mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 00:22:47 +01:00
13699 lines
662 KiB
13699 lines
662 KiB
/* w2ui 1.4.2 (c) http://w2ui.com, vitmalina@gmail.com */
var w2ui = w2ui || {};
var w2obj = w2obj || {}; // expose object to be able to overwrite default functions
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery
* - Following objects are defines
* - w2ui - object that will contain all widgets
* - w2obj - object with widget prototypes
* - w2utils - basic utilities
* - $().w2render - common render
* - $().w2destroy - common destroy
* - $().w2marker - marker plugin
* - $().w2tag - tag plugin
* - $().w2overlay - overlay plugin
* - $().w2menu - menu plugin
* - w2utils.event - generic event object
* - w2utils.keyboard - object for keyboard navigation
* - Dependencies: jQuery
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - date has problems in FF new Date('yyyy-mm-dd') breaks
* - bug: w2utils.formatDate('2011-31-01', 'yyyy-dd-mm'); - wrong foratter
* - overlay should be displayed where more space (on top or on bottom)
* - write and article how to replace certain framework functions
* - format date and time is buggy
* - onComplete should pass widget as context (this)
* - add maxHeight for the w2menu
* - user localization from another lib (make it generic), https://github.com/jquery/globalize#readme
* - hidden and disabled in menus
* - isTime should support seconds
var w2utils = (function () {
var tmp = {}; // for some temp variables
var obj = {
version : '1.4.2',
settings : {
"locale" : "en-us",
"date_format" : "m/d/yyyy",
"date_display" : "Mon d, yyyy",
"time_format" : "hh:mi pm",
"currencyPrefix" : "$",
"currencySuffix" : "",
"currencyPrecision" : 2,
"groupSymbol" : ",",
"decimalSymbol" : ".",
"shortmonths" : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
"fullmonths" : ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
"shortdays" : ["M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S"],
"fulldays" : ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"],
"dataType" : 'HTTP', // can be HTTP, RESTFULL, JSON (case sensative)
"phrases" : {} // empty object for english phrases
isInt : isInt,
isFloat : isFloat,
isMoney : isMoney,
isHex : isHex,
isAlphaNumeric : isAlphaNumeric,
isEmail : isEmail,
isDate : isDate,
isTime : isTime,
age : age,
date : date,
size : size,
formatNumber : formatNumber,
formatDate : formatDate,
formatTime : formatTime,
formatDateTime : formatDateTime,
stripTags : stripTags,
encodeTags : encodeTags,
escapeId : escapeId,
base64encode : base64encode,
base64decode : base64decode,
transition : transition,
lock : lock,
unlock : unlock,
lang : lang,
locale : locale,
getSize : getSize,
scrollBarSize : scrollBarSize,
checkName : checkName,
checkUniqueId : checkUniqueId,
parseRoute : parseRoute,
// some internal variables
isIOS : ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('iphone') != -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('ipod') != -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('ipad') != -1)
? true : false),
isIE : ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('trident') != -1 )
? true : false)
return obj;
function isInt (val) {
var re = /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/;
return re.test(val);
function isFloat (val) {
if (typeof val == 'string') val = val.replace(w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol, '.');
return (typeof val === 'number' || (typeof val === 'string' && val !== '')) && !isNaN(Number(val));
function isMoney (val) {
var se = w2utils.settings;
var re = new RegExp('^'+ (se.currencyPrefix ? '\\' + se.currencyPrefix + '?' : '') +'[-+]?[0-9]*[\\'+ w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol +']?[0-9]+'+ (se.currencySuffix ? '\\' + se.currencySuffix + '?' : '') +'$', 'i');
if (typeof val === 'string') {
val = val.replace(new RegExp(se.groupSymbol, 'g'), '');
if (typeof val === 'object' || val === '') return false;
return re.test(val);
function isHex (val) {
var re = /^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/;
return re.test(val);
function isAlphaNumeric (val) {
var re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/;
return re.test(val);
function isEmail (val) {
var email = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/;
return email.test(val);
function isDate (val, format, retDate) {
if (!val) return false;
var dt = 'Invalid Date';
var month, day, year;
if (format == null) format = w2utils.settings.date_format;
if (typeof val.getUTCFullYear === 'function' && typeof val.getUTCMonth === 'function' && typeof val.getUTCDate === 'function') {
year = val.getUTCFullYear();
month = val.getUTCMonth();
day = val.getUTCDate();
} else if (typeof val.getFullYear === 'function' && typeof val.getMonth === 'function' && typeof val.getDate === 'function') {
year = val.getFullYear();
month = val.getMonth();
day = val.getDate();
} else {
val = String(val);
// convert month formats
if (RegExp('mon', 'ig').test(format)) {
format = format.replace(/month/ig, 'm').replace(/mon/ig, 'm').replace(/dd/ig, 'd').replace(/[, ]/ig, '/').replace(/\/\//g, '/').toLowerCase();
val = val.replace(/[, ]/ig, '/').replace(/\/\//g, '/').toLowerCase();
for (var m = 0, len = w2utils.settings.fullmonths.length; m < len; m++) {
var t = w2utils.settings.fullmonths[m];
val = val.replace(RegExp(t, 'ig'), (parseInt(m) + 1)).replace(RegExp(t.substr(0, 3), 'ig'), (parseInt(m) + 1));
// format date
var tmp = val.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').toLowerCase().split('/');
var tmp2 = format.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').toLowerCase();
if (tmp2 === 'mm/dd/yyyy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[2]; }
if (tmp2 === 'm/d/yyyy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[2]; }
if (tmp2 === 'dd/mm/yyyy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = tmp[2]; }
if (tmp2 === 'd/m/yyyy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = tmp[2]; }
if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/dd/mm') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[0]; }
if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/d/m') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[0]; }
if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/mm/dd') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = tmp[0]; }
if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/m/d') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = tmp[0]; }
if (tmp2 === 'mm/dd/yy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[2]; }
if (tmp2 === 'm/d/yy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = parseInt(tmp[2]) + 1900; }
if (tmp2 === 'dd/mm/yy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = parseInt(tmp[2]) + 1900; }
if (tmp2 === 'd/m/yy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = parseInt(tmp[2]) + 1900; }
if (tmp2 === 'yy/dd/mm') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900; }
if (tmp2 === 'yy/d/m') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900; }
if (tmp2 === 'yy/mm/dd') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900; }
if (tmp2 === 'yy/m/d') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900; }
if (!isInt(year)) return false;
if (!isInt(month)) return false;
if (!isInt(day)) return false;
year = +year;
month = +month;
day = +day;
dt = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
// do checks
if (month == null) return false;
if (dt === 'Invalid Date') return false;
if ((dt.getMonth() + 1 !== month) || (dt.getDate() !== day) || (dt.getFullYear() !== year)) return false;
if (retDate === true) return dt; else return true;
function isTime (val, retTime) {
// Both formats 10:20pm and 22:20
if (val == null) return false;
var max, pm;
// -- process american format
val = String(val);
val = val.toUpperCase();
pm = val.indexOf('PM') >= 0;
var ampm = (pm || val.indexOf('AM') >= 0);
if (ampm) max = 12; else max = 24;
val = val.replace('AM', '').replace('PM', '');
val = $.trim(val);
// ---
var tmp = val.split(':');
var h = parseInt(tmp[0] || 0), m = parseInt(tmp[1] || 0);
// accept edge case: 3PM is a good timestamp, but 3 (without AM or PM) is NOT:
if ((!ampm || tmp.length !== 1) && tmp.length !== 2) { return false; }
if (tmp[0] === '' || h < 0 || h > max || !this.isInt(tmp[0]) || tmp[0].length > 2) { return false; }
if (tmp.length === 2 && (tmp[1] === '' || m < 0 || m > 59 || !this.isInt(tmp[1]) || tmp[1].length !== 2)) { return false; }
// check the edge cases: 12:01AM is ok, as is 12:01PM, but 24:01 is NOT ok while 24:00 is (midnight; equivalent to 00:00).
// meanwhile, there is 00:00 which is ok, but 0AM nor 0PM are okay, while 0:01AM and 0:00AM are.
if (!ampm && max === h && m !== 0) { return false; }
if (ampm && tmp.length === 1 && h === 0) { return false; }
if (retTime === true) {
if (pm) h += 12;
return {
hours: h,
minutes: m
return true;
function age (dateStr) {
if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null) return '';
var d1 = new Date(dateStr);
if (w2utils.isInt(dateStr)) d1 = new Date(Number(dateStr)); // for unix timestamps
if (d1 === 'Invalid Date') return '';
var d2 = new Date();
var sec = (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) / 1000;
var amount = '';
var type = '';
if (sec < 0) {
amount = '<span style="color: #aaa">future</span>';
type = '';
} else if (sec < 60) {
amount = Math.floor(sec);
type = 'sec';
if (sec < 0) { amount = 0; type = 'sec'; }
} else if (sec < 60*60) {
amount = Math.floor(sec/60);
type = 'min';
} else if (sec < 24*60*60) {
amount = Math.floor(sec/60/60);
type = 'hour';
} else if (sec < 30*24*60*60) {
amount = Math.floor(sec/24/60/60);
type = 'day';
} else if (sec < 365.25*24*60*60) {
amount = Math.floor(sec/365.25/24/60/60*10)/10;
type = 'month';
} else if (sec >= 365.25*24*60*60) {
amount = Math.floor(sec/365.25/24/60/60*10)/10;
type = 'year';
return amount + ' ' + type + (amount > 1 ? 's' : '');
function date (dateStr) {
if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null) return '';
var d1 = new Date(dateStr);
if (w2utils.isInt(dateStr)) d1 = new Date(Number(dateStr)); // for unix timestamps
if (d1 === 'Invalid Date') return '';
var months = w2utils.settings.shortmonths;
var d2 = new Date(); // today
var d3 = new Date();
d3.setTime(d3.getTime() - 86400000); // yesterday
var dd1 = months[d1.getMonth()] + ' ' + d1.getDate() + ', ' + d1.getFullYear();
var dd2 = months[d2.getMonth()] + ' ' + d2.getDate() + ', ' + d2.getFullYear();
var dd3 = months[d3.getMonth()] + ' ' + d3.getDate() + ', ' + d3.getFullYear();
var time = (d1.getHours() - (d1.getHours() > 12 ? 12 :0)) + ':' + (d1.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d1.getMinutes() + ' ' + (d1.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am');
var time2= (d1.getHours() - (d1.getHours() > 12 ? 12 :0)) + ':' + (d1.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d1.getMinutes() + ':' + (d1.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d1.getSeconds() + ' ' + (d1.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am');
var dsp = dd1;
if (dd1 === dd2) dsp = time;
if (dd1 === dd3) dsp = w2utils.lang('Yesterday');
return '<span title="'+ dd1 +' ' + time2 +'">'+ dsp +'</span>';
function size (sizeStr) {
if (!w2utils.isFloat(sizeStr) || sizeStr === '') return '';
sizeStr = parseFloat(sizeStr);
if (sizeStr === 0) return 0;
var sizes = ['Bt', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
var i = parseInt( Math.floor( Math.log(sizeStr) / Math.log(1024) ) );
return (Math.floor(sizeStr / Math.pow(1024, i) * 10) / 10).toFixed(i === 0 ? 0 : 1) + ' ' + sizes[i];
function formatNumber (val, groupSymbol, decimalSymbol) {
var ret = '';
if (groupSymbol == null) groupSymbol = w2utils.settings.groupSymbol || ',';
if (decimalSymbol == null) decimalSymbol = w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol || '.';
// check if this is a number
if (w2utils.isFloat(val) || w2utils.isInt(val) || w2utils.isMoney(val)) {
tmp = String(val).split('.');
ret = String(tmp[0]).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1" + groupSymbol);
if (tmp[1] != null) ret += w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol + tmp[1];
return ret;
function formatDate (dateStr, format) { // IMPORTANT dateStr HAS TO BE valid JavaScript Date String
var months = w2utils.settings.shortmonths;
var fullMonths = w2utils.settings.fullmonths;
if (!format) format = this.settings.date_format;
if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr == 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '';
var dt = new Date(dateStr);
if (w2utils.isInt(dateStr)) dt = new Date(Number(dateStr)); // for unix timestamps
if (dt === 'Invalid Date') return '';
var year = dt.getFullYear();
var month = dt.getMonth();
var date = dt.getDate();
return format.toLowerCase()
.replace('month', w2utils.settings.fullmonths[month])
.replace('mon', w2utils.settings.shortmonths[month])
.replace(/yyyy/g, year)
.replace(/yyy/g, year)
.replace(/yy/g, year > 2000 ? 100 + parseInt(String(year).substr(2)) : String(year).substr(2))
.replace(/(^|[^a-z$])y/g, '$1' + year) // only y's that are not preceeded by a letter
.replace(/mm/g, (month + 1 < 10 ? '0' : '') + (month + 1))
.replace(/dd/g, (date < 10 ? '0' : '') + date)
.replace(/th/g, (date == 1 ? 'st' : 'th'))
.replace(/th/g, (date == 2 ? 'nd' : 'th'))
.replace(/th/g, (date == 3 ? 'rd' : 'th'))
.replace(/(^|[^a-z$])m/g, '$1' + (month + 1)) // only y's that are not preceeded by a letter
.replace(/(^|[^a-z$])d/g, '$1' + date); // only y's that are not preceeded by a letter
function formatTime (dateStr, format) { // IMPORTANT dateStr HAS TO BE valid JavaScript Date String
var months = w2utils.settings.shortmonths;
var fullMonths = w2utils.settings.fullmonths;
if (!format) format = this.settings.time_format;
if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr == 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '';
var dt = new Date(dateStr);
if (w2utils.isInt(dateStr)) dt = new Date(Number(dateStr)); // for unix timestamps
if (w2utils.isTime(dateStr)) {
var tmp = w2utils.isTime(dateStr, true);
dt = new Date();
if (dt === 'Invalid Date') return '';
var type = 'am';
var hour = dt.getHours();
var h24 = dt.getHours();
var min = dt.getMinutes();
var sec = dt.getSeconds();
if (min < 10) min = '0' + min;
if (sec < 10) sec = '0' + sec;
if (format.indexOf('am') !== -1 || format.indexOf('pm') !== -1) {
if (hour >= 12) type = 'pm';
if (hour > 12) hour = hour - 12;
return format.toLowerCase()
.replace('am', type)
.replace('pm', type)
.replace('hhh', (hour < 10 ? '0' + hour : hour))
.replace('hh24', (h24 < 10 ? '0' + h24 : h24))
.replace('h24', h24)
.replace('hh', hour)
.replace('mm', min)
.replace('mi', min)
.replace('ss', sec)
.replace(/(^|[^a-z$])h/g, '$1' + hour) // only y's that are not preceeded by a letter
.replace(/(^|[^a-z$])m/g, '$1' + min) // only y's that are not preceeded by a letter
.replace(/(^|[^a-z$])s/g, '$1' + sec); // only y's that are not preceeded by a letter
function formatDateTime(dateStr, format) {
var fmt;
if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr == 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '';
if (typeof format !== 'string') {
fmt = [this.settings.date_format, this.settings.time_format];
} else {
fmt = format.split('|');
return this.formatDate(dateStr, fmt[0]) + ' ' + this.formatTime(dateStr, fmt[1]);
function stripTags (html) {
if (html === null) return html;
switch (typeof html) {
case 'number':
case 'string':
html = $.trim(String(html).replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""));
case 'object':
for (var a in html) html[a] = this.stripTags(html[a]);
return html;
function encodeTags (html) {
if (html === null) return html;
switch (typeof html) {
case 'number':
case 'string':
html = String(html).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, """);
case 'object':
for (var a in html) html[a] = this.encodeTags(html[a]);
return html;
function escapeId (id) {
if (id === '' || id == null) return '';
return String(id).replace(/([;&,\.\+\*\~'`:"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=<>\|\/? {}\\])/g, '\\$1');
function base64encode (input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
input = utf8_encode(input);
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
function utf8_encode (string) {
var string = String(string).replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");
var utftext = "";
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
else {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
return utftext;
return output;
function base64decode (input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 !== 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 !== 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
output = utf8_decode(output);
function utf8_decode (utftext) {
var string = "";
var i = 0;
var c = 0, c2, c3;
while ( i < utftext.length ) {
c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
if (c < 128) {
string += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
i += 2;
else {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
i += 3;
return string;
return output;
function transition (div_old, div_new, type, callBack) {
var width = $(div_old).width();
var height = $(div_old).height();
var time = 0.5;
if (!div_old || !div_new) {
console.log('ERROR: Cannot do transition when one of the divs is null');
div_old.parentNode.style.cssText += cross('perspective', '700px') +'; overflow: hidden;';
div_old.style.cssText += '; position: absolute; z-index: 1019; '+ cross('backface-visibility', 'hidden');
div_new.style.cssText += '; position: absolute; z-index: 1020; '+ cross('backface-visibility', 'hidden');
switch (type) {
case 'slide-left':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d('+ width + 'px, 0, 0)', 'translate('+ width +'px, 0)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +';'+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +';'+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(-'+ width +'px, 0, 0)', 'translate(-'+ width +'px, 0)');
}, 1);
case 'slide-right':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(-'+ width +'px, 0, 0)', 'translate(-'+ width +'px, 0)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0px, 0, 0)', 'translate(0px, 0)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d('+ width +'px, 0, 0)', 'translate('+ width +'px, 0)');
}, 1);
case 'slide-down':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; z-index: 1; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; z-index: 0; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, '+ height +'px, 0)', 'translate(0, '+ height +'px)');
}, 1);
case 'slide-up':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, '+ height +'px, 0)', 'translate(0, '+ height +'px)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
}, 1);
case 'flip-left':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(-180deg)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');
}, 1);
case 'flip-right':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateY(-180deg)');
}, 1);
case 'flip-down':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(0deg)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(180deg)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(0deg)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(-180deg)');
}, 1);
case 'flip-up':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(0deg)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(-180deg)');
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(0deg)');
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'rotateX(180deg)');
}, 1);
case 'pop-in':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)') + '; '+ cross('transform', 'scale(.8)') + '; opacity: 0;';
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'scale(1)') +'; opacity: 1;';
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +';';
}, 1);
case 'pop-out':
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'scale(1)') +'; opacity: 1;';
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)') +'; opacity: 0;';
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; opacity: 1;';
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time+'s') +'; '+ cross('transform', 'scale(1.7)') +'; opacity: 0;';
}, 1);
// init divs
div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)');
div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; '+ cross('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'translate(0, 0)') +'; opacity: 0;';
// -- need a timing function because otherwise not working
window.setTimeout(function() {
div_new.style.cssText += cross('transition', time +'s') +'; opacity: 1;';
div_old.style.cssText += cross('transition', time +'s');
}, 1);
setTimeout(function () {
if (type === 'slide-down') {
$(div_old).css('z-index', '1019');
$(div_new).css('z-index', '1020');
if (div_new) {
'opacity': '1',
'-webkit-transition': '',
'-moz-transition': '',
'-ms-transition': '',
'-o-transition': '',
'-webkit-transform': '',
'-moz-transform': '',
'-ms-transform': '',
'-o-transform': '',
'-webkit-backface-visibility': '',
'-moz-backface-visibility': '',
'-ms-backface-visibility': '',
'-o-backface-visibility': ''
if (div_old) {
'opacity': '1',
'-webkit-transition': '',
'-moz-transition': '',
'-ms-transition': '',
'-o-transition': '',
'-webkit-transform': '',
'-moz-transform': '',
'-ms-transform': '',
'-o-transform': '',
'-webkit-backface-visibility': '',
'-moz-backface-visibility': '',
'-ms-backface-visibility': '',
'-o-backface-visibility': ''
if (div_old.parentNode) $(div_old.parentNode).css({
'-webkit-perspective': '',
'-moz-perspective': '',
'-ms-perspective': '',
'-o-perspective': ''
if (typeof callBack === 'function') callBack();
}, time * 1000);
function cross(property, value, none_webkit_value) {
var isWebkit=!!window.webkitURL; // jQuery no longer supports $.browser - RR
if (!isWebkit && typeof none_webkit_value !== 'undefined') value = none_webkit_value;
return ';'+ property +': '+ value +'; -webkit-'+ property +': '+ value +'; -moz-'+ property +': '+ value +'; '+
'-ms-'+ property +': '+ value +'; -o-'+ property +': '+ value +';';
function lock (box, msg, spinner) {
var options = {};
if (typeof msg === 'object') {
options = msg;
} else {
options.msg = msg;
options.spinner = spinner;
if (!options.msg && options.msg !== 0) options.msg = '';
'<div class="w2ui-lock"></div>'+
'<div class="w2ui-lock-msg"></div>'
var $lock = $(box).find('.w2ui-lock');
var mess = $(box).find('.w2ui-lock-msg');
if (!options.msg) mess.css({ 'background-color': 'transparent', 'border': '0px' });
if (options.spinner === true) options.msg = '<div class="w2ui-spinner" '+ (!options.msg ? 'style="width: 35px; height: 35px"' : '') +'></div>' + options.msg;
if (options.opacity != null) $lock.css('opacity', options.opacity);
if (typeof $lock.fadeIn == 'function') {
} else {
// hide all tags (do not hide overlays as the form can be in overlay)
function unlock (box) {
function getSize (el, type) {
var $el = $(el);
var bwidth = {
left : parseInt($el.css('border-left-width')) || 0,
right : parseInt($el.css('border-right-width')) || 0,
top : parseInt($el.css('border-top-width')) || 0,
bottom : parseInt($el.css('border-bottom-width')) || 0
var mwidth = {
left : parseInt($el.css('margin-left')) || 0,
right : parseInt($el.css('margin-right')) || 0,
top : parseInt($el.css('margin-top')) || 0,
bottom : parseInt($el.css('margin-bottom')) || 0
var pwidth = {
left : parseInt($el.css('padding-left')) || 0,
right : parseInt($el.css('padding-right')) || 0,
top : parseInt($el.css('padding-top')) || 0,
bottom : parseInt($el.css('padding-bottom')) || 0
switch (type) {
case 'top' : return bwidth.top + mwidth.top + pwidth.top;
case 'bottom' : return bwidth.bottom + mwidth.bottom + pwidth.bottom;
case 'left' : return bwidth.left + mwidth.left + pwidth.left;
case 'right' : return bwidth.right + mwidth.right + pwidth.right;
case 'width' : return bwidth.left + bwidth.right + mwidth.left + mwidth.right + pwidth.left + pwidth.right + parseInt($el.width());
case 'height' : return bwidth.top + bwidth.bottom + mwidth.top + mwidth.bottom + pwidth.top + pwidth.bottom + parseInt($el.height());
case '+width' : return bwidth.left + bwidth.right + mwidth.left + mwidth.right + pwidth.left + pwidth.right;
case '+height' : return bwidth.top + bwidth.bottom + mwidth.top + mwidth.bottom + pwidth.top + pwidth.bottom;
return 0;
function lang (phrase) {
var translation = this.settings.phrases[phrase];
if (translation == null) return phrase; else return translation;
function locale (locale) {
if (!locale) locale = 'en-us';
if (locale.length === 5) locale = 'locale/'+ locale +'.json';
// load from the file
url : locale,
type : "GET",
dataType : "JSON",
async : false,
cache : false,
success : function (data, status, xhr) {
w2utils.settings = $.extend(true, w2utils.settings, data);
// apply translation to some prototype functions
var p = w2obj.grid.prototype;
for (var b in p.buttons) {
p.buttons[b].caption = w2utils.lang(p.buttons[b].caption);
p.buttons[b].hint = w2utils.lang(p.buttons[b].hint);
p.msgDelete = w2utils.lang(p.msgDelete);
p.msgNotJSON = w2utils.lang(p.msgNotJSON);
p.msgRefresh = w2utils.lang(p.msgRefresh);
error : function (xhr, status, msg) {
console.log('ERROR: Cannot load locale '+ locale);
function scrollBarSize () {
if (tmp.scrollBarSize) return tmp.scrollBarSize;
var html =
'<div id="_scrollbar_width" style="position: absolute; top: -300px; width: 100px; height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;">'+
' <div style="height: 120px">1</div>'+
tmp.scrollBarSize = 100 - $('#_scrollbar_width > div').width();
if (String(navigator.userAgent).indexOf('MSIE') >= 0) tmp.scrollBarSize = tmp.scrollBarSize / 2; // need this for IE9+
return tmp.scrollBarSize;
function checkName (params, component) { // was w2checkNameParam
if (!params || typeof params.name === 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is required but not supplied in $().'+ component +'().');
return false;
if (typeof w2ui[params.name] !== 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is not unique. There are other objects already created with the same name (obj: '+ params.name +').');
return false;
if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(params.name)) {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore). ');
return false;
return true;
function checkUniqueId (id, items, itemsDecription, objName) { // was w2checkUniqueId
if (!$.isArray(items)) items = [items];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].id === id) {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id='+ id +'" is not unique within the current '+ itemsDecription +'. (obj: '+ objName +')');
return false;
return true;
function parseRoute(route) {
var keys = [];
var path = route
.replace(/\/\(/g, '(?:/')
.replace(/\+/g, '__plus__')
.replace(/(\/)?(\.)?:(\w+)(?:(\(.*?\)))?(\?)?/g, function(_, slash, format, key, capture, optional) {
keys.push({ name: key, optional: !! optional });
slash = slash || '';
return '' + (optional ? '' : slash) + '(?:' + (optional ? slash : '') + (format || '') + (capture || (format && '([^/.]+?)' || '([^/]+?)')) + ')' + (optional || '');
.replace(/([\/.])/g, '\\$1')
.replace(/__plus__/g, '(.+)')
.replace(/\*/g, '(.*)');
return {
path : new RegExp('^' + path + '$', 'i'),
keys : keys
* Generic Event Object
* --- This object is reused across all other
* --- widgets in w2ui.
w2utils.event = {
on: function (eventData, handler) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(eventData)) eventData = { type: eventData };
eventData = $.extend({ type: null, execute: 'before', target: null, onComplete: null }, eventData);
if (!eventData.type) { console.log('ERROR: You must specify event type when calling .on() method of '+ this.name); return; }
if (!handler) { console.log('ERROR: You must specify event handler function when calling .on() method of '+ this.name); return; }
if (!$.isArray(this.handlers)) this.handlers = [];
this.handlers.push({ event: eventData, handler: handler });
off: function (eventData, handler) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(eventData)) eventData = { type: eventData };
eventData = $.extend({}, { type: null, execute: 'before', target: null, onComplete: null }, eventData);
if (!eventData.type) { console.log('ERROR: You must specify event type when calling .off() method of '+ this.name); return; }
if (!handler) { handler = null; }
// remove handlers
var newHandlers = [];
for (var h = 0, len = this.handlers.length; h < len; h++) {
var t = this.handlers[h];
if ((t.event.type === eventData.type || eventData.type === '*') &&
(t.event.target === eventData.target || eventData.target === null) &&
(t.handler === handler || handler === null))
// match
} else {
this.handlers = newHandlers;
trigger: function (eventData) {
var eventData = $.extend({ type: null, phase: 'before', target: null }, eventData, {
isStopped: false, isCancelled: false,
preventDefault : function () { this.isCancelled = true; },
stopPropagation : function () { this.isStopped = true; }
if (eventData.phase === 'before') eventData.onComplete = null;
var args, fun, tmp;
if (eventData.target == null) eventData.target = null;
if (!$.isArray(this.handlers)) this.handlers = [];
// process events in REVERSE order
for (var h = this.handlers.length-1; h >= 0; h--) {
var item = this.handlers[h];
if ((item.event.type === eventData.type || item.event.type === '*') &&
(item.event.target === eventData.target || item.event.target === null) &&
(item.event.execute === eventData.phase || item.event.execute === '*' || item.event.phase === '*'))
eventData = $.extend({}, item.event, eventData);
// check handler arguments
args = [];
tmp = RegExp(/\((.*?)\)/).exec(item.handler);
if (tmp) args = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
if (args.length === 2) {
item.handler.call(this, eventData.target, eventData); // old way for back compatibility
} else {
item.handler.call(this, eventData); // new way
if (eventData.isStopped === true || eventData.stop === true) return eventData; // back compatibility eventData.stop === true
// main object events
var funName = 'on' + eventData.type.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + eventData.type.substr(1);
if (eventData.phase === 'before' && typeof this[funName] === 'function') {
fun = this[funName];
// check handler arguments
args = [];
tmp = RegExp(/\((.*?)\)/).exec(fun);
if (tmp) args = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
if (args.length === 2) {
fun.call(this, eventData.target, eventData); // old way for back compatibility
} else {
fun.call(this, eventData); // new way
if (eventData.isStopped === true || eventData.stop === true) return eventData; // back compatibility eventData.stop === true
// item object events
if (eventData.object != null && eventData.phase === 'before' &&
typeof eventData.object[funName] === 'function')
fun = eventData.object[funName];
// check handler arguments
args = [];
tmp = RegExp(/\((.*?)\)/).exec(fun);
if (tmp) args = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
if (args.length === 2) {
fun.call(this, eventData.target, eventData); // old way for back compatibility
} else {
fun.call(this, eventData); // new way
if (eventData.isStopped === true || eventData.stop === true) return eventData;
// execute onComplete
if (eventData.phase === 'after' && typeof eventData.onComplete === 'function') eventData.onComplete.call(this, eventData);
return eventData;
* Common Keyboard Handler. Supported in
* - grid
* - sidebar
* - popup
w2utils.keyboard = (function (obj) {
// private scope
var w2ui_name = null;
obj.active = active;
obj.clear = clear;
return obj;
function init() {
$(document).on('keydown', keydown);
$(document).on('mousedown', mousedown);
function keydown (event) {
var tag = event.target.tagName;
if ($.inArray(tag, ['INPUT', 'SELECT', 'TEXTAREA']) !== -1) return;
if ($(event.target).prop('contenteditable') === 'true') return;
if (!w2ui_name) return;
// pass to appropriate widget
if (w2ui[w2ui_name] && typeof w2ui[w2ui_name].keydown === 'function') {
w2ui[w2ui_name].keydown.call(w2ui[w2ui_name], event);
function mousedown (event) {
var tag = event.target.tagName;
var obj = $(event.target).parents('.w2ui-reset');
if (obj.length > 0) {
var name = obj.attr('name');
if (w2ui[name] && w2ui[name].keyboard) w2ui_name = name;
function active (new_w2ui_name) {
if (typeof new_w2ui_name !== 'undefined') w2ui_name = new_w2ui_name;
return w2ui_name;
function clear () {
w2ui_name = null;
* Commonly used plugins
* --- used primarily in grid and form
(function () {
$.fn.w2render = function (name) {
if ($(this).length > 0) {
if (typeof name === 'string' && w2ui[name]) w2ui[name].render($(this)[0]);
if (typeof name === 'object') name.render($(this)[0]);
$.fn.w2destroy = function (name) {
if (!name && this.length > 0) name = this.attr('name');
if (typeof name === 'string' && w2ui[name]) w2ui[name].destroy();
if (typeof name === 'object') name.destroy();
$.fn.w2marker = function (str) {
if (str === '' || str == null) { // remove marker
return $(this).each(function (index, el) {
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(/\<span class=\"w2ui\-marker\"\>(.*)\<\/span\>/ig, '$1'); // unmark
} else { // add marker
return $(this).each(function (index, el) {
if (typeof str === 'string') str = [str];
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(/\<span class=\"w2ui\-marker\"\>(.*)\<\/span\>/ig, '$1'); // unmark
for (var s in str) {
var tmp = str[s];
if (typeof tmp !== 'string') tmp = String(tmp);
// escape regex special chars
tmp = tmp.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&").replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '>').replace(/>/g, '<');
var regex = new RegExp(tmp + '(?!([^<]+)?>)', "gi"); // only outside tags
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(regex, replaceValue);
function replaceValue(matched) { // mark new
return '<span class="w2ui-marker">' + matched + '</span>';
// -- w2tag - appears on the right side from element, there can be multiple on screen at a time
$.fn.w2tag = function (text, options) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(options)) options = {};
if (!$.isPlainObject(options.css)) options.css = {};
if (typeof options['class'] === 'undefined') options['class'] = '';
// remove all tags
if ($(this).length === 0) {
$('.w2ui-tag').each(function (index, elem) {
var opt = $(elem).data('options');
if (opt == null) opt = {};
$($(elem).data('taged-el')).removeClass( opt['class'] );
return $(this).each(function (index, el) {
// show or hide tag
var tagOrigID = el.id;
var tagID = w2utils.escapeId(el.id);
if (text === '' || text == null) {
$('#w2ui-tag-'+tagID).css('opacity', 0);
setTimeout(function () {
// remmove element
}, 300);
} else {
// remove elements
// insert
'<div id="w2ui-tag-'+ tagOrigID +'" class="w2ui-tag '+ ($(el).parents('.w2ui-popup').length > 0 ? 'w2ui-tag-popup' : '') +
'" style=""></div>');
var timer = setInterval(function () {
// monitor if destroyed
if ($(el).length === 0 || ($(el).offset().left === 0 && $(el).offset().top === 0)) {
// monitor if moved
if ($('#w2ui-tag-'+tagID).data('position') !== ($(el).offset().left + el.offsetWidth) + 'x' + $(el).offset().top) {
'-webkit-transition' : '.2s',
'-moz-transition' : '.2s',
'-ms-transition' : '.2s',
'-o-transition' : '.2s',
left: ($(el).offset().left + el.offsetWidth) + 'px',
top: $(el).offset().top + 'px'
}).data('position', ($(el).offset().left + el.offsetWidth) + 'x' + $(el).offset().top);
}, 100);
setTimeout(function () {
if (!$(el).offset()) return;
opacity: '1',
left: ($(el).offset().left + el.offsetWidth) + 'px',
top: $(el).offset().top + 'px'
}).html('<div style="margin-top: -2px 0px 0px -2px; white-space: nowrap;"> <div class="w2ui-tag-body">'+ text +'</div> </div>')
.data('text', text)
.data('taged-el', el)
.data('options', options)
.data('position', ($(el).offset().left + el.offsetWidth) + 'x' + $(el).offset().top)
.data('timer', timer);
$(el).off('keypress', tmp_hide).on('keypress', tmp_hide).off('change', tmp_hide).on('change', tmp_hide)
if (typeof options.onShow === 'function') options.onShow();
}, 1);
var originalCSS = '';
if ($(el).length > 0) originalCSS = $(el)[0].style.cssText;
// bind event to hide it
function tmp_hide() {
$tag = $('#w2ui-tag-'+tagID);
if ($tag.length <= 0) return;
$(el).off('keypress', tmp_hide).removeClass(options['class']);
if ($(el).length > 0) $(el)[0].style.cssText = originalCSS;
if (typeof options.onHide === 'function') options.onHide();
// w2overlay - appears under the element, there can be only one at a time
$.fn.w2overlay = function (html, options) {
var obj = this;
var name = '';
var defaults = {
name : null, // it not null, then allows multiple concurent overlays
html : '', // html text to display
align : 'none', // can be none, left, right, both
left : 0, // offset left
top : 0, // offset top
tipLeft : 30, // tip offset left
width : 0, // fixed width
height : 0, // fixed height
maxWidth : null, // max width if any
maxHeight : null, // max height if any
style : '', // additional style for main div
'class' : '', // additional class name for main div
onShow : null, // event on show
onHide : null, // event on hide
openAbove : false, // show abover control
tmp : {}
if (arguments.length == 1) {
if (typeof html == 'object') {
options = html;
} else {
options = { html: html };
if (arguments.length == 2) options.html = html;
if (!$.isPlainObject(options)) options = {};
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
if (options.name) name = '-' + options.name;
// if empty then hide
var tmp_hide;
if (this.length === 0 || options.html === '' || options.html == null) {
if ($('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).length > 0) {
tmp_hide = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name)[0].hide;
if (typeof tmp_hide === 'function') tmp_hide();
} else {
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).remove();
return $(this);
if ($('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).length > 0) {
tmp_hide = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name)[0].hide;
$(document).off('click', tmp_hide);
if (typeof tmp_hide === 'function') tmp_hide();
'<div id="w2ui-overlay'+ name +'" style="display: none"'+
' class="w2ui-reset w2ui-overlay '+ ($(this).parents('.w2ui-popup, .w2ui-overlay-popup').length > 0 ? 'w2ui-overlay-popup' : '') +'">'+
' <style></style>'+
' <div style="'+ options.style +'" class="'+ options['class'] +'"></div>'+
// init
var div1 = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name);
var div2 = div1.find(' > div');
// pick bg color of first div
var bc = div2.css('background-color');
if (bc != null && bc !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' && bc !== 'transparent') div1.css('background-color', bc);
div1.data('element', obj.length > 0 ? obj[0] : null)
.data('options', options)
.data('position', $(obj).offset().left + 'x' + $(obj).offset().top)
.fadeIn('fast').on('mousedown', function (event) {
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).data('keepOpen', true);
if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].indexOf(event.target.tagName) === -1) event.preventDefault();
div1[0].hide = hide;
div1[0].resize = resize;
// need time to display
setTimeout(function () {
$(document).off('click', hide).on('click', hide);
if (typeof options.onShow === 'function') options.onShow();
}, 10);
return $(this);
// monitor position
function monitor() {
var tmp = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name);
if (tmp.data('element') !== obj[0]) return; // it if it different overlay
if (tmp.length === 0) return;
var pos = $(obj).offset().left + 'x' + $(obj).offset().top;
if (tmp.data('position') !== pos) {
} else {
setTimeout(monitor, 250);
// click anywhere else hides the drop down
function hide () {
var div1 = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name);
if (div1.data('keepOpen') === true) {
var result;
if (typeof options.onHide === 'function') result = options.onHide();
if (result === false) return;
$(document).off('click', hide);
function resize () {
var div1 = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name);
var div2 = div1.find(' > div');
// if goes over the screen, limit height and width
if (div1.length > 0) {
// width/height
var overflowX = false;
var overflowY = false;
var h = div2.height();
var w = div2.width();
if (options.width && options.width < w) w = options.width;
if (w < 30) w = 30;
// if content of specific height
if (options.tmp.contentHeight) {
h = options.tmp.contentHeight;
setTimeout(function () {
if (div2.height() > div2.find('div.menu > table').height()) {
div2.find('div.menu').css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
}, 1);
setTimeout(function () { div2.find('div.menu').css('overflow-y', 'auto'); }, 10);
if (options.tmp.contentWidth) {
w = options.tmp.contentWidth;
