############################################################################### # # Package: NaturalDocs::StatusMessage # ############################################################################### # # A package to handle status message updates. Automatically handles IsQuiet()>. # ############################################################################### # This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure # Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) # Refer to License.txt for the complete details use strict; use integer; package NaturalDocs::StatusMessage; # # var: message # The message to display. # my $message; # # var: total # The number of items to work through. # my $total; # # var: completed # The number of items completed. # my $completed; # # var: lastMessageTime # The time the last message was posted. # my $lastMessageTime; # # constant: TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES # The number of seconds that should occur between updates. # use constant TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES => 10; # # Function: Start # # Starts the status message. # # Parameters: # # message - The message to post. # total - The number of items that are going to be worked through. # sub Start #(message, total) { my $self = shift; if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->IsQuiet()) { ($message, $total) = @_; $completed = 0; print $message . "\n"; $lastMessageTime = time(); }; }; # # Function: CompletedItem # # Should be called every time an item is completed. # sub CompletedItem { my $self = shift; if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->IsQuiet()) { # We scale completed by 100 since we need to anyway to get the percentage. $completed += 100; if (time() >= $lastMessageTime + TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES && $completed != $total * 100) { print $message . ' (' . ($completed / $total) . '%)' . "\n"; $lastMessageTime = time(); }; }; }; 1;