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<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=PageTable float=center><tr><td colspan=3 class=Header><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src="images/header/leftside.png" width=30 height=75><a href="index.html"><img src="images/header/logo.png" width=524 height=75 alt="Natural Docs"></a></td><td align=right><img src="images/header/rightside.png" width=30 height=75></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td><img src="images/header/overleftmargin.png" width=10 height=6></td><td class=SideMenuTop><img src="images/header/overmenu.png" width=14 height=6></td><td class=BodyTop><img src="images/header/overbody.png" width=24 height=6></td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=SideMenu nowrap><div class=SideMenuSection><div class=SideMenuTitle><img src="images/menu/about.png" width=52 height=13 alt="About"></div><div class=SideMenuBody><a href="languages.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Language Support</a><a href="output.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Output Formats</a></div></div><div class=SideMenuSection><div class=SideMenuTitle><img src="images/menu/using.png" width=45 height=13 alt="Using"></div><div class=SideMenuBody><a href="documenting.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Documenting<br>Your Code</a><a href="keywords.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Keywords</a><a href="running.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Running</a><a href="troubleshooting.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Troubleshooting</a></div></div><div class=SideMenuSection><div class=SideMenuTitle><img src="images/menu/customizing.png" width=96 height=13 alt="Customizing"></div><div class=SideMenuBody><a href="menu.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Organizing the Menu</a><a href="styles.html" class=SideMenuEntry>CSS Styles</a><a href="customizingtopics.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Topics and Keywords</a><span class=SideMenuEntry id=SelectedSideMenuEntry>Languages, Indexes,<br>and Prototypes</span></div></div><div class=SideMenuSection><div class=SideMenuTitle><img src="images/menu/community.png" width=86 height=13 alt="Community"></div><div class=SideMenuBody><a href="http://www.naturaldocs.org/" class=SideMenuEntry>Web Site</a><a href="http://www.naturaldocs.org/mailinglist.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Mailing Lists</a><a href="http://www.naturaldocs.org/messageboards.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Message Boards</a><a href="http://www.naturaldocs.org/bugs.html" class=SideMenuEntry>Bugs and<br>Feature Requests</a></div></div></td><td class=Body width=100%><div class=PageTitle>Customizing Languages</div><div class=TOC><a href="#LanguagesTxt">Languages.txt</a> &middot; <a href="#FileExtensions">File Extensions</a> &middot; <a href="#AddingLanguages">Adding Languages</a> &middot; <a href="#Prototypes">Prototypes</a><br><a href="#IndexPrefixes">Index Prefixes</a> &middot; <a href="#SpecialLanguages">Special Languages</a> &middot; <a href="#SyntaxReference">Syntax Reference</a></div><div class=Topic><a name="LanguagesTxt"></a><div class=TopicTitle>Languages.txt</div><p>Natural Docs has two files called <code>Languages.txt</code>: one in its Config directory, and one in <a href="running.html#CommandLine">your project directory.</a>&nbsp; These control the language, index prefix, and prototype features of Natural Docs.</p><p>You should edit the one in your project directory whenever possible.&nbsp; It keeps your changes separate and easier to manage, plus you don&rsquo;t have to reapply them whenever you upgrade.&nbsp; Editing the one in Natural Docs&rsquo; Config directory would be better only if you&rsquo;re using Natural Docs with a lot of projects and would like the changes to apply everywhere.</p><p>Note that unlike other Natural Docs configuration files, comments can only appear on their own lines.&nbsp; They cannot appear after something else on a line because settings may need to use the <code>#</code> symbol.&nbsp; Also, all lists are space-separated instead of comma-separated, again because some settings may need to use the comma symbol.</p></div><div class=Topic><a name=FileExtensions></a><div class=TopicTitle>File Extensions</div><p>If Natural Docs doesn&rsquo;t recognize a file extension you use for your code, it&rsquo;s not a problem.&nbsp; You can alter the language definition from your project file to add them.</p><pre class=Example>Alter Language: <i>[your language]</i>