setTimeout(function () {
if (div2.width() > div2.find('div.menu > table').width()) {
div2.find('div.menu').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
}, 1);
setTimeout(function () { div2.find('div.menu').css('overflow-y', 'auto'); }, 10);
// alignment
switch (options.align) {
case 'both':
options.left = 17;
if (options.width === 0) options.width = w2utils.getSize($(obj), 'width');
case 'left':
options.left = 17;
case 'right':
options.tipLeft = w - 45;
options.left = w2utils.getSize($(obj), 'width') - w + 10;
// adjust position
var tmp = (w - 17) / 2;
var boxLeft = options.left;
var boxWidth = options.width;
var tipLeft = options.tipLeft;
if (w === 30 && !boxWidth) boxWidth = 30; else boxWidth = (options.width ? options.width : 'auto');
if (tmp < 25) {
boxLeft = 25 - tmp;
tipLeft = Math.floor(tmp);
// Y coord
top : (obj.offset().top + w2utils.getSize(obj, 'height') + options.top + 7) + 'px',
left : ((obj.offset().left > 25 ? obj.offset().left : 25) + boxLeft) + 'px',
'min-width' : boxWidth,
'min-height': (options.height ? options.height : 'auto')
// $(window).height() - has a problem in FF20
var maxHeight = window.innerHeight + $(document).scrollTop() - div2.offset().top - 7;
var maxWidth = window.innerWidth + $(document).scrollLeft() - div2.offset().left - 7;
if ((maxHeight > -50 && maxHeight < 210) || options.openAbove === true) {
// show on top
maxHeight = div2.offset().top - $(document).scrollTop() - 7;
if (options.maxHeight && maxHeight > options.maxHeight) maxHeight = options.maxHeight;
if (h > maxHeight) {
overflowY = true;
div2.height(maxHeight).width(w).css({ 'overflow-y': 'auto' });
h = maxHeight;
div1.css('top', ($(obj).offset().top - h - 24 + options.top) + 'px');
'#w2ui-overlay'+ name +':before { display: none; margin-left: '+ parseInt(tipLeft) +'px; }'+
'#w2ui-overlay'+ name +':after { display: block; margin-left: '+ parseInt(tipLeft) +'px; }'
} else {
// show under
if (options.maxHeight && maxHeight > options.maxHeight) maxHeight = options.maxHeight;
if (h > maxHeight) {
overflowY = true;
div2.height(maxHeight).width(w).css({ 'overflow-y': 'auto' });
'#w2ui-overlay'+ name +':before { display: block; margin-left: '+ parseInt(tipLeft) +'px; }'+
'#w2ui-overlay'+ name +':after { display: none; margin-left: '+ parseInt(tipLeft) +'px; }'
// check width
w = div2.width();
maxWidth = window.innerWidth + $(document).scrollLeft() - div2.offset().left - 7;
if (options.maxWidth && maxWidth > options.maxWidth) maxWidth = options.maxWidth;
if (w > maxWidth && options.align !== 'both') {
options.align = 'right';
setTimeout(function () { resize(); }, 1);
// check scroll bar
if (overflowY && overflowX) div2.width(w + w2utils.scrollBarSize() + 2);
$.fn.w2menu = function (menu, options) {
item : {
id : null,
text : '',
style : '',
img : '',
icon : '',
count : '',
hidden : false,
disabled : false
var defaults = {
index : null, // current selected
items : [],
render : null,
msgNoItems : 'No items',
onSelect : null,
tmp : {}
var obj = this;
var name = '';
if (menu === 'refresh') {
// if not show - call blur
if ($('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).length > 0) {
options = $.extend($.fn.w2menuOptions, options);
var scrTop = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu').scrollTop();
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu').html(getMenuHTML());
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu').scrollTop(scrTop);
} else {
} else {
if (arguments.length === 1) options = menu; else options.items = menu;
if (typeof options !== 'object') options = {};
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
$.fn.w2menuOptions = options;
if (options.name) name = '-' + options.name;
if (typeof options.select === 'function' && typeof options.onSelect !== 'function') options.onSelect = options.select;
if (typeof options.onRender === 'function' && typeof options.render !== 'function') options.render = options.onRender;
// since only one overlay can exist at a time
$.fn.w2menuHandler = function (event, index) {
if (typeof options.onSelect === 'function') {
// need time so that menu first hides
setTimeout(function () {
index : index,
item : options.items[index],
originalEvent: event
}, 10);
// do not uncomment (enum in grid search will not work)
// setTimeout(function () { $(document).click(); }, 50);
var html = '';
if (options.search) {
html +=
'<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 40px; left: 0px; right: 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; background-color: #ECECEC; padding: 8px 5px;">'+
' <div class="w2ui-icon icon-search" style="position: absolute; margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 6px; width: 11px; background-position: left !important;"></div>'+
' <input id="menu-search" type="text" style="width: 100%; outline: none; padding-left: 20px;" onclick="event.stopPropagation();">'+
options.style += ';background-color: #ECECEC';
options.index = 0;
for (var i in options.items) options.items[i].hidden = false;
html += '<div class="menu" style="position: absolute; top: '+ (options.search ? 40 : 0) + 'px; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: auto;">' +
getMenuHTML() +
var ret = $(this).w2overlay(html, options);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' #menu-search')
.on('keyup', change)
.on('keydown', function (event) {
// cancel tab key
if (event.keyCode === 9) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }
if (options.search) {
if (['text', 'password'].indexOf($(obj)[0].type) != -1 || $(obj)[0].tagName == 'texarea') return;
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' #menu-search').focus();
}, 200);
return ret;
function mresize() {
setTimeout(function () {
// show selected
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' tr.w2ui-selected').removeClass('w2ui-selected');
var cur = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' tr[index='+ options.index +']');
var scrTop = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu').scrollTop();
if (options.tmp) options.tmp.contentHeight = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' table').height() + (options.search ? 50 : 10);
if (options.tmp) options.tmp.contentWidth = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' table').width();
if ($('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name)[0].resize();
// scroll into view
if (cur.length > 0) {
var top = cur[0].offsetTop - 5; // 5 is margin top
var el = $('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu');
var height = el.height();
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu').scrollTop(scrTop);
if (top < scrTop || top + cur.height() > scrTop + height) {
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name +' div.menu').animate({ 'scrollTop': top - (height - cur.height() * 2) / 2 }, 200, 'linear');
}, 1);
function change(event) {
var search = this.value;
var key = event.keyCode;
var cancel = false;
switch (key) {
case 13: // enter
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).remove();
$.fn.w2menuHandler(event, options.index);
case 9: // tab
case 27: // escape
$('#w2ui-overlay'+ name).remove();
$.fn.w2menuHandler(event, -1);
case 38: // up
options.index = w2utils.isInt(options.index) ? parseInt(options.index) : 0;
while (options.index > 0 && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index--;
if (options.index === 0 && options.items[options.index].hidden) {
while (options.items[options.index] && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index++;
if (options.index < 0) options.index = 0;
cancel = true;
case 40: // down
options.index = w2utils.isInt(options.index) ? parseInt(options.index) : 0;
while (options.index < options.items.length-1 && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index++;
if (options.index === options.items.length-1 && options.items[options.index].hidden) {
while (options.items[options.index] && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index--;
if (options.index >= options.items.length) options.index = options.items.length - 1;
cancel = true;
// filter
if (!cancel) {
var shown = 0;
for (var i in options.items) {
var item = options.items[i];
var prefix = '';
var suffix = '';
if (['is', 'begins with'].indexOf(options.match) !== -1) prefix = '^';
if (['is', 'ends with'].indexOf(options.match) !== -1) suffix = '$';
try {
var re = new RegExp(prefix + search + suffix, 'i');
if (re.test(item.text) || item.text === '...') item.hidden = false; else item.hidden = true;
} catch (e) {}
// do not show selected items
if (obj.type === 'enum' && $.inArray(item.id, ids) !== -1) item.hidden = true;
if (item.hidden !== true) shown++;
options.index = 0;
while (options.index < options.items.length-1 && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index++;
if (shown <= 0) options.index = -1;
$(obj).w2menu('refresh', options);
function getMenuHTML () {
if (options.spinner) {
return '<table class="w2ui-drop-menu"><tr><td style="padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; text-align: center">'+
' <div class="w2ui-spinner" style="width: 18px; height: 18px; position: relative; top: 5px;"></div> '+
' <div style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px; color: #999;">'+ w2utils.lang('Loading...') +'</div>'+
var count = 0;
var menu_html = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="w2ui-drop-menu">';
var img = null, icon = null;
for (var f = 0; f < options.items.length; f++) {
var mitem = options.items[f];
if (typeof mitem === 'string') {
mitem = { id: mitem, text: mitem };
} else {
if (mitem.text != null && mitem.id == null) mitem.id = mitem.text;
if (mitem.text == null && mitem.id != null) mitem.text = mitem.id;
if (mitem.caption != null) mitem.text = mitem.caption;
img = mitem.img;
icon = mitem.icon;
if (img == null) img = null;
if (icon == null) icon = null;
if (mitem.hidden !== true) {
var imgd = '';
var txt = mitem.text;
if (typeof options.render === 'function') txt = options.render(mitem, options);
if (img) imgd = '<td class="menu-icon"><div class="w2ui-tb-image w2ui-icon '+ img +'"></div></td>';
if (icon) imgd = '<td class="menu-icon" align="center"><span class="w2ui-icon '+ icon +'"></span></td>';
// render only if non-empty
if (typeof txt !== 'undefined' && txt !== '' && !(/^-+$/.test(txt))) {
var bg = (count % 2 === 0 ? 'w2ui-item-even' : 'w2ui-item-odd');
if (options.altRows !== true) bg = '';
var colspan = 1;
if (imgd == '') colspan++;
if (mitem.count == null) colspan++;
menu_html +=
'<tr index="'+ f + '" style="'+ (mitem.style ? mitem.style : '') +'" '+
' class="'+ bg +' '+ (options.index === f ? 'w2ui-selected' : '') + ' ' + (mitem.disabled === true ? 'w2ui-disabled' : '') +'"'+
' onmousedown="$(this).parent().find(\'tr\').removeClass(\'w2ui-selected\'); $(this).addClass(\'w2ui-selected\');"'+
' onclick="event.stopPropagation(); '+
' if ('+ (mitem.disabled === true ? 'true' : 'false') + ') return;'+
' $(\'#w2ui-overlay'+ name +'\').remove(); '+
' $.fn.w2menuHandler(event, \''+ f +'\');">'+
imgd +
' <td class="menu-text" colspan="'+ colspan +'">'+ txt +'</td>'+
' <td class="menu-count">'+ (mitem.count != null ? '<span>' + mitem.count + '</span>' : '') + '</td>' +
} else {
// horizontal line
menu_html += '<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding: 6px; pointer-events: none"><div style="border-top: 1px solid silver;"></div></td></tr>';
options.items[f] = mitem;
if (count === 0) {
menu_html += '<tr><td style="padding: 13px; color: #999; text-align: center">'+ options.msgNoItems +'</div></td></tr>';
menu_html += "</table>";
return menu_html;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2grid - grid widget
* - $().w2grid - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2toolbar, w2fields, w2alert, w2confirm
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - frozen columns
* - add colspans
* - allow this.total to be unknown (-1)
* - column autosize based on largest content
* - easy bubbles in the grid
* - More than 2 layers of header groups
* - reorder columns/records
* - hidden searches could not be clearned by the user
* - problem with .set() and arrays, array get extended too, but should be replaced
* - move events into prototype
* - add grid.focus()
* - add showExtra, KickIn Infinite scroll when so many records
* - after edit stay on the same record option
* - allow render: function to be filters
(function () {
var w2grid = function(options) {
// public properties
this.name = null;
this.box = null; // HTML element that hold this element
this.header = '';
this.url = '';
this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
this.columns = []; // { field, caption, size, attr, render, hidden, gridMinWidth, editable }
this.columnGroups = []; // { span: int, caption: 'string', master: true/false }
this.records = []; // { recid: int(requied), field1: 'value1', ... fieldN: 'valueN', style: 'string', editable: true/false, summary: true/false, changes: object }
this.summary = []; // arry of summary records, same structure as records array
this.searches = []; // { type, caption, field, inTag, outTag, hidden }
this.searchData = [];
this.sortData = [];
this.postData = {};
this.toolbar = {}; // if not empty object; then it is toolbar object
this.show = {
header : false,
toolbar : false,
footer : false,
columnHeaders : true,
lineNumbers : false,
expandColumn : false,
selectColumn : false,
emptyRecords : true,
toolbarReload : true,
toolbarColumns : true,
toolbarSearch : true,
toolbarAdd : false,
toolbarEdit : false,
toolbarDelete : false,
toolbarSave : false,
selectionBorder : true,
recordTitles : true,
skipRecords : true
this.autoLoad = true; // for infinite scroll
this.fixedBody = true; // if false; then grid grows with data
this.recordHeight = 24;
this.keyboard = true;
this.selectType = 'row'; // can be row|cell
this.multiSearch = true;
this.multiSelect = true;
this.multiSort = true;
this.reorderColumns = false;
this.reorderRows = false;
this.markSearch = true;
this.total = 0; // server total
this.limit = 100;
this.offset = 0; // how many records to skip (for infinite scroll) when pulling from server
this.style = '';
this.ranges = [];
this.menu = [];
this.method = null; // if defined, then overwrited ajax method
this.recid = null;
this.parser = null;
// events
this.onAdd = null;
this.onEdit = null;
this.onRequest = null; // called on any server event
this.onLoad = null;
this.onDelete = null;
this.onDeleted = null;
this.onSubmit = null;
this.onSave = null;
this.onSelect = null;
this.onUnselect = null;
this.onClick = null;
this.onDblClick = null;
this.onContextMenu = null;
this.onMenuClick = null; // when context menu item selected
this.onColumnClick = null;
this.onColumnResize = null;
this.onSort = null;
this.onSearch = null;
this.onChange = null; // called when editable record is changed
this.onRestore = null; // called when editable record is restored
this.onExpand = null;
this.onCollapse = null;
this.onError = null;
this.onKeydown = null;
this.onToolbar = null; // all events from toolbar
this.onColumnOnOff = null;
this.onCopy = null;
this.onPaste = null;
this.onSelectionExtend = null;
this.onEditField = null;
this.onRender = null;
this.onRefresh = null;
this.onReload = null;
this.onResize = null;
this.onDestroy = null;
this.onStateSave = null;
this.onStateRestore = null;
// internal
this.last = {
field : 'all',
caption : w2utils.lang('All Fields'),
logic : 'OR',
search : '',
searchIds : [],
selection : {
indexes : [],
columns : {}
multi : false,
scrollTop : 0,
scrollLeft : 0,
sortData : null,
sortCount : 0,
xhr : null,
range_start : null,
range_end : null,
sel_ind : null,
sel_col : null,
sel_type : null,
edit_col : null
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.grid, options);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2grid = function(method) {
if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
// check name parameter
if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2grid')) return;
// remember items
var columns = method.columns;
var columnGroups = method.columnGroups;
var records = method.records;
var searches = method.searches;
var searchData = method.searchData;
var sortData = method.sortData;
var postData = method.postData;
var toolbar = method.toolbar;
// extend items
var object = new w2grid(method);
$.extend(object, { postData: {}, records: [], columns: [], searches: [], toolbar: {}, sortData: [], searchData: [], handlers: [] });
if (object.onExpand != null) object.show.expandColumn = true;
$.extend(true, object.toolbar, toolbar);
// reassign variables
for (var p in columns) object.columns[p] = $.extend(true, {}, columns[p]);
for (var p in columnGroups) object.columnGroups[p] = $.extend(true, {}, columnGroups[p]);
for (var p in searches) object.searches[p] = $.extend(true, {}, searches[p]);
for (var p in searchData) object.searchData[p] = $.extend(true, {}, searchData[p]);
for (var p in sortData) object.sortData[p] = $.extend(true, {}, sortData[p]);
object.postData = $.extend(true, {}, postData);
// check if there are records without recid
for (var r in records) {
if (records[r].recid == null || typeof records[r].recid == 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: Cannot add records without recid. (obj: '+ object.name +')');
object.records[r] = $.extend(true, {}, records[r]);
// add searches
for (var c in object.columns) {
var col = object.columns[c];
if (typeof col.searchable == 'undefined' || object.getSearch(col.field) != null) continue;
var stype = col.searchable;
var attr = '';
if (col.searchable === true) { stype = 'text'; attr = 'size="20"'; }
object.addSearch({ field: col.field, caption: col.caption, type: stype, attr: attr });
// init toolbar
// render if necessary
if ($(this).length !== 0) {
// register new object
w2ui[object.name] = object;
return object;
} else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return this;
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2grid');
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
w2grid.prototype = {
// ----
// properties that need to be in prototype
msgDelete : w2utils.lang('Are you sure you want to delete selected records?'),
msgNotJSON : w2utils.lang('Returned data is not in valid JSON format.'),
msgAJAXerror : w2utils.lang('AJAX error. See console for more details.'),
msgRefresh : w2utils.lang('Refreshing...'),
// for easy button overwrite
buttons: {
'reload' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-reload', icon: 'w2ui-icon-reload', hint: w2utils.lang('Reload data in the list') },
'columns' : { type: 'drop', id: 'w2ui-column-on-off', icon: 'w2ui-icon-columns', hint: w2utils.lang('Show/hide columns'), arrow: false, html: '' },
'search' : { type: 'html', id: 'w2ui-search',
html: '<div class="w2ui-icon icon-search-down w2ui-search-down" title="'+ 'Select Search Field' +'" '+
'onclick="var obj = w2ui[$(this).parents(\'div.w2ui-grid\').attr(\'name\')]; obj.searchShowFields();"></div>'
'search-go': { type: 'check', id: 'w2ui-search-advanced', caption: w2utils.lang('Search...'), hint: w2utils.lang('Open Search Fields') },
'add' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-add', caption: w2utils.lang('Add New'), hint: w2utils.lang('Add new record'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-plus' },
'edit' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-edit', caption: w2utils.lang('Edit'), hint: w2utils.lang('Edit selected record'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-pencil', disabled: true },
'delete' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-delete', caption: w2utils.lang('Delete'), hint: w2utils.lang('Delete selected records'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-cross', disabled: true },
'save' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-save', caption: w2utils.lang('Save'), hint: w2utils.lang('Save changed records'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-check' }
add: function (record) {
if (!$.isArray(record)) record = [record];
var added = 0;
for (var o in record) {
if (!this.recid && typeof record[o].recid == 'undefined') record[o].recid = record[o][this.recid];
if (record[o].recid == null || typeof record[o].recid == 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: Cannot add record without recid. (obj: '+ this.name +')');
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (!url) {
this.total = this.records.length;
this.refresh(); // ?? should it be reload?
return added;
find: function (obj, returnIndex) {
if (typeof obj == 'undefined' || obj == null) obj = {};
var recs = [];
var hasDots = false;
// check if property is nested - needed for speed
for (var o in obj) if (String(o).indexOf('.') != -1) hasDots = true;
// look for an item
for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
var match = true;
for (var o in obj) {
var val = this.records[i][o];
if (hasDots && String(o).indexOf('.') != -1) val = this.parseField(this.records[i], o);
if (obj[o] != val) match = false;
if (match && returnIndex !== true) recs.push(this.records[i].recid);
if (match && returnIndex === true) recs.push(i);
return recs;
set: function (recid, record, noRefresh) { // does not delete existing, but overrides on top of it
if (typeof recid == 'object') {
noRefresh = record;
record = recid;
recid = null;
// update all records
if (recid == null) {
for (var r in this.records) {
$.extend(true, this.records[r], record); // recid is the whole record
if (noRefresh !== true) this.refresh();
} else { // find record to update
var ind = this.get(recid, true);
if (ind == null) return false;
var isSummary = (this.records[ind] && this.records[ind].recid == recid ? false : true);
if (isSummary) {
$.extend(true, this.summary[ind], record);
} else {
$.extend(true, this.records[ind], record);
if (noRefresh !== true) this.refreshRow(recid); // refresh only that record
return true;
get: function (recid, returnIndex) {
// search records
for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
if (this.records[i].recid == recid) {
if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.records[i];
// search summary
for (var i = 0; i < this.summary.length; i++) {
if (this.summary[i].recid == recid) {
if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.summary[i];
return null;
remove: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.records.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.records[r].recid == arguments[a]) { this.records.splice(r, 1); removed++; }
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (!url) {
return removed;
addColumn: function (before, columns) {
var added = 0;
if (arguments.length == 1) {
columns = before;
before = this.columns.length;
} else {
if (typeof before == 'string') before = this.getColumn(before, true);
if (before === null) before = this.columns.length;
if (!$.isArray(columns)) columns = [columns];
for (var o in columns) {
this.columns.splice(before, 0, columns[o]);
return added;
removeColumn: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.columns[r].field == arguments[a]) { this.columns.splice(r, 1); removed++; }
return removed;
getColumn: function (field, returnIndex) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
if (this.columns[i].field == field) {
if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.columns[i];
return null;
toggleColumn: function () {
var effected = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
var col = this.columns[r];
if (col.field == arguments[a]) {
col.hidden = !col.hidden;
return effected;
showColumn: function () {
var shown = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
var col = this.columns[r];
if (col.gridMinWidth) delete col.gridMinWidth;
if (col.field == arguments[a] && col.hidden !== false) {
col.hidden = false;
return shown;
hideColumn: function () {
var hidden = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
var col = this.columns[r];
if (col.field == arguments[a] && col.hidden !== true) {
col.hidden = true;
return hidden;
addSearch: function (before, search) {
var added = 0;
if (arguments.length == 1) {
search = before;
before = this.searches.length;
} else {
if (typeof before == 'string') before = this.getSearch(before, true);
if (before === null) before = this.searches.length;
if (!$.isArray(search)) search = [search];
for (var o in search) {
this.searches.splice(before, 0, search[o]);
return added;
removeSearch: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a]) { this.searches.splice(r, 1); removed++; }
return removed;
getSearch: function (field, returnIndex) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) {
if (this.searches[i].field == field) {
if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.searches[i];
return null;
toggleSearch: function () {
var effected = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a]) {
this.searches[r].hidden = !this.searches[r].hidden;
return effected;
showSearch: function () {
var shown = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a] && this.searches[r].hidden !== false) {
this.searches[r].hidden = false;
return shown;
hideSearch: function () {
var hidden = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a] && this.searches[r].hidden !== true) {
this.searches[r].hidden = true;
return hidden;
getSearchData: function (field) {
for (var s in this.searchData) {
if (this.searchData[s].field == field) return this.searchData[s];
return null;
localSort: function (silent) {
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url) {
console.log('ERROR: grid.localSort can only be used on local data source, grid.url should be empty.');
if ($.isEmptyObject(this.sortData)) return;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var obj = this;
// process date fields
// process sortData
for (var s in this.sortData) {
var column = this.getColumn(this.sortData[s].field);
if (!column) return;
if (typeof column.render == 'string') {
if (['date', 'age'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
this.sortData[s]['field_'] = column.field + '_';
if (['time'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
this.sortData[s]['field_'] = column.field + '_';
// process sort
this.records.sort(function (a, b) {
var ret = 0;
for (var s in obj.sortData) {
var fld = obj.sortData[s].field;
if (obj.sortData[s].field_) fld = obj.sortData[s].field_;
var aa = a[fld];
var bb = b[fld];
if (String(fld).indexOf('.') != -1) {
aa = obj.parseField(a, fld);
bb = obj.parseField(b, fld);
if (typeof aa == 'string') aa = $.trim(aa.toLowerCase());
if (typeof bb == 'string') bb = $.trim(bb.toLowerCase());
if (aa > bb) ret = (obj.sortData[s].direction == 'asc' ? 1 : -1);
if (aa < bb) ret = (obj.sortData[s].direction == 'asc' ? -1 : 1);
if (typeof aa != 'object' && typeof bb == 'object') ret = -1;
if (typeof bb != 'object' && typeof aa == 'object') ret = 1;
if (aa == null && bb != null) ret = 1; // all nuls and undefined on bottom
if (aa != null && bb == null) ret = -1;
if (ret != 0) break;
return ret;
time = (new Date()).getTime() - time;
if (silent !== true) setTimeout(function () { obj.status(w2utils.lang('Sorting took') + ' ' + time/1000 + ' ' + w2utils.lang('sec')); }, 10);
return time;
localSearch: function (silent) {
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url) {
console.log('ERROR: grid.localSearch can only be used on local data source, grid.url should be empty.');
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var obj = this;
this.total = this.records.length;
// mark all records as shown
this.last.searchIds = [];
// prepare date/time fields
// hide records that did not match
if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) {
this.total = 0;
for (var r in this.records) {
var rec = this.records[r];
var fl = 0;
for (var s in this.searchData) {
var sdata = this.searchData[s];
var search = this.getSearch(sdata.field);
if (sdata == null) continue;
if (search == null) search = { field: sdata.field, type: sdata.type };
var val1 = String(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)).toLowerCase();
if (typeof sdata.value != 'undefined') {
if (!$.isArray(sdata.value)) {
var val2 = String(sdata.value).toLowerCase();
} else {
var val2 = sdata.value[0];
var val3 = sdata.value[1];
switch (sdata.operator) {
case 'is':
if (rec[search.field] == sdata.value) fl++; // do not hide record
if (search.type == 'date') {
var val1 = w2utils.formatDate(rec[search.field + '_'], 'yyyy-mm-dd');
var val2 = w2utils.formatDate(val2, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
if (val1 == val2) fl++;
if (search.type == 'time') {
var val1 = w2utils.formatTime(rec[search.field + '_'], 'h24:mi');
var val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'h24:mi');
if (val1 == val2) fl++;
case 'between':
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
if (parseFloat(rec[search.field]) >= parseFloat(val2) && parseFloat(rec[search.field]) <= parseFloat(val3)) fl++;
if (search.type == 'date') {
var val1 = rec[search.field + '_'];
var val2 = w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.date_format, true);
var val3 = w2utils.isDate(val3, w2utils.settings.date_format, true);
if (val3 != null) val3 = new Date(val3.getTime() + 86400000); // 1 day
if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++;
if (search.type == 'time') {
var val1 = rec[search.field + '_'];
var val2 = w2utils.isTime(val2, true);
var val3 = w2utils.isTime(val3, true);
val2 = (new Date()).setHours(val2.hours, val2.minutes, val2.seconds ? val2.seconds : 0, 0);
val3 = (new Date()).setHours(val3.hours, val3.minutes, val3.seconds ? val3.seconds : 0, 0);
if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++;
case 'in':
var tmp = sdata.value;
if (sdata.svalue) tmp = sdata.svalue;
if (tmp.indexOf(val1) !== -1) fl++;
case 'not in':
var tmp = sdata.value;
if (sdata.svalue) tmp = sdata.svalue;
if (tmp.indexOf(val1) == -1) fl++;
case 'begins':
case 'begins with': // need for back compatib.
if (val1.indexOf(val2) == 0) fl++; // do not hide record
case 'contains':
if (val1.indexOf(val2) >= 0) fl++; // do not hide record
case 'ends':
case 'ends with': // need for back compatib.
if (val1.indexOf(val2) == val1.length - val2.length) fl++; // do not hide record
if ((this.last.logic == 'OR' && fl != 0) || (this.last.logic == 'AND' && fl == this.searchData.length)) this.last.searchIds.push(parseInt(r));
this.total = this.last.searchIds.length;
time = (new Date()).getTime() - time;
if (silent !== true) setTimeout(function () { obj.status(w2utils.lang('Search took') + ' ' + time/1000 + ' ' + w2utils.lang('sec')); }, 10);
return time;
getRangeData: function (range, extra) {
var rec1 = this.get(range[0].recid, true);
var rec2 = this.get(range[1].recid, true);
var col1 = range[0].column;
var col2 = range[1].column;
var res = [];
if (col1 == col2) { // one row
for (var r = rec1; r <= rec2; r++) {
var record = this.records[r];
var dt = record[this.columns[col1].field] || null;
if (extra !== true) {
} else {
res.push({ data: dt, column: col1, index: r, record: record });
} else if (rec1 == rec2) { // one line
var record = this.records[rec1];
for (var i = col1; i <= col2; i++) {
var dt = record[this.columns[i].field] || null;
if (extra !== true) {
} else {
res.push({ data: dt, column: i, index: rec1, record: record });
} else {
for (var r = rec1; r <= rec2; r++) {
var record = this.records[r];
for (var i = col1; i <= col2; i++) {
var dt = record[this.columns[i].field];
if (extra !== true) {
} else {
res[res.length-1].push({ data: dt, column: i, index: r, record: record });
return res;
addRange: function (ranges) {
var added = 0;
if (this.selectType == 'row') return added;
if (!$.isArray(ranges)) ranges = [ranges];
// if it is selection
for (var r in ranges) {
if (typeof ranges[r] != 'object') ranges[r] = { name: 'selection' };
if (ranges[r].name == 'selection') {
if (this.show.selectionBorder === false) continue;
var sel = this.getSelection();
if (sel.length == 0) {
} else {
var first = sel[0];
var last = sel[sel.length-1];
var td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ first.recid + ' td[col='+ first.column +']');
var td2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ last.recid + ' td[col='+ last.column +']');
} else { // other range
var first = ranges[r].range[0];
var last = ranges[r].range[1];
var td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ first.recid + ' td[col='+ first.column +']');
var td2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ last.recid + ' td[col='+ last.column +']');
if (first) {
var rg = {
name: ranges[r].name,
range: [{ recid: first.recid, column: first.column }, { recid: last.recid, column: last.column }],
style: ranges[r].style || ''
// add range
var ind = false;
for (var t in this.ranges) if (this.ranges[t].name == ranges[r].name) { ind = r; break; }
if (ind !== false) {
this.ranges[ind] = rg;
} else {
return added;
removeRange: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var name = arguments[a];
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ name).remove();
for (var r = this.ranges.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
if (this.ranges[r].name == name) {
this.ranges.splice(r, 1);
return removed;
refreshRanges: function () {
var obj = this;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var rec = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
for (var r in this.ranges) {
var rg = this.ranges[r];
var first = rg.range[0];
var last = rg.range[1];
var td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ first.recid + ' td[col='+ first.column +']');
var td2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ last.recid + ' td[col='+ last.column +']');
if ($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name).length == 0) {
rec.append('<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_' + rg.name +'" class="w2ui-selection" style="'+ rg.style +'">'+
(rg.name == 'selection' ? '<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_resizer" class="w2ui-selection-resizer"></div>' : '')+
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name).attr('style', rg.style);
if (td1.length > 0 && td2.length > 0) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name).css({
left : (td1.position().left - 1 + rec.scrollLeft()) + 'px',
top : (td1.position().top - 1 + rec.scrollTop()) + 'px',
width : (td2.position().left - td1.position().left + td2.width() + 3) + 'px',
height : (td2.position().top - td1.position().top + td2.height() + 3) + 'px'
// add resizer events
$(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_resizer').off('mousedown').on('mousedown', mouseStart);
//$(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_resizer').off('selectstart').on('selectstart', function () { return false; }); // fixes chrome cursror bug
var eventData = { phase: 'before', type: 'selectionExtend', target: obj.name, originalRange: null, newRange: null };
function mouseStart (event) {
var sel = obj.getSelection();
obj.last.move = {
type : 'expand',
x : event.screenX,
y : event.screenY,
divX : 0,
divY : 0,
recid : sel[0].recid,
column : sel[0].column,
originalRange : [{ recid: sel[0].recid, column: sel[0].column }, { recid: sel[sel.length-1].recid, column: sel[sel.length-1].column }],
newRange : [{ recid: sel[0].recid, column: sel[0].column }, { recid: sel[sel.length-1].recid, column: sel[sel.length-1].column }]
$(document).off('mousemove', mouseMove).on('mousemove', mouseMove);
$(document).off('mouseup', mouseStop).on('mouseup', mouseStop);
function mouseMove (event) {
var mv = obj.last.move;
if (!mv || mv.type != 'expand') return;
mv.divX = (event.screenX - mv.x);
mv.divY = (event.screenY - mv.y);
// find new cell
var recid, column;
var tmp = event.originalEvent.target;
if (tmp.tagName != 'TD') tmp = $(tmp).parents('td')[0];
if (typeof $(tmp).attr('col') != 'undefined') column = parseInt($(tmp).attr('col'));
tmp = $(tmp).parents('tr')[0];
recid = $(tmp).attr('recid');
// new range
if (mv.newRange[1].recid == recid && mv.newRange[1].column == column) return;
var prevNewRange = $.extend({}, mv.newRange);
mv.newRange = [{ recid: mv.recid, column: mv.column }, { recid: recid, column: column }];
// event before
eventData = obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { originalRange: mv.originalRange, newRange : mv.newRange }));
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
mv.newRange = prevNewRange;
eventData.newRange = prevNewRange;
} else {
// default behavior
name : 'grid-selection-expand',
range : eventData.newRange,
style : 'background-color: rgba(100,100,100,0.1); border: 2px dotted rgba(100,100,100,0.5);'
function mouseStop (event) {
// default behavior
delete obj.last.move;
$(document).off('mousemove', mouseMove);
$(document).off('mouseup', mouseStop);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
select: function () {
var selected = 0;
var sel = this.last.selection;
if (!this.multiSelect) this.selectNone();
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var recid = typeof arguments[a] == 'object' ? arguments[a].recid : arguments[a];
var record = this.get(recid);
if (record == null) continue;
var index = this.get(recid, true);
var recEl = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
if (this.selectType == 'row') {
if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) >= 0) continue;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'select', target: this.name, recid: recid, index: index });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) continue;
// default action
sel.indexes.sort(function(a, b) { return a-b });
recEl.addClass('w2ui-selected').data('selected', 'yes');
recEl.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop("checked", true);
} else {
var col = arguments[a].column;
if (!w2utils.isInt(col)) { // select all columns
var cols = [];
for (var c in this.columns) { if (this.columns[c].hidden) continue; cols.push({ recid: recid, column: parseInt(c) }); }
if (!this.multiSelect) cols = cols.splice(0, 1);
return this.select.apply(this, cols);
var s = sel.columns[index] || [];
if ($.isArray(s) && s.indexOf(col) != -1) continue;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'select', target: this.name, recid: recid, index: index, column: col });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) continue;
// default action
if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) == -1) {
sel.indexes.sort(function(a, b) { return a-b });
s.sort(function(a, b) { return a-b }); // sort function must be for numerical sort
recEl.find(' > td[col='+ col +']').addClass('w2ui-selected');
recEl.data('selected', 'yes');
recEl.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop("checked", true);
// save back to selection object
sel.columns[index] = s;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// all selected?
if (sel.indexes.length == this.records.length || (this.searchData.length !== 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.last.searchIds.length)) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true);
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false);
return selected;
unselect: function () {
var unselected = 0;
var sel = this.last.selection;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var recid = typeof arguments[a] == 'object' ? arguments[a].recid : arguments[a];
var record = this.get(recid);
if (record == null) continue;
var index = this.get(record.recid, true);
var recEl = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
if (this.selectType == 'row') {
if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) == -1) continue;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'unselect', target: this.name, recid: recid, index: index });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) continue;
// default action
sel.indexes.splice(sel.indexes.indexOf(index), 1);
if (recEl.length != 0) recEl[0].style.cssText = 'height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px; ' + recEl.attr('custom_style');
recEl.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop("checked", false);
} else {
var col = arguments[a].column;
if (!w2utils.isInt(col)) { // unselect all columns
var cols = [];
for (var c in this.columns) { if (this.columns[c].hidden) continue; cols.push({ recid: recid, column: parseInt(c) }); }
return this.unselect.apply(this, cols);
var s = sel.columns[index];
if (!$.isArray(s) || s.indexOf(col) == -1) continue;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'unselect', target: this.name, recid: recid, column: col });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) continue;
// default action
s.splice(s.indexOf(col), 1);
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid) + ' > td[col='+ col +']').removeClass('w2ui-selected');
if (s.length == 0) {
delete sel.columns[index];
sel.indexes.splice(sel.indexes.indexOf(index), 1);
recEl.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop("checked", false);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// all selected?
