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2018-09-19 15:08:49 +02:00
# Class: NaturalDocs::Languages::ActionScript
# A subclass to handle the language variations of Flash ActionScript.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright <20> 2003-2010 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
# Refer to License.txt for the complete details
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Languages::ActionScript;
use base 'NaturalDocs::Languages::Advanced';
# Group: Constants and Types
# Constants: XML Tag Type
# XML_OPENING_TAG - The tag is an opening one, such as <tag>.
# XML_CLOSING_TAG - The tag is a closing one, such as </tag>.
# XML_SELF_CONTAINED_TAG - The tag is self contained, such as <tag />.
use constant XML_OPENING_TAG => 1;
use constant XML_CLOSING_TAG => 2;
use constant XML_SELF_CONTAINED_TAG => 3;
# Group: Package Variables
# hash: classModifiers
# An existence hash of all the acceptable class modifiers. The keys are in all lowercase.
my %classModifiers = ( 'dynamic' => 1,
'intrinsic' => 1,
'final' => 1,
'internal' => 1,
'public' => 1 );
# hash: memberModifiers
# An existence hash of all the acceptable class member modifiers. The keys are in all lowercase.
my %memberModifiers = ( 'public' => 1,
'private' => 1,
'protected' => 1,
'static' => 1,
'internal' => 1,
'override' => 1 );
# hash: declarationEnders
# An existence hash of all the tokens that can end a declaration. This is important because statements don't require a semicolon
# to end. The keys are in all lowercase.
my %declarationEnders = ( ';' => 1,
'}' => 1,
'{' => 1,
'public' => 1,
'private' => 1,
'protected' => 1,
'static' => 1,
'internal' => 1,
'dynamic' => 1,
'intrinsic' => 1,
'final' => 1,
'override' => 1,
'class' => 1,
'interface' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'function' => 1,
'const' => 1,
'namespace' => 1,
'import' => 1 );
# var: isEscaped
# Whether the current file being parsed uses escapement.
my $isEscaped;
# Group: Interface Functions
# Function: PackageSeparator
# Returns the package separator symbol.
sub PackageSeparator
{ return '.'; };
# Function: EnumValues
# Returns the <EnumValuesType> that describes how the language handles enums.
sub EnumValues
{ return ::ENUM_GLOBAL(); };
# Function: ParseParameterLine
# Parses a prototype parameter line and returns it as a <NaturalDocs::Languages::Prototype::Parameter> object.
sub ParseParameterLine #(line)
my ($self, $line) = @_;
if ($line =~ /^ ?\.\.\.\ (.+)$/)
# This puts them in the wrong fields as $1 should be the name and ... should be the type. However, this is necessary
# because the order in the source is reversed from other parameter declarations and it's more important for the output
# to match the source.
return NaturalDocs::Languages::Prototype::Parameter->New($1, undef, '...', undef, undef, undef);
{ return $self->ParsePascalParameterLine($line); };
# Function: TypeBeforeParameter
# Returns whether the type appears before the parameter in prototypes.
sub TypeBeforeParameter
{ return 0; };
# Function: PreprocessFile
# If the file is escaped, strips out all unescaped code. Will translate any unescaped comments into comments surrounded by
# "\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F" and "\x1F\x1E\x1D" characters, so chosen because they are the same character lengths as <!-- and -->
# and will not appear in normal code.
sub PreprocessFile
my ($self, $lines) = @_;
if (!$isEscaped)
{ return; };
use constant MODE_UNESCAPED_REGULAR => 1;
use constant MODE_UNESCAPED_PI => 2;
use constant MODE_UNESCAPED_CDATA => 3;
use constant MODE_UNESCAPED_COMMENT => 4;
use constant MODE_ESCAPED_CDATA => 6;
use constant MODE_ESCAPED_NO_CDATA => 7;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$lines; $i++)
my @tokens = split(/(<[ \t]*\/?[ \t]*mx:Script[^>]*>|<\?|\?>|<\!--|-->|<\!\[CDATA\[|\]\]\>)/, $lines->[$i]);
my $newLine;
foreach my $token (@tokens)
if ($token eq '<?')
