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# Package: NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol
# A class representing a symbol or a potential symbol.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol;
# Group: Implementation
# Constants: Members
# The class is implemented as a blessed arrayref. The following constants are its members.
# DEFINITIONS - A hashref of all the files which define this symbol. The keys are the <FileNames>, and the values are
# <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::SymbolDefinition> objects. If no files define this symbol, this item will
# be undef.
# GLOBAL_DEFINITION - The <FileName> which defines the global version of the symbol, which is what is used if
# a file references the symbol but does not have its own definition. If there are no definitions, this
# item will be undef.
# REFERENCES - A hashref of the references that can be interpreted as this symbol. This doesn't mean these
# references necessarily are. The keys are the reference strings, and the values are the scores of
# the interpretations. If no references can be interpreted as this symbol, this item will be undef.
use constant DEFINITIONS => 0;
use constant GLOBAL_DEFINITION => 1;
use constant REFERENCES => 2;
# Group: Modification Functions
# Function: New
# Creates and returns a new object.
sub New
my $package = shift;
# Let's make it safe, since normally you can pass values to New. Having them just be ignored would be an obscure error.
if (scalar @_)
{ die "You can't pass values to NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::Symbol->New()\n"; };
my $object = [ undef, undef, undef ];
bless $object, $package;
return $object;
# Function: AddDefinition
# Adds a symbol definition. If this is the first definition for this symbol, it will become the global definition. If the definition
# already exists for the file, it will be ignored.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> that defines the symbol.
# type - The <TopicType> of the definition.
# prototype - The prototype of the definition, if applicable. Undef otherwise.
# summary - The summary for the definition, if applicable. Undef otherwise.
# Returns:
# Whether this provided the first definition for this symbol.
sub AddDefinition #(file, type, prototype, summary)
my ($self, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary) = @_;
my $isFirst;
if (!defined $self->[DEFINITIONS])
$self->[DEFINITIONS] = { };
$self->[GLOBAL_DEFINITION] = $file;
$isFirst = 1;
if (!exists $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file})
$self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file} = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::SymbolDefinition->New($type, $prototype, $summary);
return $isFirst;
# Function: ChangeDefinition
# Changes the information about an existing definition.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> that defines the symbol. Must exist.
# type - The new <TopicType> of the definition.
# prototype - The new prototype of the definition, if applicable. Undef otherwise.
# summary - The new summary of the definition, if applicable. Undef otherwise.
sub ChangeDefinition #(file, type, prototype, summary)
my ($self, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary) = @_;
if (defined $self->[DEFINITIONS] &&
exists $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file})
# Function: DeleteDefinition
# Removes a symbol definition. If the definition served as the global definition, a new one will be selected.
# Parameters:
# file - The <FileName> which contains definition to delete.
# Returns:
# Whether that was the only definition, and the symbol is now undefined.
sub DeleteDefinition #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
# If there are no definitions...
if (!defined $self->[DEFINITIONS])
{ return undef; };
delete $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file};
# If there are no more definitions...
if (!scalar keys %{$self->[DEFINITIONS]})
$self->[DEFINITIONS] = undef;
# If definitions was previously defined, and now is empty, we can safely assume that the global definition was just deleted
# without checking it against $file.
$self->[GLOBAL_DEFINITION] = undef;
return 1;
# If there are more definitions and the global one was just deleted...
elsif ($self->[GLOBAL_DEFINITION] eq $file)
# Which one becomes global is pretty much random.
$self->[GLOBAL_DEFINITION] = (keys %{$self->[DEFINITIONS]})[0];
return undef;
# Function: AddReference
# Adds a reference that can be interpreted as this symbol. It can be, but not necessarily is.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The string of the reference.