if (sel.indexes.length == this.records.length || (this.searchData.length !== 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.last.searchIds.length)) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true);
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false);
// show number of selected
return unselected;
selectAll: function () {
if (this.multiSelect === false) return;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'select', target: this.name, all: true });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
var sel = this.last.selection;
var cols = [];
for (var c in this.columns) cols.push(parseInt(c));
// if local data source and searched
sel.indexes = [];
if (!url && this.searchData.length !== 0) {
// local search applied
for (var i = 0; i < this.last.searchIds.length; i++) {
if (this.selectType != 'row') sel.columns[this.last.searchIds[i]] = cols.slice(); // .slice makes copy of the array
} else {
var buffered = this.records.length;
if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !this.url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length;
for (var i = 0; i < buffered; i++) {
if (this.selectType != 'row') sel.columns[i] = cols.slice(); // .slice makes copy of the array
// enable/disable toolbar buttons
var sel = this.getSelection();
if (sel.length == 1) this.toolbar.enable('w2ui-edit'); else this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-edit');
if (sel.length >= 1) this.toolbar.enable('w2ui-delete'); else this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-delete');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
selectNone: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'unselect', target: this.name, all: true });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
var sel = this.last.selection;
for (var s in sel.indexes) {
var index = sel.indexes[s];
var rec = this.records[index];
var recid = rec ? rec.recid : null;
var recEl = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
recEl.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop("checked", false);
// for not rows
if (this.selectType != 'row') {
var cols = sel.columns[index];
for (var c in cols) recEl.find(' > td[col='+ cols[c] +']').removeClass('w2ui-selected');
sel.indexes = [];
sel.columns = {};
this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-edit', 'w2ui-delete');
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
getSelection: function (returnIndex) {
var ret = [];
var sel = this.last.selection;
if (this.selectType == 'row') {
for (var s in sel.indexes) {
if (!this.records[sel.indexes[s]]) continue;
if (returnIndex === true) ret.push(sel.indexes[s]); else ret.push(this.records[sel.indexes[s]].recid);
return ret;
} else {
for (var s in sel.indexes) {
var cols = sel.columns[sel.indexes[s]];
if (!this.records[sel.indexes[s]]) continue;
for (var c in cols) {
ret.push({ recid: this.records[sel.indexes[s]].recid, index: parseInt(sel.indexes[s]), column: cols[c] });
return ret;
search: function (field, value) {
var obj = this;
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
var searchData = [];
var last_multi = this.last.multi;
var last_logic = this.last.logic;
var last_field = this.last.field;
var last_search = this.last.search;
// 1: search() - advanced search (reads from popup)
if (arguments.length == 0) {
last_search = '';
// advanced search
for (var s in this.searches) {
var search = this.searches[s];
var operator = $('#grid_'+ this.name + '_operator_'+s).val();
var field1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name + '_field_'+s);
var field2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name + '_field2_'+s);
var value1 = field1.val();
var value2 = field2.val();
var svalue = null;
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
var fld1 = field1.data('w2field');
var fld2 = field2.data('w2field');
if (fld1) value1 = fld1.clean(value1);
if (fld2) value2 = fld2.clean(value2);
if (['list', 'enum'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
value1 = field1.data('selected') || {};
if ($.isArray(value1)) {
svalue = [];
for (var v in value1) {
svalue.push(w2utils.isFloat(value1[v].id) ? parseFloat(value1[v].id) : String(value1[v].id).toLowerCase());
delete value1[v].hidden;
} else {
value1 = value1.id || '';
if ((value1 != '' && value1 != null) || (typeof value2 != 'undefined' && value2 != '')) {
var tmp = {
field : search.field,
type : search.type,
operator : operator
if (operator == 'between') {
$.extend(tmp, { value: [value1, value2] });
} else if (operator == 'in' && typeof value1 == 'string') {
$.extend(tmp, { value: value1.split(',') });
} else if (operator == 'not in' && typeof value1 == 'string') {
$.extend(tmp, { value: value1.split(',') });
} else {
$.extend(tmp, { value: value1 });
if (svalue) $.extend(tmp, { svalue: svalue });
// conver date to unix time
try {
if (search.type == 'date' && operator == 'between') {
tmp.value[0] = value1; // w2utils.isDate(value1, w2utils.settings.date_format, true).getTime();
tmp.value[1] = value2; // w2utils.isDate(value2, w2utils.settings.date_format, true).getTime();
if (search.type == 'date' && operator == 'is') {
tmp.value = value1; // w2utils.isDate(value1, w2utils.settings.date_format, true).getTime();
} catch (e) {
if (searchData.length > 0 && !url) {
last_multi = true;
last_logic = 'AND';
} else {
last_multi = true;
last_logic = 'AND';
// 2: search(field, value) - regular search
if (typeof field == 'string') {
last_field = field;
last_search = value;
last_multi = false;
last_logic = 'OR';
// loop through all searches and see if it applies
if (typeof value != 'undefined') {
if (field.toLowerCase() == 'all') {
// if there are search fields loop thru them
if (this.searches.length > 0) {
for (var s in this.searches) {
var search = this.searches[s];
if (search.type == 'text' || (search.type == 'alphanumeric' && w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(value))
|| (search.type == 'int' && w2utils.isInt(value)) || (search.type == 'float' && w2utils.isFloat(value))
|| (search.type == 'percent' && w2utils.isFloat(value)) || (search.type == 'hex' && w2utils.isHex(value))
|| (search.type == 'currency' && w2utils.isMoney(value)) || (search.type == 'money' && w2utils.isMoney(value))
|| (search.type == 'date' && w2utils.isDate(value)) ) {
var tmp = {
field : search.field,
type : search.type,
operator : (search.type == 'text' ? 'contains' : 'is'),
value : value
// range in global search box
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1 && String(value).indexOf('-') != -1) {
var t = String(value).split('-');
var tmp = {
field : search.field,
type : search.type,
operator : 'between',
value : [t[0], t[1]]
} else {
// no search fields, loop thru columns
for (var c in this.columns) {
var tmp = {
field : this.columns[c].field,
type : 'text',
operator : 'contains',
value : value
} else {
var el = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all');
var search = this.getSearch(field);
if (search == null) search = { field: field, type: 'text' };
if (search.field == field) this.last.caption = search.caption;
if (search.type == 'list') {
var tmp = el.data('selected');
if (tmp && !$.isEmptyObject(tmp)) value = tmp.id;
if (value != '') {
var op = 'contains';
var val = value;
if (['date', 'time', 'list'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) op = 'is';
if (search.type == 'int' && value != '') {
op = 'is';
if (String(value).indexOf('-') != -1) {
var tmp = value.split('-');
if (tmp.length == 2) {
op = 'between';
val = [parseInt(tmp[0]), parseInt(tmp[1])];
if (String(value).indexOf(',') != -1) {
var tmp = value.split(',');
op = 'in';
val = [];
for (var t in tmp) val.push(tmp[t]);
var tmp = {
field : search.field,
type : search.type,
operator : op,
value : val
// 3: search([ { field, value, [operator,] [type] }, { field, value, [operator,] [type] } ], logic) - submit whole structure
if ($.isArray(field)) {
var logic = 'AND';
if (typeof value == 'string') {
logic = value.toUpperCase();
if (logic != 'OR' && logic != 'AND') logic = 'AND';
last_search = '';
last_multi = true;
last_logic = logic;
for (var f in field) {
var data = field[f];
var search = this.getSearch(data.field);
if (search == null) search = { type: 'text', operator: 'contains' };
// merge current field and search if any
searchData.push($.extend(true, {}, search, data));
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'search', target: this.name, searchData: searchData,
searchField: (field ? field : 'multi'), searchValue: (value ? value : 'multi') });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
this.searchData = eventData.searchData;
this.last.field = last_field;
this.last.search = last_search;
this.last.multi = last_multi;
this.last.logic = last_logic;
this.last.scrollTop = 0;
this.last.scrollLeft = 0;
this.last.selection.indexes = [];
this.last.selection.columns = {};
// -- clear all search field
this.set({ expanded: false }, true);
// apply search
if (url) {
this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
} else {
// local search
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
searchOpen: function () {
if (!this.box) return;
if (this.searches.length == 0) return;
var obj = this;
// show search
$('#tb_'+ this.name +'_toolbar_item_w2ui-search-advanced').w2overlay(
this.getSearchesHTML(), {
name : 'searches-'+ this.name,
left : -10,
'class' : 'w2ui-grid-searches',
onShow : function () {
if (obj.last.logic == 'OR') obj.searchData = [];
$('#w2ui-overlay-searches-'+ this.name +' .w2ui-grid-searches').data('grid-name', obj.name);
var sfields = $('#w2ui-overlay-searches-'+ this.name +' .w2ui-grid-searches *[rel=search]');
if (sfields.length > 0) sfields[0].focus();
searchClose: function () {
if (!this.box) return;
if (this.searches.length == 0) return;
if (this.toolbar) this.toolbar.uncheck('w2ui-search-advanced')
// hide search
if ($('#w2ui-overlay-searches-'+ this.name +' .w2ui-grid-searches').length > 0) {
$().w2overlay('', { name: 'searches-'+ this.name });
searchShowFields: function () {
var el = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all');
var html = '<div class="w2ui-select-field"><table>';
for (var s = -1; s < this.searches.length; s++) {
var search = this.searches[s];
if (s == -1) {
if (!this.multiSearch) continue;
search = { field: 'all', caption: w2utils.lang('All Fields') };
} else {
if (this.searches[s].hidden === true) continue;
html += '<tr '+ (w2utils.isIOS ? 'onTouchStart' : 'onClick') +'="w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].initAllField(\''+ search.field +'\')">'+
' <td><input type="radio" tabIndex="-1" '+ (search.field == this.last.field ? 'checked' : '') +'></td>'+
' <td>'+ search.caption +'</td>'+
html += "</table></div>";
// need timer otherwise does nto show with list type
setTimeout(function () {
$(el).w2overlay(html, { left: -10 });
}, 1);
initAllField: function (field, value) {
var el = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all');
var search = this.getSearch(field);
if (field == 'all') {
search = { field: 'all', caption: w2utils.lang('All Fields') };
} else {
var st = search.type;
if (['enum', 'select'].indexOf(st) != -1) st = 'list';
el.w2field(st, $.extend({}, search.options, { suffix: '', autoFormat: false, selected: value }));
if (['list', 'enum'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
this.last.search = '';
this.last.item = '';
// set focus
setTimeout(function () {
el.focus(); /* do not do el.change() as it will refresh grid and pull from server */
}, 1);
// update field
if (this.last.search != '') {
this.search(search.field, this.last.search);
} else {
this.last.field = search.field;
this.last.caption = search.caption;
el.attr('placeholder', search.caption);
searchReset: function (noRefresh) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'search', target: this.name, searchData: [] });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
this.searchData = [];
this.last.search = '';
this.last.logic = 'OR';
// --- do not reset to All Fields (I think)
// if (this.last.multi) {
// if (!this.multiSearch) {
// this.last.field = this.searches[0].field;
// this.last.caption = this.searches[0].caption;
// } else {
// this.last.field = 'all';
// this.last.caption = w2utils.lang('All Fields');
// }
// }
this.last.multi = false;
this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
// reset scrolling position
this.last.scrollTop = 0;
this.last.scrollLeft = 0;
this.last.selection.indexes = [];
this.last.selection.columns = {};
// -- clear all search field
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all').val('');
// apply search
if (!noRefresh) this.reload();
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
clear: function (noRefresh) {
// this.offset = 0; // clear should not reset offset
// this.total = 0; // clear should not reset total
this.records = [];
this.summary = [];
this.last.scrollTop = 0;
this.last.scrollLeft = 0;
this.last.selection.indexes = [];
this.last.selection.columns = {};
this.last.range_start = null;
this.last.range_end = null;
this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
if (!noRefresh) this.refresh();
reset: function (noRefresh) {
// reset last remembered state
this.offset = 0;
this.total = 0;
this.last.scrollTop = 0;
this.last.scrollLeft = 0;
this.last.selection.indexes = [];
this.last.selection.columns = {};
this.last.range_start = null;
this.last.range_end = null;
this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
// initial sort
if (this.last.sortData != null ) this.sortData = this.last.sortData;
// select none without refresh
this.set({ expanded: false }, true);
// refresh
if (!noRefresh) this.refresh();
skip: function (offset) {
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url) {
this.offset = parseInt(offset);
if (this.offset > this.total) this.offset = this.total - this.limit;
if (this.offset < 0 || !w2utils.isInt(this.offset)) this.offset = 0;
this.records = [];
this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
this.last.pull_more = true;
this.last.scrollTop = 0;
this.last.scrollLeft = 0;
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records').prop('scrollTop', 0);
} else {
console.log('ERROR: grid.skip() can only be called when you have remote data source.');
load: function (url, callBack) {
if (typeof url == 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: You need to provide url argument when calling .load() method of "'+ this.name +'" object.');
// default action
this.request('get-records', {}, url, callBack);
reload: function (callBack) {
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url) {
this.request('get-records', {}, null, callBack);
} else {
this.last.scrollTop = 0;
this.last.scrollLeft = 0;
this.last.range_start = null;
this.last.range_end = null;
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'success' });
request: function (cmd, add_params, url, callBack) {
if (typeof add_params == 'undefined') add_params = {};
if (typeof url == 'undefined' || url == '' || url == null) url = this.url;
if (url == '' || url == null) return;
// build parameters list
var params = {};
if (!w2utils.isInt(this.offset)) this.offset = 0;
if (!w2utils.isInt(this.last.xhr_offset)) this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
// add list params
params['cmd'] = cmd;
params['selected'] = this.getSelection();
params['limit'] = this.limit;
params['offset'] = parseInt(this.offset) + this.last.xhr_offset;
params['search'] = this.searchData;
params['searchLogic'] = this.last.logic;
params['sort'] = this.sortData;
if (this.searchData.length == 0) {
delete params['search'];
delete params['searchLogic'];
if (this.sortData.length == 0) {
delete params['sort'];
// append other params
$.extend(params, this.postData);
$.extend(params, add_params);
// event before
if (cmd == 'get-records') {
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'request', target: this.name, url: url, postData: params });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) { if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' }); return; }
} else {
var eventData = { url: url, postData: params };
// call server to get data
var obj = this;
if (this.last.xhr_offset == 0) {
this.lock(this.msgRefresh, true);
} else {
var more = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more');
if (this.autoLoad === true) {
more.show().find('td').html('<div><div style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" class="w2ui-spinner"></div></div>');
} else {
more.find('td').html('<div>'+ w2utils.lang('Load') + ' ' + obj.limit + ' ' + w2utils.lang('More') + '...</div>');
if (this.last.xhr) try { this.last.xhr.abort(); } catch (e) {};
// URL
var url = (typeof eventData.url != 'object' ? eventData.url : eventData.url.get);
if (params.cmd == 'save-records' && typeof eventData.url == 'object') url = eventData.url.save;
if (params.cmd == 'delete-records' && typeof eventData.url == 'object') url = eventData.url.remove;
// process url with routeData
if (!$.isEmptyObject(obj.routeData)) {
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(url);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
if (obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue;
url = url.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
// ajax ptions
var ajaxOptions = {
type : 'POST',
url : url,
data : eventData.postData,
dataType : 'text' // expected data type from server
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'HTTP') {
ajaxOptions.data = (typeof ajaxOptions.data == 'object' ? String($.param(ajaxOptions.data, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']') : ajaxOptions.data);
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'RESTFULL') {
ajaxOptions.type = 'GET';
if (params.cmd == 'save-records') ajaxOptions.type = 'PUT'; // so far it is always update
if (params.cmd == 'delete-records') ajaxOptions.type = 'DELETE';
ajaxOptions.data = (typeof ajaxOptions.data == 'object' ? String($.param(ajaxOptions.data, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']') : ajaxOptions.data);
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'JSON') {
ajaxOptions.type = 'POST';
ajaxOptions.data = JSON.stringify(ajaxOptions.data);
ajaxOptions.contentType = 'application/json';
if (this.method) ajaxOptions.type = this.method;
this.last.xhr_cmd = params.cmd;
this.last.xhr_start = (new Date()).getTime();
this.last.xhr = $.ajax(ajaxOptions)
.done(function (data, status, xhr) {
obj.requestComplete(status, cmd, callBack);
.fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
// trigger event
var errorObj = { status: status, error: error, rawResponseText: xhr.responseText };
var eventData2 = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'error', error: errorObj, xhr: xhr });
if (eventData2.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
if (status != 'abort') {
var data;
try { data = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText) } catch (e) {}
console.log('ERROR: Server communication failed.',
'\n EXPECTED:', { status: 'success', total: 5, records: [{ recid: 1, field: 'value' }] },
'\n OR:', { status: 'error', message: 'error message' },
'\n RECEIVED:', typeof data == 'object' ? data : xhr.responseText);
obj.requestComplete('error', cmd, callBack);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData2, { phase: 'after' }));
if (cmd == 'get-records') {
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
requestComplete: function(status, cmd, callBack) {
var obj = this;
setTimeout(function () { obj.status(w2utils.lang('Server Response') + ' ' + ((new Date()).getTime() - obj.last.xhr_start)/1000 +' ' + w2utils.lang('sec')); }, 10);
this.last.pull_more = false;
this.last.pull_refresh = true;
// event before
var event_name = 'load';
if (this.last.xhr_cmd == 'save-records') event_name = 'save';
if (this.last.xhr_cmd == 'delete-records') event_name = 'deleted';
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: event_name, xhr: this.last.xhr, status: status });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' });
// parse server response
var data;
var responseText = this.last.xhr.responseText;
if (status != 'error') {
// default action
if (typeof responseText != 'undefined' && responseText != '') {
// check if the onLoad handler has not already parsed the data
if (typeof responseText == "object") {
data = responseText;
} else {
if (typeof obj.parser == 'function') {
data = obj.parser(responseText);
if (typeof data != 'object') {
console.log('ERROR: Your parser did not return proper object');
} else {
// $.parseJSON or $.getJSON did not work because those expect perfect JSON data - where everything is in double quotes
// TODO: avoid (potentially malicious) code injection from the response.
try { eval('data = '+ responseText); } catch (e) { }
// convert recids
if (obj.recid) {
for (var r in data.records) {
data.records[r]['recid'] = data.records[r][obj.recid];
if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
data = {
status : 'error',
message : this.msgNotJSON,
responseText : responseText
if (data['status'] == 'error') {
} else {
if (cmd == 'get-records') {
if (this.last.xhr_offset == 0) {
this.records = [];
this.summary = [];
delete data.status;
$.extend(true, this, data);
} else {
var records = data.records;
delete data.records;
delete data.status;
$.extend(true, this, data);
for (var r in records) {
if (cmd == 'delete-records') {
// reset() also triggers reload
this.reset(); // unselect old selections
} else {
data = {
status : 'error',
message : this.msgAJAXerror,
responseText : responseText
// event after
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (!url) {
this.total = parseInt(this.total);
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// do not refresh if loading on infinite scroll
if (this.last.xhr_offset == 0) this.refresh(); else this.scroll();
// call back
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data);
error: function (msg) {
var obj = this;
// let the management of the error outside of the grid
var eventData = this.trigger({ target: this.name, type: 'error', message: msg , xhr: this.last.xhr });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' });
w2alert(msg, 'Error');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
getChanges: function () {
var changes = [];
for (var r in this.records) {
var rec = this.records[r];
if (typeof rec['changes'] != 'undefined') {
changes.push($.extend(true, { recid: rec.recid }, rec.changes));
return changes;
mergeChanges: function () {
var changes = this.getChanges();
for (var c in changes) {
var record = this.get(changes[c].recid);
for (var s in changes[c]) {
if (s == 'recid') continue; // do not allow to change recid
try { eval('record.' + s + ' = changes[c][s]'); } catch (e) {}
delete record.changes;
// ===================================================
// -- Action Handlers
save: function () {
var obj = this;
var changes = this.getChanges();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'submit', changes: changes });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.save);
if (url) {
this.request('save-records', { 'changes' : eventData.changes }, null,
function (data) {
if (data.status !== 'error') {
// only merge changes, if save was successful
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
editField: function (recid, column, value, event) {
var obj = this;
var index = obj.get(recid, true);
var rec = obj.records[index];
var col = obj.columns[column];
var edit = col ? col.editable : null;
if (!rec || !col || !edit || rec.editable === false) return;
if (['enum', 'file'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) {
console.log('ERROR: input types "enum" and "file" are not supported in inline editing.');
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'editField', target: obj.name, recid: recid, column: column, value: value,
index: index, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
value = eventData.value;
// default behaviour
this.select({ recid: recid, column: column });
this.last.edit_col = column;
if (['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) return;
// create input element
var tr = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
var el = tr.find('[col='+ column +'] > div');
if (typeof edit.inTag == 'undefined') edit.inTag = '';
if (typeof edit.outTag == 'undefined') edit.outTag = '';
if (typeof edit.style == 'undefined') edit.style = '';
if (typeof edit.items == 'undefined') edit.items = [];
var val = (rec.changes && typeof rec.changes[col.field] != 'undefined' ? w2utils.stripTags(rec.changes[col.field]) : w2utils.stripTags(rec[col.field]));
if (val == null || typeof val == 'undefined') val = '';
if (typeof value != 'undefined' && value != null) val = value;
var addStyle = (typeof col.style != 'undefined' ? col.style + ';' : '');
if (typeof col.render == 'string' && ['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'percent'].indexOf(col.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
addStyle += 'text-align: right;';
// mormalize items
if (edit.items.length > 0 && !$.isPlainObject(edit.items[0])) {
edit.items = w2obj.field.prototype.normMenu(edit.items);
if (edit.type == 'select') {
var html = '';
for (var i in edit.items) {
html += '<option value="'+ edit.items[i].id +'" '+ (edit.items[i].id == val ? 'selected' : '') +'>'+ edit.items[i].text +'</option>';
.html('<select id="grid_'+ obj.name +'_edit_'+ recid +'_'+ column +'" column="'+ column +'" '+
' style="width: 100%; '+ addStyle + edit.style +'" field="'+ col.field +'" recid="'+ recid +'" '+
' '+ edit.inTag +
'>'+ html +'</select>' + edit.outTag);
.on('change', function (event) {
delete obj.last.move;
.on('blur', function (event) {
obj.editChange.call(obj, this, index, column, event);
} else {
.html('<input id="grid_'+ obj.name +'_edit_'+ recid +'_'+ column +'" '+
' type="text" style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; outline: none; '+ addStyle + edit.style +'" field="'+ col.field +'" recid="'+ recid +'" '+
' column="'+ column +'" '+ edit.inTag +
'>' + edit.outTag);
if (value == null) el.find('input').val(val != 'object' ? val : '');
// init w2field
var input = el.find('input').get(0);
$(input).w2field(edit.type, $.extend(edit, { selected: val }))
// add blur listener
setTimeout(function () {
var tmp = input;
if (edit.type == 'list') {
tmp = $($(input).data('w2field').helpers.focus).find('input');
if (typeof val != 'object' && val != '') tmp.val(val).css({ opacity: 1 }).prev().css({ opacity: 1 });
$(tmp).on('blur', function (event) {
obj.editChange.call(obj, input, index, column, event);
}, 10);
if (value != null) $(input).val(val != 'object' ? val : '');
setTimeout(function () {
el.find('input, select')
.on('click', function (event) {
.on('keydown', function (event) {
var cancel = false;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 9: // tab
cancel = true;
var next_rec = recid;
var next_col = event.shiftKey ? obj.prevCell(column, true) : obj.nextCell(column, true);
// next or prev row
if (next_col == null) {
var tmp = event.shiftKey ? obj.prevRow(index) : obj.nextRow(index);
if (tmp != null && tmp != index) {
next_rec = obj.records[tmp].recid;
// find first editable row
for (var c in obj.columns) {
var tmp = obj.columns[c].editable;
if (typeof tmp != 'undefined' && ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(tmp.type) == -1) {
next_col = parseInt(c);
if (!event.shiftKey) break;
if (next_rec === false) next_rec = recid;
if (next_col == null) next_col = column;
// init new or same record
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
obj.select({ recid: next_rec, column: next_col });
} else {
obj.editField(next_rec, next_col, null, event);
}, 1);
case 13: // enter
var next = event.shiftKey ? obj.prevRow(index) : obj.nextRow(index);
if (next != null && next != index) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
obj.select({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: column });
} else {
obj.editField(obj.records[next].recid, column, null, event);
}, 100);
case 38: // up arrow
if (!event.shiftKey) break;
cancel = true;
var next = obj.prevRow(index);
if (next != index) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
obj.select({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: column });
} else {
obj.editField(obj.records[next].recid, column, null, event);
}, 1);
case 40: // down arrow
if (!event.shiftKey) break;
cancel = true;
var next = obj.nextRow(index);
if (next != null && next != index) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
obj.select({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: column });
} else {
obj.editField(obj.records[next].recid, column, null, event);
}, 1);
case 27: // escape
var old = obj.parseField(rec, col.field);
if (rec.changes && typeof rec.changes[col.field] != 'undefined') old = rec.changes[col.field];
this.value = typeof old != 'undefined' ? old : '';
setTimeout(function () { obj.select({ recid: recid, column: column }) }, 1);
if (cancel) if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
// focus and select
var tmp = el.find('input').focus();
if (value != null) {
// set cursor to the end
tmp[0].setSelectionRange(tmp.val().length, tmp.val().length);
} else {
}, 1);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
editChange: function (el, index, column, event) {
// all other fields
var summary = index < 0;
index = index < 0 ? -index - 1 : index;
var records = summary ? this.summary : this.records;
var rec = records[index];
var tr = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(rec.recid));
var col = this.columns[column];
var new_val = el.value;
var old_val = this.parseField(rec, col.field);
var tmp = $(el).data('w2field');
if (tmp) {
new_val = tmp.clean(new_val);
if (tmp.type == 'list' && new_val != '') new_val = $(el).data('selected');
if (el.type == 'checkbox') new_val = el.checked;
// change/restore event
var eventData = {
phase: 'before', type: 'change', target: this.name, input_id: el.id, recid: rec.recid, index: index, column: column,
value_new: new_val, value_previous: (rec.changes && rec.changes.hasOwnProperty(col.field) ? rec.changes[col.field]: old_val), value_original: old_val
while (true) {
new_val = eventData.value_new;
if ((typeof new_val != 'object' && String(old_val) != String(new_val)) ||
(typeof new_val == 'object' && (typeof old_val != 'object' || new_val.id != old_val.id))) {
// change event
eventData = this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { type: 'change', phase: 'before' }));
if (eventData.isCancelled !== true) {
if (new_val !== eventData.value_new) {
// re-evaluate the type of change to be made
// default action
rec.changes = rec.changes || {};
rec.changes[col.field] = eventData.value_new;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
// restore event
eventData = this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { type: 'restore', phase: 'before' }));
if (eventData.isCancelled !== true) {
if (new_val !== eventData.value_new) {
// re-evaluate the type of change to be made
// default action
if (rec.changes) delete rec.changes[col.field];
if ($.isEmptyObject(rec.changes)) delete rec.changes;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// refresh cell
var cell = this.getCellHTML(index, column, summary);
if (!summary) {
if (rec.changes && typeof rec.changes[col.field] != 'undefined') {
$(tr).find('[col='+ column +']').addClass('w2ui-changed').html(cell);
} else {
$(tr).find('[col='+ column +']').removeClass('w2ui-changed').html(cell);
"delete": function (force) {
var obj = this;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'delete', force: force });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
force = eventData.force;
// default action
var recs = this.getSelection();
if (recs.length == 0) return;
if (this.msgDelete != '' && !force) {
title : w2utils.lang('Delete Confirmation'),
msg : obj.msgDelete,
btn_yes : { "class": 'btn-red' },
callBack: function (result) {
if (result == 'Yes') w2ui[obj.name]['delete'](true);
// call delete script
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.remove);
if (url) {
} else {
if (typeof recs[0] != 'object') {
this.remove.apply(this, recs);
} else {
// clear cells
for (var r in recs) {
var fld = this.columns[recs[r].column].field;
var ind = this.get(recs[r].recid, true);
if (ind != null && fld != 'recid') {
this.records[ind][fld] = '';
if (this.records[ind].changes) delete this.records[ind].changes[fld];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
click: function (recid, event) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var column = null;
if (this.last.cancelClick == true || (event && event.altKey)) return;
if (typeof recid == 'object') {
column = recid.column;
recid = recid.recid;
if (typeof event == 'undefined') event = {};
// check for double click
if (time - parseInt(this.last.click_time) < 350 && event.type == 'click') {
this.dblClick(recid, event);
this.last.click_time = time;
// column user clicked on
if (column == null && event.target) {
var tmp = event.target;
if (tmp.tagName != 'TD') tmp = $(tmp).parents('td')[0];
if (typeof $(tmp).attr('col') != 'undefined') column = parseInt($(tmp).attr('col'));
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'click', recid: recid, column: column, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// if it is subgrid unselect top grid
var parent = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)).parents('tr');
if (parent.length > 0 && String(parent.attr('id')).indexOf('expanded_row') != -1) {
var grid = parent.parents('.w2ui-grid').attr('name');
// all subgrids
parent.parents('.w2ui-grid').find('.w2ui-expanded-row .w2ui-grid').each(function (index, el) {
var grid = $(el).attr('name');
if (w2ui[grid]) w2ui[grid].selectNone();
// unselect all subgrids
$(this.box).find('.w2ui-expanded-row .w2ui-grid').each(function (index, el) {
var grid = $(el).attr('name');
if (w2ui[grid]) w2ui[grid].selectNone();
// default action
var obj = this;
var sel = this.getSelection();
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop("checked", false);
var ind = this.get(recid, true);
var record = this.records[ind];
var selectColumns = [];
obj.last.sel_ind = ind;
obj.last.sel_col = column;
obj.last.sel_recid = recid;
obj.last.sel_type = 'click';
// multi select with shif key
if (event.shiftKey && sel.length > 0 && obj.multiSelect) {
if (sel[0].recid) {
var start = this.get(sel[0].recid, true);
var end = this.get(recid, true);
if (column > sel[0].column) {
var t1 = sel[0].column;
var t2 = column;
} else {
var t1 = column;
var t2 = sel[0].column;
for (var c = t1; c <= t2; c++) selectColumns.push(c);
} else {
var start = this.get(sel[0], true);
var end = this.get(recid, true);
var sel_add = []
if (start > end) { var tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp; }
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url && $.inArray(i, this.last.searchIds) == -1) continue;
if (this.selectType == 'row') {
} else {
for (var sc in selectColumns) sel_add.push({ recid: this.records[i].recid, column: selectColumns[sc] });
this.select.apply(this, sel_add);
} else {
var last = this.last.selection;
var flag = (last.indexes.indexOf(ind) != -1 ? true : false);
// clear other if necessary
if (((!event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) || !this.multiSelect) && !this.showSelectColumn) {
if (this.selectType != 'row' && $.inArray(column, last.columns[ind]) == -1) flag = false;
if (sel.length > 300) this.selectNone(); else this.unselect.apply(this, sel);
if (flag === true) {
this.unselect({ recid: recid, column: column });
} else {
this.select({ recid: recid, column: column });
} else {
if (this.selectType != 'row' && $.inArray(column, last.columns[ind]) == -1) flag = false;
if (flag === true) {
this.unselect({ recid: recid, column: column });
} else {
this.select({ recid: recid, column: column });
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
columnClick: function (field, event) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'columnClick', target: this.name, field: field, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behaviour
var column = this.getColumn(field);
if (column.sortable) this.sort(field, null, (event && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) ? true : false) );
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
keydown: function (event) {
// this method is called from w2utils
var obj = this;
if (obj.keyboard !== true) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'keydown', target: obj.name, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
var empty = false;
var records = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_records');
var sel = obj.getSelection();
if (sel.length == 0) empty = true;
var recid = sel[0] || null;
var columns = [];
var recid2 = sel[sel.length-1];
if (typeof recid == 'object' && recid != null) {
recid = sel[0].recid;
columns = [];
var ii = 0;
while (true) {
if (!sel[ii] || sel[ii].recid != recid) break;
recid2 = sel[sel.length-1].recid;
var ind = obj.get(recid, true);
var ind2 = obj.get(recid2, true);
var rec = obj.get(recid);
var recEL = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ (ind !== null ? w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[ind].recid) : 'none'));
var cancel = false;
var key = event.keyCode;
var shiftKey= event.shiftKey;
if (key == 9) { // tab key
if (event.shiftKey) key = 37; else key = 39; // replace with arrows
shiftKey = false;
cancel = true;
switch (key) {
case 8: // backspace
case 46: // delete
if (this.show.toolbarDelete) obj["delete"]();
cancel = true;
case 27: // escape
if (sel.length > 0 && typeof sel[0] == 'object') {
obj.select({ recid: sel[0].recid, column: sel[0].column });
cancel = true;
case 65: // cmd + A
if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) break;
cancel = true;
case 70: // cmd + F
if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) break;
$('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_search_all').focus();
cancel = true;
case 13: // enter
// if expandable columns - expand it
if (this.selectType == 'row' && obj.show.expandColumn === true) {
if (recEL.length <= 0) break;
obj.toggle(recid, event);
cancel = true;
} else { // or enter edit
for (var c in this.columns) {
if (this.columns[c].editable) {
// edit last column that was edited
if (this.selectType == 'row' && this.last.edit_col) columns = [this.last.edit_col];
if (columns.length > 0) {
obj.editField(recid, columns[0], null, event);
cancel = true;
case 37: // left
if (empty) break;
// check if this is subgrid
var parent = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[ind].recid)).parents('tr');
if (parent.length > 0 && String(parent.attr('id')).indexOf('expanded_row') != -1) {
var recid = parent.prev().attr('recid');
var grid = parent.parents('.w2ui-grid').attr('name');
w2ui[grid].set(recid, { expanded: false });
cancel = true;
if (this.selectType == 'row') {
if (recEL.length <= 0 || rec.expanded !== true ) break;
obj.set(recid, { expanded: false }, true);
obj.collapse(recid, event);
} else {
var prev = obj.prevCell(columns[0]);
if (prev != null) {
if (shiftKey && obj.multiSelect) {
if (tmpUnselect()) return;
var tmp = [];
var newSel = [];
var unSel = [];
if (columns.indexOf(this.last.sel_col) == 0 && columns.length > 1) {
for (var i in sel) {
if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid);
unSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: columns[columns.length-1] });
} else {
for (var i in sel) {
if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid);
newSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: prev });
obj.unselect.apply(obj, unSel);
obj.select.apply(obj, newSel);
} else {
event.shiftKey = false;
obj.click({ recid: recid, column: prev }, event);
} else {
// if selected more then one, then select first
if (!shiftKey) {
for (var s=1; s<sel.length; s++) obj.unselect(sel[s]);
cancel = true;
case 39: // right
if (empty) break;
if (this.selectType == 'row') {
if (recEL.length <= 0 || rec.expanded === true || obj.show.expandColumn !== true) break;
obj.expand(recid, event);
} else {
var next = obj.nextCell(columns[columns.length-1]);
if (next !== null) {
if (shiftKey && key == 39 && obj.multiSelect) {
if (tmpUnselect()) return;
var tmp = [];
var newSel = [];
var unSel = [];
if (columns.indexOf(this.last.sel_col) == columns.length-1 && columns.length > 1) {
for (var i in sel) {
if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid);
unSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: columns[0] });
} else {
for (var i in sel) {
if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid);
newSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: next });
obj.unselect.apply(obj, unSel);
obj.select.apply(obj, newSel);
} else {
obj.click({ recid: recid, column: next }, event);
} else {
// if selected more then one, then select first
if (!shiftKey) {
for (var s=0; s<sel.length-1; s++) obj.unselect(sel[s]);
cancel = true;
case 38: // up
if (empty) selectTopRecord();
if (recEL.length <= 0) break;
// move to the previous record
var prev = obj.prevRow(ind);
if (prev != null) {