{ $mode = MODE_UNESCAPED_PI; }
elsif ($token eq '<![CDATA[')
elsif ($token eq '<!--')
$newLine .= "\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F";
elsif ($token =~ /^<[ \t]*mx:Script/)
elsif ($mode == MODE_UNESCAPED_PI)
if ($token eq '?>')
elsif ($mode == MODE_UNESCAPED_CDATA)
if ($token eq ']]>')
if ($token eq '-->')
$newLine .= "\x1F\x1E\x1D";
{ $newLine .= $token; };
if ($token eq '<![CDATA[')
elsif ($token =~ /^<[ \t]*\/[ \t]*mx:Script/)
$newLine .= '; ';
elsif ($token !~ /^[ \t]*$/)
$newLine .= $token;
elsif ($mode == MODE_ESCAPED_CDATA)
if ($token eq ']]>')
$newLine .= '; ';
{ $newLine .= $token; };
else #($mode == MODE_ESCAPED_NO_CDATA)
if ($token =~ /^<[ \t]*\/[ \t]*mx:Script/)
$newLine .= '; ';
{ $newLine .= $token; };
$lines->[$i] = $newLine;
# Function: ParseFile
# Parses the passed source file, sending comments acceptable for documentation to <NaturalDocs::Parser->OnComment()>.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The <FileName> to parse.
# topicList - A reference to the list of <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopics> being built by the file.
# Returns:
# The array ( autoTopics, scopeRecord ).
# autoTopics - An arrayref of automatically generated topics from the file, or undef if none.
# scopeRecord - An arrayref of <NaturalDocs::Languages::Advanced::ScopeChanges>, or undef if none.
sub ParseFile #(sourceFile, topicsList)
my ($self, $sourceFile, $topicsList) = @_;
# The \x1# comment symbols are inserted by PreprocessFile() to stand in for XML comments in escaped files.
my @parseParameters = ( [ '//' ], [ '/*', '*/', "\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F", "\x1F\x1E\x1D" ], [ '///' ], [ '/**', '*/' ] );
my $extension = lc(NaturalDocs::File->ExtensionOf($sourceFile));
$isEscaped = ($extension eq 'mxml');
$self->ParseForCommentsAndTokens($sourceFile, @parseParameters);
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $index = 0;
my $lineNumber = 1;
while ($index < scalar @$tokens)
if ($self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber) ||
$self->TryToGetImport(\$index, \$lineNumber) ||
$self->TryToGetClass(\$index, \$lineNumber) ||
$self->TryToGetFunction(\$index, \$lineNumber) ||
$self->TryToGetVariable(\$index, \$lineNumber) )
# The functions above will handle everything.
elsif ($tokens->[$index] eq '{')
$self->StartScope('}', $lineNumber, undef, undef, undef);
elsif ($tokens->[$index] eq '}')
if ($self->ClosingScopeSymbol() eq '}')
{ $self->EndScope($lineNumber); };
$self->SkipToNextStatement(\$index, \$lineNumber);
# Don't need to keep these around.
my $autoTopics = $self->AutoTopics();
my $scopeRecord = $self->ScopeRecord();
if (defined $scopeRecord && !scalar @$scopeRecord)
{ $scopeRecord = undef; };
return ( $autoTopics, $scopeRecord );
# Group: Statement Parsing Functions
# All functions here assume that the current position is at the beginning of a statement.
# Note for developers: I am well aware that the code in these functions do not check if we're past the end of the tokens as
# often as it should. We're making use of the fact that Perl will always return undef in these cases to keep the code simpler.
