFile[$i]->Type() ne $currentType && $parsedFile[$i]->Type() ne ::TOPIC_GENERIC()) )
if (defined $currentType)
{ $groupIndex += SIZE; };
$currentType = $parsedFile[$i]->Type();
$groups[$groupIndex + COUNT] = 1;
$groups[$groupIndex + TYPE] = $currentType;
{ $groups[$groupIndex + COUNT]++; };
# Second pass: Combine groups based on "noise". Noise means types go from A to B to A at least once, and there are at least
# two groups in a row with three or less, and at least one of those groups is two or less. So 3, 3, 3 doesn't count as noise, but
# 3, 2, 3 does.
$groupIndex = 0;
# While there are at least three groups left...
while ($groupIndex < scalar @groups - (2 * SIZE))
# If the group two places in front of this one has the same type...
if ($groups[$groupIndex + (2 * SIZE) + TYPE] eq $groups[$groupIndex + TYPE])
# It means we went from A to B to A, which partially qualifies as noise.
my $firstType = $groups[$groupIndex + TYPE];
my $secondType = $groups[$groupIndex + SIZE + TYPE];
if (NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($firstType)->CanGroupWith($secondType) ||
my $hasNoise;
my $hasThrees;
my $hasTwosOrOnes;
my $endIndex = $groupIndex;
while ($endIndex < scalar @groups &&
($groups[$endIndex + TYPE] eq $firstType || $groups[$endIndex + TYPE] eq $secondType))
if ($groups[$endIndex + COUNT] > 3)
# They must be consecutive to count.
$hasThrees = 0;
$hasTwosOrOnes = 0;
elsif ($groups[$endIndex + COUNT] == 3)
$hasThrees = 1;
if ($hasTwosOrOnes)
{ $hasNoise = 1; };
else # < 3
if ($hasThrees || $hasTwosOrOnes)
{ $hasNoise = 1; };
$hasTwosOrOnes = 1;
$endIndex += SIZE;
if (!$hasNoise)
$groupIndex = $endIndex - SIZE;
else # hasNoise
$groups[$groupIndex + SECOND_TYPE] = $secondType;
for (my $noiseIndex = $groupIndex + SIZE; $noiseIndex < $endIndex; $noiseIndex += SIZE)
$groups[$groupIndex + COUNT] += $groups[$noiseIndex + COUNT];
splice(@groups, $groupIndex + SIZE, $endIndex - $groupIndex - SIZE);
$groupIndex += SIZE;
else # They can't group together
$groupIndex += SIZE;
{ $groupIndex += SIZE; };
# Finally, create group topics for the parsed file.
$groupIndex = 0;
$i = $startIndex;
while ($groupIndex < scalar @groups)
if ($groups[$groupIndex + TYPE] ne ::TOPIC_GENERIC())
my $topic = $parsedFile[$i];
my $title = NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($groups[$groupIndex + TYPE], 1);
if (defined $groups[$groupIndex + SECOND_TYPE])
{ $title .= ' and ' . NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($groups[$groupIndex + SECOND_TYPE], 1); };
splice(@parsedFile, $i, 0, NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New(::TOPIC_GROUP(),
$topic->Package(), $topic->Using(),
undef, undef, undef,
$topic->LineNumber()) );
$i += $groups[$groupIndex + COUNT];
$groupIndex += SIZE;
return (scalar @groups / SIZE);
# Function: AddToClassHierarchy
# Adds any class topics to the class hierarchy, since they may not have been called with <OnClass()> if they didn't match up to
# an auto-topic.
sub AddToClassHierarchy
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $topic (@parsedFile)
if ($topic->Type() && NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo( $topic->Type() )->ClassHierarchy())
if ($topic->IsList())
my $body = $topic->Body();
while ($body =~ /<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds>/g)
$self->OnClass( NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText( NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($1) ) );
# Function: AddPackageDelineators
# Adds section and class topics to make sure the package is correctly represented in the documentation. Should be called last in
