############################################################################### # # Class: NaturalDocs::Languages::PLSQL # ############################################################################### # # A subclass to handle the language variations of PL/SQL. # ############################################################################### # This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure # Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) # Refer to License.txt for the complete details use strict; use integer; package NaturalDocs::Languages::PLSQL; use base 'NaturalDocs::Languages::Simple'; # # Function: OnPrototypeEnd # # Microsoft's SQL specifies parameters as shown below. # # > CREATE PROCEDURE Test @as int, @foo int AS ... # # Having a parameter @is or @as is perfectly valid even though those words are also used to end the prototype. We need to # ignore text-based enders preceded by an at sign. Also note that it does not have parenthesis for parameter lists. We need to # skip all commas if the prototype doesn't have parenthesis but does have @ characters. # # Identifiers such as function names may contain the characters $, #, and _, so if "as" or "is" appears directly after one of them # we need to ignore the ender there as well. # # > FUNCTION Something_is_something ... # # Parameters: # # type - The of the prototype. # prototypeRef - A reference to the prototype so far, minus the ender in dispute. # ender - The ender symbol. # # Returns: # # ENDER_ACCEPT - The ender is accepted and the prototype is finished. # ENDER_IGNORE - The ender is rejected and parsing should continue. Note that the prototype will be rejected as a whole # if all enders are ignored before reaching the end of the code. # ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE - The ender is accepted so the prototype may stand as is. However, the prototype might # also continue on so continue parsing. If there is no accepted ender between here and # the end of the code this version will be accepted instead. # ENDER_REVERT_TO_ACCEPTED - The expedition from ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE failed. Use the last accepted # version and end parsing. # sub OnPrototypeEnd #(type, prototypeRef, ender) { my ($self, $type, $prototypeRef, $ender) = @_; # _ should be handled already. if ($ender =~ /^[a-z]+$/i && substr($$prototypeRef, -1) =~ /^[\@\$\#]$/) { return ::ENDER_IGNORE(); } elsif ($type eq ::TOPIC_FUNCTION() && $ender eq ',') { if ($$prototypeRef =~ /^[^\(]*\@/) { return ::ENDER_IGNORE(); } else { return ::ENDER_ACCEPT(); }; } else { return ::ENDER_ACCEPT(); }; }; # # Function: ParsePrototype # # Overridden to handle Microsoft's parenthesisless version. Otherwise just throws to the parent. # # Parameters: # # type - The . # prototype - The text prototype. # # Returns: # # A object. # sub ParsePrototype #(type, prototype) { my ($self, $type, $prototype) = @_; my $noParenthesisParameters = ($type eq ::TOPIC_FUNCTION() && $prototype =~ /^[^\(]*\@/); if ($prototype !~ /\(.*[^ ].*\)/ && !$noParenthesisParameters) { return $self->SUPER::ParsePrototype($type, $prototype); }; my ($beforeParameters, $afterParameters, $isAfterParameters); if ($noParenthesisParameters) { ($beforeParameters, $prototype) = split(/\@/, $prototype, 2); $prototype = '@' . $prototype; }; my @tokens = $prototype =~ /([^\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\'\"\,]+|.)/g; my $parameter; my @parameterLines; my @symbolStack; foreach my $token (@tokens) { if ($isAfterParameters) { $afterParameters .= $token; } elsif ($symbolStack[-1] eq '\'' || $symbolStack[-1] eq '"') { if ($noParenthesisParameters || $symbolStack[0] eq '(') { $parameter .= $token; } else { $beforeParameters .= $token; }; if ($token eq $symbolStack[-1]) { pop @symbolStack; }; } elsif ($token =~ /^[\(\[\{\<\'\"]$/) { if ($noParenthesisParameters || $symbolStack[0] eq '(') { $parameter .= $token; } else { $beforeParameters .= $token; }; push @symbolStack, $token; } elsif ( ($token eq ')' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '(') || ($token eq ']' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '[') || ($token eq '}' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '{') || ($token eq '>' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '<') ) { if (!$noParenthesisParameters && $token eq ')' && scalar @symbolStack == 1 && $symbolStack[0] eq '(') { $afterParameters .= $token; $isAfterParameters = 1; } else { $parameter .= $token; }; pop @symbolStack; } elsif ($token eq ',') { if (!scalar @symbolStack) { if ($noParenthesisParameters) { push @parameterLines, $parameter . $token; $parameter = undef; } else { $beforeParameters .= $token; }; } else { if (scalar @symbolStack == 1 && $symbolStack[0] eq '(' && !$noParenthesisParameters) { push @parameterLines, $parameter . $token; $parameter = undef; } else { $parameter .= $token; }; }; } else { if ($noParenthesisParameters || $symbolStack[0] eq '(') { $parameter .= $token; } else { $beforeParameters .= $token; }; }; }; push @parameterLines, $parameter; foreach my $item (\$beforeParameters, \$afterParameters) { $$item =~ s/^ //; $$item =~ s/ $//; } my $prototypeObject = NaturalDocs::Languages::Prototype->New($beforeParameters, $afterParameters); # Parse the actual parameters. foreach my $parameterLine (@parameterLines) { $prototypeObject->AddParameter( $self->ParseParameterLine($parameterLine) ); }; return $prototypeObject; }; # # Function: ParseParameterLine # # Parses a prototype parameter line and returns it as a object. # sub ParseParameterLine #(line) { my ($self, $line) = @_; $line =~ s/^ //; $line =~ s/ $//; my @tokens = $line =~ /([^\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\'\"\:\=\ ]+|\:\=|.)/g; my ($name, $type, $defaultValue, $defaultValuePrefix, $inType, $inDefaultValue); my @symbolStack; foreach my $token (@tokens) { if ($inDefaultValue) { $defaultValue .= $token; } elsif ($symbolStack[-1] eq '\'' || $symbolStack[-1] eq '"') { if ($inType) { $type .= $token; } else { $name .= $token; }; if ($token eq $symbolStack[-1]) { pop @symbolStack; }; } elsif ($token =~ /^[\(\[\{\<\'\"]$/) { if ($inType) { $type .= $token; } else { $name .= $token; }; push @symbolStack, $token; } elsif ( ($token eq ')' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '(') || ($token eq ']' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '[') || ($token eq '}' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '{') || ($token eq '>' && $symbolStack[-1] eq '<') ) { if ($inType) { $type .= $token; } else { $name .= $token; }; pop @symbolStack; } elsif ($token eq ' ') { if ($inType) { $type .= $token; } elsif (!scalar @symbolStack) { $inType = 1; } else { $name .= $token; }; } elsif ($token eq ':=' || $token eq '=') { if (!scalar @symbolStack) { $defaultValuePrefix = $token; $inDefaultValue = 1; } elsif ($inType) { $type .= $token; } else { $name .= $token; }; } else { if ($inType) { $type .= $token; } else { $name .= $token; }; }; }; foreach my $part (\$type, \$defaultValue) { $$part =~ s/ $//; }; return NaturalDocs::Languages::Prototype::Parameter->New($type, undef, $name, undef, $defaultValue, $defaultValuePrefix); }; sub TypeBeforeParameter { return 0; }; 1;