# Function: TryToGetIdentifier
# Determines whether the position is at an identifier, and if so, skips it and returns the complete identifier as a string. Returns
# undef otherwise.
# Parameters:
# indexRef - A reference to the current token index.
# lineNumberRef - A reference to the current line number.
# allowStar - If set, allows the last identifier to be a star.
sub TryToGetIdentifier #(indexRef, lineNumberRef, allowStar)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef, $allowStar) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $index = $$indexRef;
use constant MODE_IDENTIFIER_START => 1;
use constant MODE_IN_IDENTIFIER => 2;
use constant MODE_AFTER_STAR => 3;
my $identifier;
while ($index < scalar @$tokens)
if ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z\$\_]/i)
$identifier .= $tokens->[$index];
elsif ($allowStar && $tokens->[$index] eq '*')
$identifier .= '*';
{ return undef; };
elsif ($mode == MODE_IN_IDENTIFIER)
if ($tokens->[$index] eq '.')
$identifier .= '.';
elsif ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z0-9\$\_]/i)
$identifier .= $tokens->[$index];
{ last; };
else #($mode == MODE_AFTER_STAR)
if ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z0-9\$\_\.]/i)
{ return undef; }
{ last; };
# We need to check again because we may have run out of tokens after a dot.
$$indexRef = $index;
return $identifier;
{ return undef; };
# Function: TryToGetImport
# Determines whether the position is at a import statement, and if so, adds it as a Using statement to the current scope, skips
# it, and returns true.
sub TryToGetImport #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $index = $$indexRef;
my $lineNumber = $$lineNumberRef;
if ($tokens->[$index] ne 'import')
{ return undef; };
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my $identifier = $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber, 1);
if (!$identifier)
{ return undef; };
# Currently we implement importing by stripping the last package level and treating it as a using. So "import p1.p2.p3" makes
# p1.p2 the using path, which is over-tolerant but that's okay. "import p1.p2.*" is treated the same way, but in this case it's
# not over-tolerant. If there's no dot, there's no point to including it.
if (index($identifier, '.') != -1)
$identifier =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
$self->AddUsing( NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($identifier) );
$$indexRef = $index;
$$lineNumberRef = $lineNumber;
return 1;
# Function: TryToGetClass
# Determines whether the position is at a class declaration statement, and if so, generates a topic for it, skips it, and
# returns true.
# Supported Syntaxes:
# - Classes
# - Interfaces
# - Classes and interfaces with _global
sub TryToGetClass #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $index = $$indexRef;
my $lineNumber = $$lineNumberRef;
my @modifiers;
while ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z]/i &&
exists $classModifiers{lc($tokens->[$index])} )
push @modifiers, lc($tokens->[$index]);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my $type;
if ($tokens->[$index] eq 'class' || $tokens->[$index] eq 'interface')
$type = $tokens->[$index];
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
{ return undef; };
my $className = $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if (!$className)
{ return undef; };
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my @parents;
if ($tokens->[$index] eq 'extends')
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
# Interfaces can extend multiple other interfaces, which is NOT clearly mentioned in the docs.
for (;;)
my $parent = $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if (!$parent)
{ return undef; };
push @parents, $parent;
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$index] ne ',')
{ last; }
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($type eq 'class' && $tokens->[$index] eq 'implements')
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
for (;;)
my $parent = $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if (!$parent)
{ return undef; };
push @parents, $parent;
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$index] ne ',')
{ last; }
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$index] ne '{')
{ return undef; };
# If we made it this far, we have a valid class declaration.
my $topicType;
if ($type eq 'interface')
{ $topicType = ::TOPIC_INTERFACE(); }
{ $topicType = ::TOPIC_CLASS(); };
$className =~ s/^_global.//;
my $autoTopic = NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New($topicType, $className,
undef, $self->CurrentUsing(),
undef, undef, $$lineNumberRef);
foreach my $parent (@parents)
NaturalDocs::Parser->OnClassParent($autoTopic->Package(), NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($parent),
undef, $self->CurrentUsing(), ::RESOLVE_ABSOLUTE());
$self->StartScope('}', $lineNumber, $autoTopic->Package());
$$indexRef = $index;
$$lineNumberRef = $lineNumber;
return 1;
# Function: TryToGetFunction
# Determines if the position is on a function declaration, and if so, generates a topic for it, skips it, and returns true.