Add Extensions: cxx hxx</pre><p>On the other hand, if it&rsquo;s scanning some files you don&rsquo;t want it to scan, you can exclude extensions as well.&nbsp; Just add this to the top of your file:</p><pre class=Example>Ignore Extensions: c cpp</pre><p>In this example, Natural Docs will ignore C++ source files, thus only scanning the headers.</p></div><div class=Topic><a name=AddingLanguages></a><div class=TopicTitle>Adding Languages</div><p>You can add <a href="languages.html">basic language support</a> for any programming language just by editing these configuration files.&nbsp; Here are the most important settings:</p><pre class=Example>Language: Fictional
Extensions: fsrc fhdr
Shebang Strings: fictional
Line Comment: //
Block Comment: /* */
Package Separator: ::</pre><p>This tells Natural Docs that any files with the .fsrc or .fhdr extensions are part of our fictional programming language.&nbsp; Also, any .cgi or extensionless files that have &ldquo;fictional&rdquo; in the shebang (<code>#!</code>) line are part of it as well.&nbsp; Line comments start with <code>//</code> and block comments appear between <code>/*</code> and <code>*/</code>.&nbsp; The default package separator is <code>::</code>.&nbsp; Not too hard, huh?</p><p>You can also add settings to <a href="#IndexPrefixes">ignore prefixes in the index</a> and <a href="#Prototypes">detect prototypes</a>, but those are dealt with in their own sections on this page.</p></div><div class=Topic><a name=Prototypes></a><div class=TopicTitle>Prototypes</div><p>So you&rsquo;ve <a href="#AddingLanguages">added a new language</a> and want to detect prototypes.&nbsp; Or perhaps you <a href="customizingtopics.html#AddingTopicTypes">added a custom topic type</a> and want to detect prototypes for that as well.&nbsp; Here&rsquo;s an example of the properties you need:</p><pre class=Example>Function Prototype Enders: ; {
Variable Prototype Enders: ; =</pre><p>The algorithm for finding prototypes is very simple, yet it works really well in practice.&nbsp; All the code following the comment is grabbed until it reaches an ender symbol or another comment.&nbsp; Ender symbols appearing inside parenthesis, brackets, braces, or angle brackets don&rsquo;t count.&nbsp; If it reaches an ender symbol and somewhere in that code is the topic title, the code is accepted as the prototype.</p><p>So in the example above, variables end at semicolons (the end of the declaration) or equal signs (the default value expression, which we don&rsquo;t want to include.)&nbsp; Since the Natural Docs comment for the variable should have appeared right before the definition, that leaves us with the name and type.&nbsp; Functions are handled similarly: they end at a semicolon (the end of a predeclaration) or an opening brace (the beginning of the body) leaving us with the name, parameters, and return type.</p><p>You can do this with any topic type, including custom ones.&nbsp; Any prototypes that look like they have parameters will be formatted as such automatically.</p><div class=SubTopic>Line Breaks</div><p>For some languages, line breaks are significant.&nbsp; To have them end a prototype, use <code>\n</code>.&nbsp; If it has an extender symbol that allows the code to continue on the next line, you can specify that as well.</p><pre class=Example>Function Prototype Ender: \n
Variable Prototype Ender: \n =
Line Extender: _</pre><div class=SubTopic>Colors</div><p>If you&rsquo;re collecting prototypes for a custom topic type, they will not automatically get their own background color like the other types have.&nbsp; <a href="styles.html#CommonCustomizations">You have to define it via CSS.</a></p></div><div class=Topic><a name=IndexPrefixes></a><div class=TopicTitle>Index Prefixes</div><p>Natural Docs has the ability to ignore prefixes in the indexes.&nbsp; This is necessary because in certain languages, variables are prefixed with <code>$</code> or other symbols and we don&rsquo;t want them to get all grouped together under the symbols heading.&nbsp; Instead, they appear in the sidebar and are sorted as if they&rsquo;re not there.</p><div class=NDIndex><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=IHeading id=IFirstHeading>A</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>AddProperty</span>, <span class=IParent>SomeClass</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>$</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>amount</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>Average</span></td></tr></table></div><p>However, we can take advantage of this simply to get around coding conventions.&nbsp; Suppose you prefix all your class names with C.&nbsp; They&rsquo;d all form one gigantic group under C in the index.&nbsp; If you want, you can have it ignored so CCat, CDog, and CMouse get filed under C, D, and M instead.&nbsp; Just add this to your languages file:</p><pre class=Example>Alter Language: <i>[your language]</i>