// jump into subgrid
if (obj.records[prev].expanded) {
var subgrid = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[prev].recid) +'_expanded_row').find('.w2ui-grid');
if (subgrid.length > 0 && w2ui[subgrid.attr('name')]) {
var grid = subgrid.attr('name');
var recs = w2ui[grid].records;
cancel = true;
if (shiftKey && obj.multiSelect) { // expand selection
if (tmpUnselect()) return;
if (obj.selectType == 'row') {
if (obj.last.sel_ind > prev && obj.last.sel_ind != ind2) {
} else {
} else {
if (obj.last.sel_ind > prev && obj.last.sel_ind != ind2) {
prev = ind2;
var tmp = [];
for (var c in columns) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[prev].recid, column: columns[c] });
obj.unselect.apply(obj, tmp);
} else {
var tmp = [];
for (var c in columns) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[prev].recid, column: columns[c] });
obj.select.apply(obj, tmp);
} else { // move selected record
obj.click({ recid: obj.records[prev].recid, column: columns[0] }, event);
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
} else {
// if selected more then one, then select first
if (!shiftKey) {
for (var s=1; s<sel.length; s++) obj.unselect(sel[s]);
// jump out of subgird (if first record)
var parent = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[ind].recid)).parents('tr');
if (parent.length > 0 && String(parent.attr('id')).indexOf('expanded_row') != -1) {
var recid = parent.prev().attr('recid');
var grid = parent.parents('.w2ui-grid').attr('name');
cancel = true;
case 40: // down
if (empty) selectTopRecord();
if (recEL.length <= 0) break;
// jump into subgrid
if (obj.records[ind2].expanded) {
var subgrid = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[ind2].recid) +'_expanded_row').find('.w2ui-grid');
if (subgrid.length > 0 && w2ui[subgrid.attr('name')]) {
var grid = subgrid.attr('name');
var recs = w2ui[grid].records;
cancel = true;
// move to the next record
var next = obj.nextRow(ind2);
if (next != null) {
if (shiftKey && obj.multiSelect) { // expand selection
if (tmpUnselect()) return;
if (obj.selectType == 'row') {
if (this.last.sel_ind < next && this.last.sel_ind != ind) {
} else {
} else {
if (this.last.sel_ind < next && this.last.sel_ind != ind) {
next = ind;
var tmp = [];
for (var c in columns) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: columns[c] });
obj.unselect.apply(obj, tmp);
} else {
var tmp = [];
for (var c in columns) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: columns[c] });
obj.select.apply(obj, tmp);
} else { // move selected record
obj.click({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: columns[0] }, event);
cancel = true;
} else {
// if selected more then one, then select first
if (!shiftKey) {
for (var s=0; s<sel.length-1; s++) obj.unselect(sel[s]);
// jump out of subgrid (if last record in subgrid)
var parent = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[ind2].recid)).parents('tr');
if (parent.length > 0 && String(parent.attr('id')).indexOf('expanded_row') != -1) {
var recid = parent.next().attr('recid');
var grid = parent.parents('.w2ui-grid').attr('name');
cancel = true;
// copy & paste
case 17: // ctrl key
case 91: // cmd key
if (empty) break;
var text = obj.copy();
$('body').append('<textarea id="_tmp_copy_data" '+
' onpaste="var obj = this; setTimeout(function () { w2ui[\''+ obj.name + '\'].paste(obj.value); }, 1);" '+
' onkeydown="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].keydown(event)"'+
' style="position: absolute; top: -100px; height: 1px; width: 1px">'+ text +'</textarea>');
// remove _tmp_copy_data textarea
$(document).on('keyup', tmp_key_down);
function tmp_key_down() {
$(document).off('keyup', tmp_key_down);
case 88: // x - cut
if (empty) break;
if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
setTimeout(function () { obj["delete"](true); }, 100);
var tmp = [187, 189, 32]; // =-spacebar
for (var i=48; i<=90; i++) tmp.push(i); // 0-9,a-z,A-Z
if (tmp.indexOf(key) != -1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !cancel) {
if (columns.length == 0) columns.push(0);
var tmp = String.fromCharCode(key);
if (key == 187) tmp = '=';
if (key == 189) tmp = '-';
if (!shiftKey) tmp = tmp.toLowerCase();
obj.editField(recid, columns[0], tmp, event);
cancel = true;
if (cancel) { // cancel default behaviour
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
function selectTopRecord() {
var ind = Math.floor((records[0].scrollTop + (records.height() / 2.1)) / obj.recordHeight);
if (!obj.records[ind]) ind = 0;
obj.select({ recid: obj.records[ind].recid, column: 0});
function tmpUnselect () {
if (obj.last.sel_type != 'click') return false;
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
obj.last.sel_type = 'key';
if (sel.length > 1) {
for (var s in sel) {
if (sel[s].recid == obj.last.sel_recid && sel[s].column == obj.last.sel_col) {
sel.splice(s, 1);
obj.unselect.apply(obj, sel);
return true;
return false;
} else {
obj.last.sel_type = 'key';
if (sel.length > 1) {
sel.splice(sel.indexOf(obj.records[obj.last.sel_ind].recid), 1);
obj.unselect.apply(obj, sel);
return true;
return false;
scrollIntoView: function (ind) {
var buffered = this.records.length;
if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !this.url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length;
if (typeof ind == 'undefined') {
var sel = this.getSelection();
if (sel.length == 0) return;
ind = this.get(sel[0], true);
var records = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
if (buffered == 0) return;
// if all records in view
var len = this.last.searchIds.length;
if (records.height() > this.recordHeight * (len > 0 ? len : buffered)) return;
if (len > 0) ind = this.last.searchIds.indexOf(ind); // if seach is applied
// scroll to correct one
var t1 = Math.floor(records[0].scrollTop / this.recordHeight);
var t2 = t1 + Math.floor(records.height() / this.recordHeight);
if (ind == t1) records.animate({ 'scrollTop': records.scrollTop() - records.height() / 1.3 }, 250, 'linear');
if (ind == t2) records.animate({ 'scrollTop': records.scrollTop() + records.height() / 1.3 }, 250, 'linear');
if (ind < t1 || ind > t2) records.animate({ 'scrollTop': (ind - 1) * this.recordHeight });
dblClick: function (recid, event) {
//if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
// find columns
var column = null;
if (typeof recid == 'object') {
column = recid.column;
recid = recid.recid;
if (typeof event == 'undefined') event = {};
// column user clicked on
if (column == null && event.target) {
var tmp = event.target;
if (tmp.tagName != 'TD') tmp = $(tmp).parents('td')[0];
column = parseInt($(tmp).attr('col'));
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'dblClick', recid: recid, column: column, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
var col = this.columns[column];
if (col && $.isPlainObject(col.editable)) {
this.editField(recid, column, null, event);
} else {
this.select({ recid: recid, column: column });
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
contextMenu: function (recid, event) {
var obj = this;
if (obj.last.userSelect == 'text') return;
if (typeof event == 'undefined') event = { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, target: $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ recid)[0] };
if (typeof event.offsetX === 'undefined') {
event.offsetX = event.layerX - event.target.offsetLeft;
event.offsetY = event.layerY - event.target.offsetTop;
if (w2utils.isFloat(recid)) recid = parseFloat(recid);
if (this.getSelection().indexOf(recid) == -1) obj.click(recid);
// need timeout to allow click to finish first
setTimeout(function () {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'contextMenu', target: obj.name, originalEvent: event, recid: recid });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
if (obj.menu.length > 0) {
.w2menu(obj.menu, {
left : event.offsetX,
onSelect: function (event) {
obj.menuClick(recid, parseInt(event.index), event.originalEvent);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 150); // need timer 150 for FF
// cancel event
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
menuClick: function (recid, index, event) {
var obj = this;
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'menuClick', target: obj.name, originalEvent: event,
recid: recid, menuIndex: index, menuItem: obj.menu[index] });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
// -- empty
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
toggle: function (recid) {
var rec = this.get(recid);
if (rec.expanded === true) return this.collapse(recid); else return this.expand(recid);
expand: function (recid) {
var rec = this.get(recid);
var obj = this;
var id = w2utils.escapeId(recid);
if ($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').length > 0) return false;
if (rec.expanded == 'none') return false;
// insert expand row
var tmp = 1 + (this.show.selectColumn ? 1 : 0);
var addClass = ''; // ($('#grid_'+this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)).hasClass('w2ui-odd') ? 'w2ui-odd' : 'w2ui-even');
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id).after(
'<tr id="grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ recid +'_expanded_row" class="w2ui-expanded-row '+ addClass +'">'+
(this.show.lineNumbers ? '<td class="w2ui-col-number"></td>' : '') +
' <td class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-expanded1" colspan="'+ tmp +'"><div style="display: none"></div></td>'+
' <td colspan="100" class="w2ui-expanded2">'+
' <div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ recid +'_expanded" style="opacity: 0"></div>'+
' </td>'+
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'expand', target: this.name, recid: recid,
box_id: 'grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ recid +'_expanded', ready: ready });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').remove();
// default action
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id).attr('expanded', 'yes').addClass('w2ui-expanded');
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').show();
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ this.get(recid, true) +'_expand div').html('<div class="w2ui-spinner" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: -2px 2px;"></div>');
rec.expanded = true;
// check if height of expanded row > 5 then remove spinner
setTimeout(ready, 300);
function ready() {
var div1 = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded');
var div2 = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row .w2ui-expanded1 > div');
if (div1.height() < 5) return;
div1.css('opacity', 1);
div2.show().css('opacity', 1);
$('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_cell_'+ obj.get(recid, true) +'_expand div').html('-');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return true;
collapse: function (recid) {
var rec = this.get(recid);
var obj = this;
var id = w2utils.escapeId(recid);
if ($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').length == 0) return false;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'collapse', target: this.name, recid: recid,
box_id: 'grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded' });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id).removeAttr('expanded').removeClass('w2ui-expanded');
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded').css('opacity', 0);
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ this.get(recid, true) +'_expand div').html('+');
setTimeout(function () {
$('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded').height('0px');
setTimeout(function () {
$('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').remove();
delete rec.expanded;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 300);
}, 200);
return true;
sort: function (field, direction, multiField) { // if no params - clears sort
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'sort', target: this.name, field: field, direction: direction, multiField: multiField });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// check if needed to quit
if (typeof field != 'undefined') {
// default action
var sortIndex = this.sortData.length;
for (var s in this.sortData) {
if (this.sortData[s].field == field) { sortIndex = s; break; }
if (typeof direction == 'undefined' || direction == null) {
if (typeof this.sortData[sortIndex] == 'undefined') {
direction = 'asc';
} else {
switch (String(this.sortData[sortIndex].direction)) {
case 'asc' : direction = 'desc'; break;
case 'desc' : direction = 'asc'; break;
default : direction = 'asc'; break;
if (this.multiSort === false) { this.sortData = []; sortIndex = 0; }
if (multiField != true) { this.sortData = []; sortIndex = 0; }
// set new sort
if (typeof this.sortData[sortIndex] == 'undefined') this.sortData[sortIndex] = {};
this.sortData[sortIndex].field = field;
this.sortData[sortIndex].direction = direction;
} else {
this.sortData = [];
// if local
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (!url) {
if (this.searchData.length > 0) this.localSearch(true);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
this.last.xhr_offset = 0;
copy: function () {
var sel = this.getSelection();
if (sel.length == 0) return '';
var text = '';
if (typeof sel[0] == 'object') { // cell copy
// find min/max column
var minCol = sel[0].column;
var maxCol = sel[0].column;
var recs = [];
for (var s in sel) {
if (sel[s].column < minCol) minCol = sel[s].column;
if (sel[s].column > maxCol) maxCol = sel[s].column;
if (recs.indexOf(sel[s].index) == -1) recs.push(sel[s].index);
for (var r in recs) {
var ind = recs[r];
for (var c = minCol; c <= maxCol; c++) {
var col = this.columns[c];
if (col.hidden === true) continue;
text += w2utils.stripTags(this.getCellHTML(ind, c)) + '\t';
text = text.substr(0, text.length-1); // remove last \t
text += '\n';
} else { // row copy
// copy headers
for (var c in this.columns) {
var col = this.columns[c];
if (col.hidden === true) continue;
text += '"' + w2utils.stripTags(col.caption ? col.caption : col.field) + '"\t';
text = text.substr(0, text.length-1); // remove last \t
text += '\n';
// copy selected text
for (var s in sel) {
var ind = this.get(sel[s], true);
for (var c in this.columns) {
var col = this.columns[c];
if (col.hidden === true) continue;
text += '"' + w2utils.stripTags(this.getCellHTML(ind, c)) + '"\t';
text = text.substr(0, text.length-1); // remove last \t
text += '\n';
text = text.substr(0, text.length - 1);
// before event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'copy', target: this.name, text: text });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return '';
text = eventData.text;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return text;
paste: function (text) {
var sel = this.getSelection();
var ind = this.get(sel[0].recid, true);
var col = sel[0].column;
// before event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'paste', target: this.name, text: text, index: ind, column: col });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
text = eventData.text;
// default action
if (this.selectType == 'row' || sel.length == 0) {
console.log('ERROR: You can paste only if grid.selectType = \'cell\' and when at least one cell selected.');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
var newSel = [];
var text = text.split('\n');
for (var t in text) {
var tmp = text[t].split('\t');
var cnt = 0;
var rec = this.records[ind];
var cols = [];
for (var dt in tmp) {
if (!this.columns[col + cnt]) continue;
var field = this.columns[col + cnt].field;
rec.changes = rec.changes || {};
rec.changes[field] = tmp[dt];
cols.push(col + cnt);
for (var c in cols) newSel.push({ recid: rec.recid, column: cols[c] });
this.select.apply(this, newSel);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// ==================================================
// --- Common functions
resize: function () {
var obj = this;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
//if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
// make sure the box is right
if (!this.box || $(this.box).attr('name') != this.name) return;
// determine new width and height
$(this.box).find('> div')
.css('width', $(this.box).width())
.css('height', $(this.box).height());
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// resize
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
refreshCell: function (recid, field) {
var index = this.get(recid, true);
var isSummary = (this.records[index] && this.records[index].recid == recid ? false : true);
var col_ind = this.getColumn(field, true);
var rec = (isSummary ? this.summary[index] : this.records[index]);
var col = this.columns[col_ind];
var cell = $('#grid_'+ this.name + '_rec_'+ recid +' [col='+ col_ind +']');
// set cell html and changed flag
cell.html(this.getCellHTML(index, col_ind, isSummary));
if (rec.changes && typeof rec.changes[col.field] != 'undefined') {
} else {
refreshRow: function (recid) {
var tr = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
if (tr.length != 0) {
var ind = this.get(recid, true);
var line = tr.attr('line');
var isSummary = (this.records[ind] && this.records[ind].recid == recid ? false : true);
// if it is searched, find index in search array
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) for (var s in this.last.searchIds) if (this.last.searchIds[s] == ind) ind = s;
$(tr).replaceWith(this.getRecordHTML(ind, line, isSummary));
if (isSummary) this.resize();
refresh: function () {
var obj = this;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (this.total <= 0 && !url && this.searchData.length == 0) {
this.total = this.records.length;
//if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-edit', 'w2ui-delete');
if (!this.box) return;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'refresh' });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// -- header
if (this.show.header) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_header').html(this.header +' ').show();
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_header').hide();
// -- toolbar
if (this.show.toolbar) {
// if select-collumn is checked - no toolbar refresh
if (this.toolbar && this.toolbar.get('w2ui-column-on-off') && this.toolbar.get('w2ui-column-on-off').checked) {
// no action
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').show();
// refresh toolbar all but search field
if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object') {
var tmp = this.toolbar.items;
for (var t in tmp) {
if (tmp[t].id == 'w2ui-search' || tmp[t].type == 'break') continue;
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').hide();
// -- make sure search is closed
// search placeholder
var el = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_search_all');
if (!this.multiSearch && this.last.field == 'all' && this.searches.length > 0) {
this.last.field = this.searches[0].field;
this.last.caption = this.searches[0].caption;
for (var s in this.searches) {
if (this.searches[s].field == this.last.field) this.last.caption = this.searches[s].caption;
if (this.last.multi) {
el.attr('placeholder', '[' + w2utils.lang('Multiple Fields') + ']');
} else {
el.attr('placeholder', this.last.caption);
if (el.val() != this.last.search) {
var val = this.last.search;
var tmp = el.data('w2field');
if (tmp) val = tmp.format(val);
// -- separate summary
var tmp = this.find({ summary: true }, true);
if (tmp.length > 0) {
for (var t in tmp) this.summary.push(this.records[tmp[t]]);
for (var t=tmp.length-1; t>=0; t--) this.records.splice(tmp[t], 1);
this.total = this.total - tmp.length;
// -- body
var bodyHTML = '';
bodyHTML += '<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_records" class="w2ui-grid-records"'+
' onscroll="var obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name + '\']; '+
' obj.last.scrollTop = this.scrollTop; '+
' obj.last.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft; '+
' $(\'#grid_'+ this.name +'_columns\')[0].scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;'+
' $(\'#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary\')[0].scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;'+
' obj.scroll(event);">'+
this.getRecordsHTML() +
'<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_columns" class="w2ui-grid-columns">'+
' <table>'+ this.getColumnsHTML() +'</table>'+
'</div>'; // Columns need to be after to be able to overlap
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_body').html(bodyHTML);
// show summary records
if (this.summary.length > 0) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary').html(this.getSummaryHTML()).show();
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary').hide();
// -- footer
if (this.show.footer) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer').html(this.getFooterHTML()).show();
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer').hide();
// show/hide clear search link
if (this.searchData.length > 0) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_searchClear').show();
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_searchClear').hide();
// all selected?
var sel = this.last.selection;
if (sel.indexes.length == this.records.length || (this.searchData.length !== 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.last.searchIds.length)) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true);
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false);
// show number of selected
// collapse all records
var rows = obj.find({ expanded: true }, true);
for (var r in rows) obj.records[rows[r]].expanded = false;
// mark selection
setTimeout(function () {
var str = $.trim($('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_search_all').val());
if (str != '') $(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-data > div').w2marker(str);
}, 50);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); obj.scroll(); }, 1); // allow to render first
if ( obj.reorderColumns && !obj.last.columnDrag ) {
obj.last.columnDrag = obj.initColumnDrag();
} else if ( !obj.reorderColumns && obj.last.columnDrag ) {
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
render: function (box) {
var obj = this;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
//if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
if (typeof box != 'undefined' && box != null) {
if ($(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_body').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-grid')
this.box = box;
if (!this.box) return;
if (this.last.sortData == null) this.last.sortData = this.sortData;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'render', box: box });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// insert Elements
.attr('name', this.name)
.addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-grid')
' <div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_header" class="w2ui-grid-header"></div>'+
' <div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar" class="w2ui-grid-toolbar"></div>'+
' <div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_body" class="w2ui-grid-body"></div>'+
' <div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_summary" class="w2ui-grid-body w2ui-grid-summary"></div>'+
' <div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_footer" class="w2ui-grid-footer"></div>'+
if (this.selectType != 'row') $(this.box).addClass('w2ui-ss');
if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
// init toolbar
if (this.toolbar != null) this.toolbar.render($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar')[0]);
// reinit search_all
if (this.last.field && this.last.field != 'all') {
var sd = this.searchData;
this.initAllField(this.last.field, (sd.length == 1 ? sd[0].value : null));
// init footer
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer').html(this.getFooterHTML());
// refresh
if (!this.last.state) this.last.state = this.stateSave(true); // initial default state
if (this.url) this.refresh(); // show empty grid (need it) - should it be only for remote data source
// init mouse events for mouse selection
$(this.box).on('mousedown', mouseStart);
$(this.box).on('selectstart', function () { return false; }); // fixes chrome cursor bug
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// attach to resize event
if ($('.w2ui-layout').length == 0) { // if there is layout, it will send a resize event
this.tmp_resize = function (event) { w2ui[obj.name].resize(); }
$(window).off('resize', this.tmp_resize).on('resize', this.tmp_resize);
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
function mouseStart (event) {
if (event.which != 1) return; // if not left mouse button
// restore css user-select
if (obj.last.userSelect == 'text') {
delete obj.last.userSelect;
.css('user-select', 'none')
.css('-webkit-user-select', 'none')
.css('-moz-user-select', 'none')
.css('-ms-user-select', 'none');
$(this.box).on('selectstart', function () { return false; });
// regular record select
if ($(event.target).parents().hasClass('w2ui-head') || $(event.target).hasClass('w2ui-head')) return;
if (obj.last.move && obj.last.move.type == 'expand') return;
// if altKey - alow text selection
if (event.altKey) {
.css('user-select', 'text')
.css('-webkit-user-select', 'text')
.css('-moz-user-select', 'text')
.css('-ms-user-select', 'text');
obj.last.move = { type: 'text-select' };
obj.last.userSelect = 'text';
} else {
if (!obj.multiSelect) return;
obj.last.move = {
x : event.screenX,
y : event.screenY,
divX : 0,
divY : 0,
recid : $(event.target).parents('tr').attr('recid'),
column : (event.target.tagName == 'TD' ? $(event.target).attr('col') : $(event.target).parents('td').attr('col')),
type : 'select',
ghost : false,
start : true
$(document).on('mousemove', mouseMove);
$(document).on('mouseup', mouseStop);
function mouseMove (event) {
var mv = obj.last.move;
if (!mv || mv.type != 'select') return;
mv.divX = (event.screenX - mv.x);
mv.divY = (event.screenY - mv.y);
if (Math.abs(mv.divX) <= 1 && Math.abs(mv.divY) <= 1) return; // only if moved more then 1px
obj.last.cancelClick = true;
if (obj.reorderRows == true) {
if (!mv.ghost) {
var row = $('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_rec_'+ mv.recid);
var tmp = row.parents('table').find('tr:first-child').clone();
mv.offsetY = event.offsetY;
mv.from = mv.recid;
mv.pos = row.position();
mv.ghost = $(row).clone(true);
row.find('td:first-child').replaceWith('<td colspan="1000" style="height: '+ obj.recordHeight +'px; background-color: #ddd"></td>');
var recs = $(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records');
recs.append('<table id="grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost" style="position: absolute; z-index: 999999; opacity: 0.8; border-bottom: 2px dashed #aaa; border-top: 2px dashed #aaa; pointer-events: none;"></table>');
$('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost').append(tmp).append(mv.ghost);
var recid = $(event.target).parents('tr').attr('recid');
if (recid != mv.from) {
var row1 = $('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_rec_'+ mv.recid);
var row2 = $('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_rec_'+ recid);
if (event.screenY - mv.lastY < 0) row1.after(row2); else row2.after(row1);
mv.lastY = event.screenY;
mv.to = recid;
var ghost = $('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost');
var recs = $(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records');
top : mv.pos.top + mv.divY + recs.scrollTop(), // + mv.offsetY - obj.recordHeight / 2,
left : mv.pos.left
if (mv.start && mv.recid) {
mv.start = false;
var newSel= [];
var recid = (event.target.tagName == 'TR' ? $(event.target).attr('recid') : $(event.target).parents('tr').attr('recid'));
if (typeof recid == 'undefined') return;
var ind1 = obj.get(mv.recid, true);
// |:wolfmanx:| this happens when selection is started on summary row
if (ind1 === null) return;
var ind2 = obj.get(recid, true);
// this happens when selection is extended into summary row (a good place to implement scrolling)
if (ind2 === null) return;
var col1 = parseInt(mv.column);
var col2 = parseInt(event.target.tagName == 'TD' ? $(event.target).attr('col') : $(event.target).parents('td').attr('col'));
if (ind1 > ind2) { var tmp = ind1; ind1 = ind2; ind2 = tmp; }
// check if need to refresh
var tmp = 'ind1:'+ ind1 +',ind2;'+ ind2 +',col1:'+ col1 +',col2:'+ col2;
if (mv.range == tmp) return;
mv.range = tmp;
for (var i = ind1; i <= ind2; i++) {
if (obj.last.searchIds.length > 0 && obj.last.searchIds.indexOf(i) == -1) continue;
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
if (col1 > col2) { var tmp = col1; col1 = col2; col2 = tmp; }
var tmp = [];
for (var c = col1; c <= col2; c++) {
if (obj.columns[c].hidden) continue;
newSel.push({ recid: obj.records[i].recid, column: parseInt(c) });
} else {
if (obj.selectType != 'row') {
var sel = obj.getSelection();
// add more items
var tmp = [];
for (var ns in newSel) {
var flag = false;
for (var s in sel) if (newSel[ns].recid == sel[s].recid && newSel[ns].column == sel[s].column) flag = true;
if (!flag) tmp.push({ recid: newSel[ns].recid, column: newSel[ns].column });
obj.select.apply(obj, tmp);
// remove items
var tmp = [];
for (var s in sel) {
var flag = false;
for (var ns in newSel) if (newSel[ns].recid == sel[s].recid && newSel[ns].column == sel[s].column) flag = true;
if (!flag) tmp.push({ recid: sel[s].recid, column: sel[s].column });
obj.unselect.apply(obj, tmp);
} else {
if (obj.multiSelect) {
var sel = obj.getSelection();
for (var ns in newSel) if (sel.indexOf(newSel[ns]) == -1) obj.select(newSel[ns]); // add more items
for (var s in sel) if (newSel.indexOf(sel[s]) == -1) obj.unselect(sel[s]); // remove items
function mouseStop (event) {
var mv = obj.last.move;
setTimeout(function () { delete obj.last.cancelClick; }, 1);
if ($(event.target).parents().hasClass('.w2ui-head') || $(event.target).hasClass('.w2ui-head')) return;
if (mv && mv.type == 'select') {
if (obj.reorderRows == true) {
var ind1 = obj.get(mv.from, true);
var tmp = obj.records[ind1];
obj.records.splice(ind1, 1);
var ind2 = obj.get(mv.to, true);
if (ind1 > ind2) obj.records.splice(ind2, 0, tmp); else obj.records.splice(ind2+1, 0, tmp);
$('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost').remove();
delete obj.last.move;
$(document).off('mousemove', mouseMove);
$(document).off('mouseup', mouseStop);
destroy: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'destroy' });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// remove events
$(window).off('resize', this.tmp_resize);
// clean up
if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && this.toolbar.destroy) this.toolbar.destroy();
if ($(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_body').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-grid')
delete w2ui[this.name];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// ===========================================
// --- Internal Functions
initColumnOnOff: function () {
if (!this.show.toolbarColumns) return;
var obj = this;
var col_html = '<div class="w2ui-col-on-off">'+
'<td style="width: 30px">'+
' <input id="grid_'+ this.name +'_column_ln_check" type="checkbox" tabIndex="-1" '+ (obj.show.lineNumbers ? 'checked' : '') +
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].columnOnOff(this, event, \'line-numbers\');">'+
'<td onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].columnOnOff(this, event, \'line-numbers\'); $(\'#w2ui-overlay\')[0].hide();">'+
' <label for="grid_'+ this.name +'_column_ln_check">'+ w2utils.lang('Line #') +'</label>'+
for (var c in this.columns) {
var col = this.columns[c];
var tmp = this.columns[c].caption;
if (col.hideable === false) continue;
if (!tmp && this.columns[c].hint) tmp = this.columns[c].hint;
if (!tmp) tmp = '- column '+ (parseInt(c) + 1) +' -';
col_html += '<tr>'+
'<td style="width: 30px">'+
' <input id="grid_'+ this.name +'_column_'+ c +'_check" type="checkbox" tabIndex="-1" '+ (col.hidden ? '' : 'checked') +
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].columnOnOff(this, event, \''+ col.field +'\');">'+
' <label for="grid_'+ this.name +'_column_'+ c +'_check">'+ tmp + '</label>'+
col_html += '<tr><td colspan="2"><div style="border-top: 1px solid #ddd;"></div></td></tr>';
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url && obj.show.skipRecords) {
col_html +=
'<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding: 0px">'+
' <div style="cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 8px; cursor: default">'+ w2utils.lang('Skip') +
' <input type="text" style="width: 45px" value="'+ this.offset +'" '+
' onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13) { '+
' w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].skip(this.value); '+
' $(\'#w2ui-overlay\')[0].hide(); '+
' }"> '+ w2utils.lang('Records')+
' </div>'+
col_html += '<tr><td colspan="2" onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].stateSave(); $(\'#w2ui-overlay\')[0].hide();">'+
' <div style="cursor: pointer; padding: 4px 8px; cursor: default">'+ w2utils.lang('Save Grid State') + '</div>'+
'<tr><td colspan="2" onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].stateReset(); $(\'#w2ui-overlay\')[0].hide();">'+
' <div style="cursor: pointer; padding: 4px 8px; cursor: default">'+ w2utils.lang('Restore Default State') + '</div>'+
col_html += "</table></div>";
this.toolbar.get('w2ui-column-on-off').html = col_html;
* @param box, grid object
* @returns {{remove: Function}} contains a closure around all events to ensure they are removed from the dom
initColumnDrag: function ( box ) {
//throw error if using column groups
if ( this.columnGroups && this.columnGroups.length ) throw 'Draggable columns are not currently supported with column groups.';
var obj = this,
_dragData = {};
_dragData.lastInt = null;
_dragData.pressed = false;
_dragData.timeout = null;_dragData.columnHead = null;
//attach orginal event listener
$(obj.box).on('mousedown', dragColStart);
$(obj.box).on('mouseup', catchMouseup);
function catchMouseup(){
_dragData.pressed = false;
clearTimeout( _dragData.timeout );
* @param event, mousedown
* @returns {boolean} false, preventsDefault
function dragColStart ( event ) {
if ( _dragData.timeout ) clearTimeout( _dragData.timeout );
var self = this;
_dragData.pressed = true;
_dragData.timeout = setTimeout(function(){
if ( !_dragData.pressed ) return;
var eventData,
invalidPreColumns = [ 'w2ui-col-number', 'w2ui-col-expand', 'w2ui-col-select' ],
invalidPostColumns = [ 'w2ui-head-last' ],
invalidColumns = invalidPreColumns.concat( invalidPostColumns ),
preColumnsSelector = '.w2ui-col-number, .w2ui-col-expand, .w2ui-col-select',
preColHeadersSelector = '.w2ui-head.w2ui-col-number, .w2ui-head.w2ui-col-expand, .w2ui-head.w2ui-col-select';
// do nothing if it is not a header
if ( !$( event.originalEvent.target ).parents().hasClass( 'w2ui-head' ) ) return;
// do nothing if it is an invalid column
for ( var i = 0, l = invalidColumns.length; i < l; i++ ){
if ( $( event.originalEvent.target ).parents().hasClass( invalidColumns[ i ] ) ) return;
_dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent = $( obj.box ).find( preColHeadersSelector ).length;
//start event for drag start
_dragData.columnHead = origColumn = $( event.originalEvent.target ).parents( '.w2ui-head' );
origColumnNumber = parseInt( origColumn.attr( 'col' ), 10);
eventData = obj.trigger({ type: 'columnDragStart', phase: 'before', originalEvent: event, origColumnNumber: origColumnNumber, target: origColumn[0] });
if ( eventData.isCancelled === true ) return false;
columns = _dragData.columns = $( obj.box ).find( '.w2ui-head:not(.w2ui-head-last)' );
//add events
$( document ).on( 'mouseup', dragColEnd );
$( document ).on( 'mousemove', dragColOver );
_dragData.originalPos = parseInt( $( event.originalEvent.target ).parent( '.w2ui-head' ).attr( 'col' ), 10 );
//_dragData.columns.css({ overflow: 'visible' }).children( 'div' ).css({ overflow: 'visible' });
//configure and style ghost image
_dragData.ghost = $( self ).clone( true );
//hide other elements on ghost except the grid body
$( _dragData.ghost ).find( '[col]:not([col="' + _dragData.originalPos + '"]), .w2ui-toolbar, .w2ui-grid-header' ).remove();
$( _dragData.ghost ).find( preColumnsSelector ).remove();
$( _dragData.ghost ).find( '.w2ui-grid-body' ).css({ top: 0 });
selectedCol = $( _dragData.ghost ).find( '[col="' + _dragData.originalPos + '"]' );
$( document.body ).append( _dragData.ghost );
$( _dragData.ghost ).css({
width: 0,
height: 0,
margin: 0,
position: 'fixed',
zIndex: 999999,
opacity: 0
}).addClass( '.w2ui-grid-ghost' ).animate({
width: selectedCol.width(),
height: $(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-body:first').height(),
left : event.pageX,
top : event.pageY,
opacity: .8
}, 0 );
//establish current offsets
_dragData.offsets = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++ ) {
_dragData.offsets.push( $( columns[ i ] ).offset().left );
//conclude event
obj.trigger( $.extend( eventData, { phase: 'after' } ) );
}, 150 );//end timeout wrapper
function dragColOver ( event ) {
if ( !_dragData.pressed ) return;
var cursorX = event.originalEvent.pageX,
cursorY = event.originalEvent.pageY,
offsets = _dragData.offsets,
lastWidth = $( '.w2ui-head:not(.w2ui-head-last)' ).width();
_dragData.targetInt = Math.max(_dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent,targetIntersection( cursorX, offsets, lastWidth ));
markIntersection( _dragData.targetInt );
trackGhost( cursorX, cursorY );
function dragColEnd ( event ) {
_dragData.pressed = false;
var eventData,
ghosts = $( '.w2ui-grid-ghost' );
//start event for drag start
eventData = obj.trigger({ type: 'columnDragEnd', phase: 'before', originalEvent: event, target: _dragData.columnHead[0] });
if ( eventData.isCancelled === true ) return false;
selected = obj.columns[ _dragData.originalPos ];
columnConfig = obj.columns;
targetColumn = $( _dragData.columns[ Math.min(_dragData.lastInt, _dragData.columns.length - 1) ] );
target = (_dragData.lastInt < _dragData.columns.length) ? parseInt(targetColumn.attr('col')) : columnConfig.length;
if ( target !== _dragData.originalPos + 1 && target !== _dragData.originalPos && targetColumn && targetColumn.length ) {
$( _dragData.ghost ).animate({
top: $( obj.box ).offset().top,
left: targetColumn.offset().left,
width: 0,
height: 0,
}, 300, function(){
$( this ).remove();
columnConfig.splice( target, 0, $.extend( {}, selected ) );
columnConfig.splice( columnConfig.indexOf( selected ), 1);
} else {
$( _dragData.ghost ).remove();
//_dragData.columns.css({ overflow: '' }).children( 'div' ).css({ overflow: '' });
$( document ).off( 'mouseup', dragColEnd );
$( document ).off( 'mousemove', dragColOver );
if ( _dragData.marker ) _dragData.marker.remove();
_dragData = {};
//conclude event
obj.trigger( $.extend( eventData, { phase: 'after', targetColumnNumber: target - 1 } ) );
function markIntersection( intersection ){
if ( !_dragData.marker && !_dragData.markerLeft ) {
_dragData.marker = $('<div class="col-intersection-marker">' +
'<div class="top-marker"></div>' +
'<div class="bottom-marker"></div>' +
_dragData.markerLeft = $('<div class="col-intersection-marker">' +
'<div class="top-marker"></div>' +
'<div class="bottom-marker"></div>' +
if ( !_dragData.lastInt || _dragData.lastInt !== intersection ){
_dragData.lastInt = intersection;
//if the current intersection is greater than the number of columns add the marker to the end of the last column only
if ( intersection >= _dragData.columns.length ) {
$( _dragData.columns[ _dragData.columns.length - 1 ] ).children( 'div:last' ).append( _dragData.marker.addClass( 'right' ).removeClass( 'left' ) );
$( _dragData.columns[ _dragData.columns.length - 1 ] ).addClass('w2ui-col-intersection');
} else if ( intersection <= _dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent ) {
//if the current intersection is on the column numbers place marker on first available column only
$( _dragData.columns[ _dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent ] ).prepend( _dragData.marker.addClass( 'left' ).removeClass( 'right' ) ).css({ position: 'relative' });
$( _dragData.columns[ _dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent ] ).prev().addClass('w2ui-col-intersection');
} else {
//otherwise prepend the marker to the targeted column and append it to the previous column
$( _dragData.columns[intersection] ).children( 'div:last' ).prepend( _dragData.marker.addClass( 'left' ).removeClass( 'right' ) );
$( _dragData.columns[intersection] ).prev().children( 'div:last' ).append( _dragData.markerLeft.addClass( 'right' ).removeClass( 'left' ) ).css({ position: 'relative' });
$( _dragData.columns[intersection - 1] ).addClass('w2ui-col-intersection');
function targetIntersection( cursorX, offsets, lastWidth ){
if ( cursorX <= offsets[0] ) {
return 0;
} else if ( cursorX >= offsets[offsets.length - 1] + lastWidth ) {
return offsets.length;
} else {
for ( var i = 0, l = offsets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var thisOffset = offsets[ i ];