# Supported Syntaxes:
# - Functions
# - Constructors
# - Properties
# - Functions with _global
# - Functions with namespaces
sub TryToGetFunction #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $index = $$indexRef;
my $lineNumber = $$lineNumberRef;
my $startIndex = $index;
my $startLine = $lineNumber;
my @modifiers;
my $namespace;
while ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z]/i)
if ($tokens->[$index] eq 'function')
{ last; }
elsif (exists $memberModifiers{lc($tokens->[$index])})
push @modifiers, lc($tokens->[$index]);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
elsif (!$namespace)
$namespace .= $tokens->[$index];
while ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z0-9_]/i);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
{ last; };
if ($tokens->[$index] ne 'function')
{ return undef; };
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my $type;
if ($tokens->[$index] eq 'get' || $tokens->[$index] eq 'set')
# This can either be a property ("function get Something()") or a function name ("function get()").
my $nextIndex = $index;
my $nextLineNumber = $lineNumber;
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$nextIndex, \$nextLineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$nextIndex] eq '(')
$type = ::TOPIC_FUNCTION();
# Ignore the movement and let the code ahead pick it up as the name.
$type = ::TOPIC_PROPERTY();
$index = $nextIndex;
$lineNumber = $nextLineNumber;
{ $type = ::TOPIC_FUNCTION(); };
my $name = $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if (!$name)
{ return undef; };
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$index] ne '(')
{ return undef; };
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter(\$index, \$lineNumber, ')');
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$index] eq ':')
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
$self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber, 1);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my $prototype = $self->NormalizePrototype( $self->CreateString($startIndex, $index) );
if ($tokens->[$index] eq '{')
{ $self->GenericSkip(\$index, \$lineNumber); }
elsif (!exists $declarationEnders{$tokens->[$index]})
{ return undef; };
my $scope = $self->CurrentScope();
if ($name =~ s/^_global.//)
{ $scope = undef; };
if ($namespace)
{ $scope = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($scope, $namespace); };
$self->AddAutoTopic(NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New($type, $name,
$scope, $self->CurrentUsing(),
undef, undef, $startLine));
# We succeeded if we got this far.
$$indexRef = $index;
$$lineNumberRef = $lineNumber;
return 1;
# Function: TryToGetVariable
# Determines if the position is on a variable declaration statement, and if so, generates a topic for each variable, skips the
# statement, and returns true.
# Supported Syntaxes:
# - Variables
# - Variables with _global
# - Variables with type * (untyped)
# - Constants
# - Variables and constants with namespaces
sub TryToGetVariable #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $index = $$indexRef;
my $lineNumber = $$lineNumberRef;
my $startIndex = $index;
my $startLine = $lineNumber;
my @modifiers;
my $namespace;
while ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z]/i)
if ($tokens->[$index] eq 'var' || $tokens->[$index] eq 'const')
{ last; }
elsif (exists $memberModifiers{lc($tokens->[$index])})
push @modifiers, lc($tokens->[$index]);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
elsif (!$namespace)
$namespace .= $tokens->[$index];
while ($tokens->[$index] =~ /^[a-z0-9_]/i);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
{ last; };
my $type;
if ($tokens->[$index] eq 'var')
{ $type = ::TOPIC_VARIABLE(); }
elsif ($tokens->[$index] eq 'const')
{ $type = ::TOPIC_CONSTANT(); }
{ return undef; };
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my $endTypeIndex = $index;
my @names;
my @types;
for (;;)
my $name = $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if (!$name)
{ return undef; };
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
my $type;
if ($tokens->[$index] eq ':')
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
$type = ': ' . $self->TryToGetIdentifier(\$index, \$lineNumber, 1);
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
if ($tokens->[$index] eq '=')
$self->GenericSkip(\$index, \$lineNumber);
while ($tokens->[$index] ne ',' && !exists $declarationEnders{$tokens->[$index]} && $index < scalar @$tokens);
push @names, $name;
push @types, $type;
if ($tokens->[$index] eq ',')
$self->TryToSkipWhitespace(\$index, \$lineNumber);
elsif (exists $declarationEnders{$tokens->[$index]})
{ last; }
{ return undef; };
