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synced 2025-03-03 06:22:48 +01:00
287 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File
287 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File
Format: 1.52
# This is the main Natural Docs languages file. If you change anything here,
# it will apply to EVERY PROJECT you use Natural Docs on. If you'd like to
# change something for just one project, edit the Languages.txt in its project
# directory instead.
# Unlike other Natural Docs configuration files, in this file all comments
# MUST be alone on a line. Some languages deal with the # character, so you
# cannot put comments on the same line as content.
# Also, all lists are separated with spaces, not commas, again because some
# languages may need to use them.
# Language: [name]
# Defines a new language. Its name can use any characters.
# The language Shebang Script is special. It's entry is only used for
# extensions, and files with those extensions have their shebang (#!) lines
# read to determine the real language of the file. Extensionless files are
# always treated this way.
# The language Text File is also special. It's treated as one big comment
# so you can put Natural Docs content in them without special symbols. Also,
# if you don't specify a package separator, ignored prefixes, or enum value
# behavior, it will copy those settings from the language that is used most
# in the source tree.
# Extensions: [extension] [extension] ...
# Defines the file extensions of the language's source files. You can use *
# to mean any undefined extension.
# Shebang Strings: [string] [string] ...
# Defines a list of strings that can appear in the shebang (#!) line to
# designate that it's part of the language.
# Ignore Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
# Ignore [Topic Type] Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
# Specifies prefixes that should be ignored when sorting symbols in an
# index. Can be specified in general or for a specific topic type.
# For basic language support only:
# Line Comments: [symbol] [symbol] ...
# Defines a space-separated list of symbols that are used for line comments,
# if any.
# Block Comments: [opening sym] [closing sym] [opening sym] [closing sym] ...
# Defines a space-separated list of symbol pairs that are used for block
# comments, if any.
# Package Separator: [symbol]
# Defines the default package separator symbol. The default is a dot.
# [Topic Type] Prototype Enders: [symbol] [symbol] ...
# When defined, Natural Docs will attempt to get a prototype from the code
# immediately following the topic type. It stops when it reaches one of
# these symbols. Use \n for line breaks.
# Line Extender: [symbol]
# Defines the symbol that allows a prototype to span multiple lines if
# normally a line break would end it.
# Enum Values: [global|under type|under parent]
# Defines how enum values are referenced. The default is global.
# global - Values are always global, referenced as 'value'.
# under type - Values are under the enum type, referenced as
# 'package.enum.value'.
# under parent - Values are under the enum's parent, referenced as
# 'package.value'.
# Perl Package: [perl package]
# Specifies the Perl package used to fine-tune the language behavior in ways
# too complex to do in this file.
# For full language support only:
# Full Language Support: [perl package]
# Specifies the Perl package that has the parsing routines necessary for full
# language support.
# The following languages MUST be defined in this file:
# Text File, Shebang Script
# If you add a language that you think would be useful to other developers
# and should be included in Natural Docs by default, please e-mail it to
# languages [at] naturaldocs [dot] org.
Language: Text File
Extension: txt
Language: Shebang Script
Extension: cgi
Language: C/C++
Extensions: c cpp h hpp cxx hxx
Ignore Function Prefix in Index: ~
Line Comment: //
Block Comment: /* */
Package Separator: ::
Enum Values: Under parent
Class Prototype Enders: ; {
Function Prototype Enders: ; {
Variable Prototype Enders: ; =
Language: C#
Extension: cs
Ignore Prefix in Index: @
Full Language Support: NaturalDocs::Languages::CSharp
Language: Java
Extension: java
Line Comment: //
Block Comment: /* */
Enum Values: Under type
Function Prototype Ender: {
Variable Prototype Enders: ; =
Language: JavaScript
Extension: js
Line Comment: //
Block Comment: /* */
Enum Values: Under type
Function Prototype Ender: {
Variable Prototype Enders: ; = , }
Language: Perl
Extensions: pl pm
Shebang String: perl
Ignore Variable Prefixes in Index: $ @ % *
Full Language Support: NaturalDocs::Languages::Perl
Language: Python
Extension: py
Shebang String: python
Line Comment: #
Function Prototype Ender: :
Variable Prototype Ender: =
Line Extender: \
Language: PHP
Extensions: inc php php3 php4 phtml
Shebang String: php
Ignore Variable Prefix in Index: $
Line Comments: // #
Block Comment: /* */
Function Prototype Enders: ; {
Variable Prototype Enders: ; =
Language: SQL
Extension: sql
Line Comment: --
Block Comment: /* */
Enum Values: Global
Function Prototype Enders: , ; ) as As AS is Is IS
Variable Prototype Enders: , ; ) := default Default DEFAULT
Database Trigger Prototype Enders: begin Begin BEGIN as As AS
Database Index Prototype Enders: , ; )
Perl Package: NaturalDocs::Languages::PLSQL
Language: Visual Basic
Extensions: vb vbs bas cls frm
Line Comment: '
Enum Values: Under type
Function Prototype Ender: \n
Variable Prototype Enders: \n =
Line Extender: _
Language: Pascal
Extension: pas
Line Comment: //
Block Comments: { } (* *)
Function Prototype Ender: ;
Variable Prototype Enders: ; =
Perl Package: NaturalDocs::Languages::Pascal
Language: Assembly
Extension: asm
Line Comment: ;
Variable Prototype Ender: \n
Line Extender: \
Language: Ada
Extensions: ada ads adb
Line Comment: --
Function Prototype Enders: ; is Is IS
Variable Prototype Enders: ; :=
Perl Package: NaturalDocs::Languages::Ada
Language: Tcl
Extensions: tcl exp
Shebang Strings: tclsh wish expect
Line Comment: #
Package Separator: ::
Function Prototype Enders: ; {
Variable Prototype Enders: ; \n
Line Extender: \
Perl Package: NaturalDocs::Languages::Tcl
Language: Ruby
Extension: rb
Shebang String: ruby
Ignore Variable Prefixes in Index: $ @ @@
Line Comment: #
Enum Values: Under parent
Function Prototype Enders: ; \n
Variable Prototype Enders: ; \n =
Line Extender: \
Language: Makefile
Extensions: mk mak make
Line Comment: #
Language: ActionScript
Extensions: as mxml
Full Language Support: NaturalDocs::Languages::ActionScript
Language: ColdFusion
Extensions: cfm cfml cfc
Line Comment: //
Block Comments: <!--- ---> /* */
Function Prototype Enders: { <
Language: R
Extension: r
Line Comment: #
Function Prototype Enders: { ;
Variable Prototype Enders: <- = ; \n
Language: Fortran
Extensions: f90 f95 f03
Line Comment: !
Function Prototype Ender: \n
Variable Prototype Enders: \n = =>
Line Extender: &