############################################################################### # # Class: NaturalDocs::Languages::Simple # ############################################################################### # # A class containing the characteristics of a particular programming language for basic support within Natural Docs. # Also serves as a base class for languages that break from general conventions, such as not having parameter lists use # parenthesis and commas. # ############################################################################### # This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2010 Greg Valure # Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) # Refer to License.txt for the complete details use strict; use integer; package NaturalDocs::Languages::Simple; use base 'NaturalDocs::Languages::Base'; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = ( 'ENDER_ACCEPT', 'ENDER_IGNORE', 'ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE', 'ENDER_REVERT_TO_ACCEPTED' ); use NaturalDocs::DefineMembers 'LINE_COMMENT_SYMBOLS', 'LineCommentSymbols()', 'SetLineCommentSymbols() duparrayref', 'BLOCK_COMMENT_SYMBOLS', 'BlockCommentSymbols()', 'SetBlockCommentSymbols() duparrayref', 'PROTOTYPE_ENDERS', 'LINE_EXTENDER', 'LineExtender()', 'SetLineExtender()', 'PACKAGE_SEPARATOR', 'PackageSeparator()', 'PACKAGE_SEPARATOR_WAS_SET', 'PackageSeparatorWasSet()', 'ENUM_VALUES', 'EnumValues()', 'ENUM_VALUES_WAS_SET', 'EnumValuesWasSet()'; # # Function: New # # Creates and returns a new object. # # Parameters: # # name - The name of the language. # sub New #(name) { my ($selfPackage, $name) = @_; my $object = $selfPackage->SUPER::New($name); $object->[ENUM_VALUES] = ::ENUM_GLOBAL(); $object->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = '.'; return $object; }; # # Functions: Members # # LineCommentSymbols - Returns an arrayref of symbols that start a line comment, or undef if none. # SetLineCommentSymbols - Replaces the arrayref of symbols that start a line comment. # BlockCommentSymbols - Returns an arrayref of start/end symbol pairs that specify a block comment, or undef if none. Pairs # are specified with two consecutive array entries. # SetBlockCommentSymbols - Replaces the arrayref of start/end symbol pairs that specify a block comment. Pairs are # specified with two consecutive array entries. # LineExtender - Returns the symbol to ignore a line break in languages where line breaks are significant. # SetLineExtender - Replaces the symbol to ignore a line break in languages where line breaks are significant. # PackageSeparator - Returns the package separator symbol. # PackageSeparatorWasSet - Returns whether the package separator symbol was ever changed from the default. # # # Function: SetPackageSeparator # Replaces the language's package separator string. # sub SetPackageSeparator #(separator) { my ($self, $separator) = @_; $self->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR] = $separator; $self->[PACKAGE_SEPARATOR_WAS_SET] = 1; }; # # Functions: Members # # EnumValues - Returns the that describes how the language handles enums. # EnumValuesWasSet - Returns whether was ever changed from the default. # # Function: SetEnumValues # Replaces the that describes how the language handles enums. # sub SetEnumValues #(EnumValuesType newBehavior) { my ($self, $behavior) = @_; $self->[ENUM_VALUES] = $behavior; $self->[ENUM_VALUES_WAS_SET] = 1; }; # # Function: PrototypeEndersFor # # Returns an arrayref of prototype ender symbols for the passed , or undef if none. # sub PrototypeEndersFor #(type) { my ($self, $type) = @_; if (defined $self->[PROTOTYPE_ENDERS]) { return $self->[PROTOTYPE_ENDERS]->{$type}; } else { return undef; }; }; # # Function: SetPrototypeEndersFor # # Replaces the arrayref of prototype ender symbols for the passed . # sub SetPrototypeEndersFor #(type, enders) { my ($self, $type, $enders) = @_; if (!defined $self->[PROTOTYPE_ENDERS]) { $self->[PROTOTYPE_ENDERS] = { }; }; if (!defined $enders) { delete $self->[PROTOTYPE_ENDERS]->{$type}; } else { $self->[PROTOTYPE_ENDERS]->{$type} = [ @$enders ]; }; }; ############################################################################### # Group: Parsing Functions # # Function: ParseFile # # Parses the passed source file, sending comments acceptable for documentation to OnComment()> # and all other sections