# We succeeded if we got this far.
my $prototypePrefix = $self->CreateString($startIndex, $endTypeIndex);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @names; $i++)
my $prototype = $self->NormalizePrototype( $prototypePrefix . ' ' . $names[$i] . $types[$i]);
my $scope = $self->CurrentScope();
if ($names[$i] =~ s/^_global.//)
{ $scope = undef; };
if ($namespace)
{ $scope = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($scope, $namespace); };
$self->AddAutoTopic(NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic->New($type, $names[$i],
$scope, $self->CurrentUsing(),
undef, undef, $startLine));
$$indexRef = $index;
$$lineNumberRef = $lineNumber;
return 1;
# Group: Low Level Parsing Functions
# Function: GenericSkip
# Advances the position one place through general code.
# - If the position is on a string, it will skip it completely.
# - If the position is on an opening symbol, it will skip until the past the closing symbol.
# - If the position is on whitespace (including comments), it will skip it completely.
# - Otherwise it skips one token.
# Parameters:
# indexRef - A reference to the current index.
# lineNumberRef - A reference to the current line number.
sub GenericSkip #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
# We can ignore the scope stack because we're just skipping everything without parsing, and we need recursion anyway.
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '{')
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '}');
elsif ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '(')
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, ')');
elsif ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '[')
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, ']');
elsif ($self->TryToSkipWhitespace($indexRef, $lineNumberRef) ||
$self->TryToSkipString($indexRef, $lineNumberRef) ||
$self->TryToSkipRegExp($indexRef, $lineNumberRef) ||
$self->TryToSkipXML($indexRef, $lineNumberRef) )
{ $$indexRef++; };
# Function: GenericSkipUntilAfter
# Advances the position via <GenericSkip()> until a specific token is reached and passed.
sub GenericSkipUntilAfter #(indexRef, lineNumberRef, token)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef, $token) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens && $tokens->[$$indexRef] ne $token)
{ $self->GenericSkip($indexRef, $lineNumberRef); };
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq "\n")
{ $$lineNumberRef++; };
# Function: IndiscriminateSkipUntilAfterSequence
# Advances the position indiscriminately until a specific token sequence is reached and passed.
sub IndiscriminateSkipUntilAfterSequence #(indexRef, lineNumberRef, token, token, ...)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef, @sequence) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens && !$self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, @sequence))
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq "\n")
{ $$lineNumberRef++; };
if ($self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, @sequence))
$$indexRef += scalar @sequence;
foreach my $token (@sequence)
if ($token eq "\n")
{ $$lineNumberRef++; };
# Function: SkipToNextStatement
# Advances the position via <GenericSkip()> until the next statement, which is defined as anything in <declarationEnders> not
# appearing in brackets or strings. It will always advance at least one token.
sub SkipToNextStatement #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq ';')
{ $$indexRef++; }
$self->GenericSkip($indexRef, $lineNumberRef);
while ( $$indexRef < scalar @$tokens &&
!exists $declarationEnders{$tokens->[$$indexRef]} );
# Function: TryToSkipRegExp
# If the current position is on a regular expression, skip past it and return true.
sub TryToSkipRegExp #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '/')
# A slash can either start a regular expression or be a divide symbol. Skip backwards to see what the previous symbol is.