Add Ignored Class Prefix in Index: C</pre><p>Now C is ignored in your indexes:</p><div class=NDIndex><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=IHeading id=IFirstHeading>A</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>C</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>Account</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>C</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>AccountHolder</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>AddProperty</span>, <span class=IParent>SomeClass</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>$</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>amount</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>Average</span></td></tr></table></div><p>You can include any number of prefixes and can do this for any topic type.&nbsp; So if you have a bunch of functions that start with <code>COM_</code> and <code>DB_</code>, you can ignore them too:</p><pre class=Example>Alter Language: <i>[your language]</i>
Add Ignored Class Prefix in Index: C
Add Ignored Function Prefixes in Index: COM_ DB_</pre></div><div class=Topic><a name=SpecialLanguages></a><div class=TopicTitle>Special Languages</div><p>There are two languages with special properties: Shebang Script and Text File.</p><p>Shebang Script allows you to define the file extensions where the language is really determined by the shebang (<code>#!</code>) line within it.&nbsp; For example, .cgi files.&nbsp; If Natural Docs finds a .cgi file, it sees that it&rsquo;s a Shebang Script so it opens it up to parse it&rsquo;s shebang line.&nbsp; It then searches it for substrings defined by other languages&rsquo; <code>Shebang String</code> settings to find out what language it really is.&nbsp; Files with no extension are always treated this way.</p><p>With Text File, the entire file is treated like a comment.&nbsp; There are no comment symbols required, you can just put Natural Docs content there in plain text.&nbsp; The most important setting is <code>Extensions</code>.</p><p>However, since it is possible to document classes, functions, etc. in text files, they also have their own <code>Package Separator</code> and <code>Ignored <i>[type]</i> Prefixes in Index</code> settings.&nbsp; To make things easier on you, by default it copies these settings from whichever language has the most source files in your project.&nbsp; You can override this by manually setting them, but you shouldn&rsquo;t need to.</p></div><div class=Topic><a name=SyntaxReference></a><div class=TopicTitle>Syntax Reference</div><p>Unlike other Natural Docs configuration files, comments can only appear on their own lines.&nbsp; They cannot appear after something else on a line because settings may need to use the <code>#</code> symbol.&nbsp; Likewise, lists are separated with spaces instead of commas because commas themselves may need to appear on the list.</p><p>Singular and plural forms are generally both supported, so you can write <code>Extension</code> or <code>Extensions</code>.&nbsp; It doesn&rsquo;t matter if they match how many items are set.&nbsp; Also, you can use either <code>Ignore</code> or <code>Ignored</code>.</p><pre class=Example>Ignore Extensions: <i>[extension] [extension]</i> ...</pre><p>Causes the listed file extensions to be ignored, even if they were previously defined to be part of a language.&nbsp; The list is space-separated.&nbsp; ex. &ldquo;<code>Ignore Extensions: cvs txt</code>&rdquo;</p><pre class=Example>Language: <i>[name]</i>
Alter Language: <i>[name]</i></pre><p>Creates a new language or alters an existing one.&nbsp; Names can use any characters.&nbsp; Note the <a href="#SpecialLanguages">special behavior for languages named Shebang Script and Text File</a>.</p><p>If you&rsquo;re altering an existing language and a property has an <code>[Add/Replace]</code> form, you have to specify whether you&rsquo;re adding to or replacing the list if that property has already been defined.</p><div class=SubTopic>General Language Properties</div><pre class=Example>Extensions: <i>[extension] [extension]</i> ...
<i>[Add/Replace]</i> Extensions: <i>[extension] [extension]</i> ...</pre><p>Defines file extensions for the language&rsquo;s source files.&nbsp; The list is space-separated.&nbsp; ex. &ldquo;<code>Extensions: c cpp</code>&rdquo;.&nbsp; You can use extensions that were previously used by another language to redefine them.&nbsp; You can use <code>*</code> to specify all undefined extensions.</p><pre class=Example>Shebang Strings: <i>[string] [string]</i> ...