var nextOffset = offsets[ i + 1 ] || offsets[ i ] + lastWidth;
var midpoint = ( nextOffset - offsets[ i ]) / 2 + offsets[ i ];
if ( cursorX > thisOffset && cursorX <= midpoint ) {
return i;
} else if ( cursorX > midpoint && cursorX <= nextOffset ) {
return i + 1;
return intersection;
function trackGhost( cursorX, cursorY ){
$( _dragData.ghost ).css({
left: cursorX - 10,
top: cursorY - 10
//return an object to remove drag if it has ever been enabled
return {
remove: function(){
$( obj.box ).off( 'mousedown', dragColStart );
$( obj.box ).off( 'mouseup', catchMouseup );
$( obj.box ).find( '.w2ui-head' ).removeAttr( 'draggable' );
obj.last.columnDrag = false;
columnOnOff: function (el, event, field) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'columnOnOff', checkbox: el, field: field, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// regular processing
var obj = this;
// collapse expanded rows
for (var r in this.records) {
if (this.records[r].expanded === true) this.records[r].expanded = false
// show/hide
var hide = true;
if (field == 'line-numbers') {
this.show.lineNumbers = !this.show.lineNumbers;
} else {
var col = this.getColumn(field);
if (col.hidden) {
$(el).prop('checked', true);
} else {
$(el).prop('checked', false);
hide = false;
if (hide) {
setTimeout(function () {
$().w2overlay('', { name: 'searches-'+ this.name });
}, 100);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
initToolbar: function () {
// -- if toolbar is true
if (typeof this.toolbar['render'] == 'undefined') {
var tmp_items = this.toolbar.items;
this.toolbar.items = [];
this.toolbar = $().w2toolbar($.extend(true, {}, this.toolbar, { name: this.name +'_toolbar', owner: this }));
// =============================================
// ------ Toolbar Generic buttons
if (this.show.toolbarReload) {
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['reload']));
if (this.show.toolbarColumns) {
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['columns']));
if (this.show.toolbarReload || this.show.toolbarColumn) {
this.toolbar.items.push({ type: 'break', id: 'w2ui-break0' });
if (this.show.toolbarSearch) {
var html =
'<div class="w2ui-toolbar-search">'+
'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'+
' <td>'+ this.buttons['search'].html +'</td>'+
' <td>'+
' <input id="grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all" class="w2ui-search-all" '+
' placeholder="'+ this.last.caption +'" value="'+ this.last.search +'"'+
' onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13 && w2utils.isIE) this.onchange();"'+
' onchange="'+
' var val = this.value; '+
' var fld = $(this).data(\'w2field\'); '+
' var dat = $(this).data(\'selected\'); '+
' if (fld) val = fld.clean(val);'+
' if (dat != null && $.isPlainObject(dat)) val = dat.id;'+
' w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].search(w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].last.field, val); '+
' ">'+
' </td>'+
' <td>'+
' <div title="'+ w2utils.lang('Clear Search') +'" class="w2ui-search-clear" id="grid_'+ this.name +'_searchClear" '+
' onclick="var obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; obj.searchReset();" '+
' > </div>'+
' </td>'+
this.toolbar.items.push({ type: 'html', id: 'w2ui-search', html: html });
if (this.multiSearch && this.searches.length > 0) {
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['search-go']));
if (this.show.toolbarSearch && (this.show.toolbarAdd || this.show.toolbarEdit || this.show.toolbarDelete || this.show.toolbarSave)) {
this.toolbar.items.push({ type: 'break', id: 'w2ui-break1' });
if (this.show.toolbarAdd) {
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['add']));
if (this.show.toolbarEdit) {
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['edit']));
if (this.show.toolbarDelete) {
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['delete']));
if (this.show.toolbarSave) {
if (this.show.toolbarAdd || this.show.toolbarDelete || this.show.toolbarEdit) {
this.toolbar.items.push({ type: 'break', id: 'w2ui-break2' });
this.toolbar.items.push($.extend(true, {}, this.buttons['save']));
// add original buttons
for (var i in tmp_items) this.toolbar.items.push(tmp_items[i]);
// =============================================
// ------ Toolbar onClick processing
var obj = this;
this.toolbar.on('click', function (event) {
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'toolbar', target: event.target, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
var id = event.target;
switch (id) {
case 'w2ui-reload':
var eventData2 = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'reload', target: obj.name });
if (eventData2.isCancelled === true) return false;
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData2, { phase: 'after' }));
case 'w2ui-column-on-off':
case 'w2ui-search-advanced':
var tb = this;
var it = this.get(id);
if (it.checked) {
setTimeout(function () { tb.uncheck(id); }, 1);
} else {
function tmp_close() {
if ($('#w2ui-overlay-searches-'+ obj.name).data('keepOpen') === true) return;
$(document).off('click', 'body', tmp_close);
$(document).on('click', 'body', tmp_close);
case 'w2ui-add':
// events
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: obj.name, type: 'add', recid: null });
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
case 'w2ui-edit':
var sel = obj.getSelection();
var recid = null;
if (sel.length == 1) recid = sel[0];
// events
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: obj.name, type: 'edit', recid: recid });
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
case 'w2ui-delete':
case 'w2ui-save':
// no default action
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
initResize: function () {
var obj = this;
//if (obj.resizing === true) return;
.on('click', function (event) {
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
.on('mousedown', function (event) {
if (!event) event = window.event;
if (!window.addEventListener) { window.document.attachEvent('onselectstart', function() { return false; } ); }
obj.resizing = true;
obj.last.tmp = {
x : event.screenX,
y : event.screenY,
gx : event.screenX,
gy : event.screenY,
col : parseInt($(this).attr('name'))
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
// fix sizes
for (var c in obj.columns) {
if (typeof obj.columns[c].sizeOriginal == 'undefined') obj.columns[c].sizeOriginal = obj.columns[c].size;
obj.columns[c].size = obj.columns[c].sizeCalculated;
var eventData = { phase: 'before', type: 'columnResize', target: obj.name, column: obj.last.tmp.col, field: obj.columns[obj.last.tmp.col].field };
eventData = obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { resizeBy: 0, originalEvent: event }));
// set move event
var mouseMove = function (event) {
if (obj.resizing != true) return;
if (!event) event = window.event;
// event before
eventData = obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { resizeBy: (event.screenX - obj.last.tmp.gx), originalEvent: event }));
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) { eventData.isCancelled = false; return; }
// default action
obj.last.tmp.x = (event.screenX - obj.last.tmp.x);
obj.last.tmp.y = (event.screenY - obj.last.tmp.y);
obj.columns[obj.last.tmp.col].size = (parseInt(obj.columns[obj.last.tmp.col].size) + obj.last.tmp.x) + 'px';
// reset
obj.last.tmp.x = event.screenX;
obj.last.tmp.y = event.screenY;
var mouseUp = function (event) {
delete obj.resizing;
$(document).off('mousemove', 'body');
$(document).off('mouseup', 'body');
// event before
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after', originalEvent: event }));
$(document).on('mousemove', 'body', mouseMove);
$(document).on('mouseup', 'body', mouseUp);
.each(function (index, el) {
var td = $(el).parent();
"height" : '25px',
"margin-left" : (td.width() - 3) + 'px'
resizeBoxes: function () {
// elements
var main = $(this.box).find('> div');
var header = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_header');
var toolbar = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar');
var summary = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary');
var footer = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer');
var body = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_body');
var columns = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_columns');
var records = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
if (this.show.header) {
top: '0px',
left: '0px',
right: '0px'
if (this.show.toolbar) {
top: ( 0 + (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) ) + 'px',
left: '0px',
right: '0px'
if (this.show.footer) {
bottom: '0px',
left: '0px',
right: '0px'
if (this.summary.length > 0) {
bottom: ( 0 + (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0) ) + 'px',
left: '0px',
right: '0px'
top: ( 0 + (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) + (this.show.toolbar ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0) ) + 'px',
bottom: ( 0 + (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0) + (this.summary.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(summary, 'height') : 0) ) + 'px',
left: '0px',
right: '0px'
resizeRecords: function () {
var obj = this;
// remove empty records
// -- Calculate Column size in PX
var box = $(this.box);
var grid = $(this.box).find('> div');
var header = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_header');
var toolbar = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar');
var summary = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary');
var footer = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer');
var body = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_body');
var columns = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_columns');
var records = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
// body might be expanded by data
if (!this.fixedBody) {
// allow it to render records, then resize
var calculatedHeight = w2utils.getSize(columns, 'height')
+ w2utils.getSize($('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_records table'), 'height');
obj.height = calculatedHeight
+ w2utils.getSize(grid, '+height')
+ (obj.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)
+ (obj.show.toolbar ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0)
+ (summary.css('display') != 'none' ? w2utils.getSize(summary, 'height') : 0)
+ (obj.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0);
grid.css('height', obj.height);
body.css('height', calculatedHeight);
box.css('height', w2utils.getSize(grid, 'height') + w2utils.getSize(box, '+height'));
} else {
// fixed body height
var calculatedHeight = grid.height()
- (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)
- (this.show.toolbar ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0)
- (summary.css('display') != 'none' ? w2utils.getSize(summary, 'height') : 0)
- (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0);
body.css('height', calculatedHeight);
var buffered = this.records.length;
if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !this.url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length;
// check overflow
var bodyOverflowX = false;
var bodyOverflowY = false;
if (body.width() < $(records).find('>table').width()) bodyOverflowX = true;
if (body.height() - columns.height() < $(records).find('>table').height() + (bodyOverflowX ? w2utils.scrollBarSize() : 0)) bodyOverflowY = true;
if (!this.fixedBody) { bodyOverflowY = false; bodyOverflowX = false; }
if (bodyOverflowX || bodyOverflowY) {
columns.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td.w2ui-head-last').css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize()).show();
top: ((this.columnGroups.length > 0 && this.show.columns ? 1 : 0) + w2utils.getSize(columns, 'height')) +'px',
"-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch",
"overflow-x": (bodyOverflowX ? 'auto' : 'hidden'),
"overflow-y": (bodyOverflowY ? 'auto' : 'hidden') });
} else {
columns.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td.w2ui-head-last').hide();
top: ((this.columnGroups.length > 0 && this.show.columns ? 1 : 0) + w2utils.getSize(columns, 'height')) +'px',
overflow: 'hidden'
if (records.length > 0) { this.last.scrollTop = 0; this.last.scrollLeft = 0; } // if no scrollbars, always show top
if (this.show.emptyRecords && !bodyOverflowY) {
var max = Math.floor(records.height() / this.recordHeight) + 1;
if (this.fixedBody) {
for (var di = buffered; di <= max; di++) {
var html = '';
html += '<tr class="'+ (di % 2 ? 'w2ui-even' : 'w2ui-odd') + ' w2ui-empty-record" style="height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px">';
if (this.show.lineNumbers) html += '<td class="w2ui-col-number"></td>';
if (this.show.selectColumn) html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-select"></td>';
if (this.show.expandColumn) html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-expand"></td>';
var j = 0;
while (true && this.columns.length > 0) {
var col = this.columns[j];
if (col.hidden) { j++; if (typeof this.columns[j] == 'undefined') break; else continue; }
html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data" '+ (typeof col.attr != 'undefined' ? col.attr : '') +' col="'+ j +'"></td>';
if (typeof this.columns[j] == 'undefined') break;
html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last"></td>';
html += '</tr>';
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records > table').append(html);
if (body.length > 0) {
var width_max = parseInt(body.width())
- (bodyOverflowY ? w2utils.scrollBarSize() : 0)
- (this.show.lineNumbers ? 34 : 0)
- (this.show.selectColumn ? 26 : 0)
- (this.show.expandColumn ? 26 : 0);
var width_box = width_max;
var percent = 0;
// gridMinWidth processiong
var restart = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
var col = this.columns[i];
if (col.gridMinWidth > 0) {
if (col.gridMinWidth > width_box && col.hidden !== true) {
col.hidden = true;
restart = true;
if (col.gridMinWidth < width_box && col.hidden === true) {
col.hidden = false;
restart = true;
if (restart === true) {
// assign PX column s
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
var col = this.columns[i];
if (col.hidden) continue;
if (String(col.size).substr(String(col.size).length-2).toLowerCase() == 'px') {
width_max -= parseFloat(col.size);
this.columns[i].sizeCalculated = col.size;
this.columns[i].sizeType = 'px';
} else {
percent += parseFloat(col.size);
this.columns[i].sizeType = '%';
delete col.sizeCorrected;
// if sum != 100% -- reassign proportionally
if (percent != 100 && percent > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
var col = this.columns[i];
if (col.hidden) continue;
if (col.sizeType == '%') {
col.sizeCorrected = Math.round(parseFloat(col.size) * 100 * 100 / percent) / 100 + '%';
// calculate % columns
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
var col = this.columns[i];
if (col.hidden) continue;
if (col.sizeType == '%') {
if (typeof this.columns[i].sizeCorrected != 'undefined') {
// make it 1px smaller, so margin of error can be calculated correctly
this.columns[i].sizeCalculated = Math.floor(width_max * parseFloat(col.sizeCorrected) / 100) - 1 + 'px';
} else {
// make it 1px smaller, so margin of error can be calculated correctly
this.columns[i].sizeCalculated = Math.floor(width_max * parseFloat(col.size) / 100) - 1 + 'px';
// fix margin of error that is due percentage calculations
var width_cols = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
var col = this.columns[i];
if (col.hidden) continue;
if (typeof col.min == 'undefined') col.min = 20;
if (parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) < parseInt(col.min)) col.sizeCalculated = col.min + 'px';
if (parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) > parseInt(col.max)) col.sizeCalculated = col.max + 'px';
width_cols += parseInt(col.sizeCalculated);
var width_diff = parseInt(width_box) - parseInt(width_cols);
if (width_diff > 0 && percent > 0) {
var i = 0;
while (true) {
var col = this.columns[i];
if (typeof col == 'undefined') { i = 0; continue; }
if (col.hidden || col.sizeType == 'px') { i++; continue; }
col.sizeCalculated = (parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) + 1) + 'px';
if (width_diff == 0) break;
} else if (width_diff > 0) {
columns.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td.w2ui-head-last').css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize()).show();
// resize columns
columns.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td').each(function (index, el) {
var ind = $(el).attr('col');
if (typeof ind != 'undefined' && obj.columns[ind]) $(el).css('width', obj.columns[ind].sizeCalculated);
// last column
if ($(el).hasClass('w2ui-head-last')) {
$(el).css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + (width_diff > 0 && percent == 0 ? width_diff : 0) + 'px');
// if there are column groups - hide first row (needed for sizing)
if (columns.find('> table > tbody > tr').length == 3) {
columns.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td').html('').css({
'height' : '0px',
'border' : '0px',
'padding': '0px',
'margin' : '0px'
// resize records
records.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td').each(function (index, el) {
var ind = $(el).attr('col');
if (typeof ind != 'undefined' && obj.columns[ind]) $(el).css('width', obj.columns[ind].sizeCalculated);
// last column
if ($(el).hasClass('w2ui-grid-data-last')) {
$(el).css('width', (width_diff > 0 && percent == 0 ? width_diff : 0) + 'px');
// resize summary
summary.find('> table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td').each(function (index, el) {
var ind = $(el).attr('col');
if (typeof ind != 'undefined' && obj.columns[ind]) $(el).css('width', obj.columns[ind].sizeCalculated);
// last column
if ($(el).hasClass('w2ui-grid-data-last')) {
$(el).css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + (width_diff > 0 && percent == 0 ? width_diff : 0) + 'px');
// apply last scroll if any
if ((this.last.scrollTop || this.last.scrollLeft) && records.length > 0) {
columns.prop('scrollLeft', this.last.scrollLeft);
records.prop('scrollTop', this.last.scrollTop);
records.prop('scrollLeft', this.last.scrollLeft);
getSearchesHTML: function () {
var html = '<table cellspacing="0">';
var showBtn = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) {
var s = this.searches[i];
s.type = String(s.type).toLowerCase();
if (s.hidden) continue;
var btn = '';
if (showBtn == false) {
btn = '<button class="btn close-btn" onclick="obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; if (obj) { obj.searchClose(); }">X</button';
showBtn = true;
if (typeof s.inTag == 'undefined') s.inTag = '';
if (typeof s.outTag == 'undefined') s.outTag = '';
if (typeof s.type == 'undefined') s.type = 'text';
if (['text', 'alphanumeric', 'combo'].indexOf(s.type) != -1) {
var operator = '<select id="grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+ i +'" onclick="event.stopPropagation();">'+
' <option value="is">'+ w2utils.lang('is') +'</option>'+
' <option value="begins">'+ w2utils.lang('begins') +'</option>'+
' <option value="contains">'+ w2utils.lang('contains') +'</option>'+
' <option value="ends">'+ w2utils.lang('ends') +'</option>'+
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'date', 'time'].indexOf(s.type) != -1) {
var operator = '<select id="grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+ i +'" '+
' onchange="w2ui[\''+ this.name + '\'].initOperator(this, '+ i +');" onclick="event.stopPropagation();">'+
' <option value="is">'+ w2utils.lang('is') +'</option>'+
(['int'].indexOf(s.type) != -1 ? '<option value="in">'+ w2utils.lang('in') +'</option>' : '') +
(['int'].indexOf(s.type) != -1 ? '<option value="not in">'+ w2utils.lang('not in') +'</option>' : '') +
'<option value="between">'+ w2utils.lang('between') +'</option>'+
if (['select', 'list', 'hex'].indexOf(s.type) != -1) {
var operator = '<select id="grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+ i +'" onclick="event.stopPropagation();">'+
' <option value="is">'+ w2utils.lang('is') +'</option>'+
if (['enum'].indexOf(s.type) != -1) {
var operator = '<select id="grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+ i +'" onclick="event.stopPropagation();">'+
' <option value="in">'+ w2utils.lang('in') +'</option>'+
' <option value="not in">'+ w2utils.lang('not in') +'</option>'+
html += '<tr>'+
' <td class="close-btn">'+ btn +'</td>' +
' <td class="caption">'+ s.caption +'</td>' +
' <td class="operator">'+ operator +'</td>'+
' <td class="value">';
switch (s.type) {
case 'text':
case 'alphanumeric':
case 'hex':
case 'list':
case 'combo':
case 'enum':
html += '<input rel="search" type="text" style="width: 300px;" id="grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ i +'" name="'+ s.field +'" '+ s.inTag +'>';
case 'int':
case 'float':
case 'money':
case 'currency':
case 'percent':
case 'date':
case 'time':
html += '<input rel="search" type="text" size="12" id="grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ i +'" name="'+ s.field +'" '+ s.inTag +'>'+
'<span id="grid_'+ this.name +'_range_'+ i +'" style="display: none">'+
' - <input rel="search" type="text" style="width: 90px" id="grid_'+ this.name +'_field2_'+i+'" name="'+ s.field +'" '+ s.inTag +'>'+
case 'select':
html += '<select rel="search" id="grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ i +'" name="'+ s.field +'" '+ s.inTag +' onclick="event.stopPropagation();"></select>';
html += s.outTag +
' </td>' +
html += '<tr>'+
' <td colspan="4" class="actions">'+
' <div>'+
' <button class="btn" onclick="obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; if (obj) { obj.searchReset(); }">'+ w2utils.lang('Reset') + '</button>'+
' <button class="btn btn-blue" onclick="obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; if (obj) { obj.search(); }">'+ w2utils.lang('Search') + '</button>'+
' </div>'+
' </td>'+
return html;
initOperator: function (el, search_ind) {
var obj = this;
var search = obj.searches[search_ind];
var range = $('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_range_'+ search_ind);
var fld1 = $('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_field_'+ search_ind);
var fld2 = fld1.parent().find('span input');
if ($(el).val() == 'in' || $(el).val() == 'not in') { fld1.w2field('clear'); } else { fld1.w2field(search.type); }
if ($(el).val() == 'between') { range.show(); fld2.w2field(search.type); } else { range.hide(); }
initSearches: function () {
var obj = this;
// init searches
for (var s in this.searches) {
var search = this.searches[s];
var sdata = this.getSearchData(search.field);
search.type = String(search.type).toLowerCase();
if (typeof search.options != 'object') search.options = {};
// init types
switch (search.type) {
case 'text':
case 'alphanumeric':
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+s).val('begins');
if (['alphanumeric', 'hex'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_' + s).w2field(search.type, search.options);
case 'int':
case 'float':
case 'money':
case 'currency':
case 'percent':
case 'date':
case 'time':
if (sdata && sdata.type == 'int' && ['in', 'not in'].indexOf(sdata.operator) != -1) break;
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+s).w2field(search.type, search.options);
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field2_'+s).w2field(search.type, search.options);
setTimeout(function () { // convert to date if it is number
$('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_field_'+s).keydown();
$('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_field2_'+s).keydown();
}, 1);
case 'hex':
case 'list':
case 'combo':
case 'enum':
var options = search.options;
if (search.type == 'list') options.selected = {};
if (search.type == 'enum') options.selected = [];
if (sdata) options.selected = sdata.value;
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+s).w2field(search.type, options);
if (search.type == 'combo') {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+s).val('begins');
case 'select':
// build options
var options = '<option value="">--</option>';
for (var i in search.options.items) {
var si = search.options.items[i];
if ($.isPlainObject(search.options.items[i])) {
var val = si.id;
var txt = si.text;
if (typeof val == 'undefined' && typeof si.value != 'undefined') val = si.value;
if (typeof txt == 'undefined' && typeof si.caption != 'undefined') txt = si.caption;
if (val == null) val = '';
options += '<option value="'+ val +'">'+ txt +'</option>';
} else {
options += '<option value="'+ si +'">'+ si +'</option>';
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+s).html(options);
if (sdata != null) {
if (sdata.type == 'int' && ['in', 'not in'].indexOf(sdata.operator) != -1) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ s).w2field('clear').val(sdata.value);
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_operator_'+ s).val(sdata.operator).trigger('change');
if (!$.isArray(sdata.value)) {
if (typeof sdata.value != 'udefined') $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ s).val(sdata.value).trigger('change');
} else {
if (['in', 'not in'].indexOf(sdata.operator) != -1) {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ s).val(sdata.value).trigger('change');
} else {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field_'+ s).val(sdata.value[0]).trigger('change');
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_field2_'+ s).val(sdata.value[1]).trigger('change');
// add on change event
$('#w2ui-overlay-searches-'+ this.name +' .w2ui-grid-searches *[rel=search]').on('keypress', function (evnt) {
if (evnt.keyCode == 13) {
getColumnsHTML: function () {
var obj = this;
var html = '';
if (this.show.columnHeaders) {
if (this.columnGroups.length > 0) {
html = getColumns(true) + getGroups() + getColumns(false);
} else {
html = getColumns(true);
return html;
function getGroups () {
var html = '<tr>';
// add empty group at the end
if (obj.columnGroups[obj.columnGroups.length-1].caption != '') obj.columnGroups.push({ caption: '' });
if (obj.show.lineNumbers) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-col-number">'+
' <div> </div>'+
if (obj.show.selectColumn) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-col-select">'+
' <div> </div>'+
if (obj.show.expandColumn) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-col-expand">'+
' <div> </div>'+
var ii = 0;
for (var i=0; i<obj.columnGroups.length; i++) {
var colg = obj.columnGroups[i];
var col = obj.columns[ii];
if (typeof colg.span == 'undefined' || colg.span != parseInt(colg.span)) colg.span = 1;
if (typeof colg.colspan != 'undefined') colg.span = colg.colspan;
if (colg.master === true) {
var sortStyle = '';
for (var si in obj.sortData) {
if (obj.sortData[si].field == col.field) {
if (RegExp('asc', 'i').test(obj.sortData[si].direction)) sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-up';
if (RegExp('desc', 'i').test(obj.sortData[si].direction)) sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-down';
var resizer = "";
if (col.resizable !== false) {
resizer = '<div class="w2ui-resizer" name="'+ ii +'"></div>';
html += '<td class="w2ui-head '+ sortStyle +'" col="'+ ii + '" rowspan="2" colspan="'+ (colg.span + (i == obj.columnGroups.length-1 ? 1 : 0) ) +'" '+
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].columnClick(\''+ col.field +'\', event);">'+
resizer +
' <div class="w2ui-col-group w2ui-col-header '+ (sortStyle ? 'w2ui-col-sorted' : '') +'">'+
' <div class="'+ sortStyle +'"></div>'+
(!col.caption ? ' ' : col.caption) +
' </div>'+
} else {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head" col="'+ ii + '" '+
' colspan="'+ (colg.span + (i == obj.columnGroups.length-1 ? 1 : 0) ) +'">'+
' <div class="w2ui-col-group">'+
(!colg.caption ? ' ' : colg.caption) +
' </div>'+
ii += colg.span;
html += '</tr>';
return html;
function getColumns (master) {
var html = '<tr>',
reorderCols = (obj.reorderColumns && (!obj.columnGroups || !obj.columnGroups.length)) ? ' w2ui-reorder-cols-head ' : '';
if (obj.show.lineNumbers) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-col-number" onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].columnClick(\'line-number\', event);">'+
' <div>#</div>'+
if (obj.show.selectColumn) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-col-select" '+
' onclick="if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;">'+
' <div>'+
' <input type="checkbox" id="grid_'+ obj.name +'_check_all" tabIndex="-1"'+
' style="' + (obj.multiSelect == false ? 'display: none;' : '') + '"'+
' onclick="if (this.checked) w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].selectAll(); '+
' else w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].selectNone(); '+
' if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;">'+
' </div>'+
if (obj.show.expandColumn) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-col-expand">'+
' <div> </div>'+
var ii = 0;
var id = 0;
for (var i=0; i<obj.columns.length; i++) {
var col = obj.columns[i];
var colg = {};
if (i == id) {
id = id + (typeof obj.columnGroups[ii] != 'undefined' ? parseInt(obj.columnGroups[ii].span) : 0);
if (typeof obj.columnGroups[ii-1] != 'undefined') var colg = obj.columnGroups[ii-1];
if (col.hidden) continue;
var sortStyle = '';
for (var si in obj.sortData) {
if (obj.sortData[si].field == col.field) {
if (RegExp('asc', 'i').test(obj.sortData[si].direction)) sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-up';
if (RegExp('desc', 'i').test(obj.sortData[si].direction)) sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-down';
if (colg['master'] !== true || master) { // grouping of columns
var resizer = "";
if (col.resizable !== false) {
resizer = '<div class="w2ui-resizer" name="'+ i +'"></div>';
html += '<td col="'+ i +'" class="w2ui-head '+ sortStyle + reorderCols + '" ' +
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].columnClick(\''+ col.field +'\', event);">'+
resizer +
' <div class="w2ui-col-header '+ (sortStyle ? 'w2ui-col-sorted' : '') +'">'+
' <div class="'+ sortStyle +'"></div>'+
(!col.caption ? ' ' : col.caption) +
' </div>'+
html += '<td class="w2ui-head w2ui-head-last"><div> </div></td>';
html += '</tr>';
return html;
getRecordsHTML: function () {
var buffered = this.records.length;
if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !this.url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length;
// larget number works better with chrome, smaller with FF.
if (buffered > 300) this.show_extra = 30; else this.show_extra = 300;
var records = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
var limit = Math.floor(records.height() / this.recordHeight) + this.show_extra + 1;
if (!this.fixedBody || limit > buffered) limit = buffered;
// always need first record for resizing purposes
var html = '<table>' + this.getRecordHTML(-1, 0);
// first empty row with height
html += '<tr id="grid_'+ this.name + '_rec_top" line="top" style="height: '+ 0 +'px">'+
' <td colspan="200"></td>'+
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
html += this.getRecordHTML(i, i+1);
html += '<tr id="grid_'+ this.name + '_rec_bottom" line="bottom" style="height: '+ ((buffered - limit) * this.recordHeight) +'px">'+
' <td colspan="200"></td>'+
'<tr id="grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more" style="display: none">'+
' <td colspan="200" class="w2ui-load-more"></td>'+
this.last.range_start = 0;
this.last.range_end = limit;
return html;
getSummaryHTML: function () {
if (this.summary.length == 0) return;
var html = '<table>';
for (var i = 0; i < this.summary.length; i++) {
html += this.getRecordHTML(i, i+1, true);
html += '</table>';
return html;
scroll: function (event) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var obj = this;
var records = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
var buffered = this.records.length;
if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !this.url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length;
if (buffered == 0 || records.length == 0 || records.height() == 0) return;
if (buffered > 300) this.show_extra = 30; else this.show_extra = 300;
// need this to enable scrolling when this.limit < then a screen can fit
if (records.height() < buffered * this.recordHeight && records.css('overflow-y') == 'hidden') {
if (this.total > 0) this.refresh();
// update footer
var t1 = Math.round(records[0].scrollTop / this.recordHeight + 1);
var t2 = t1 + (Math.round(records.height() / this.recordHeight) - 1);
if (t1 > buffered) t1 = buffered;
if (t2 > buffered) t2 = buffered;
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
$('#grid_'+ this.name + '_footer .w2ui-footer-right').html(w2utils.formatNumber(this.offset + t1) + '-' + w2utils.formatNumber(this.offset + t2) + ' ' + w2utils.lang('of') + ' ' + w2utils.formatNumber(this.total) +
(url ? ' ('+ w2utils.lang('buffered') + ' '+ w2utils.formatNumber(buffered) + (this.offset > 0 ? ', skip ' + w2utils.formatNumber(this.offset) : '') + ')' : '')
// only for local data source, else no extra records loaded
if (!url && (!this.fixedBody || this.total <= 300)) return;
// regular processing
var start = Math.floor(records[0].scrollTop / this.recordHeight) - this.show_extra;
var end = start + Math.floor(records.height() / this.recordHeight) + this.show_extra * 2 + 1;
// var div = start - this.last.range_start;
if (start < 1) start = 1;
if (end > this.total) end = this.total;
var tr1 = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top');
var tr2 = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom');
// if row is expanded
if (String(tr1.next().prop('id')).indexOf('_expanded_row') != -1) tr1.next().remove();
if (this.total > end && String(tr2.prev().prop('id')).indexOf('_expanded_row') != -1) tr2.prev().remove();
var first = parseInt(tr1.next().attr('line'));
var last = parseInt(tr2.prev().attr('line'));
//$('#log').html('buffer: '+ this.buffered +' start-end: ' + start + '-'+ end + ' ===> first-last: ' + first + '-' + last);
if (first < start || first == 1 || this.last.pull_refresh) { // scroll down
// console.log('end', end, 'last', last, 'show_extre', this.show_extra, this.last.pull_refresh);
if (end <= last + this.show_extra - 2 && end != this.total) return;
this.last.pull_refresh = false;
// remove from top
while (true) {
var tmp = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next();
if (tmp.attr('line') == 'bottom') break;
if (parseInt(tmp.attr('line')) < start) tmp.remove(); else break;
// add at bottom
var tmp = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev();
var rec_start = tmp.attr('line');
if (rec_start == 'top') rec_start = start;
for (var i = parseInt(rec_start) + 1; i <= end; i++) {
if (!this.records[i-1]) continue;
if (this.records[i-1].expanded === true) this.records[i-1].expanded = false;
tr2.before(this.getRecordHTML(i-1, i));
setTimeout(function() { obj.refreshRanges(); }, 0);
} else { // scroll up
if (start >= first - this.show_extra + 2 && start > 1) return;
// remove from bottom
while (true) {
var tmp = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev();
if (tmp.attr('line') == 'top') break;
if (parseInt(tmp.attr('line')) > end) tmp.remove(); else break;
// add at top
var tmp = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next();
var rec_start = tmp.attr('line');
if (rec_start == 'bottom') rec_start = end;
for (var i = parseInt(rec_start) - 1; i >= start; i--) {
if (!this.records[i-1]) continue;
if (this.records[i-1].expanded === true) this.records[i-1].expanded = false;
tr1.after(this.getRecordHTML(i-1, i));
setTimeout(function() { obj.refreshRanges(); }, 0);
// first/last row size
var h1 = (start - 1) * obj.recordHeight;
var h2 = (buffered - end) * obj.recordHeight;
if (h2 < 0) h2 = 0;
tr1.css('height', h1 + 'px');
tr2.css('height', h2 + 'px');
obj.last.range_start = start;
obj.last.range_end = end;
// load more if needed
var s = Math.floor(records[0].scrollTop / this.recordHeight);
var e = s + Math.floor(records.height() / this.recordHeight);
if (e + 10 > buffered && this.last.pull_more !== true && buffered < this.total - this.offset) {
if (this.autoLoad === true) {
this.last.pull_more = true;
this.last.xhr_offset += this.limit;
} else {
var more = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more');
if (more.css('display') == 'none') {
.on('click', function () {
obj.last.pull_more = true;
obj.last.xhr_offset += obj.limit;
// show spinner the last
$(this).find('td').html('<div><div style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" class="w2ui-spinner"></div></div>');
if (more.find('td').text().indexOf('Load') == -1) {
more.find('td').html('<div>'+ w2utils.lang('Load') + ' ' + obj.limit + ' ' + w2utils.lang('More') + '...</div>');
// check for grid end
if (buffered >= this.total - this.offset) $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more').hide();
function markSearch() {
// mark search
if(obj.markSearch === false) return;
obj.last.marker_timer = setTimeout(function () {
// mark all search strings
var str = [];
for (var s in obj.searchData) {
var tmp = obj.searchData[s];
if ($.inArray(tmp.value, str) == -1) str.push(tmp.value);
if (str.length > 0) $(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-data > div').w2marker(str);
}, 50);
getRecordHTML: function (ind, lineNum, summary) {
var rec_html = '';
var sel = this.last.selection;
var record;
// first record needs for resize purposes
if (ind == -1) {
rec_html += '<tr line="0">';
if (this.show.lineNumbers) rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-col-number" style="height: 0px;"></td>';
if (this.show.selectColumn) rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-col-select" style="height: 0px;"></td>';
if (this.show.expandColumn) rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-col-expand" style="height: 0px;"></td>';
for (var i in this.columns) {
if (this.columns[i].hidden) continue;
rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data" col="'+ i +'" style="height: 0px;"></td>';
rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last" style="height: 0px;"></td>';
rec_html += '</tr>';
return rec_html;
// regular record
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (summary !== true) {
if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) {
if (ind >= this.last.searchIds.length) return '';
ind = this.last.searchIds[ind];
record = this.records[ind];
} else {
if (ind >= this.records.length) return '';
record = this.records[ind];
} else {
if (ind >= this.summary.length) return '';
record = this.summary[ind];
if (!record) return '';
var id = w2utils.escapeId(record.recid);
var isRowSelected = false;
if (sel.indexes.indexOf(ind) != -1) isRowSelected = true;
// render TR
rec_html += '<tr id="grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ record.recid +'" recid="'+ record.recid +'" line="'+ lineNum +'" '+
' class="'+ (lineNum % 2 == 0 ? 'w2ui-even' : 'w2ui-odd') + (isRowSelected && this.selectType == 'row' ? ' w2ui-selected' : '') + (record.expanded === true ? ' w2ui-expanded' : '') + '" ' +
(summary !== true ?
(w2utils.isIOS ?
' onclick = "w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].dblClick(\''+ record.recid +'\', event);"'
' onclick = "w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].click(\''+ record.recid +'\', event);"'+
' oncontextmenu = "w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].contextMenu(\''+ record.recid +'\', event);"'
: ''
) +
' style="height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px; '+ (!isRowSelected && typeof record['style'] == 'string' ? record['style'] : '') +'" '+
( typeof record['style'] == 'string' ? 'custom_style="'+ record['style'] +'"' : '') +
if (this.show.lineNumbers) {
rec_html += '<td id="grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ ind +'_number' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" class="w2ui-col-number">'+
(summary !== true ? '<div>'+ lineNum +'</div>' : '') +
if (this.show.selectColumn) {
rec_html +=
'<td id="grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ ind +'_select' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-select" '+
' onclick="if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;">'+
(summary !== true ?
' <div>'+
' <input class="w2ui-grid-select-check" type="checkbox" tabIndex="-1"'+
' '+ (isRowSelected ? 'checked="checked"' : '') +
' onclick="var obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; '+
' if (!obj.multiSelect) { obj.selectNone(); }'+
' if (this.checked) obj.select(\''+ record.recid + '\'); else obj.unselect(\''+ record.recid + '\'); '+
' if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;">'+
' </div>'
'' ) +
if (this.show.expandColumn) {
var tmp_img = '';
if (record.expanded === true) tmp_img = '-'; else tmp_img = '+';
if (record.expanded == 'none') tmp_img = '';
if (record.expanded == 'spinner') tmp_img = '<div class="w2ui-spinner" style="width: 16px; margin: -2px 2px;"></div>';
rec_html +=
'<td id="grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ ind +'_expand' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-expand">'+
(summary !== true ?