my $index = $$indexRef - 1;
while ($index >= 0 && $tokens->[$index] =~ /^(?: |\t|\n)/)
{ $index--; };
if ($index < 0 || $tokens->[$index] !~ /^[\:\=\(\[\,]/)
{ return 0; };
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens && $tokens->[$$indexRef] ne '/')
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '\\')
{ $$indexRef += 2; }
elsif ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq "\n")
{ $$indexRef++; }
if ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens)
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] =~ /^[gimsx]+$/i)
{ $$indexRef++; };
return 1;
{ return 0; };
# Function: TryToSkipXML
# If the current position is on an XML literal, skip past it and return true.
sub TryToSkipXML #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '<')
# A < can either start an XML literal or be a comparison or shift operator. First check the next character for << or <=.
my $index = $$indexRef + 1;
while ($index < scalar @$tokens && $tokens->[$index] =~ /^[\=\<]$/)
{ return 0; };
# Next try the previous character.
$index = $$indexRef - 1;
while ($index >= 0 && $tokens->[$index] =~ /^[ |\t|\n]/)
{ $index--; };
if ($index < 0 || $tokens->[$index] !~ /^[\=\(\[\,\>]/)
{ return 0; };
{ return 0; };
# Only handle the tag here if it's not an irregular XML section.
if (!$self->TryToSkipIrregularXML($indexRef, $lineNumberRef))
my @tagStack;
my ($tagType, $tagIdentifier) = $self->GetAndSkipXMLTag($indexRef, $lineNumberRef);
if ($tagType == XML_OPENING_TAG)
{ push @tagStack, $tagIdentifier; };
while (scalar @tagStack && $$indexRef < scalar @$tokens)
$self->SkipToNextXMLTag($indexRef, $lineNumberRef);
($tagType, $tagIdentifier) = $self->GetAndSkipXMLTag($indexRef, $lineNumberRef);
if ($tagType == XML_OPENING_TAG)
{ push @tagStack, $tagIdentifier; }
elsif ($tagType == XML_CLOSING_TAG && $tagIdentifier eq $tagStack[-1])
{ pop @tagStack; };
return 1;
# Function: TryToSkipIrregularXML
# If the current position is on an irregular XML tag, skip past it and return true. Irregular XML tags are defined as
# CDATA - <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
# Comments - <!-- ... -->
# PI - <? ... ?>
sub TryToSkipIrregularXML #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
if ($self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, '<', '!', '[', 'CDATA', '['))
$$indexRef += 5;
$self->IndiscriminateSkipUntilAfterSequence($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, ']', ']', '>');
return 1;
elsif ($self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, '<', '!', '-', '-'))
$$indexRef += 4;
$self->IndiscriminateSkipUntilAfterSequence($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '-', '-', '>');
return 1;
elsif ($self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, '<', '?'))
$$indexRef += 2;
$self->IndiscriminateSkipUntilAfterSequence($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '?', '>');
return 1;
{ return 0; };
# Function: GetAndSkipXMLTag
# Processes the XML tag at the current position, moves beyond it, and returns information about it. Assumes the position is on
# the opening angle bracket of the tag and the tag is a normal XML tag, not one of the ones handled by
# <TryToSkipIrregularXML()>.
# Parameters:
# indexRef - A reference to the index of the position of the opening angle bracket.
# lineNumberRef - A reference to the line number of the position of the opening angle bracket.
# Returns:
# The array ( tagType, name ).
# tagType - One of the <XML Tag Type> constants.
# identifier - The identifier of the tag. If it's an empty tag (<> or </>), this will be "(anonymous)".
sub GetAndSkipXMLTag #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
if ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens && $tokens->[$$indexRef] ne '<')
{ die "Tried to call GetXMLTag when the position isn't on an opening bracket."; };
# Get the anonymous ones out of the way so we don't have to worry about them below, since they're rather exceptional.
if ($self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, '<', '>'))
$$indexRef += 2;
return ( XML_OPENING_TAG, '(anonymous)' );
elsif ($self->IsAtSequence($$indexRef, '<', '/', '>'))
$$indexRef += 3;
return ( XML_CLOSING_TAG, '(anonymous)' );
# Grab the identifier.
my $tagType = XML_OPENING_TAG;
my $identifier;
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '/')
$self->TryToSkipXMLWhitespace($indexRef, $lineNumberRef);