<i>[Add/Replace]</i> Shebang Strings: <i>[string] [string]</i> ...</pre><p>Defines a list of strings that can appear in the shebang (<code>#!</code>) line to designate that it&rsquo;s part of this language.&nbsp; They can appear anywhere in the line, so <code>php</code> will work for &ldquo;<code>#!/user/bin/php4</code>&rdquo;.&nbsp; You can use strings that were previously used by another language to redefine them.</p><pre class=Example>Ignore Prefixes in Index: <i>[prefix] [prefix]</i> ...
Ignore <i>[type]</i> Prefixes in Index: <i>[prefix] [prefix]</i> ...
<i>[Add/Replace]</i> Ignored Prefixes in Index: <i>[prefix] [prefix]</i> ...
<i>[Add/Replace]</i> Ignored <i>[type]</i> Prefixes in Index: <i>[prefix] [prefix]</i> ...</pre><p>Specifies prefixes that should be ignored when sorting symbols for an index.&nbsp; Can be specified in general or for a specific topic type.&nbsp; The prefixes will still appear, the symbols will just be sorted as if they&rsquo;re not there.&nbsp; For example, specifying <code>ADO_</code> for functions will mean that <code>ADO_DoSomething</code> will appear under D instead of A.</p><div class=SubTopic>Basic Language Support Properties</div><p>These attributes are only available for languages with basic language support.</p><pre class=Example>Line Comments: <i>[symbol] [symbol]</i> ...</pre><p>Defines a space-separated list of symbols that are used for line comments, if any.&nbsp; ex. &ldquo;<code>Line Comment: //</code>&rdquo;.</p><pre class=Example>Block Comments: <i>[opening symbol] [closing symbol] [o.s.] [c.s.]</i> ...</pre><p>Defines a space-separated list of symbol pairs that are used for block comments, if any.&nbsp; ex. &ldquo;<code>Block Comment: /* */</code>&rdquo;.</p><pre class=Example>Enum Values: <i>[global|under type|under parent]</i></pre><p>Defines the behavior of enum values.&nbsp; The default is global.</p><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=EnumTable><tr><td class=EnumOption>Global</td><td>Enum values are always global and will be referenced as &ldquo;Value&rdquo;.</td></tr><tr><td class=EnumOption>Under Type</td><td>Enum values appear under the type and will be referenced as &ldquo;Package.Enum.Value&rdquo;.</td></tr><tr><td class=EnumOption>Under Parent</td><td>Enum values appear under the parent and will be referenced as &ldquo;Package.Value&rdquo;</td></tr></table><pre class=Example><i>[type]</i> Prototype Enders: <i>[symbol] [symbol]</i> ...</pre><p>When defined, Natural Docs will attempt to collect prototypes from the code following the specified topic type.&nbsp; It grabs code until the first ender symbol or the next Natural Docs comment, and if it contains the topic name, it serves as its prototype.&nbsp; Use <code>\n</code> to specify a line break.&nbsp; ex. &ldquo;<code>Function Prototype Enders: { ;</code>&rdquo;, &ldquo;<code>Variable Prototype Enders: = ;</code>&rdquo;. </p><pre class=Example>Line Extender: <i>[symbol]</i></pre><p>Defines the symbol that allows a prototype to span multiple lines if normally a line break would end it.</p><pre class=Example>Perl Package: <i>[perl package]</i></pre><p>Specifies the Perl package used to fine-tune the language behavior in ways too complex to do in this file.</p><div class=SubTopic>Full Language Support Properties</div><p>These attributes are only available for languages with full language support.</p><pre class=Example>Full Language Support: <i>[perl package]</i></pre><p>Specifies the Perl package that has the parsing routines necessary for full language support.</p></div></td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=SideMenuBottom><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=SideMenuBottomLeft><img src="images/menu/bottomleft.png" width=18 height=19></td><td class=SideMenuBottomRight><img src="images/menu/bottomright.png" width=18 height=19></td></tr></table></td><td class=BodyBottom>Copyright &copy; 2003-2010 Greg Valure</td></tr></table><script language=JavaScript><!--
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