# this process.
sub AddPackageDelineators
my ($self) = @_;
my $index = 0;
my $currentPackage;
# Values are the arrayref [ title, type ];
my %usedPackages;
while ($index < scalar @parsedFile)
my $topic = $parsedFile[$index];
if ($topic->Package() ne $currentPackage)
$currentPackage = $topic->Package();
my $scopeType = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($topic->Type())->Scope();
if ($scopeType == ::SCOPE_START())
$usedPackages{$currentPackage} = [ $topic->Title(), $topic->Type() ];
elsif ($scopeType == ::SCOPE_END())
my $newTopic;
if (!defined $currentPackage)
$newTopic = NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New(::TOPIC_SECTION(), 'Global',
undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef,
$topic->LineNumber(), undef);
my ($title, $body, $summary, $type);
my @packageIdentifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($currentPackage);
if (exists $usedPackages{$currentPackage})
$title = $usedPackages{$currentPackage}->[0];
$type = $usedPackages{$currentPackage}->[1];
$body = '<p>(continued)</p>';
$summary = '(continued)';
$title = join($language->PackageSeparator(), @packageIdentifiers);
$type = ::TOPIC_CLASS();
# Body and summary stay undef.
$usedPackages{$currentPackage} = $title;
my @titleIdentifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf( NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($title) );
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @titleIdentifiers; $i++)
{ pop @packageIdentifiers; };
$newTopic = NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New($type, $title,
NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join(@packageIdentifiers), undef,
undef, $summary, $body,
$topic->LineNumber(), undef);
splice(@parsedFile, $index, 0, $newTopic);
# Function: BreakLists
# Breaks list topics into individual topics.
sub BreakLists
my $self = shift;
my $index = 0;
while ($index < scalar @parsedFile)
my $topic = $parsedFile[$index];
if ($topic->IsList() && NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo( $topic->Type() )->BreakLists())
my $body = $topic->Body();
my @newTopics;
my $newBody;
my $bodyIndex = 0;
for (;;)
my $startList = index($body, '<dl>', $bodyIndex);
if ($startList == -1)
{ last; };
$newBody .= substr($body, $bodyIndex, $startList - $bodyIndex);
my $endList = index($body, '</dl>', $startList);
my $listBody = substr($body, $startList, $endList - $startList);
while ($listBody =~ /<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds><dd>(.*?)<\/dd>/g)
my ($symbol, $description) = ($1, $2);
push @newTopics, NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New( $topic->Type(), $symbol, $topic->Package(),
$topic->Using(), undef,
'<p>' . $description . '</p>', $topic->LineNumber(),
undef );
$bodyIndex = $endList + 5;
$newBody .= substr($body, $bodyIndex);
# Remove trailing headings.
$newBody =~ s/(?:<h>[^<]+<\/h>)+$//;
# Remove empty headings.
$newBody =~ s/(?:<h>[^<]+<\/h>)+(<h>[^<]+<\/h>)/$1/g;
if ($newBody)
unshift @newTopics, NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New( ::TOPIC_GROUP(), $topic->Title(), $topic->Package(),
$topic->Using(), undef,
$self->GetSummaryFromBody($newBody), $newBody,
$topic->LineNumber(), undef );
splice(@parsedFile, $index, 1, @newTopics);
$index += scalar @newTopics;
else # not a list
{ $index++; };
# Function: GetSummaryFromBody
# Returns the summary text from the topic body.
# Parameters:
# body - The complete topic body, in <NDMarkup>.
# Returns:
# The topic summary, or undef if none.
sub GetSummaryFromBody #(body)
my ($self, $body) = @_;
my $summary;
# Extract the first sentence from the leading paragraph, if any. We'll tolerate a single header beforehand, but nothing else.
if ($body =~ /^(?:<h>[^<]*<\/h>)?<p>(.*?)(<\/p>|[\.\!\?](?:[\)\}\'\ ]|&quot;|&gt;))/x)
$summary = $1;
if ($2 ne '</p>')
{ $summary .= $2; };
return $summary;
# Function: GetSummaryFromDescriptionList
# Returns the summary text from a description list entry.
# Parameters:
# description - The description in <NDMarkup>. Should be the content between the <dd></dd> tags only.
# Returns:
# The description summary, or undef if none.
sub GetSummaryFromDescriptionList #(description)
my ($self, $description) = @_;
my $summary;
if ($description =~ /^(.*?)($|[\.\!\?](?:[\)\}\'\ ]|&quot;|&gt;))/)
{ $summary = $1 . $2; };
return $summary;