' <div ondblclick="if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;" '+
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].toggle(\''+ record.recid +'\', event); '+
' if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;">'+
' '+ tmp_img +' </div>'
'' ) +
var col_ind = 0;
while (true) {
var col = this.columns[col_ind];
if (col.hidden) { col_ind++; if (typeof this.columns[col_ind] == 'undefined') break; else continue; }
var isChanged = !summary && record.changes && typeof record.changes[col.field] != 'undefined';
var rec_cell = this.getCellHTML(ind, col_ind, summary);
var addStyle = '';
if (typeof col.render == 'string') {
var tmp = col.render.toLowerCase().split(':');
if (['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(tmp[0]) != -1) addStyle += 'text-align: right;';
if (typeof record.style == 'object' && typeof record.style[col_ind] == 'string') {
addStyle += record.style[col_ind] + ';';
var isCellSelected = false;
if (isRowSelected && $.inArray(col_ind, sel.columns[ind]) != -1) isCellSelected = true;
rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data'+ (isCellSelected ? ' w2ui-selected' : '') + (isChanged ? ' w2ui-changed' : '') +'" col="'+ col_ind +'" '+
' style="'+ addStyle + (typeof col.style != 'undefined' ? col.style : '') +'" '+
(typeof col.attr != 'undefined' ? col.attr : '') +'>'+
rec_cell +
if (typeof this.columns[col_ind] == 'undefined') break;
rec_html += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last"></td>';
rec_html += '</tr>';
return rec_html;
getCellHTML: function (ind, col_ind, summary) {
var col = this.columns[col_ind];
var record = (summary !== true ? this.records[ind] : this.summary[ind]);
var data = this.getCellValue(ind, col_ind, summary);
var edit = col.editable;
// various renderers
if (typeof col.render != 'undefined') {
if (typeof col.render == 'function') {
data = $.trim(col.render.call(this, record, ind, col_ind));
if (data.length < 4 || data.substr(0, 4).toLowerCase() != '<div') data = '<div>' + data + '</div>';
if (typeof col.render == 'object') data = '<div>' + (col.render[data] || '') + '</div>';
if (typeof col.render == 'string') {
var tmp = col.render.toLowerCase().split(':');
var prefix = '';
var suffix = '';
if (['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(tmp[0]) != -1) {
if (typeof tmp[1] == 'undefined' || !w2utils.isInt(tmp[1])) tmp[1] = 0;
if (tmp[1] > 20) tmp[1] = 20;
if (tmp[1] < 0) tmp[1] = 0;
if (['money', 'currency'].indexOf(tmp[0]) != -1) { tmp[1] = w2utils.settings.currencyPrecision; prefix = w2utils.settings.currencyPrefix; suffix = w2utils.settings.currencySuffix }
if (tmp[0] == 'percent') { suffix = '%'; if (tmp[1] !== '0') tmp[1] = 1; }
if (tmp[0] == 'int') { tmp[1] = 0; }
// format
data = '<div>' + (data !== '' ? prefix + w2utils.formatNumber(Number(data).toFixed(tmp[1])) + suffix : '') + '</div>';
if (tmp[0] == 'time') {
if (typeof tmp[1] == 'undefined' || tmp[1] == '') tmp[1] = w2utils.settings.time_format;
data = '<div>' + prefix + w2utils.formatTime(data, tmp[1] == 'h12' ? 'hh:mi pm': 'h24:min') + suffix + '</div>';
if (tmp[0] == 'date') {
if (typeof tmp[1] == 'undefined' || tmp[1] == '') tmp[1] = w2utils.settings.date_display;
data = '<div>' + prefix + w2utils.formatDate(data, tmp[1]) + suffix + '</div>';
if (tmp[0] == 'age') {
data = '<div>' + prefix + w2utils.age(data) + suffix + '</div>';
if (tmp[0] == 'toggle') {
data = '<div>' + prefix + (data ? 'Yes' : '') + suffix + '</div>';
} else {
// if editable checkbox
var addStyle = '';
if (edit && ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) {
var changeInd = summary ? -(ind + 1) : ind;
addStyle = 'text-align: center';
data = '<input type="checkbox" '+ (data ? 'checked' : '') +' onclick="' +
' var obj = w2ui[\''+ this.name + '\']; '+
' obj.editChange.call(obj, this, '+ changeInd +', '+ col_ind +', event); ' +
if (!this.show.recordTitles) {
var data = '<div style="'+ addStyle +'">'+ data +'</div>';
} else {
// title overwrite
var title = String(data).replace(/"/g, "''");
if (typeof col.title != 'undefined') {
if (typeof col.title == 'function') title = col.title.call(this, record, ind, col_ind);
if (typeof col.title == 'string') title = col.title;
var data = '<div title="'+ w2utils.stripTags(title) +'" style="'+ addStyle +'">'+ data +'</div>';
if (data == null || typeof data == 'undefined') data = '';
return data;
getCellValue: function (ind, col_ind, summary) {
var col = this.columns[col_ind];
var record = (summary !== true ? this.records[ind] : this.summary[ind]);
var data = this.parseField(record, col.field);
if (record.changes && typeof record.changes[col.field] != 'undefined') data = record.changes[col.field];
if (data == null || typeof data == 'undefined') data = '';
return data;
getFooterHTML: function () {
return '<div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-footer-left"></div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-footer-right"></div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-footer-center"></div>'+
status: function (msg) {
if (typeof msg != 'undefined') {
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer').find('.w2ui-footer-left').html(msg);
} else {
// show number of selected
var msgLeft = '';
var sel = this.getSelection();
if (sel.length > 0) {
msgLeft = String(sel.length).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,") + ' ' + w2utils.lang('selected');
var tmp = sel[0];
if (typeof tmp == 'object') tmp = tmp.recid + ', '+ w2utils.lang('Column') +': '+ tmp.column;
if (sel.length == 1) msgLeft = w2utils.lang('Record ID') + ': '+ tmp + ' ';
$('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer .w2ui-footer-left').html(msgLeft);
// toolbar
if (sel.length == 1) this.toolbar.enable('w2ui-edit'); else this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-edit');
if (sel.length >= 1) this.toolbar.enable('w2ui-delete'); else this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-delete');
lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
var box = $(this.box).find('> div:first-child');
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
setTimeout(function () { w2utils.lock.apply(window, args); }, 10);
unlock: function () {
var box = this.box;
setTimeout(function () { w2utils.unlock(box); }, 25); // needed timer so if server fast, it will not flash
stateSave: function (returnOnly) {
if (!localStorage) return null;
var state = {
columns : [],
show : $.extend({}, this.show),
last : {
search : this.last.search,
multi : this.last.multi,
logic : this.last.logic,
caption : this.last.caption,
field : this.last.field,
scrollTop : this.last.scrollTop,
scrollLeft : this.last.scrollLeft
sortData : [],
searchData : []
for (var i in this.columns) {
var col = this.columns[i];
field : col.field,
hidden : col.hidden,
size : col.size,
sizeCalculated : col.sizeCalculated,
sizeOriginal : col.sizeOriginal,
sizeType : col.sizeType
for (var i in this.sortData) state.sortData.push($.extend({}, this.sortData[i]));
for (var i in this.searchData) state.searchData.push($.extend({}, this.searchData[i]));
// save into local storage
if (returnOnly !== true) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'stateSave', target: this.name, state: state });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) { if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' }); return; }
try {
var savedState = $.parseJSON(localStorage.w2ui || '{}');
if (!savedState) savedState = {};
if (!savedState.states) savedState.states = {};
savedState.states[this.name] = state;
localStorage.w2ui = JSON.stringify(savedState);
} catch (e) {
delete localStorage.w2ui;
return null;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return state;
stateRestore: function (newState) {
var obj = this;
if (!newState) {
// read it from local storage
try {
if (!localStorage) return false;
var tmp = $.parseJSON(localStorage.w2ui || '{}');
if (!tmp) tmp = {};
if (!tmp.states) tmp.states = {};
newState = tmp.states[this.name];
} catch (e) {
delete localStorage.w2ui;
return null;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'stateRestore', target: this.name, state: newState });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) { if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' }); return; }
// default behavior
if ($.isPlainObject(newState)) {
$.extend(this.show, newState.show);
$.extend(this.last, newState.last);
var sTop = this.last.scrollTop;
var sLeft = this.last.scrollLeft;
for (var c in newState.columns) {
var tmp = newState.columns[c];
var col = this.getColumn(tmp.field);
if (col) $.extend(col, tmp);
this.sortData.splice(0, this.sortData.length);
for (var c in newState.sortData) this.sortData.push(newState.sortData[c]);
this.searchData.splice(0, this.searchData.length);
for (var c in newState.searchData) this.searchData.push(newState.searchData[c]);
// apply sort and search
setTimeout(function () {
// needs timeout as records need to be populated
if (obj.sortData.length > 0) obj.localSort();
if (obj.searchData.length > 0) obj.localSearch();
obj.last.scrollTop = sTop;
obj.last.scrollLeft = sLeft;
}, 1);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return true;
stateReset: function () {
// remove from local storage
if (localStorage) {
try {
var tmp = $.parseJSON(localStorage.w2ui || '{}');
if (tmp.states && tmp.states[this.name]) {
delete tmp.states[this.name];
localStorage.w2ui = JSON.stringify(tmp);
} catch (e) {
delete localStorage.w2ui;
return null;
parseField: function (obj, field) {
var val = '';
try { // need this to make sure no error in fields
val = obj;
var tmp = String(field).split('.');
for (var i in tmp) {
val = val[tmp[i]];
} catch (event) {
val = '';
return val;
prepareData: function () {
// loops thru records and prepares date and time objects
for (var r in this.records) {
var rec = this.records[r];
for (var c in this.columns) {
var column = this.columns[c];
if (rec[column.field] == null || typeof column.render != 'string') continue;
// number
if (['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
if (typeof rec[column.field] != 'number') rec[column.field] = parseFloat(rec[column.field]);
// date
if (['date', 'age'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
if (!rec[column.field + '_']) {
var dt = rec[column.field];
if (w2utils.isInt(dt)) dt = parseInt(dt);
rec[column.field + '_'] = new Date(dt);
// time
if (['time'].indexOf(column.render) != -1) {
if (w2utils.isTime(rec[column.field])) { // if string
var tmp = w2utils.isTime(rec[column.field], true);
var dt = new Date();
dt.setHours(tmp.hours, tmp.minutes, (tmp.seconds ? tmp.seconds : 0), 0); // sets hours, min, sec, mills
if (!rec[column.field + '_']) rec[column.field + '_'] = dt;
} else { // if date object
var tmp = rec[column.field];
if (w2utils.isInt(tmp)) tmp = parseInt(tmp);
var tmp = (tmp != null ? new Date(tmp) : new Date());
var dt = new Date();
dt.setHours(tmp.getHours(), tmp.getMinutes(), tmp.getSeconds(), 0); // sets hours, min, sec, mills
if (!rec[column.field + '_']) rec[column.field + '_'] = dt;
nextCell: function (col_ind, editable) {
var check = col_ind + 1;
if (this.columns.length == check) return null;
if (editable === true) {
var edit = this.columns[check].editable;
if (this.columns[check].hidden || typeof edit == 'undefined'
|| (edit && ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1)) return this.nextCell(check, editable);
return check;
prevCell: function (col_ind, editable) {
var check = col_ind - 1;
if (check < 0) return null;
if (editable === true) {
var edit = this.columns[check].editable;
if (this.columns[check].hidden || typeof edit == 'undefined'
|| (edit && ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1)) return this.prevCell(check, editable);
return check;
nextRow: function (ind) {
if ((ind + 1 < this.records.length && this.last.searchIds.length == 0) // if there are more records
|| (this.last.searchIds.length > 0 && ind < this.last.searchIds[this.last.searchIds.length-1])) {
if (this.last.searchIds.length > 0) {
while (true) {
if ($.inArray(ind, this.last.searchIds) != -1 || ind > this.records.length) break;
return ind;
} else {
return null;
prevRow: function (ind) {
if ((ind > 0 && this.last.searchIds.length == 0) // if there are more records
|| (this.last.searchIds.length > 0 && ind > this.last.searchIds[0])) {
if (this.last.searchIds.length > 0) {
while (true) {
if ($.inArray(ind, this.last.searchIds) != -1 || ind < 0) break;
return ind;
} else {
return null;
$.extend(w2grid.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.grid = w2grid;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2layout - layout widget
* - $().w2layout - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2toolbar, w2tabs
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - onResize for the panel
* - add more panel title positions (left=rotated, right=rotated, bottom)
* - bug: resizer is visible (and onHover) when panel is hidden.
* - bug: when you assign content before previous transition completed.
(function () {
var w2layout = function (options) {
this.box = null; // DOM Element that holds the element
this.name = null; // unique name for w2ui
this.panels = [];
this.tmp = {};
this.padding = 1; // panel padding
this.resizer = 4; // resizer width or height
this.style = '';
this.onShow = null;
this.onHide = null;
this.onResizing = null;
this.onResizerClick = null;
this.onRender = null;
this.onRefresh = null;
this.onResize = null;
this.onDestroy = null;
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.layout, options);
/* @const */ var w2layout_panels = ['top', 'left', 'main', 'preview', 'right', 'bottom'];
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2layout = function(method) {
if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
// check name parameter
if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2layout')) return;
var panels = method.panels || [];
var object = new w2layout(method);
$.extend(object, { handlers: [], panels: [] });
// add defined panels
for (var p = 0, len = panels.length; p < len; p++) {
object.panels[p] = $.extend(true, {}, w2layout.prototype.panel, panels[p]);
if ($.isPlainObject(object.panels[p].tabs) || $.isArray(object.panels[p].tabs)) initTabs(object, panels[p].type);
if ($.isPlainObject(object.panels[p].toolbar) || $.isArray(object.panels[p].toolbar)) initToolbar(object, panels[p].type);
// add all other panels
for (var p1 in w2layout_panels) {
p1 = w2layout_panels[p1];
if (object.get(p1) !== null) continue;
object.panels.push($.extend(true, {}, w2layout.prototype.panel, { type: p1, hidden: (p1 !== 'main'), size: 50 }));
if ($(this).length > 0) {
w2ui[object.name] = object;
return object;
} else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return this;
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2layout' );
function initTabs(object, panel, tabs) {
var pan = object.get(panel);
if (pan !== null && typeof tabs == 'undefined') tabs = pan.tabs;
if (pan === null || tabs === null) return false;
// instanciate tabs
if ($.isArray(tabs)) tabs = { tabs: tabs };
$().w2destroy(object.name + '_' + panel + '_tabs'); // destroy if existed
pan.tabs = $().w2tabs($.extend({}, tabs, { owner: object, name: object.name + '_' + panel + '_tabs' }));
pan.show.tabs = true;
return true;
function initToolbar(object, panel, toolbar) {
var pan = object.get(panel);
if (pan !== null && typeof toolbar == 'undefined') toolbar = pan.toolbar;
if (pan === null || toolbar === null) return false;
// instanciate toolbar
if ($.isArray(toolbar)) toolbar = { items: toolbar };
$().w2destroy(object.name + '_' + panel + '_toolbar'); // destroy if existed
pan.toolbar = $().w2toolbar($.extend({}, toolbar, { owner: object, name: object.name + '_' + panel + '_toolbar' }));
pan.show.toolbar = true;
return true;
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
w2layout.prototype = {
// default setting for a panel
panel: {
type : null, // left, right, top, bottom
title : '',
size : 100, // width or height depending on panel name
minSize : 20,
maxSize : false,
hidden : false,
resizable : false,
overflow : 'auto',
style : '',
content : '', // can be String or Object with .render(box) method
tabs : null,
toolbar : null,
width : null, // read only
height : null, // read only
show : {
toolbar : false,
tabs : false
onRefresh : null,
onShow : null,
onHide : null
// alias for content
html: function (panel, data, transition) {
return this.content(panel, data, transition);
content: function (panel, data, transition) {
var obj = this;
var p = this.get(panel);
// if it is CSS panel
if (panel == 'css') {
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_css').html('<style>'+ data +'</style>');
return true;
if (p === null) return false;
if (typeof data == 'undefined' || data === null) {
return p.content;
} else {
if (data instanceof jQuery) {
console.log('ERROR: You can not pass jQuery object to w2layout.content() method');
return false;
var pname = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ p.type;
var current = $(pname + '> .w2ui-panel-content');
var panelTop = 0;
if (current.length > 0) {
panelTop = $(current).position().top;
if (p.content === '') {
p.content = data;
} else {
p.content = data;
if (!p.hidden) {
if (transition !== null && transition !== '' && typeof transition != 'undefined') {
// apply transition
var div1 = $(pname + '> .w2ui-panel-content');
div1.after('<div class="w2ui-panel-content new-panel" style="'+ div1[0].style.cssText +'"></div>');
var div2 = $(pname + '> .w2ui-panel-content.new-panel');
div1.css('top', panelTop);
div2.css('top', panelTop);
if (typeof data == 'object') {
data.box = div2[0]; // do not do .render(box);
} else {
w2utils.transition(div1[0], div2[0], transition, function () {
div2.css('overflow', p.overflow);
// IE Hack
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 100);
// IE Hack
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 100);
return true;
load: function (panel, url, transition, onLoad) {
var obj = this;
if (panel == 'css') {
$.get(url, function (data, status, xhr) { // should always be $.get as it is template
obj.content(panel, xhr.responseText);
if (onLoad) onLoad();
return true;
if (this.get(panel) !== null) {
$.get(url, function (data, status, xhr) { // should always be $.get as it is template
obj.content(panel, xhr.responseText, transition);
if (onLoad) onLoad();
// IE Hack
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 100);
return true;
return false;
sizeTo: function (panel, size) {
var obj = this;
var pan = obj.get(panel);
if (pan === null) return false;
// resize
$(obj.box).find(' > div > .w2ui-panel').css({
'-webkit-transition' : '.2s',
'-moz-transition' : '.2s',
'-ms-transition' : '.2s',
'-o-transition' : '.2s'
setTimeout(function () {
obj.set(panel, { size: size });
}, 1);
// clean
setTimeout(function () {
$(obj.box).find(' > div > .w2ui-panel').css({
'-webkit-transition' : '0s',
'-moz-transition' : '0s',
'-ms-transition' : '0s',
'-o-transition' : '0s'
}, 500);
return true;
show: function (panel, immediate) {
var obj = this;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'show', target: panel, object: this.get(panel), immediate: immediate });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
var p = obj.get(panel);
if (p === null) return false;
p.hidden = false;
if (immediate === true) {
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '1' });
if (p.resizable) $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).show();
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
if (p.resizable) $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).show();
// resize
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '0' });
$(obj.box).find(' > div > .w2ui-panel').css({
'-webkit-transition' : '.2s',
'-moz-transition' : '.2s',
'-ms-transition' : '.2s',
'-o-transition' : '.2s'
setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 1);
// show
setTimeout(function() {
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+ panel).css({ 'opacity': '1' });
}, 250);
// clean
setTimeout(function () {
$(obj.box).find(' > div > .w2ui-panel').css({
'-webkit-transition' : '0s',
'-moz-transition' : '0s',
'-ms-transition' : '0s',
'-o-transition' : '0s'
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 500);
return true;
hide: function (panel, immediate) {
var obj = this;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'hide', target: panel, object: this.get(panel), immediate: immediate });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
var p = obj.get(panel);
if (p === null) return false;
p.hidden = true;
if (immediate === true) {
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '0' });
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).hide();
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).hide();
// hide
$(obj.box).find(' > div > .w2ui-panel').css({
'-webkit-transition' : '.2s',
'-moz-transition' : '.2s',
'-ms-transition' : '.2s',
'-o-transition' : '.2s'
$('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '0' });
setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 1);
// clean
setTimeout(function () {
$(obj.box).find(' > div > .w2ui-panel').css({
'-webkit-transition' : '0s',
'-moz-transition' : '0s',
'-ms-transition' : '0s',
'-o-transition' : '0s'
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 500);
return true;
toggle: function (panel, immediate) {
var p = this.get(panel);
if (p === null) return false;
if (p.hidden) return this.show(panel, immediate); else return this.hide(panel, immediate);
set: function (panel, options) {
var obj = this.get(panel, true);
if (obj === null) return false;
$.extend(this.panels[obj], options);
if (typeof options['content'] != 'undefined') this.refresh(panel); // refresh only when content changed
this.resize(); // resize is needed when panel size is changed
return true;
get: function (panel, returnIndex) {
for (var p in this.panels) {
if (this.panels[p].type == panel) {
if (returnIndex === true) return p; else return this.panels[p];
return null;
el: function (panel) {
var el = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> .w2ui-panel-content');
if (el.length != 1) return null;
return el[0];
hideToolbar: function (panel) {
var pan = this.get(panel);
if (!pan) return;
pan.show.toolbar = false;
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> .w2ui-panel-toolbar').hide();
showToolbar: function (panel) {
var pan = this.get(panel);
if (!pan) return;
pan.show.toolbar = true;
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> .w2ui-panel-toolbar').show();
toggleToolbar: function (panel) {
var pan = this.get(panel);
if (!pan) return;
if (pan.show.toolbar) this.hideToolbar(panel); else this.showToolbar(panel);
hideTabs: function (panel) {
var pan = this.get(panel);
if (!pan) return;
pan.show.tabs = false;
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> .w2ui-panel-tabs').hide();
showTabs: function (panel) {
var pan = this.get(panel);
if (!pan) return;
pan.show.tabs = true;
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> .w2ui-panel-tabs').show();
toggleTabs: function (panel) {
var pan = this.get(panel);
if (!pan) return;
if (pan.show.tabs) this.hideTabs(panel); else this.showTabs(panel);
render: function (box) {
var obj = this;
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: obj.name, box: box });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (typeof box != 'undefined' && box !== null) {
if ($(obj.box).find('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_main').length > 0) {
obj.box = box;
if (!obj.box) return false;
.attr('name', obj.name)
if ($(obj.box).length > 0) $(obj.box)[0].style.cssText += obj.style;
// create all panels
for (var p1 in w2layout_panels) {
p1 = w2layout_panels[p1];
var pan = obj.get(p1);
var html = '<div id="layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_'+ p1 +'" class="w2ui-panel">'+
' <div class="w2ui-panel-title"></div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-panel-tabs"></div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-panel-toolbar"></div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-panel-content"></div>'+
'<div id="layout_'+ obj.name + '_resizer_'+ p1 +'" class="w2ui-resizer"></div>';
$(obj.box).find(' > div').append(html);
// tabs are rendered in refresh()
$(obj.box).find(' > div')
.append('<div id="layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_css" style="position: absolute; top: 10000px;"></div');
obj.refresh(); // if refresh is not called here, the layout will not be available right after initialization
// process event
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// reinit events
setTimeout(function () { // needed this timeout to allow browser to render first if there are tabs or toolbar
}, 0);
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
function initEvents() {
obj.tmp.events = {
resize : function (event) {
resizeStart : resizeStart,
mouseMove : resizeMove,
mouseUp : resizeStop
$(window).on('resize', obj.tmp.events.resize);
function resizeStart(type, evnt) {
if (!obj.box) return;
if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
if (!window.addEventListener) { window.document.attachEvent('onselectstart', function() { return false; } ); }
$(document).off('mousemove', obj.tmp.events.mouseMove).on('mousemove', obj.tmp.events.mouseMove);
$(document).off('mouseup', obj.tmp.events.mouseUp).on('mouseup', obj.tmp.events.mouseUp);
obj.tmp.resize = {
type : type,
x : evnt.screenX,
y : evnt.screenY,
diff_x : 0,
diff_y : 0,
value : 0
// lock all panels
for (var p1 in w2layout_panels) {
p1 = w2layout_panels[p1];
obj.lock(p1, { opacity: 0 });
if (type == 'left' || type == 'right') {
obj.tmp.resize.value = parseInt($('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+ type)[0].style.left);
if (type == 'top' || type == 'preview' || type == 'bottom') {
obj.tmp.resize.value = parseInt($('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+ type)[0].style.top);
function resizeStop(evnt) {
if (!obj.box) return;
if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
if (!window.addEventListener) { window.document.attachEvent('onselectstart', function() { return false; } ); }
$(document).off('mousemove', obj.tmp.events.mouseMove);
$(document).off('mouseup', obj.tmp.events.mouseUp);
if (typeof obj.tmp.resize == 'undefined') return;
// unlock all panels
for (var p1 in w2layout_panels) {
// set new size
if (obj.tmp.diff_x !== 0 || obj.tmp.resize.diff_y !== 0) { // only recalculate if changed
var ptop = obj.get('top');
var pbottom = obj.get('bottom');
var panel = obj.get(obj.tmp.resize.type);
var height = parseInt($(obj.box).height());
var width = parseInt($(obj.box).width());
var str = String(panel.size);
var ns, nd;
switch (obj.tmp.resize.type) {
case 'top':
ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) + obj.tmp.resize.diff_y;
nd = 0;
case 'bottom':
ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) - obj.tmp.resize.diff_y;
nd = 0;
case 'preview':
ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) - obj.tmp.resize.diff_y;
nd = (ptop && !ptop.hidden ? ptop.sizeCalculated : 0) +
(pbottom && !pbottom.hidden ? pbottom.sizeCalculated : 0);
case 'left':
ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) + obj.tmp.resize.diff_x;
nd = 0;
case 'right':
ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) - obj.tmp.resize.diff_x;
nd = 0;
// set size
if (str.substr(str.length-1) == '%') {
panel.size = Math.floor(ns * 100 /
(panel.type == 'left' || panel.type == 'right' ? width : height - nd) * 100) / 100 + '%';
} else {
panel.size = ns;
$('#layout_'+ obj.name + '_resizer_'+ obj.tmp.resize.type).removeClass('active');
delete obj.tmp.resize;
function resizeMove(evnt) {
if (!obj.box) return;
if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
if (typeof obj.tmp.resize == 'undefined') return;
var panel = obj.get(obj.tmp.resize.type);
// event before
var tmp = obj.tmp.resize;
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizing', target: obj.name, object: panel, originalEvent: evnt,
panel: tmp ? tmp.type : 'all', diff_x: tmp ? tmp.diff_x : 0, diff_y: tmp ? tmp.diff_y : 0 });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
var p = $('#layout_'+ obj.name + '_resizer_'+ tmp.type);
var resize_x = (evnt.screenX - tmp.x);
var resize_y = (evnt.screenY - tmp.y);
var mainPanel = obj.get('main');
if (!p.hasClass('active')) p.addClass('active');
switch (tmp.type) {
case 'left':
if (panel.minSize - resize_x > panel.width) {
resize_x = panel.minSize - panel.width;
if (panel.maxSize && (panel.width + resize_x > panel.maxSize)) {
resize_x = panel.maxSize - panel.width;
if (mainPanel.minSize + resize_x > mainPanel.width) {
resize_x = mainPanel.width - mainPanel.minSize;
case 'right':
if (panel.minSize + resize_x > panel.width) {
resize_x = panel.width - panel.minSize;
if (panel.maxSize && (panel.width - resize_x > panel.maxSize)) {
resize_x = panel.width - panel.maxSize;
if (mainPanel.minSize - resize_x > mainPanel.width) {
resize_x = mainPanel.minSize - mainPanel.width;
case 'top':
if (panel.minSize - resize_y > panel.height) {
resize_y = panel.minSize - panel.height;
if (panel.maxSize && (panel.height + resize_y > panel.maxSize)) {
resize_y = panel.maxSize - panel.height;
if (mainPanel.minSize + resize_y > mainPanel.height) {
resize_y = mainPanel.height - mainPanel.minSize;
case 'preview':
case 'bottom':
if (panel.minSize + resize_y > panel.height) {
resize_y = panel.height - panel.minSize;
if (panel.maxSize && (panel.height - resize_y > panel.maxSize)) {
resize_y = panel.height - panel.maxSize;
if (mainPanel.minSize - resize_y > mainPanel.height) {
resize_y = mainPanel.minSize - mainPanel.height;
tmp.diff_x = resize_x;
tmp.diff_y = resize_y;
switch (tmp.type) {
case 'top':
case 'preview':
case 'bottom':
tmp.diff_x = 0;
if (p.length > 0) p[0].style.top = (tmp.value + tmp.diff_y) + 'px';
case 'left':
case 'right':
tmp.diff_y = 0;
if (p.length > 0) p[0].style.left = (tmp.value + tmp.diff_x) + 'px';
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
refresh: function (panel) {
var obj = this;
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
if (typeof panel == 'undefined') panel = null;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof panel != 'undefined' ? panel : obj.name), object: obj.get(panel) });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// obj.unlock(panel);
if (typeof panel == 'string') {
var p = obj.get(panel);
if (p === null) return;
var pname = '#layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_'+ p.type;
var rname = '#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+ p.type;
// apply properties to the panel
$(pname).css({ display: p.hidden ? 'none' : 'block' });
if (p.resizable) $(rname).show(); else $(rname).hide();
// insert content
if (typeof p.content == 'object' && typeof p.content.render === 'function') {
p.content.box = $(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-content')[0];
setTimeout(function () {
// need to remove unnecessary classes
if ($(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-content').length > 0) {
$(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-content')
.css('overflow', p.overflow)[0].style.cssText += ';' + p.style;
p.content.render(); // do not do .render(box);
}, 1);
} else {
// need to remove unnecessary classes
if ($(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-content').length > 0) {
$(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-content')
.css('overflow', p.overflow)[0].style.cssText += ';' + p.style;
// if there are tabs and/or toolbar - render it
var tmp = $(obj.box).find(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-tabs');
if (p.show.tabs) {
if (tmp.find('[name='+ p.tabs.name +']').length === 0 && p.tabs !== null) tmp.w2render(p.tabs); else p.tabs.refresh();
} else {
tmp = $(obj.box).find(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-toolbar');
if (p.show.toolbar) {
if (tmp.find('[name='+ p.toolbar.name +']').length === 0 && p.toolbar !== null) tmp.w2render(p.toolbar); else p.toolbar.refresh();
} else {
// show title
tmp = $(obj.box).find(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-title');
if (p.title) {
} else {
} else {
if ($('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_main').length == 0) {
// refresh all of them
for (var p1 in this.panels) { obj.refresh(this.panels[p1].type); }
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
resize: function () {
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
if (!this.box) return false;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var tmp = this.tmp.resize;
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name,
panel: tmp ? tmp.type : 'all', diff_x: tmp ? tmp.diff_x : 0, diff_y: tmp ? tmp.diff_y : 0 });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (this.padding < 0) this.padding = 0;
// layout itself
var width = parseInt($(this.box).width());
var height = parseInt($(this.box).height());
$(this.box).find(' > div').css({
width : width + 'px',
height : height + 'px'
var obj = this;
// panels
var pmain = this.get('main');
var pprev = this.get('preview');
var pleft = this.get('left');
var pright = this.get('right');
var ptop = this.get('top');
var pbottom = this.get('bottom');
var smain = true; // main always on
var sprev = (pprev !== null && pprev.hidden !== true ? true : false);
var sleft = (pleft !== null && pleft.hidden !== true ? true : false);
var sright = (pright !== null && pright.hidden !== true ? true : false);
var stop = (ptop !== null && ptop.hidden !== true ? true : false);
var sbottom = (pbottom !== null && pbottom.hidden !== true ? true : false);
var l, t, w, h, e;
// calculate %
for (var p in w2layout_panels) {
p = w2layout_panels[p];
if (p === 'main') continue;
var tmp = this.get(p);
if (!tmp) continue;
var str = String(tmp.size || 0);
if (str.substr(str.length-1) == '%') {
var tmph = height;
if (tmp.type == 'preview') {
tmph = tmph -
(ptop && !ptop.hidden ? ptop.sizeCalculated : 0) -
(pbottom && !pbottom.hidden ? pbottom.sizeCalculated : 0);
tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt((tmp.type == 'left' || tmp.type == 'right' ? width : tmph) * parseFloat(tmp.size) / 100);
} else {
tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt(tmp.size);
tmp.sizeCalculated = Math.max(tmp.sizeCalculated, parseInt(tmp.minSize));
// top if any
if (ptop !== null && ptop.hidden !== true) {
l = 0;
t = 0;
w = width;
h = ptop.sizeCalculated;
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_top').css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px'
ptop.width = w;
ptop.height = h;
// resizer
if (ptop.resizable) {
t = ptop.sizeCalculated - (this.padding === 0 ? this.resizer : 0);
h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_top').show().css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px',
'cursor': 'ns-resize'
}).off('mousedown').on('mousedown', function (event) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizerClick', target: 'top', originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('top', event);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return false;
} else {
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_top').hide();
// left if any
if (pleft !== null && pleft.hidden !== true) {
l = 0;
t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
w = pleft.sizeCalculated;
h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
(sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
e = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left');
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 && e.length > 0 && e[0].clientHeight < e[0].scrollHeight) w += 17; // IE hack
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px'
pleft.width = w;
pleft.height = h;
// resizer
if (pleft.resizable) {
l = pleft.sizeCalculated - (this.padding === 0 ? this.resizer : 0);
w = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_left').show().css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px',
'cursor': 'ew-resize'
}).off('mousedown').on('mousedown', function (event) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizerClick', target: 'left', originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('left', event);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return false;
} else {
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left').hide();
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_left').hide();
// right if any
if (pright !== null && pright.hidden !== true) {
l = width - pright.sizeCalculated;
t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
w = pright.sizeCalculated;
h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
(sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_right').css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px'
pright.width = w;
pright.height = h;
// resizer
if (pright.resizable) {
l = l - this.padding;
w = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_right').show().css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px',
'cursor': 'ew-resize'
}).off('mousedown').on('mousedown', function (event) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizerClick', target: 'right', originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('right', event);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return false;
} else {
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_right').hide();
// bottom if any
if (pbottom !== null && pbottom.hidden !== true) {
l = 0;
t = height - pbottom.sizeCalculated;
w = width;
h = pbottom.sizeCalculated;
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_bottom').css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px'
pbottom.width = w;
pbottom.height = h;
// resizer
if (pbottom.resizable) {
t = t - (this.padding === 0 ? 0 : this.padding);
h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_bottom').show().css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px',
'cursor': 'ns-resize'
}).off('mousedown').on('mousedown', function (event) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizerClick', target: 'bottom', originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('bottom', event);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return false;
} else {
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_bottom').hide();
// main - always there
l = 0 + (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
w = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
(sright ? pright.sizeCalculated + this.padding: 0);
h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
(sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
(sprev ? pprev.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
e = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main');
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 && e.length > 0 && e[0].clientHeight < e[0].scrollHeight) w += 17; // IE hack
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px'
pmain.width = w;
pmain.height = h;
// preview if any
if (pprev !== null && pprev.hidden !== true) {
l = 0 + (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
t = height - (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - pprev.sizeCalculated;
w = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
(sright ? pright.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
h = pprev.sizeCalculated;
e = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview');
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 && e.length > 0 && e[0].clientHeight < e[0].scrollHeight) w += 17; // IE hack
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px'
pprev.width = w;
pprev.height = h;
// resizer
if (pprev.resizable) {
t = t - (this.padding === 0 ? 0 : this.padding);
h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_preview').show().css({
'display': 'block',
'left': l + 'px',
'top': t + 'px',
'width': w + 'px',
'height': h + 'px',
'cursor': 'ns-resize'
}).off('mousedown').on('mousedown', function (event) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizerClick', target: 'preview', originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('preview', event);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return false;
} else {
$('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview').hide();
// display tabs and toolbar if needed
for (var p1 in w2layout_panels) {
p1 = w2layout_panels[p1];
var pan = this.get(p1);
var tmp2 = '#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ p1 +' > .w2ui-panel-';
var tabHeight = 0;
if (pan) {
if (pan.title) {
tabHeight += w2utils.getSize($(tmp2 + 'title').css({ top: tabHeight + 'px', display: 'block' }), 'height');
if (pan.show.tabs) {
if (pan.tabs !== null && w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p1 +'_tabs']) w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p1 +'_tabs'].resize();
tabHeight += w2utils.getSize($(tmp2 + 'tabs').css({ top: tabHeight + 'px', display: 'block' }), 'height');
if (pan.show.toolbar) {
if (pan.toolbar !== null && w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p1 +'_toolbar']) w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p1 +'_toolbar'].resize();
tabHeight += w2utils.getSize($(tmp2 + 'toolbar').css({ top: tabHeight + 'px', display: 'block' }), 'height');
$(tmp2 + 'content').css({ display: 'block' }).css({ top: tabHeight + 'px' });
// send resize to all objects
this._resize_timer = setTimeout(function () {
for (var e in w2ui) {
if (typeof w2ui[e].resize == 'function') {
// sent to all none-layouts
if (w2ui[e].panels == 'undefined') w2ui[e].resize();
// only send to nested layouts
var parent = $(w2ui[e].box).parents('.w2ui-layout');
if (parent.length > 0 && parent.attr('name') == obj.name) w2ui[e].resize();
}, 100);
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
destroy: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (typeof w2ui[this.name] == 'undefined') return false;
// clean up
if ($(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main').length > 0) {
delete w2ui[this.name];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
if (this.tmp.events && this.tmp.events.resize) $(window).off('resize', this.tmp.events.resize);
return true;
lock: function (panel, msg, showSpinner) {
if (w2layout_panels.indexOf(panel) == -1) {
console.log('ERROR: First parameter needs to be the a valid panel name.');
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
args[0] = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_' + panel;
w2utils.lock.apply(window, args);
unlock: function (panel) {
if (w2layout_panels.indexOf(panel) == -1) {
console.log('ERROR: First parameter needs to be the a valid panel name.');
var nm = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_' + panel;
$.extend(w2layout.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.layout = w2layout;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2popup - popup widget
* - $().w2popup - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - transition should include title, body and buttons, not just body
var w2popup = {};
(function () {
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2popup = function(method, options) {
if (typeof method === 'undefined') {
options = {};
method = 'open';
if ($.isPlainObject(method)) {
options = method;
method = 'open';
method = method.toLowerCase();
if (method === 'load' && typeof options === 'string') {
options = $.extend({ url: options }, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {});
if (method === 'open' && options.url != null) method = 'load';
options = options || {};
// load options from markup
var dlgOptions = {};
if ($(this).length > 0) {
if ($(this).find('div[rel=title], div[rel=body], div[rel=buttons]').length > 0) {
if ($(this).find('div[rel=title]').length > 0) {
dlgOptions['title'] = $(this).find('div[rel=title]').html();
if ($(this).find('div[rel=body]').length > 0) {
dlgOptions['body'] = $(this).find('div[rel=body]').html();
dlgOptions['style'] = $(this).find('div[rel=body]')[0].style.cssText;
if ($(this).find('div[rel=buttons]').length > 0) {
dlgOptions['buttons'] = $(this).find('div[rel=buttons]').html();
} else {
dlgOptions['title'] = ' ';
dlgOptions['body'] = $(this).html();
if (parseInt($(this).css('width')) != 0) dlgOptions['width'] = parseInt($(this).css('width'));
if (parseInt($(this).css('height')) != 0) dlgOptions['height'] = parseInt($(this).css('height'));
// show popup
return w2popup[method]($.extend({}, dlgOptions, options));
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality (SINGELTON)
w2popup = {
defaults: {
title : '',
body : '',
buttons : '',
style : '',
color : '#000',
opacity : 0.4,
speed : 0.3,
modal : false,
maximized : false,
keyboard : true, // will close popup on esc if not modal
width : 500,
height : 300,
showClose : true,
showMax : false,
transition: null
status : 'closed', // string that describes current status
handlers : [],
onOpen : null,
onClose : null,
onMax : null,
onMin : null,
onToggle : null,
onKeydown : null,
open: function (options) {
var obj = this;
if (w2popup.status == 'closing') {
setTimeout(function () { obj.open.call(obj, options); }, 100);
// get old options and merge them
var old_options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
var options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, old_options, { title: '', body : '', buttons: '' }, options, { maximized: false });
// need timer because popup might not be open
setTimeout(function () { $('#w2ui-popup').data('options', options); }, 100);
// if new - reset event handlers
if ($('#w2ui-popup').length == 0) {
w2popup.handlers = [];
w2popup.onMax = null;
w2popup.onMin = null;
w2popup.onToggle = null;
w2popup.onOpen = null;
w2popup.onClose = null;
w2popup.onKeydown = null;
if (options.onOpen) w2popup.onOpen = options.onOpen;
if (options.onClose) w2popup.onClose = options.onClose;
if (options.onMax) w2popup.onMax = options.onMax;
if (options.onMin) w2popup.onMin = options.onMin;
if (options.onToggle) w2popup.onToggle = options.onToggle;
if (options.onKeydown) w2popup.onKeydown = options.onKeydown;
if (window.innerHeight == undefined) {
var width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