# score - The score of this interpretation.
sub AddReference #(referenceString, score)
my ($self, $referenceString, $score) = @_;
if (!defined $self->[REFERENCES])
{ $self->[REFERENCES] = { }; };
$self->[REFERENCES]{$referenceString} = $score;
# Function: DeleteReference
# Deletes a reference that can be interpreted as this symbol.
# Parameters:
# referenceString - The string of the reference to delete.
sub DeleteReference #(referenceString)
my ($self, $referenceString) = @_;
# If there are no definitions...
if (!defined $self->[REFERENCES])
{ return; };
delete $self->[REFERENCES]{$referenceString};
# If there are no more definitions...
if (!scalar keys %{$self->[REFERENCES]})
$self->[REFERENCES] = undef;
# Function: DeleteAllReferences
# Removes all references that can be interpreted as this symbol.
sub DeleteAllReferences
$_[0]->[REFERENCES] = undef;
# Group: Information Functions
# Function: IsDefined
# Returns whether the symbol is defined anywhere or not. If it's not, that means it's just a potential interpretation of a
# reference.
sub IsDefined
return defined $_[0]->[GLOBAL_DEFINITION];
# Function: IsDefinedIn
# Returns whether the symbol is defined in the passed <FileName>.
sub IsDefinedIn #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return ($self->IsDefined() && exists $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file});
# Function: Definitions
# Returns an array of all the <FileNames> that define this symbol. If none do, will return an empty array.
sub Definitions
my $self = shift;
if ($self->IsDefined())
{ return keys %{$self->[DEFINITIONS]}; }
{ return ( ); };
# Function: GlobalDefinition
# Returns the <FileName> that contains the global definition of this symbol, or undef if the symbol isn't defined.
sub GlobalDefinition
return $_[0]->[GLOBAL_DEFINITION];
# Function: TypeDefinedIn
# Returns the <TopicType> of the symbol defined in the passed <FileName>, or undef if it's not defined in that file.
sub TypeDefinedIn #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if ($self->IsDefined())
{ return $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file}->Type(); }
{ return undef; };
# Function: GlobalType
# Returns the <TopicType> of the global definition, or undef if the symbol isn't defined.
sub GlobalType
my $self = shift;
my $globalDefinition = $self->GlobalDefinition();
if (!defined $globalDefinition)
{ return undef; }
{ return $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$globalDefinition}->Type(); };
# Function: PrototypeDefinedIn
# Returns the prototype of symbol defined in the passed <FileName>, or undef if it doesn't exist or is not defined in that file.
sub PrototypeDefinedIn #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if ($self->IsDefined())
{ return $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file}->Prototype(); }
{ return undef; };
# Function: GlobalPrototype
# Returns the prototype of the global definition. Will be undef if it doesn't exist or the symbol isn't defined.
sub GlobalPrototype
my $self = shift;
my $globalDefinition = $self->GlobalDefinition();
if (!defined $globalDefinition)
{ return undef; }
{ return $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$globalDefinition}->Prototype(); };
# Function: SummaryDefinedIn
# Returns the summary of symbol defined in the passed <FileName>, or undef if it doesn't exist or is not defined in that file.
sub SummaryDefinedIn #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if ($self->IsDefined())
{ return $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$file}->Summary(); }
{ return undef; };
# Function: GlobalSummary
# Returns the summary of the global definition. Will be undef if it doesn't exist or the symbol isn't defined.
sub GlobalSummary
my $self = shift;
my $globalDefinition = $self->GlobalDefinition();
if (!defined $globalDefinition)
{ return undef; }
{ return $self->[DEFINITIONS]{$globalDefinition}->Summary(); };
# Function: HasReferences
# Returns whether the symbol can be interpreted as any references.
sub HasReferences
return defined $_[0]->[REFERENCES];
# Function: References
# Returns an array of all the reference strings that can be interpreted as this symbol. If none, will return an empty array.
sub References
if (defined $_[0]->[REFERENCES])
{ return keys %{$_[0]->[REFERENCES]}; }
{ return ( ); };
# Function: ReferencesAndScores
# Returns a hash of all the references that can be interpreted as this symbol and their scores. The keys are the reference
# strings, and the values are the scores. If none, will return an empty hash.
sub ReferencesAndScores
if (defined $_[0]->[REFERENCES])
{ return %{$_[0]->[REFERENCES]}; }
{ return ( ); };