# The identifier could be a native expression in braces.
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '{')
my $startOfIdentifier = $$indexRef;
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '}');
$identifier = $self->CreateString($startOfIdentifier, $$indexRef);
# Otherwise just grab content until whitespace or the end of the tag.
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens && $tokens->[$$indexRef] !~ /^[\/\>\ \t]$/)
$identifier .= $tokens->[$$indexRef];
# Skip to the end of the tag.
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens && $tokens->[$$indexRef] !~ /^[\/\>]$/)
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '{')
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '}');
elsif ($self->TryToSkipXMLWhitespace($indexRef, $lineNumberRef))
{ }
# We don't need to do special handling for attribute quotes or anything like that because there's no backslashing in
# XML. It's all handled with entity characters.
{ $$indexRef++; };
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '/')
if ($tagType == XML_OPENING_TAG)
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '>')
{ $$indexRef++; };
if (!$identifier)
{ $identifier = '(anonymous)'; };
return ( $tagType, $identifier );
# Function: SkipToNextXMLTag
# Skips to the next normal XML tag. It will not stop at elements handled by <TryToSkipIrregularXML()>. Note that if the
# position is already at an XML tag, it will not move.
sub SkipToNextXMLTag #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens)
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '{')
$self->GenericSkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '}');
elsif ($self->TryToSkipIrregularXML($indexRef, $lineNumberRef))
{ }
elsif ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '<')
{ last; }
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq "\n")
{ $$lineNumberRef++; };
# Function: TryToSkipXMLWhitespace
# If the current position is on XML whitespace, skip past it and return true.
sub TryToSkipXMLWhitespace #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $result;
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens)
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] =~ /^[ \t]/)
$result = 1;
elsif ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq "\n")
$result = 1;
{ last; };
return $result;
# Function: TryToSkipString
# If the current position is on a string delimiter, skip past the string and return true.
# Parameters:
# indexRef - A reference to the index of the position to start at.
# lineNumberRef - A reference to the line number of the position.
# Returns:
# Whether the position was at a string.
# Syntax Support:
# - Supports quotes and apostrophes.
sub TryToSkipString #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
return ($self->SUPER::TryToSkipString($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '\'') ||
$self->SUPER::TryToSkipString($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '"') );
# Function: TryToSkipWhitespace
# If the current position is on a whitespace token, a line break token, or a comment, it skips them and returns true. If there are
# a number of these in a row, it skips them all.
sub TryToSkipWhitespace #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
my $result;
while ($$indexRef < scalar @$tokens)
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] =~ /^[ \t]/)
$result = 1;
elsif ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq "\n")
$result = 1;
elsif ($self->TryToSkipComment($indexRef, $lineNumberRef))
$result = 1;
{ last; };
return $result;
# Function: TryToSkipComment
# If the current position is on a comment, skip past it and return true.
sub TryToSkipComment #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
return ( $self->TryToSkipLineComment($indexRef, $lineNumberRef) ||
$self->TryToSkipMultilineComment($indexRef, $lineNumberRef) );
# Function: TryToSkipLineComment
# If the current position is on a line comment symbol, skip past it and return true.
sub TryToSkipLineComment #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '/' && $tokens->[$$indexRef+1] eq '/')
$self->SkipRestOfLine($indexRef, $lineNumberRef);
return 1;
{ return undef; };
# Function: TryToSkipMultilineComment
# If the current position is on an opening comment symbol, skip past it and return true.
sub TryToSkipMultilineComment #(indexRef, lineNumberRef)
my ($self, $indexRef, $lineNumberRef) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->Tokens();
if ($tokens->[$$indexRef] eq '/' && $tokens->[$$indexRef+1] eq '*')
$self->SkipUntilAfter($indexRef, $lineNumberRef, '*', '/');
return 1;
{ return undef; };