to . # # Parameters: # # sourceFile - The of the source file to parse. # topicList - A reference to the list of being built by the file. # # Returns: # # Since this class cannot automatically document the code or generate a scope record, it always returns ( undef, undef ). # sub ParseFile #(sourceFile, topicsList) { my ($self, $sourceFile, $topicsList) = @_; open(SOURCEFILEHANDLE, '<' . $sourceFile) or die "Couldn't open input file " . $sourceFile . "\n"; my $lineReader = NaturalDocs::LineReader->New(\*SOURCEFILEHANDLE); my @commentLines; my @codeLines; my $lastCommentTopicCount = 0; if ($self->Name() eq 'Text File') { @commentLines = $lineReader->GetAll(); NaturalDocs::Parser->OnComment(\@commentLines, 1); } else { my $line = $lineReader->Get(); my $lineNumber = 1; while (defined $line) { my $originalLine = $line; # Retrieve multiline comments. This leaves $line at the next line. # We check for multiline comments before single line comments because in Lua the symbols are --[[ and --. if (my $closingSymbol = $self->StripOpeningBlockSymbols(\$line, $self->BlockCommentSymbols())) { # Note that it is possible for a multiline comment to start correctly but not end so. We want those comments to stay in # the code. For example, look at this prototype with this splint annotation: # # int get_array(integer_t id, # /*@out@*/ array_t array); # # The annotation starts correctly but doesn't end so because it is followed by code on the same line. my $lineRemainder; for (;;) { $lineRemainder = $self->StripClosingSymbol(\$line, $closingSymbol); push @commentLines, $line; # If we found an end comment symbol... if (defined $lineRemainder) { last; }; $line = $lineReader->Get(); if (!defined $line) { last; }; }; if ($lineRemainder !~ /^[ \t]*$/) { # If there was something past the closing symbol this wasn't an acceptable comment, so move the lines to code. push @codeLines, @commentLines; @commentLines = ( ); }; $line = $lineReader->Get(); } # Retrieve single line comments. This leaves $line at the next line. elsif ($self->StripOpeningSymbols(\$line, $self->LineCommentSymbols())) { do { push @commentLines, $line; $line = $lineReader->Get(); if (!defined $line) { goto EndDo; }; } while ($self->StripOpeningSymbols(\$line, $self->LineCommentSymbols())); EndDo: # I hate Perl sometimes. } # Otherwise just add it to the code. else { push @codeLines, $line; $line = $lineReader->Get(); }; # If there were comments, send them to Parser->OnComment(). if (scalar @commentLines) { # First process any code lines before the comment. if (scalar @codeLines) { $self->OnCode(\@codeLines, $lineNumber, $topicsList, $lastCommentTopicCount); $lineNumber += scalar @codeLines; @codeLines = ( ); }; $lastCommentTopicCount = NaturalDocs::Parser->OnComment(\@commentLines, $lineNumber); $lineNumber += scalar @commentLines; @commentLines = ( ); }; }; # while (defined $line) # Clean up any remaining code. if (scalar @codeLines) { $self->OnCode(\@codeLines, $lineNumber, $topicsList, $lastCommentTopicCount); @codeLines = ( ); }; }; close(SOURCEFILEHANDLE); return ( undef, undef ); }; # # Function: OnCode # # Called whenever a section of code is encountered by the parser. Is used to find the prototype of the last topic created. # # Parameters: # # codeLines - The source code as an arrayref of lines. # codeLineNumber - The line number of the first line of code. # topicList - A reference to the list of being built by the file. # lastCommentTopicCount - The number of Natural Docs topics that were created by the last comment. # sub OnCode #(codeLines, codeLineNumber, topicList, lastCommentTopicCount) { my ($self, $codeLines, $codeLineNumber, $topicList, $lastCommentTopicCount) = @_; if ($lastCommentTopicCount && defined $self->PrototypeEndersFor($topicList->[-1]->Type())) { my $lineIndex = 0; my $prototype; # Skip all blank lines before a prototype. while ($lineIndex < scalar @$codeLines && $codeLines->[$lineIndex] =~ /^[ \t]*$/) { $lineIndex++; }; my @tokens; my $tokenIndex = 0; my @brackets; my $enders = $self->PrototypeEndersFor($topicList->[-1]->Type()); # Add prototype lines until we reach the end of the prototype or the end of the code lines. while ($lineIndex < scalar @$codeLines) { my $line = $self->RemoveLineExtender($codeLines->[$lineIndex] . "\n"); push @tokens, $line =~ /([^\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>]+|.)