var height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
if (w2utils.engine === 'IE7') { width += 21; height += 4; }
} else {
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
if (parseInt(width) - 10 < parseInt(options.width)) options.width = parseInt(width) - 10;
if (parseInt(height) - 10 < parseInt(options.height)) options.height = parseInt(height) - 10;
var top = parseInt(((parseInt(height) - parseInt(options.height)) / 2) * 0.6);
var left = parseInt((parseInt(width) - parseInt(options.width)) / 2);
// check if message is already displayed
if ($('#w2ui-popup').length == 0) {
// trigger event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'open', target: 'popup', options: options, present: false });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
w2popup.status = 'opening';
// output message
var btn = '';
if (options.showClose) {
btn += '<div class="w2ui-msg-button w2ui-msg-close" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation()" onclick="w2popup.close()">Close</div>';
if (options.showMax) {
btn += '<div class="w2ui-msg-button w2ui-msg-max" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation()" onclick="w2popup.toggle()">Max</div>';
var msg='<div id="w2ui-popup" class="w2ui-popup" style="opacity: 0; left: '+ left +'px; top: '+ top +'px;'+
' width: ' + parseInt(options.width) + 'px; height: ' + parseInt(options.height) + 'px; '+
' -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); -moz-transform: scale(0.8); -ms-transform: scale(0.8); -o-transform: scale(0.8); "'+
' <div class="w2ui-msg-title" style="'+ (options.title == '' ? 'display: none' : '') +'">' + btn + options.title + '</div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-box1" style="'+ (options.title == '' ? 'top: 0px !important;' : '') +
(options.buttons == '' ? 'bottom: 0px !important;' : '') + '">'+
' <div class="w2ui-msg-body' + (!options.title != '' ? ' w2ui-msg-no-title' : '') +
(!options.buttons != '' ? ' w2ui-msg-no-buttons' : '') + '" style="' + options.style + '">' + options.body + '</div>'+
' </div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-box2" style="' + (options.title == '' ? 'top: 0px !important;' : '') +
(options.buttons == '' ? 'bottom: 0px !important;' : '') + '">'+
' <div class="w2ui-msg-body' + (!options.title != '' ? ' w2ui-msg-no-title' : '') +
(!options.buttons != '' ? ' w2ui-msg-no-buttons' : '') + '" style="' + options.style + '"></div>'+
' </div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-msg-buttons" style="'+ (options.buttons == '' ? 'display: none' : '') +'">' + options.buttons + '</div>'+
// allow element to render
setTimeout(function () {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2').hide();
'-webkit-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -webkit-transform',
'-webkit-transform': 'scale(1)',
'-moz-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -moz-transform',
'-moz-transform': 'scale(1)',
'-ms-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -ms-transform',
'-ms-transform': 'scale(1)',
'-o-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -o-transform',
'-o-transform': 'scale(1)',
'opacity': '1'
}, 1);
// clean transform
setTimeout(function () {
'-webkit-transform': '',
'-moz-transform': '',
'-ms-transform': '',
'-o-transform': ''
// event after
w2popup.status = 'open';
setTimeout(function () {
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 100);
}, options.speed * 1000);
} else {
// trigger event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'open', target: 'popup', options: options, present: true });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// check if size changed
w2popup.status = 'opening';
if (typeof old_options == 'undefined' || old_options['width'] != options['width'] || old_options['height'] != options['height']) {
w2popup.resize(options.width, options.height);
if (typeof old_options != 'undefined') {
options.prevSize = options.width + ':' + options.height;
options.maximized = old_options.maximized;
// show new items
var body = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2 > .w2ui-msg-body').html(options.body);
if (body.length > 0) body[0].style.cssText = options.style;
if (options.buttons != '') {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-buttons').show().html(options.buttons);
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body').removeClass('w2ui-msg-no-buttons');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2').css('bottom', '');
} else {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-buttons').hide().html('');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body').addClass('w2ui-msg-no-buttons');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2').css('bottom', '0px');
if (options.title != '') {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title').show().html(
(options.showClose ? '<div class="w2ui-msg-button w2ui-msg-close" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation()" onclick="w2popup.close()">Close</div>' : '') +
(options.showMax ? '<div class="w2ui-msg-button w2ui-msg-max" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation()" onclick="w2popup.toggle()">Max</div>' : '') +
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body').removeClass('w2ui-msg-no-title');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2').css('top', '');
} else {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title').hide().html('');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body').addClass('w2ui-msg-no-title');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2').css('top', '0px');
// transition
var div_old = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1')[0];
var div_new = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2')[0];
w2utils.transition(div_old, div_new, options.transition);
div_new.className = 'w2ui-box1';
div_old.className = 'w2ui-box2';
// remove max state
$('#w2ui-popup').data('prev-size', null);
// call event onChange
setTimeout(function () {
w2popup.status = 'open';
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 100);
// save new options
options._last_w2ui_name = w2utils.keyboard.active();
// keyboard events
if (options.keyboard) $(document).on('keydown', this.keydown);
// initialize move
var tmp = {
resizing : false,
mvMove : mvMove,
mvStop : mvStop
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title').on('mousedown', function (event) { mvStart(event); })
// handlers
function mvStart(evnt) {
if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
if (!window.addEventListener) { window.document.attachEvent('onselectstart', function() { return false; } ); }
w2popup.status = 'moving';
tmp.resizing = true;
tmp.x = evnt.screenX;
tmp.y = evnt.screenY;
tmp.pos_x = $('#w2ui-popup').position().left;
tmp.pos_y = $('#w2ui-popup').position().top;
w2popup.lock({ opacity: 0 });
$(document).on('mousemove', tmp.mvMove);
$(document).on('mouseup', tmp.mvStop);
if (evnt.stopPropagation) evnt.stopPropagation(); else evnt.cancelBubble = true;
if (evnt.preventDefault) evnt.preventDefault(); else return false;
function mvMove(evnt) {
if (tmp.resizing != true) return;
if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
tmp.div_x = evnt.screenX - tmp.x;
tmp.div_y = evnt.screenY - tmp.y;
'-webkit-transition': 'none',
'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d('+ tmp.div_x +'px, '+ tmp.div_y +'px, 0px)',
'-moz-transition': 'none',
'-moz-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.div_x +'px, '+ tmp.div_y +'px)',
'-ms-transition': 'none',
'-ms-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.div_x +'px, '+ tmp.div_y +'px)',
'-o-transition': 'none',
'-o-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.div_x +'px, '+ tmp.div_y +'px)'
function mvStop(evnt) {
if (tmp.resizing != true) return;
if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
w2popup.status = 'open';
tmp.div_x = (evnt.screenX - tmp.x);
tmp.div_y = (evnt.screenY - tmp.y);
'left': (tmp.pos_x + tmp.div_x) + 'px',
'top': (tmp.pos_y + tmp.div_y) + 'px',
'-webkit-transition': 'none',
'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)',
'-moz-transition': 'none',
'-moz-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
'-ms-transition': 'none',
'-ms-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
'-o-transition': 'none',
'-o-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)'
tmp.resizing = false;
$(document).off('mousemove', tmp.mvMove);
$(document).off('mouseup', tmp.mvStop);
return this;
keydown: function (event) {
var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
if (!options.keyboard) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = w2popup.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'keydown', target: 'popup', options: options, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 27:
if ($('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').length > 0) w2popup.message(); else w2popup.close();
// event after
w2popup.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
close: function (options) {
var obj = this;
var options = $.extend({}, $('#w2ui-popup').data('options'), options);
if ($('#w2ui-popup').length == 0) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'close', target: 'popup', options: options });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
w2popup.status = 'closing';
'-webkit-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -webkit-transform',
'-webkit-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
'-moz-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -moz-transform',
'-moz-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
'-ms-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -ms-transform',
'-ms-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
'-o-transition': options.speed + 's opacity, ' + options.speed + 's -o-transform',
'-o-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
'opacity': '0'
setTimeout(function () {
w2popup.status = 'closed';
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
}, options.speed * 1000);
// restore active
// remove keyboard events
if (options.keyboard) $(document).off('keydown', this.keydown);
toggle: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
// trigger event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'toggle', target: 'popup', options: options });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// defatul action
if (options.maximized === true) w2popup.min(); else w2popup.max();
// event after
setTimeout(function () {
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
}, (options.speed * 1000) + 50);
max: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
if (options.maximized === true) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'max', target: 'popup', options: options });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
w2popup.status = 'resizing';
options.prevSize = $('#w2ui-popup').css('width') + ':' + $('#w2ui-popup').css('height');
// do resize
w2popup.resize(10000, 10000, function () {
w2popup.status = 'open';
options.maximized = true;
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
min: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
if (options.maximized !== true) return;
var size = options.prevSize.split(':');
// trigger event
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'min', target: 'popup', options: options });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
w2popup.status = 'resizing';
// do resize
w2popup.resize(size[0], size[1], function () {
w2popup.status = 'open';
options.maximized = false;
options.prevSize = null;
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
get: function () {
return $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
set: function (options) {
clear: function() {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title').html('');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body').html('');
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-buttons').html('');
reset: function () {
load: function (options) {
w2popup.status = 'loading';
if (String(options.url) == 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: The url parameter is empty.');
var tmp = String(options.url).split('#');
var url = tmp[0];
var selector = tmp[1];
if (String(options) == 'undefined') options = {};
// load url
var html = $('#w2ui-popup').data(url);
if (typeof html != 'undefined' && html != null) {
popup(html, selector);
} else {
$.get(url, function (data, status, obj) { // should always be $.get as it is template
popup(obj.responseText, selector);
$('#w2ui-popup').data(url, obj.responseText); // remember for possible future purposes
function popup(html, selector) {
delete options.url;
$('body').append('<div id="w2ui-tmp" style="display: none">' + html + '</div>');
if (typeof selector != 'undefined' && $('#w2ui-tmp #'+selector).length > 0) {
$('#w2ui-tmp #' + selector).w2popup(options);
} else {
$('#w2ui-tmp > div').w2popup(options);
// link styles
if ($('#w2ui-tmp > style').length > 0) {
var style = $('<div>').append($('#w2ui-tmp > style').clone()).html();
if ($('#w2ui-popup #div-style').length == 0) {
$('#w2ui-popup').append('<div id="div-style" style="position: absolute; left: -100; width: 1px"></div>');
$('#w2ui-popup #div-style').html(style);
message: function (options) {
$().w2tag(); // hide all tags
if (!options) options = { width: 200, height: 100 };
if (parseInt(options.width) < 10) options.width = 10;
if (parseInt(options.height) < 10) options.height = 10;
if (typeof options.hideOnClick == 'undefined') options.hideOnClick = false;
var poptions = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options') || {};
if (typeof options.width == 'undefined' || options.width > poptions.width - 10) options.width = poptions.width - 10;
if (typeof options.height == 'undefined' || options.height > poptions.height - 40) options.height = poptions.height - 40; // title is 30px or so
var head = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title');
var pwidth = parseInt($('#w2ui-popup').width());
var msgCount = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').length;
// remove message
if ($.trim(options.html) == '') {
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ (msgCount-1)).css('z-Index', 250);
var options = $('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ (msgCount-1)).data('options') || {};
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ (msgCount-1)).remove();
if (typeof options.onClose == 'function') options.onClose();
if (msgCount == 1) {
} else {
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ (msgCount-2)).show();
} else {
// hide previous messages
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').hide();
// add message
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1')
.before('<div id="w2ui-message' + msgCount + '" class="w2ui-popup-message" style="display: none; ' +
(head.length == 0 ? 'top: 0px;' : 'top: ' + w2utils.getSize(head, 'height') + 'px;') +
(typeof options.width != 'undefined' ? 'width: ' + options.width + 'px; left: ' + ((pwidth - options.width) / 2) + 'px;' : 'left: 10px; right: 10px;') +
(typeof options.height != 'undefined' ? 'height: ' + options.height + 'px;' : 'bottom: 6px;') +
'-webkit-transition: .3s; -moz-transition: .3s; -ms-transition: .3s; -o-transition: .3s;"' +
(options.hideOnClick === true ? 'onclick="w2popup.message();"' : '') + '>' +
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ msgCount).data('options', options);
var display = $('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ msgCount).css('display');
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ msgCount).css({
'-webkit-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)' : 'translateY(0px)'),
'-moz-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)' : 'translateY(0px)'),
'-ms-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)' : 'translateY(0px)'),
'-o-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)' : 'translateY(0px)')
if (display == 'none') {
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ msgCount).show().html(options.html);
// timer needs to animation
setTimeout(function () {
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ msgCount).css({
'-webkit-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)' : 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)'),
'-moz-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)' : 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)'),
'-ms-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)' : 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)'),
'-o-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)' : 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)')
}, 1);
// timer for lock
setTimeout(function() {
$('#w2ui-popup #w2ui-message'+ msgCount).css({
'-webkit-transition': '0s', '-moz-transition': '0s', '-ms-transition': '0s', '-o-transition': '0s',
'z-Index': 1500
}); // has to be on top of lock
if (msgCount == 0) w2popup.lock();
if (typeof options.onOpen == 'function') options.onOpen();
}, 300);
lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
w2utils.lock.apply(window, args);
unlock: function () {
lockScreen: function (options) {
if ($('#w2ui-lock').length > 0) return false;
if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {};
options = $.extend({}, w2popup.defaults, options);
// show element
$('body').append('<div id="w2ui-lock" ' +
' onmousewheel="if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true; if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else return false;"'+
' style="position: ' + (w2utils.engine == 'IE5' ? 'absolute' : 'fixed') + '; z-Index: 1199; left: 0px; top: 0px; ' +
' padding: 0px; margin: 0px; background-color: ' + options.color + '; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0;"></div>');
// lock screen
setTimeout(function () {
'-webkit-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'-moz-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'-ms-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'-o-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'opacity': options.opacity
}, 1);
// add events
if (options.modal == true) {
$('#w2ui-lock').on('mousedown', function () {
'-webkit-transition': '.1s',
'-moz-transition': '.1s',
'-ms-transition': '.1s',
'-o-transition': '.1s',
'opacity': '0.6'
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
$('#w2ui-lock').on('mouseup', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
'-webkit-transition': '.1s',
'-moz-transition': '.1s',
'-ms-transition': '.1s',
'-o-transition': '.1s',
'opacity': options.opacity
}, 100);
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
} else {
$('#w2ui-lock').on('mouseup', function () { w2popup.close(); });
return true;
unlockScreen: function (options) {
if ($('#w2ui-lock').length == 0) return false;
if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {};
options = $.extend({}, w2popup.defaults, options);
'-webkit-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'-moz-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'-ms-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'-o-transition': options.speed + 's opacity',
'opacity': 0
setTimeout(function () {
}, options.speed * 1000);
return true;
resize: function (width, height, callBack) {
var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
// calculate new position
if (parseInt($(window).width()) - 10 < parseInt(width)) width = parseInt($(window).width()) - 10;
if (parseInt($(window).height()) - 10 < parseInt(height)) height = parseInt($(window).height()) - 10;
var top = ((parseInt($(window).height()) - parseInt(height)) / 2) * 0.8;
var left = (parseInt($(window).width()) - parseInt(width)) / 2;
// resize there
'-webkit-transition': options.speed + 's width, ' + options.speed + 's height, ' + options.speed + 's left, ' + options.speed + 's top',
'-moz-transition': options.speed + 's width, ' + options.speed + 's height, ' + options.speed + 's left, ' + options.speed + 's top',
'-ms-transition': options.speed + 's width, ' + options.speed + 's height, ' + options.speed + 's left, ' + options.speed + 's top',
'-o-transition': options.speed + 's width, ' + options.speed + 's height, ' + options.speed + 's left, ' + options.speed + 's top',
'top': top,
'left': left,
'width': width,
'height': height
setTimeout(function () {
options.width = width;
options.height = height;
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
}, (options.speed * 1000) + 50); // give extra 50 ms
// merge in event handling
$.extend(w2popup, w2utils.event);
// ============================================
// --- Common dialogs
var w2alert = function (msg, title, callBack) {
if (title == null) title = w2utils.lang('Notification');
if ($('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 && w2popup.status != 'closing') {
width : 400,
height : 170,
html : '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 45px; overflow: auto">' +
' <div class="w2ui-centered" style="font-size: 13px;">' + msg + '</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 7px; left: 0px; right: 0px; text-align: center; padding: 5px">' +
' <button onclick="w2popup.message();" class="w2ui-popup-btn btn">' + w2utils.lang('Ok') + '</button>' +
onClose : function () {
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
} else {
width : 450,
height : 220,
showMax : false,
showClose : false,
title : title,
body : '<div class="w2ui-centered" style="font-size: 13px;">' + msg + '</div>',
buttons : '<button onclick="w2popup.close();" class="w2ui-popup-btn btn">' + w2utils.lang('Ok') + '</button>',
onClose : function () {
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
var w2confirm = function (msg, title, callBack) {
var options = {};
var defaults = {
msg : '',
title : w2utils.lang('Confirmation'),
width : ($('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 ? 400 : 450),
height : ($('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 ? 170 : 220),
yes_text : 'Yes',
yes_class : '',
yes_style : '',
yes_callBack: null,
no_text : 'No',
no_class : '',
no_style : '',
no_callBack : null,
callBack : null
if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof msg == 'object') {
$.extend(options, defaults, msg);
} else {
if (typeof title == 'function') {
$.extend(options, defaults, {
msg : msg,
callBack: title
} else {
$.extend(options, defaults, {
msg : msg,
title : title,
callBack: callBack
if ($('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 && w2popup.status != 'closing') {
if (options.width > w2popup.get().width) options.width = w2popup.get().width;
if (options.height > (w2popup.get().height - 50)) options.height = w2popup.get().height - 50;
width : options.width,
height : options.height,
html : '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 40px; overflow: auto">' +
' <div class="w2ui-centered" style="font-size: 13px;">' + options.msg + '</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 7px; left: 0px; right: 0px; text-align: center; padding: 5px">' +
' <button id="Yes" class="w2ui-popup-btn btn '+ options.yes_class +'" style="'+ options.yes_style +'">' + w2utils.lang(options.yes_text) + '</button>' +
' <button id="No" class="w2ui-popup-btn btn '+ options.no_class +'" style="'+ options.no_style +'">' + w2utils.lang(options.no_text) + '</button>' +
onOpen: function () {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message .btn').on('click', function (event) {
if (typeof options.callBack == 'function') options.callBack(event.target.id);
if (event.target.id == 'Yes' && typeof options.yes_callBack == 'function') options.yes_callBack();
if (event.target.id == 'No' && typeof options.no_callBack == 'function') options.no_callBack();
onKeydown: function (event) {
switch (event.originalEvent.keyCode) {
case 13: // enter
if (typeof options.callBack == 'function') options.callBack('Yes');
if (typeof options.yes_callBack == 'function') options.yes_callBack();
case 27: // esc
if (typeof options.callBack == 'function') options.callBack('No');
if (typeof options.no_callBack == 'function') options.no_callBack();
} else {
if (!w2utils.isInt(options.height)) options.height = options.height + 50;
width : options.width,
height : options.height,
title : options.title,
modal : true,
showClose : false,
body : '<div class="w2ui-centered" style="font-size: 13px;">' + options.msg + '</div>',
buttons : '<button id="Yes" class="w2ui-popup-btn btn '+ options.yes_class +'" style="'+ options.yes_style +'">'+ w2utils.lang(options.yes_text) +'</button>'+
'<button id="No" class="w2ui-popup-btn btn '+ options.no_class +'" style="'+ options.no_style +'">'+ w2utils.lang(options.no_text) +'</button>',
onOpen: function (event) {
event.onComplete = function () {
$('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-btn').on('click', function (event) {
if (typeof options.callBack == 'function') options.callBack(event.target.id);
if (event.target.id == 'Yes' && typeof options.yes_callBack == 'function') options.yes_callBack();
if (event.target.id == 'No' && typeof options.no_callBack == 'function') options.no_callBack();
onKeydown: function (event) {
switch (event.originalEvent.keyCode) {
case 13: // enter
if (typeof options.callBack == 'function') options.callBack('Yes');
if (typeof options.yes_callBack == 'function') options.yes_callBack();
case 27: // esc
if (typeof options.callBack == 'function') options.callBack('No');
if (typeof options.no_callBack == 'function') options.no_callBack();
return {
yes: function (fun) {
options.yes_callBack = fun;
return this;
no: function (fun) {
options.no_callBack = fun;
return this;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2tabs - tabs widget
* - $().w2tabs - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - on overflow display << >>
(function () {
var w2tabs = function (options) {
this.box = null; // DOM Element that holds the element
this.name = null; // unique name for w2ui
this.active = null;
this.tabs = [];
this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
this.right = '';
this.style = '';
this.onClick = null;
this.onClose = null;
this.onRender = null;
this.onRefresh = null;
this.onResize = null;
this.onDestroy = null;
$.extend(this, { handlers: [] });
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.tabs, options);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2tabs = function(method) {
if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
// check name parameter
if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2tabs')) return;
// extend tabs
var tabs = method.tabs || [];
var object = new w2tabs(method);
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
object.tabs[i] = $.extend({}, w2tabs.prototype.tab, tabs[i]);
if ($(this).length !== 0) {
// register new object
w2ui[object.name] = object;
return object;
} else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return this;
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2tabs' );
return undefined;
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
w2tabs.prototype = {
tab : {
id : null, // command to be sent to all event handlers
text : '',
route : null,
hidden : false,
disabled : false,
closable : false,
hint : '',
onClick : null,
onRefresh : null,
onClose : null
add: function (tab) {
return this.insert(null, tab);
insert: function (id, tab) {
if (!$.isArray(tab)) tab = [tab];
// assume it is array
for (var i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) {
// checks
if (typeof tab[i].id === 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied. (obj: '+ this.name +')');
if (!w2utils.checkUniqueId(tab[i].id, this.tabs, 'tabs', this.name)) return;
// add tab
var newTab = $.extend({}, w2tabs.prototype.tab, tab[i]);
if (id === null || typeof id === 'undefined') {
} else {
var middle = this.get(id, true);
this.tabs = this.tabs.slice(0, middle).concat([newTab], this.tabs.slice(middle));
remove: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!tab) return false;
// remove from array
this.tabs.splice(this.get(tab.id, true), 1);
// remove from screen
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).remove();
return removed;
select: function (id) {
if (this.active == id || this.get(id) === null) return false;
this.active = id;
return true;
set: function (id, tab) {
var index = this.get(id, true);
if (index === null) return false;
$.extend(this.tabs[index], tab);
return true;
get: function (id, returnIndex) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var all = [];
for (var i1 = 0; i1 < this.tabs.length; i1++) {
if (this.tabs[i1].id != null) {
return all;
} else {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.tabs.length; i2++) {
if (this.tabs[i2].id == id) { // need to be == since id can be numeric
return (returnIndex === true ? i2 : this.tabs[i2]);
return null;
show: function () {
var obj = this;
var shown = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!tab || tab.hidden === false) continue;
tab.hidden = false;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return shown;
hide: function () {
var obj = this;
var hidden= 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!tab || tab.hidden === true) continue;
tab.hidden = true;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return hidden;
enable: function () {
var obj = this;
var enabled = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!tab || tab.disabled === false) continue;
tab.disabled = false;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return enabled;
disable: function () {
var obj = this;
var disabled = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!tab || tab.disabled === true) continue;
tab.disabled = true;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return disabled;
refresh: function (id) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof id !== 'undefined' ? id : this.name), object: this.get(id) });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (typeof id === 'undefined') {
// refresh all
for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) this.refresh(this.tabs[i].id);
} else {
// create or refresh only one item
var tab = this.get(id);
if (tab === null) return false;
if (typeof tab.caption !== 'undefined') tab.text = tab.caption;
var jq_el = $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id));
var tabHTML = (tab.closable ? '<div class="w2ui-tab-close" onclick="w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].animateClose(\''+ tab.id +'\', event);"></div>' : '') +
' <div class="w2ui-tab'+ (this.active === tab.id ? ' active' : '') + (tab.closable ? ' closable' : '') +'" '+
' title="'+ (typeof tab.hint !== 'undefined' ? tab.hint : '') +'"'+
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\'].click(\''+ tab.id +'\', event);">' + tab.text + '</div>';
if (jq_el.length === 0) {
// does not exist - create it
var addStyle = '';
if (tab.hidden) { addStyle += 'display: none;'; }
if (tab.disabled) { addStyle += 'opacity: 0.2; -moz-opacity: 0.2; -webkit-opacity: 0.2; -o-opacity: 0.2; filter:alpha(opacity=20);'; }
var html = '<td id="tabs_'+ this.name + '_tab_'+ tab.id +'" style="'+ addStyle +'" valign="middle">'+ tabHTML + '</td>';
if (this.get(id, true) !== this.tabs.length-1 && $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).length > 0) {
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).before(html);
} else {
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
} else {
// refresh
if (tab.hidden) { jq_el.css('display', 'none'); }
else { jq_el.css('display', ''); }
if (tab.disabled) { jq_el.css({ 'opacity': '0.2', '-moz-opacity': '0.2', '-webkit-opacity': '0.2', '-o-opacity': '0.2', 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=20)' }); }
else { jq_el.css({ 'opacity': '1', '-moz-opacity': '1', '-webkit-opacity': '1', '-o-opacity': '1', 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=100)' }); }
// right html
$('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').html(this.right);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
render: function (box) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
if (typeof box !== 'undefined' && box !== null) {
if ($(this.box).find('> table #tabs_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs')
this.box = box;
if (!this.box) return false;
// render all buttons
var html = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%">'+
' <tr><td width="100%" id="tabs_'+ this.name +'_right" align="right">'+ this.right +'</td></tr>'+
.attr('name', this.name)
.addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs')
if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
resize: function () {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// intentionaly blank
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
destroy: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// clean up
if ($(this.box).find('> table #tabs_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs')
delete w2ui[this.name];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// ===================================================
// -- Internal Event Handlers
click: function (id, event) {
var tab = this.get(id);
if (tab === null || tab.disabled) return false;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: id, tab: tab, object: tab, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.active) +' .w2ui-tab').removeClass('active');
this.active = tab.id;
// route processing
if (tab.route) {
var route = String('/'+ tab.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(route);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
if (this.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue;
route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
setTimeout(function () { window.location.hash = route; }, 1);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
animateClose: function(id, event) {
var tab = this.get(id);
if (tab === null || tab.disabled) return false;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'close', target: id, object: this.get(id), originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
var obj = this;
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).css({
'-webkit-transition': '.2s',
'-moz-transition': '2s',
'-ms-transition': '.2s',
'-o-transition': '.2s',
opacity: '0' });
setTimeout(function () {
var width = $(obj.box).find('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).width();
$(obj.box).find('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id))
.html('<div style="width: '+ width +'px; -webkit-transition: .2s; -moz-transition: .2s; -ms-transition: .2s; -o-transition: .2s"></div>');
setTimeout(function () {
$(obj.box).find('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).find(':first-child').css({ 'width': '0px' });
}, 50);
}, 200);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 450);
// event before
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
animateInsert: function(id, tab) {
if (this.get(id) === null) return;
if (!$.isPlainObject(tab)) return;
// check for unique
if (!w2utils.checkUniqueId(tab.id, this.tabs, 'tabs', this.name)) return;
// insert simple div
var jq_el = $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id));
if (jq_el.length !== 0) return; // already exists
// measure width
if (typeof tab.caption !== 'undefined') tab.text = tab.caption;
var tmp = '<div id="_tmp_tabs" class="w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs" style="position: absolute; top: -1000px;">'+
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%"><tr>'+
'<td id="_tmp_simple_tab" style="" valign="middle">'+
(tab.closable ? '<div class="w2ui-tab-close"></div>' : '') +
' <div class="w2ui-tab '+ (this.active === tab.id ? 'active' : '') +'">'+ tab.text +'</div>'+
// create dummy element
var tabHTML = '<div style="width: 1px; -webkit-transition: 0.2s; -moz-transition: 0.2s; -ms-transition: 0.2s; -o-transition: 0.2s;"> </div>';
var addStyle = '';
if (tab.hidden) { addStyle += 'display: none;'; }
if (tab.disabled) { addStyle += 'opacity: 0.2; -moz-opacity: 0.2; -webkit-opacity: 0.2; -o-opacity: 0.2; filter:alpha(opacity=20);'; }
var html = '<td id="tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ tab.id +'" style="'+ addStyle +'" valign="middle">'+ tabHTML +'</td>';
if (this.get(id, true) !== this.tabs.length && $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))].id)).length > 0) {
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))].id)).before(html);
} else {
$(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
// -- move
var obj = this;
setTimeout(function () {
var width = $('#_tmp_simple_tab').width();
$('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id) +' > div').css('width', width+'px');
}, 1);
setTimeout(function () {
// insert for real
obj.insert(id, tab);
}, 200);
$.extend(w2tabs.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.tabs = w2tabs;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2toolbar - toolbar widget
* - $().w2toolbar - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - on overflow display << >>
* - verticle toolbar
(function () {
var w2toolbar = function (options) {
this.box = null; // DOM Element that holds the element
this.name = null; // unique name for w2ui
this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
this.items = [];
this.right = ''; // HTML text on the right of toolbar
this.onClick = null;
this.onRender = null;
this.onRefresh = null;
this.onResize = null;
this.onDestroy = null;
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.toolbar, options);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2toolbar = function(method) {
if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
// check name parameter
if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2toolbar')) return;
// extend items
var items = method.items || [];
var object = new w2toolbar(method);
$.extend(object, { items: [], handlers: [] });
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
object.items[i] = $.extend({}, w2toolbar.prototype.item, items[i]);
if ($(this).length !== 0) {
// register new object
w2ui[object.name] = object;
return object;
} else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return this;
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2toolbar' );
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
w2toolbar.prototype = {
item: {
id : null, // command to be sent to all event handlers
type : 'button', // button, check, radio, drop, menu, break, html, spacer
text : '',
route : null, // if not null, it is route to go
html : '',
img : null,
icon : null,
count : null,
hidden : false,
disabled : false,
checked : false, // used for radio buttons
arrow : true, // arrow down for drop/menu types
hint : '',
group : null, // used for radio buttons
items : null, // for type menu it is an array of items in the menu
overlay : {},
onClick : null
add: function (items) {
this.insert(null, items);
insert: function (id, items) {
if (!$.isArray(items)) items = [items];
for (var o = 0; o < items.length; o++) {
// checks
if (typeof items[o].type === 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" is required but not supplied in w2toolbar.add() method.');
if ($.inArray(String(items[o].type), ['button', 'check', 'radio', 'drop', 'menu', 'break', 'html', 'spacer']) === -1) {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" should be one of the following [button, check, radio, drop, menu, break, html, spacer] '+
'in w2toolbar.add() method.');
if (typeof items[o].id === 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied in w2toolbar.add() method.');
if (!w2utils.checkUniqueId(items[o].id, this.items, 'toolbar items', this.name)) return;
// add item
var it = $.extend({}, w2toolbar.prototype.item, items[o]);
if (id == null) {
} else {
var middle = this.get(id, true);
this.items = this.items.slice(0, middle).concat([it], this.items.slice(middle));
remove: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
// remove from screen
$(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id)).remove();
// remove from array
var ind = this.get(it.id, true);
if (ind) this.items.splice(ind, 1);
return removed;
set: function (id, item) {
var index = this.get(id, true);
if (index === null) return false;
$.extend(this.items[index], item);
return true;
get: function (id, returnIndex) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var all = [];
for (var i1 = 0; i1 < this.items.length; i1++) if (this.items[i1].id !== null) all.push(this.items[i1].id);
return all;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.items.length; i2++) {
if (this.items[i2].id === id) {
if (returnIndex === true) return i2; else return this.items[i2];
return null;
show: function () {
var obj = this;
var items = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
it.hidden = false;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return items;
hide: function () {
var obj = this;
var items = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
it.hidden = true;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return items;
enable: function () {
var obj = this;
var items = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
it.disabled = false;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return items;
disable: function () {
var obj = this;
var items = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
it.disabled = true;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return items;
check: function () {
var obj = this;
var items = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
it.checked = true;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return items;
uncheck: function () {
var obj = this;
var items = 0;
var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (!it) continue;
it.checked = false;
setTimeout(function () { for (var t in tmp) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
return items;
render: function (box) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (box != null) {
if ($(this.box).find('> table #tb_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
this.box = box;
if (!this.box) return;
// render all buttons
var html = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'+
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
var it = this.items[i];
if (it.id == null) it.id = "item_" + i;
if (it === null) continue;
if (it.type === 'spacer') {
html += '<td width="100%" id="tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ it.id +'" align="right"></td>';
} else {
html += '<td id="tb_'+ this.name + '_item_'+ it.id +'" style="'+ (it.hidden ? 'display: none' : '') +'" '+
' class="'+ (it.disabled ? 'disabled' : '') +'" valign="middle">'+ this.getItemHTML(it) +
html += '<td width="100%" id="tb_'+ this.name +'_right" align="right">'+ this.right +'</td>';
html += '</tr>'+
.attr('name', this.name)
.addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
refresh: function (id) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof id !== 'undefined' ? id : this.name), item: this.get(id) });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (id == null) {
// refresh all
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
var it1 = this.items[i];
if (it1.id == null) it1.id = "item_" + i;
// create or refresh only one item
var it = this.get(id);
if (it === null) return false;
var el = $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
var html = this.getItemHTML(it);
if (el.length === 0) {
// does not exist - create it
if (it.type === 'spacer') {
html = '<td width="100%" id="tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ it.id +'" align="right"></td>';
} else {
html = '<td id="tb_'+ this.name + '_item_'+ it.id +'" style="'+ (it.hidden ? 'display: none' : '') +'" '+
' class="'+ (it.disabled ? 'disabled' : '') +'" valign="middle">'+ html +
if (this.get(id, true) === this.items.length-1) {
$(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
} else {
$(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.items[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).before(html);
} else {
// refresh
if (it.hidden) { el.css('display', 'none'); } else { el.css('display', ''); }
if (it.disabled) { el.addClass('disabled'); } else { el.removeClass('disabled'); }
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
resize: function () {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// intentionaly blank
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
destroy: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// clean up
if ($(this.box).find('> table #tb_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
delete w2ui[this.name];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// ========================================
// --- Internal Functions
getItemHTML: function (item) {
var html = '';
if (typeof item.caption !== 'undefined') item.text = item.caption;
if (typeof item.hint === 'undefined') item.hint = '';
if (typeof item.text === 'undefined') item.text = '';
switch (item.type) {
case 'menu':
case 'button':
case 'check':
case 'radio':
case 'drop':
var img = '<td> </td>';
if (item.img) img = '<td><div class="w2ui-tb-image w2ui-icon '+ item.img +'"></div></td>';
if (item.icon) img = '<td><div class="w2ui-tb-image"><span class="'+ item.icon +'"></span></div></td>';
html += '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" title="'+ item.hint +'" class="w2ui-button '+ (item.checked ? 'checked' : '') +'" '+
' onclick = "var el=w2ui[\''+ this.name + '\']; if (el) el.click(\''+ item.id +'\', event);" '+
' onmouseover = "' + (!item.disabled ? "$(this).addClass('over');" : "") + '"'+
' onmouseout = "' + (!item.disabled ? "$(this).removeClass('over').removeClass('down');" : "") + '"'+
' onmousedown = "' + (!item.disabled ? "$(this).addClass('down');" : "") + '"'+
' onmouseup = "' + (!item.disabled ? "$(this).removeClass('down');" : "") + '"'+
' <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">'+
' <tr>' +
img +
(item.text !== '' ? '<td class="w2ui-tb-caption" nowrap>'+ item.text +'</td>' : '') +
(item.count != null ? '<td class="w2ui-tb-count" nowrap><span>'+ item.count +'</span></td>' : '') +
(((item.type === 'drop' || item.type === 'menu') && item.arrow !== false) ?