/g; while ($tokenIndex < scalar @tokens) { # If we're not inside brackets, check for ender symbols. if (!scalar @brackets) { my $startingIndex = 0; my $testPrototype; for (;;) { my ($enderIndex, $ender) = ::FindFirstSymbol($tokens[$tokenIndex], $enders, $startingIndex); if ($enderIndex == -1) { last; } else { # We do this here so we don't duplicate prototype for every single token. Just the first time an ender symbol # is found in one. if (!defined $testPrototype) { $testPrototype = $prototype; }; $testPrototype .= substr($tokens[$tokenIndex], $startingIndex, $enderIndex - $startingIndex); my $enderResult; # If the ender is all text and the character preceding or following it is as well, ignore it. if ($ender =~ /^[a-z0-9]+$/i && ( ($enderIndex > 0 && substr($tokens[$tokenIndex], $enderIndex - 1, 1) =~ /^[a-z0-9_]$/i) || substr($tokens[$tokenIndex], $enderIndex + length($ender), 1) =~ /^[a-z0-9_]$/i ) ) { $enderResult = ENDER_IGNORE(); } else { $enderResult = $self->OnPrototypeEnd($topicList->[-1]->Type(), \$testPrototype, $ender); } if ($enderResult == ENDER_IGNORE()) { $testPrototype .= $ender; $startingIndex = $enderIndex + length($ender); } elsif ($enderResult == ENDER_REVERT_TO_ACCEPTED()) { return; } else # ENDER_ACCEPT || ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE { my $titleInPrototype = $topicList->[-1]->Title(); # Strip parenthesis so Function(2) and Function(int, int) will still match Function(anything). $titleInPrototype =~ s/[\t ]*\([^\(]*$//; if (index($testPrototype, $titleInPrototype) != -1) { $topicList->[-1]->SetPrototype( $self->NormalizePrototype($testPrototype) ); }; if ($enderResult == ENDER_ACCEPT()) { return; } else # ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE { $testPrototype .= $ender; $startingIndex = $enderIndex + length($ender); }; }; }; }; } # If we are inside brackets, check for closing symbols. elsif ( ($tokens[$tokenIndex] eq ')' && $brackets[-1] eq '(') || ($tokens[$tokenIndex] eq ']' && $brackets[-1] eq '[') || ($tokens[$tokenIndex] eq '}' && $brackets[-1] eq '{') || ($tokens[$tokenIndex] eq '>' && $brackets[-1] eq '<') ) { pop @brackets; }; # Check for opening brackets. if ($tokens[$tokenIndex] =~ /^[\(\[\{]$/ || ($tokens[$tokenIndex] eq "<" && $tokens[$tokenIndex-1] !~ /operator[ \t]*$/) ) { push @brackets, $tokens[$tokenIndex]; }; $prototype .= $tokens[$tokenIndex]; $tokenIndex++; }; $lineIndex++; }; # If we got out of that while loop by running out of lines, there was no prototype. }; }; use constant ENDER_ACCEPT => 1; use constant ENDER_IGNORE => 2; use constant ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE => 3; use constant ENDER_REVERT_TO_ACCEPTED => 4; # # Function: OnPrototypeEnd # # Called whenever the end of a prototype is found so that there's a chance for derived classes to mark false positives. # # Parameters: # # type - The of the prototype. # prototypeRef - A reference to the prototype so far, minus the ender in dispute. # ender - The ender symbol. # # Returns: # # ENDER_ACCEPT - The ender is accepted and the prototype is finished. # ENDER_IGNORE - The ender is rejected and parsing should continue. Note that the prototype will be rejected as a whole # if all enders are ignored before reaching the end of the code. # ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE - The ender is accepted so the prototype may stand as is. However, the prototype might # also continue on so continue parsing. If there is no accepted ender between here and # the end of the code this version will be accepted instead. # ENDER_REVERT_TO_ACCEPTED - The expedition from ENDER_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE failed. Use the last accepted # version and end parsing. # sub OnPrototypeEnd #(type, prototypeRef, ender) { return ENDER_ACCEPT(); }; # # Function: RemoveLineExtender # # If the passed line has a line extender, returns it without the extender or the line break that follows. If it doesn't, or there are # no line extenders defined, returns the passed line unchanged. # sub RemoveLineExtender #(line) { my ($self, $line) = @_; if (defined $self->LineExtender()) { my $lineExtenderIndex = rindex($line, $self->LineExtender()); if ($lineExtenderIndex != -1 && substr($line, $lineExtenderIndex + length($self->LineExtender())) =~ /^[ \t]*\n$/) { $line = substr($line, 0, $lineExtenderIndex) . ' '; }; }; return $line; }; 1;