'<td class="w2ui-tb-down" nowrap><div></div></td>' : '') +
' </tr></table>'+
case 'break':
html += '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'+
' <td><div class="w2ui-break"> </div></td>'+
case 'html':
html += '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'+
' <td nowrap>' + item.html + '</td>'+
var newHTML = '';
if (typeof item.onRender === 'function') newHTML = item.onRender.call(this, item.id, html);
if (typeof this.onRender === 'function') newHTML = this.onRender(item.id, html);
if (newHTML !== '' && newHTML != null) html = newHTML;
return html;
menuClick: function (event) {
var obj = this;
if (event.item && !event.item.disabled) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: event.item.id + ':' + event.subItem.id, item: event.item,
subItem: event.subItem, originalEvent: event.originalEvent });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// route processing
var it = event.subItem;
if (it.route) {
var route = String('/'+ it.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(route);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
if (obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue;
route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
setTimeout(function () { window.location.hash = route; }, 1);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
click: function (id, event) {
var obj = this;
var it = this.get(id);
if (it && !it.disabled) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: (typeof id !== 'undefined' ? id : this.name),
item: it, object: it, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
var btn = $('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button');
if (it.type === 'radio') {
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
var itt = this.items[i];
if (itt == null || itt.id === it.id || itt.type !== 'radio') continue;
if (itt.group === it.group && itt.checked) {
itt.checked = false;
it.checked = true;
if (it.type === 'drop' || it.type === 'menu') {
if (it.checked) {
// if it was already checked, second click will hide it
it.checked = false;
} else {
// show overlay
setTimeout(function () {
var el = $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
if (!$.isPlainObject(it.overlay)) it.overlay = {};
var left = (el.width() - 50) / 2;
if (left > 19) left = 19;
if (it.type === 'drop') {
el.w2overlay(it.html, $.extend({ left: left, top: 3 }, it.overlay));
if (it.type === 'menu') {
el.w2menu(it.items, $.extend({ left: left, top: 3 }, it.overlay, {
select: function (event) {
obj.menuClick({ item: it, subItem: event.item, originalEvent: event.originalEvent });
// window.click to hide it
$(document).on('click', hideDrop);
function hideDrop() {
$(document).off('click', hideDrop);
it.checked = false;
}, 1);
if (it.type === 'check' || it.type === 'drop' || it.type === 'menu') {
it.checked = !it.checked;
if (it.checked) {
} else {
// route processing
if (it.route) {
var route = String('/'+ it.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(route);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
setTimeout(function () { window.location.hash = route; }, 1);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
$.extend(w2toolbar.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.toolbar = w2toolbar;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2sidebar - sidebar widget
* - $().w2sidebar - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - return ids of all subitems
* - add find() method to find nodes by a specific criteria (I want all nodes for exampe)
* - dbl click should be like it is in grid (with timer not HTML dbl click event)
* - reorder with grag and drop
* - add route property that would navigate to a #route
* - node.style is missleading - should be there to apply color for example
(function () {
var w2sidebar = function (options) {
this.name = null;
this.box = null;
this.sidebar = null;
this.parent = null;
this.nodes = []; // Sidebar child nodes
this.menu = [];
this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
this.selected = null; // current selected node (readonly)
this.img = null;
this.icon = null;
this.style = '';
this.topHTML = '';
this.bottomHTML = '';
this.keyboard = true;
this.onClick = null; // Fire when user click on Node Text
this.onDblClick = null; // Fire when user dbl clicks
this.onContextMenu = null;
this.onMenuClick = null; // when context menu item selected
this.onExpand = null; // Fire when node Expands
this.onCollapse = null; // Fire when node Colapses
this.onKeydown = null;
this.onRender = null;
this.onRefresh = null;
this.onResize = null;
this.onDestroy = null;
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.sidebar, options);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2sidebar = function(method) {
if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
// check name parameter
if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2sidebar')) return;
// extend items
var nodes = method.nodes;
var object = new w2sidebar(method);
$.extend(object, { handlers: [], nodes: [] });
if (typeof nodes != 'undefined') {
object.add(object, nodes);
if ($(this).length !== 0) {
object.sidebar = object;
// register new object
w2ui[object.name] = object;
return object;
} else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return this;
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2sidebar' );
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
w2sidebar.prototype = {
node: {
id : null,
text : '',
count : null,
img : null,
icon : null,
nodes : [],
style : '', // additional style for subitems
route : null,
selected : false,
expanded : false,
hidden : false,
disabled : false,
group : false, // if true, it will build as a group
groupShowHide : true,
plus : false, // if true, plus will be shown even if there is no sub nodes
// events
onClick : null,
onDblClick : null,
onContextMenu : null,
onExpand : null,
onCollapse : null,
// internal
parent : null, // node object
sidebar : null
add: function (parent, nodes) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
// need to be in reverse order
nodes = arguments[0];
parent = this;
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
return this.insert(parent, null, nodes);
insert: function (parent, before, nodes) {
var txt, ind, tmp, node, nd;
if (arguments.length == 2) {
// need to be in reverse order
nodes = arguments[1];
before = arguments[0];
ind = this.get(before);
if (ind === null) {
if (!$.isArray(nodes)) nodes = [nodes];
txt = (nodes[0].caption != null ? nodes[0].caption : nodes[0].text);
console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because cannot find node "'+ before +'" to insert before.');
return null;
parent = this.get(before).parent;
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
if (!$.isArray(nodes)) nodes = [nodes];
for (var o in nodes) {
node = nodes[o];
if (typeof node.id == null) {
txt = (node.caption != null ? node.caption : node.text);
console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because it has no id.');
if (this.get(this, node.id) !== null) {
txt = (node.caption != null ? node.caption : node.text);
console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node with id='+ node.id +' (text: '+ txt + ') because another node with the same id already exists.');
tmp = $.extend({}, w2sidebar.prototype.node, node);
tmp.sidebar = this;
tmp.parent = parent;
nd = tmp.nodes || [];
tmp.nodes = []; // very important to re-init empty nodes array
if (before === null) { // append to the end
} else {
ind = this.get(parent, before, true);
if (ind === null) {
txt = (node.caption != null ? node.caption : node.text);
console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because cannot find node "'+ before +'" to insert before.');
return null;
parent.nodes.splice(ind, 0, tmp);
if (nd.length > 0) {
this.insert(tmp, null, nd);
return tmp;
remove: function () { // multiple arguments
var deleted = 0;
var tmp;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (tmp === null) continue;
if (this.selected !== null && this.selected === tmp.id) {
this.selected = null;
var ind = this.get(tmp.parent, arguments[a], true);
if (ind === null) continue;
if (tmp.parent.nodes[ind].selected) tmp.sidebar.unselect(tmp.id);
tmp.parent.nodes.splice(ind, 1);
if (deleted > 0 && arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(tmp.parent.id); else this.refresh();
return deleted;
set: function (parent, id, node) {
if (arguments.length == 2) {
// need to be in reverse order
node = id;
id = parent;
parent = this;
// searches all nested nodes
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
if (parent.nodes == null) return null;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
if (parent.nodes[i].id === id) {
// make sure nodes inserted correctly
var nodes = node.nodes;
$.extend(parent.nodes[i], node, { nodes: [] });
if (nodes != null) {
this.add(parent.nodes[i], nodes);
return true;
} else {
var rv = this.set(parent.nodes[i], id, node);
if (rv) return true;
return false;
get: function (parent, id, returnIndex) { // can be just called get(id) or get(id, true)
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var all = [];
var tmp = this.find({});
for (var t = 0; t < tmp.length; t++) {
if (tmp[t].id != null) all.push(tmp[t].id);
return all;
} else {
if (arguments.length == 1 || (arguments.length == 2 && id === true) ) {
// need to be in reverse order
returnIndex = id;
id = parent;
parent = this;
// searches all nested nodes
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
if (parent.nodes == null) return null;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
if (parent.nodes[i].id == id) {
if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return parent.nodes[i];
} else {
var rv = this.get(parent.nodes[i], id, returnIndex);
if (rv || rv === 0) return rv;
return null;
find: function (parent, params, results) { // can be just called find({ selected: true })
if (arguments.length == 1) {
// need to be in reverse order
params = parent;
parent = this;
if (!results) results = [];
// searches all nested nodes
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
if (parent.nodes == null) return results;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
var match = true;
for (var prop in params) {
if (parent.nodes[i][prop] != params[prop]) match = false;
if (match) results.push(parent.nodes[i]);
if (parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) results = this.find(parent.nodes[i], params, results);
return results;
hide: function () { // multiple arguments
var hidden = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (tmp === null) continue;
tmp.hidden = true;
if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
return hidden;
show: function () { // multiple arguments
var shown = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (tmp === null) continue;
tmp.hidden = false;
if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
return shown;
disable: function () { // multiple arguments
var disabled = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (tmp === null) continue;
tmp.disabled = true;
if (tmp.selected) this.unselect(tmp.id);
if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
return disabled;
enable: function () { // multiple arguments
var enabled = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
if (tmp === null) continue;
tmp.disabled = false;
if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
return enabled;
select: function (id) {
var new_node = this.get(id);
if (!new_node) return false;
if (this.selected == id && new_node.selected) return false;
$(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id))
new_node.selected = true;
this.selected = id;
return true;
unselect: function (id) {
var current = this.get(id);
if (!current) return false;
current.selected = false;
$(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id))
if (this.selected == id) this.selected = null;
return true;
toggle: function(id) {
var nd = this.get(id);
if (nd === null) return false;
if (nd.plus) {
this.set(id, { plus: false });
if (nd.nodes.length === 0) return false;
if (this.get(id).expanded) return this.collapse(id); else return this.expand(id);
collapse: function (id) {
var obj = this;
var nd = this.get(id);
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'collapse', target: id, object: nd });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
$(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +'_sub').slideUp(200);
$(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +' .w2ui-node-dots:first-child').html('<div class="w2ui-expand">+</div>');
nd.expanded = false;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
setTimeout(function () { obj.refresh(id); }, 200);
return true;
collapseAll: function (parent) {
if (typeof parent == 'undefined') parent = this;
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
if (parent.nodes == null) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
if (parent.nodes[i].expanded === true) parent.nodes[i].expanded = false;
if (parent.nodes[i].nodes && parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) this.collapseAll(parent.nodes[i]);
return true;
expand: function (id) {
var obj = this;
var nd = this.get(id);
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'expand', target: id, object: nd });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
$(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +'_sub').slideDown(200);
$(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +' .w2ui-node-dots:first-child').html('<div class="w2ui-expand">-</div>');
nd.expanded = true;
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
setTimeout(function () { obj.refresh(id); }, 200);
return true;
expandAll: function (parent) {
if (typeof parent == 'undefined') parent = this;
if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
if (parent.nodes == null) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
if (parent.nodes[i].expanded === false) parent.nodes[i].expanded = true;
if (parent.nodes[i].nodes && parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) this.collapseAll(parent.nodes[i]);
expandParents: function (id) {
var node = this.get(id);
if (node === null) return false;
if (node.parent) {
node.parent.expanded = true;
return true;
click: function (id, event) {
var obj = this;
var nd = this.get(id);
if (nd === null) return;
if (nd.disabled || nd.group) return; // should click event if already selected
// unselect all previsously
$(obj.box).find('.w2ui-node.w2ui-selected').each(function (index, el) {
var oldID = $(el).attr('id').replace('node_', '');
var oldNode = obj.get(oldID);
if (oldNode != null) oldNode.selected = false;
// select new one
var newNode = $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id));
var oldNode = $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(obj.selected));
// need timeout to allow rendering
setTimeout(function () {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: id, originalEvent: event, node: nd, object: nd });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
// restore selection
// default action
if (oldNode !== null) oldNode.selected = false;
obj.get(id).selected = true;
obj.selected = id;
// route processing
if (nd.route) {
var route = String('/'+ nd.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(route);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
if (obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue;
route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
setTimeout(function () { window.location.hash = route; }, 1);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 1);
keydown: function (event) {
var obj = this;
var nd = obj.get(obj.selected);
if (!nd || obj.keyboard !== true) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'keydown', target: obj.name, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behaviour
if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 32) { // enter or space
if (nd.nodes.length > 0) obj.toggle(obj.selected);
if (event.keyCode == 37) { // left
if (nd.nodes.length > 0 && nd.expanded) {
} else {
if (!nd.parent.group) obj.collapse(nd.parent.id);
if (event.keyCode == 39) { // right
if ((nd.nodes.length > 0 || nd.plus) && !nd.expanded) obj.expand(obj.selected);
if (event.keyCode == 38) { // up
selectNode(neighbor(nd, prev));
if (event.keyCode == 40) { // down
selectNode(neighbor(nd, next));
// cancel event if needed
if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [13, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40]) != -1) {
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
function selectNode (node, event) {
if (node !== null && !node.hidden && !node.disabled && !node.group) {
obj.click(node.id, event);
setTimeout(function () { obj.scrollIntoView(); }, 50);
function neighbor (node, neighborFunc) {
node = neighborFunc(node);
while (node !== null && (node.hidden || node.disabled)) {
if (node.group) break; else node = neighborFunc(node);
return node;
function next (node, noSubs) {
if (node === null) return null;
var parent = node.parent;
var ind = obj.get(node.id, true);
var nextNode = null;
// jump inside
if (node.expanded && node.nodes.length > 0 && noSubs !== true) {
var t = node.nodes[0];
if (t.hidden || t.disabled || t.group) nextNode = next(t); else nextNode = t;
} else {
if (parent && ind + 1 < parent.nodes.length) {
nextNode = parent.nodes[ind + 1];
} else {
nextNode = next(parent, true); // jump to the parent
if (nextNode !== null && (nextNode.hidden || nextNode.disabled || nextNode.group)) nextNode = next(nextNode);
return nextNode;
function prev (node) {
if (node === null) return null;
var parent = node.parent;
var ind = obj.get(node.id, true);
var prevNode = (ind > 0) ? lastChild(parent.nodes[ind - 1]) : parent;
if (prevNode !== null && (prevNode.hidden || prevNode.disabled || prevNode.group)) prevNode = prev(prevNode);
return prevNode;
function lastChild (node) {
if (node.expanded && node.nodes.length > 0) {
var t = node.nodes[node.nodes.length - 1];
if (t.hidden || t.disabled || t.group) return prev(t); else return lastChild(t);
return node;
scrollIntoView: function (id) {
if (typeof id == 'undefined') id = this.selected;
var nd = this.get(id);
if (nd === null) return;
var body = $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div');
var item = $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id));
var offset = item.offset().top - body.offset().top;
if (offset + item.height() > body.height()) {
body.animate({ 'scrollTop': body.scrollTop() + body.height() / 1.3 }, 250, 'linear');
if (offset <= 0) {
body.animate({ 'scrollTop': body.scrollTop() - body.height() / 1.3 }, 250, 'linear');
dblClick: function (id, event) {
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
var nd = this.get(id);
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'dblClick', target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
contextMenu: function (id, event) {
var obj = this;
var nd = obj.get(id);
if (id != obj.selected) obj.click(id);
// need timeout to allow click to finish first
setTimeout(function () {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'contextMenu', target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
if (nd.group || nd.disabled) return;
if (obj.menu.length > 0) {
$(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id))
.w2menu(obj.menu, {
left : (event ? event.offsetX || event.pageX : 50) - 25,
onSelect: function (event) {
obj.menuClick(id, parseInt(event.index), event.originalEvent);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 150); // need timer 150 for FF
menuClick: function (itemId, index, event) {
var obj = this;
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'menuClick', target: itemId, originalEvent: event, menuIndex: index, menuItem: obj.menu[index] });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
// -- empty
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
render: function (box) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
if (typeof box != 'undefined' && box !== null) {
if ($(this.box).find('> div > div.w2ui-sidebar-div').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar')
this.box = box;
if (!this.box) return;
.attr('name', this.name)
.addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar')
'<div class="w2ui-sidebar-top"></div>' +
'<div class="w2ui-sidebar-div"></div>'+
'<div class="w2ui-sidebar-bottom"></div>'+
$(this.box).find('> div').css({
width : $(this.box).width() + 'px',
height: $(this.box).height() + 'px'
if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
// adjust top and bottom
if (this.topHTML !== '') {
.css('top', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').height() + 'px');
if (this.bottomHTML !== '') {
.css('bottom', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').height() + 'px');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// ---
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
refresh: function (id) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof id != 'undefined' ? id : this.name) });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// adjust top and bottom
if (this.topHTML !== '') {
.css('top', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').height() + 'px');
if (this.bottomHTML !== '') {
.css('bottom', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').height() + 'px');
// default action
$(this.box).find('> div').css({
width : $(this.box).width() + 'px',
height: $(this.box).height() + 'px'
var obj = this;
var node, nd;
var nm;
if (typeof id == 'undefined') {
node = this;
nm = '.w2ui-sidebar-div';
} else {
node = this.get(id);
if (node === null) return;
nm = '#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(node.id) + '_sub';
var nodeHTML;
if (node !== this) {
var tmp = '#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(node.id);
nodeHTML = getNodeHTML(node);
$(this.box).find(tmp).before('<div id="sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp"></div>');
$('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp').before(nodeHTML);
$('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp').remove();
// refresh sub nodes
for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) {
nd = node.nodes[i];
nodeHTML = getNodeHTML(nd);
if (nd.nodes.length !== 0) { this.refresh(nd.id); }
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
function getNodeHTML(nd) {
var html = '';
var img = nd.img;
if (img === null) img = this.img;
var icon = nd.icon;
if (icon === null) icon = this.icon;
// -- find out level
var tmp = nd.parent;
var level = 0;
while (tmp && tmp.parent !== null) {
if (tmp.group) level--;
tmp = tmp.parent;
if (typeof nd.caption != 'undefined') nd.text = nd.caption;
if (nd.group) {
html =
'<div class="w2ui-node-group" id="node_'+ nd.id +'"'+
' onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].toggle(\''+ nd.id +'\')"'+
' onmouseout="$(this).find(\'span:nth-child(1)\').css(\'color\', \'transparent\')" '+
' onmouseover="$(this).find(\'span:nth-child(1)\').css(\'color\', \'inherit\')">'+
(nd.groupShowHide ? '<span>'+ (!nd.hidden && nd.expanded ? w2utils.lang('Hide') : w2utils.lang('Show')) +'</span>' : '<span></span>') +
' <span>'+ nd.text +'</span>'+
'<div class="w2ui-node-sub" id="node_'+ nd.id +'_sub" style="'+ nd.style +';'+ (!nd.hidden && nd.expanded ? '' : 'display: none;') +'"></div>';
} else {
if (nd.selected && !nd.disabled) obj.selected = nd.id;
tmp = '';
if (img) tmp = '<div class="w2ui-node-image w2ui-icon '+ img + (nd.selected && !nd.disabled ? " w2ui-icon-selected" : "") +'"></div>';
if (icon) tmp = '<div class="w2ui-node-image"><span class="'+ icon +'"></span></div>';
html =
'<div class="w2ui-node '+ (nd.selected ? 'w2ui-selected' : '') +' '+ (nd.disabled ? 'w2ui-disabled' : '') +'" id="node_'+ nd.id +'" style="'+ (nd.hidden ? 'display: none;' : '') +'"'+
' ondblclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].dblClick(\''+ nd.id +'\', event);"'+
' oncontextmenu="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].contextMenu(\''+ nd.id +'\', event); '+
' if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();"'+
' onClick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].click(\''+ nd.id +'\', event); ">'+
'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left:'+ (level*18) +'px; padding-right:'+ (level*18) +'px"><tr>'+
'<td class="w2ui-node-dots" nowrap onclick="w2ui[\''+ obj.name +'\'].toggle(\''+ nd.id +'\'); '+
' if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;">'+
' <div class="w2ui-expand">' + (nd.nodes.length > 0 ? (nd.expanded ? '-' : '+') : (nd.plus ? '+' : '')) + '</div>' +
'<td class="w2ui-node-data" nowrap>'+
tmp +
(nd.count || nd.count === 0 ? '<div class="w2ui-node-count">'+ nd.count +'</div>' : '') +
'<div class="w2ui-node-caption">'+ nd.text +'</div>'+
'<div class="w2ui-node-sub" id="node_'+ nd.id +'_sub" style="'+ nd.style +';'+ (!nd.hidden && nd.expanded ? '' : 'display: none;') +'"></div>';
return html;
resize: function () {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
$(this.box).css('overflow', 'hidden'); // container should have no overflow
//$(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div').css('overflow', 'hidden');
$(this.box).find('> div').css({
width : $(this.box).width() + 'px',
height : $(this.box).height() + 'px'
//$(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div').css('overflow', 'auto');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
destroy: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// clean up
if ($(this.box).find('> div > div.w2ui-sidebar-div').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar')
delete w2ui[this.name];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
var box = $(this.box).find('> div:first-child');
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
w2utils.lock.apply(window, args);
unlock: function () {
$.extend(w2sidebar.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.sidebar = w2sidebar;
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2field - various field controls
* - $().w2field - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - upload (regular files)
* - BUG with prefix/postfix and arrows (test in different contexts)
* - prefix and suffix are slow (100ms or so)
* - multiple date selection
* - month selection, year selections
* - arrows no longer work (for int)
* - form to support custom types
* - bug: if input is hidden and then enum is applied, then when it becomes visible, it will be 110px
(function ($) {
var w2field = function (options) {
// public properties
this.el = null
this.helpers = {}; // object or helper elements
this.type = options.type || 'text';
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, options);
this.onSearch = options.onSearch || null;
this.onRequest = options.onRequest || null;
this.onLoad = options.onLoad || null;
this.onError = options.onError || null;
this.onClick = options.onClick || null;
this.onAdd = options.onAdd || null;
this.onNew = options.onNew || null;
this.onRemove = options.onRemove || null;
this.onMouseOver = options.onMouseOver || null;
this.onMouseOut = options.onMouseOut || null;
this.onIconClick = options.onIconClick || null;
this.tmp = {}; // temp object
// clean up some options
delete this.options.type;
delete this.options.onSearch;
delete this.options.onRequest;
delete this.options.onLoad;
delete this.options.onError;
delete this.options.onClick;
delete this.options.onMouseOver;
delete this.options.onMouseOut;
delete this.options.onIconClick;
// extend with defaults
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.field);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2field = function (method, options) {
// call direct
if (this.length == 0) {
var pr = w2field.prototype;
if (pr[method]) {
return pr[method].apply(pr, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else {
// if without arguments - return the object
if (arguments.length == 0) {
var obj = $(this).data('w2field');
return obj;
if (typeof method == 'string' && typeof options == 'object') {
method = $.extend(true, {}, options, { type: method });
if (typeof method == 'string' && typeof options == 'undefined') {
method = { type: method };
method.type = String(method.type).toLowerCase();
return this.each(function (index, el) {
var obj = $(el).data('w2field');
// if object is not defined, define it
if (typeof obj == 'undefined') {
var obj = new w2field(method);
$.extend(obj, { handlers: [] });
if (el) obj.el = $(el)[0];
$(el).data('w2field', obj);
return obj;
} else { // fully re-init
if (method.type == 'clear') return;
var obj = new w2field(method);
$.extend(obj, { handlers: [] });
if (el) obj.el = $(el)[0];
$(el).data('w2field', obj);
return obj;
return null;
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
/* To add custom types
$().w2field('addType', 'myType', function (options) {
$(this.el).on('keypress', function (event) {
if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey
|| (event.charCode != event.keyCode && event.keyCode > 0)) return;
var ch = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
if (ch != 'a' && ch != 'b' && ch != 'c') {
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
$(this.el).on('blur', function (event) { // keyCode & charCode differ in FireFox
var ch = this.value;
if (ch != 'a' && ch != 'b' && ch != 'c') {
$(this).w2tag(w2utils.lang("Not a single charecter from the set of 'abc'"));
w2field.prototype = {
custom: {}, // map of custom types
pallete: [
['000000', '444444', '666666', '999999', 'CCCCCC', 'EEEEEE', 'F3F3F3', 'FFFFFF'],
['FF011B', 'FF9838', 'FFFD59', '01FD55', '00FFFE', '0424F3', '9B24F4', 'FF21F5'],
['F4CCCC', 'FCE5CD', 'FFF2CC', 'D9EAD3', 'D0E0E3', 'CFE2F3', 'D9D1E9', 'EAD1DC'],
['EA9899', 'F9CB9C', 'FEE599', 'B6D7A8', 'A2C4C9', '9FC5E8', 'B4A7D6', 'D5A6BD'],
['E06666', 'F6B26B', 'FED966', '93C47D', '76A5AF', '6FA8DC', '8E7CC3', 'C27BA0'],
['CC0814', 'E69138', 'F1C232', '6AA84F', '45818E', '3D85C6', '674EA7', 'A54D79'],
['99050C', 'B45F17', 'BF901F', '37761D', '124F5C', '0A5394', '351C75', '741B47'],
['660205', '783F0B', '7F6011', '274E12', '0C343D', '063762', '20124D', '4C1030']
addType: function (type, handler) {
type = String(type).toLowerCase();
this.custom[type] = handler;
return true;
removeType: function (type) {
type = String(type).toLowerCase();
if (!this.custom[type]) return false;
delete this.custom[type];
return true
init: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
var defaults;
// Custom Types
if (typeof this.custom[this.type] == 'function') {
this.custom[this.type].call(this, options);
// only for INPUT or TEXTAREA
if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].indexOf(this.el.tagName) == -1) {
console.log('ERROR: w2field could only be applied to INPUT or TEXTAREA.', this.el);
switch (this.type) {
case 'text':
case 'int':
case 'float':
case 'money':
case 'currency':
case 'percent':
case 'alphanumeric':
case 'hex':
defaults = {
min : null,
max : null,
step : 1,
placeholder : '',
autoFormat : true,
currencyPrefix : w2utils.settings.currencyPrefix,
currencySuffix : w2utils.settings.currencySuffix,
currencyPrecision : w2utils.settings.currencyPrecision,
decimalSymbol : w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol,
groupSymbol : w2utils.settings.groupSymbol,
arrows : false,
keyboard : true,
precision : null,
silent : true,
prefix : '',
suffix : ''
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
options = this.options; // since object is re-created, need to re-assign
options.numberRE = new RegExp('['+ options.groupSymbol + ']', 'g');
options.moneyRE = new RegExp('['+ options.currencyPrefix + options.currencySuffix + options.groupSymbol +']', 'g');
options.percentRE = new RegExp('['+ options.groupSymbol + '%]', 'g');
// no keyboard support needed
if (['text', 'alphanumeric', 'hex'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
options.arrows = false;
options.keyboard = false;
this.addPrefix(); // only will add if needed
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder') && options.placeholder == '') options.placeholder = $(this.el).attr('placeholder');
$(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder);
case 'color':
defaults = {
prefix : '#',
suffix : '<div style="width: '+ (parseInt($(this.el).css('font-size')) || 12) +'px"> </div>',
placeholder : '',
arrows : false,
keyboard : false
$.extend(options, defaults);
this.addPrefix(); // only will add if needed
this.addSuffix(); // only will add if needed
// additional checks
$(this.el).attr('maxlength', 6);
if ($(this.el).val() != '') setTimeout(function () { $(obj.el).change(); }, 1);
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder') && options.placeholder == '') options.placeholder = $(this.el).attr('placeholder');
$(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder);
case 'date':
defaults = {
format : w2utils.settings.date_format, // date format
placeholder : '',
keyboard : true,
silent : true,
start : '', // string or jquery object
end : '', // string or jquery object
blocked : {}, // { '4/11/2011': 'yes' }
colored : {} // { '4/11/2011': 'red:white' }
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
options = this.options; // since object is re-created, need to re-assign
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder') && options.placeholder == '') options.placeholder = $(this.el).attr('placeholder');
$(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder ? options.placeholder : options.format);
case 'time':
defaults = {
format : w2utils.settings.time_format,
placeholder : '',
keyboard : true,
silent : true,
start : '',
end : ''
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
options = this.options; // since object is re-created, need to re-assign
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder') && options.placeholder == '') options.placeholder = $(this.el).attr('placeholder');
$(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder ? options.placeholder : (options.format == 'h12' ? 'hh:mi pm' : 'hh:mi'));
case 'datetime':
case 'list':
case 'combo':
defaults = {
items : [],
selected : {},
placeholder : '',
url : null, // url to pull data from
postData : {},
minLength : 1,
cacheMax : 250,
maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu
match : 'begins', // ['contains', 'is', 'begins', 'ends']
silent : true,
icon : null,
iconStyle : '',
onSearch : null, // when search needs to be performed
onRequest : null, // when request is submitted
onLoad : null, // when data is received
onError : null, // when data fails to load due to server error or other failure modes
onIconClick : null,
renderDrop : null, // render function for drop down item
prefix : '',
suffix : '',
openOnFocus : false, // if to show overlay onclick or when typing
markSearch : false
options.items = this.normMenu(options.items); // need to be first
if (this.type == 'list') {
// defaults.search = (options.items && options.items.length >= 10 ? true : false);
defaults.openOnFocus = true;
defaults.suffix = '<div class="arrow-down" style="margin-top: '+ ((parseInt($(this.el).height()) - 6) / 2) +'px;"></div>';
// if simple value - look it up
if (!$.isPlainObject(options.selected)) {
for (var i in options.items) {
var item = options.items[i];
if (item && item.id == options.selected) {
options.selected = $.extend(true, {}, item);
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options, {
align : 'both', // same width as control
altRows : true // alternate row color
this.options = options;
if (!$.isPlainObject(options.selected)) options.selected = {};
$(this.el).data('selected', options.selected);
if (options.url) this.request(0);
if (this.type == 'list') this.addFocus();
setTimeout(function () { obj.refresh(); }, 10); // need this for icon refresh
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder') && options.placeholder == '') options.placeholder = $(this.el).attr('placeholder');
$(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
if (typeof options.selected.text != 'undefined') $(this.el).val(options.selected.text);
case 'enum':
defaults = {
items : [],
selected : [],
placeholder : '',
max : 0, // max number of selected items, 0 - unlim
url : null, // not implemented
postData : {},
minLength : 1,
cacheMax : 250,
maxWidth : 250, // max width for a single item
maxHeight : 350, // max height for input control to grow
maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu
match : 'contains', // ['contains', 'is', 'begins', 'ends']
silent : true,
openOnFocus : false, // if to show overlay onclick or when typing
markSearch : true,
renderDrop : null, // render function for drop down item
renderItem : null, // render selected item
style : '', // style for container div
onSearch : null, // when search needs to be performed
onRequest : null, // when request is submitted
onLoad : null, // when data is received
onError : null, // when data fails to load due to server error or other failure modes
onClick : null, // when an item is clicked
onAdd : null, // when an item is added
onNew : null, // when new item should be added
onRemove : null, // when an item is removed
onMouseOver : null, // when an item is mouse over
onMouseOut : null // when an item is mouse out
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options, {
align : 'both', // same width as control
suffix : '',
altRows : true // alternate row color
options.items = this.normMenu(options.items);
options.selected = this.normMenu(options.selected);
this.options = options;
if (!$.isArray(options.selected)) options.selected = [];
$(this.el).data('selected', options.selected);
if (options.url) this.request(0);
case 'file':
defaults = {
selected : [],
placeholder : w2utils.lang('Attach files by dragging and dropping or Click to Select'),
max : 0,
maxSize : 0, // max size of all files, 0 - unlim
maxFileSize : 0, // max size of a single file, 0 -unlim
maxWidth : 250, // max width for a single item
maxHeight : 350, // max height for input control to grow
maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu
silent : true,
renderItem : null, // render selected item
style : '', // style for container div
onClick : null, // when an item is clicked
onAdd : null, // when an item is added
onRemove : null, // when an item is removed
onMouseOver : null, // when an item is mouse over
onMouseOut : null // when an item is mouse out
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options, {
align : 'both', // same width as control
altRows : true // alternate row color
this.options = options;
if (!$.isArray(options.selected)) options.selected = [];
$(this.el).data('selected', options.selected);
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder')) options.placeholder = $(this.el).attr('placeholder');
// attach events
this.tmp = {
onChange : function (event) { obj.change.call(obj, event) },
onClick : function (event) { obj.click.call(obj, event) },
onFocus : function (event) { obj.focus.call(obj, event) },
onBlur : function (event) { obj.blur.call(obj, event) },
onKeydown : function (event) { obj.keyDown.call(obj, event) },
onKeyup : function (event) { obj.keyUp.call(obj, event) },
onKeypress : function (event) { obj.keyPress.call(obj, event) }
.data('w2field', this)
.on('change', this.tmp.onChange)
.on('click', this.tmp.onClick) // ignore click because it messes overlays
.on('focus', this.tmp.onFocus)
.on('blur', this.tmp.onBlur)
.on('keydown', this.tmp.onKeydown)
.on('keyup', this.tmp.onKeyup)
.on('keypress', this.tmp.onKeypress)
'box-sizing' : 'border-box',
'-webkit-box-sizing' : 'border-box',
'-moz-box-sizing' : 'border-box',
'-ms-box-sizing' : 'border-box',
'-o-box-sizing' : 'border-box'
// format initial value
clear: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
// if money then clear value
if (['money', 'currency'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
$(this.el).val($(this.el).val().replace(options.moneyRE, ''));
if (this.type == 'percent') {
$(this.el).val($(this.el).val().replace(/%/g, ''));
if (this.type == 'color') {
if (this.type == 'list') {
if (['date', 'time'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
if ($(this.el).attr('placeholder') == options.format) $(this.el).attr('placeholder', '');
this.type = 'clear';
var tmp = $(this.el).data('tmp');
if (!this.tmp) return;
// restore paddings
if (typeof tmp != 'undefined') {
if (tmp && tmp['old-padding-left']) $(this.el).css('padding-left', tmp['old-padding-left']);
if (tmp && tmp['old-padding-right']) $(this.el).css('padding-right', tmp['old-padding-right']);
// remove events and data
.removeData() // removes all attached data
.off('change', this.tmp.onChange)
.off('click', this.tmp.onClick)
.off('focus', this.tmp.onFocus)
.off('blur', this.tmp.onBlur)
.off('keydown', this.tmp.onKeydown)
.off('keyup', this.tmp.onKeyup)
.off('keypress', this.tmp.onKeypress);
// remove helpers
for (var h in this.helpers) $(this.helpers[h]).remove();
this.helpers = {};
refresh: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
var selected = $(this.el).data('selected');
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
// enum
if (['list'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
$(obj.el).parent().css('white-space', 'nowrap'); // needs this for arrow alway to appear on the right side
// hide focus and show text
if (obj.helpers.prefix) obj.helpers.prefix.hide();
setTimeout(function () {
if (!obj.helpers.focus) return;
// if empty show no icon
if (!$.isEmptyObject(selected) && options.icon) {
options.prefix = '<span class="w2ui-icon '+ options.icon +'"style="cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px;' +
' display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; color: #7F98AD;'+ options.iconStyle +'">'+
} else {
options.prefix = '';
// focus helpder
var focus = obj.helpers.focus.find('input');
if ($(focus).val() == '') {
$(focus).css('opacity', 0).prev().css('opacity', 0);
$(obj.el).val(selected && selected.text != null ? selected.text : '');
$(obj.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder || '');
} else {
$(focus).css('opacity', 1).prev().css('opacity', 1);
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.helpers.prefix) obj.helpers.prefix.hide();
var tmp = 'position: absolute; opacity: 0; margin: 4px 0px 0px 2px; background-position: left !important;';
if (options.icon) {
$(focus).css('margin-left', '17px');
$(obj.helpers.focus).find('.icon-search').attr('style', tmp + 'width: 11px !important; opacity: 1');
} else {
$(focus).css('margin-left', '0px');
$(obj.helpers.focus).find('.icon-search').attr('style', tmp + 'width: 0px !important; opacity: 0');
}, 1);
// if readonly or disabled
if ($(obj.el).prop('readonly') || $(obj.el).prop('disabled')) {
setTimeout(function () {
$(obj.helpers.prefix).css('opacity', '0.6');
$(obj.helpers.suffix).css('opacity', '0.6');
}, 1);
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
$(obj.helpers.prefix).css('opacity', '1');
$(obj.helpers.suffix).css('opacity', '1');
}, 1);
}, 1);
if (['enum', 'file'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
var html = '';
for (var s in selected) {
var it = selected[s];
var ren = '';
if (typeof options.renderItem == 'function') {
ren = options.renderItem(it, s, '<div class="w2ui-list-remove" title="'+ w2utils.lang('Remove') +'" index="'+ s +'"> </div>');
} else {
ren = '<div class="w2ui-list-remove" title="'+ w2utils.lang('Remove') +'" index="'+ s +'"> </div>'+
(obj.type == 'enum' ? it.text : it.name + '<span class="file-size"> - '+ w2utils.size(it.size) +'</span>');
html += '<li index="'+ s +'" style="max-width: '+ parseInt(options.maxWidth) + 'px; '+ (it.style ? it.style : '') +'">'+
ren +'</li>';
var div = obj.helpers.multi;
var ul = div.find('ul');
div.attr('style', div.attr('style') + ';' + options.style);
if ($(obj.el).prop('readonly') || $(obj.el).prop('disabled')) {
div.css('pointer-events', 'none').find('li').css('opacity', '0.6');
$(obj.helpers.multi).find('input').prop('readonly', true);
} else {
div.css('pointer-events', 'auto').find('li').css('opacity', '1');
$(obj.helpers.multi).find('input').prop('readonly', false);
// celan
// add new list
if (html != '') {
} else if (typeof options.placeholder != 'undefined') {
var style =
'padding-top: ' + $(this.el).css('padding-top') + ';'+
'padding-left: ' + $(this.el).css('padding-left') + '; ' +
'box-sizing: ' + $(this.el).css('box-sizing') + '; ' +
'line-height: ' + $(this.el).css('line-height') + '; ' +
'font-size: ' + $(this.el).css('font-size') + '; ' +
'font-family: ' + $(this.el).css('font-family') + '; ';
div.prepend('<div class="w2ui-enum-placeholder" style="'+ style +'">'+ options.placeholder + '</div>');
// ITEMS events
.data('mouse', 'out')
.on('click', function (event) {
var item = selected[$(event.target).attr('index')];
if ($(event.target).hasClass('nomouse')) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
if ($(event.target).hasClass('w2ui-list-remove')) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly') || $(obj.el).attr('disabled')) return;
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'remove', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
selected.splice($(event.target).attr('index'), 1);
setTimeout(function () {
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 300);
if (obj.type == 'file' && !$(event.target).hasClass('w2ui-list-remove')) {
var preview = '';
if ((/image/i).test(item.type)) { // image
preview = '<div style="padding: 3px;">'+
' <img src="'+ (item.content ? 'data:'+ item.type +';base64,'+ item.content : '') +'" style="max-width: 300px;" '+
' onload="var w = $(this).width(); var h = $(this).height(); '+
' if (w < 300 & h < 300) return; '+
' if (w >= h && w > 300) $(this).width(300);'+
' if (w < h && h > 300) $(this).height(300);"'+
' onerror="this.style.display = \'none\'"'+
' >'+
var td1 = 'style="padding: 3px; text-align: right; color: #777;"';
var td2 = 'style="padding: 3px"';
preview += '<div style="padding: 8px;">'+
' <table cellpadding="2">'+
' <tr><td '+ td1 +'>'+ w2utils.lang('Name') +':</td><td '+ td2 +'>'+ item.name +'</td></tr>'+
' <tr><td '+ td1 +'>'+ w2utils.lang('Size') +':</td><td '+ td2 +'>'+ w2utils.size(item.size) +'</td></tr>'+
' <tr><td '+ td1 +'>'+ w2utils.lang('Type') +':</td><td '+ td2 +'>' +
' <span style="width: 200px; display: block-inline; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;">'+ item.type +'</span>'+
' </td></tr>'+
' <tr><td '+ td1 +'>'+ w2utils.lang('Modified') +':</td><td '+ td2 +'>'+ w2utils.date(item.modified) +'</td></tr>'+
' </table>'+
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
.on('mouseover', function (event) {
var tmp = event.target;
if (tmp.tagName != 'LI') tmp = tmp.parentNode;
if ($(tmp).hasClass('nomouse')) return;
if ($(tmp).data('mouse') == 'out') {
var item = selected[$(tmp).attr('index')];
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'mouseOver', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
$(tmp).data('mouse', 'over');
.on('mouseout', function (event) {
var tmp = event.target;
if (tmp.tagName != 'LI') tmp = tmp.parentNode;
if ($(tmp).hasClass('nomouse')) return;
$(tmp).data('mouse', 'leaving');
setTimeout(function () {
if ($(tmp).data('mouse') == 'leaving') {
$(tmp).data('mouse', 'out');
var item = selected[$(tmp).attr('index')];
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'f', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 0);
// adjust height
var cntHeight = $(div).find('> div').height() + w2utils.getSize(div, '+height') * 2;
if (cntHeight < 26) cntHeight = 26;
if (cntHeight > options.maxHeight) cntHeight = options.maxHeight;
if (div.length > 0) div[0].scrollTop = 1000;
var inpHeight = w2utils.getSize($(this.el), 'height') - 2;
if (inpHeight > cntHeight) cntHeight = inpHeight
$(div).css({ 'height': cntHeight + 'px', overflow: (cntHeight == options.maxHeight ? 'auto' : 'hidden') });
if (cntHeight < options.maxHeight) $(div).prop('scrollTop', 0);
$(this.el).css({ 'height' : (cntHeight + 2) + 'px' });
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
reset: function () {
var obj = this;
var type = this.type;
this.type = type;
clean: function (val) {
var options = this.options;
val = String(val).trim();
// clean
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
if (typeof val == 'string') val = val.replace(options.decimalSymbol, '.');
if (options.autoFormat && ['money', 'currency'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) val = String(val).replace(options.moneyRE, '');
if (options.autoFormat && this.type == 'percent') val = String(val).replace(options.percentRE, '');
if (options.autoFormat && ['int', 'float'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) val = String(val).replace(options.numberRE, '');
if (parseFloat(val) == val) {
if (options.min !== null && val < options.min) { val = options.min; $(this.el).val(options.min); }
if (options.max !== null && val > options.max) { val = options.max; $(this.el).val(options.max); }
if (val !== '' && w2utils.isFloat(val)) val = Number(val); else val = '';
return val;
format: function (val) {
var options = this.options;
// autoformat numbers or money
if (options.autoFormat && val != '') {
switch (this.type) {
case 'money':
case 'currency':
val = w2utils.formatNumber(Number(val).toFixed(options.currencyPrecision), options.groupSymbol);
if (val != '') val = options.currencyPrefix + val + options.currencySuffix;
case 'percent':
val = w2utils.formatNumber(options.precision ? Number(val).toFixed(options.precision) : val, options.groupSymbol);
if (val != '') val += '%';
case 'float':
val = w2utils.formatNumber(options.precision ? Number(val).toFixed(options.precision) : val, options.groupSymbol);
case 'int':
val = w2utils.formatNumber(val, options.groupSymbol);
return val;
change: function (event) {
var obj = this;
var options = obj.options;
// numeric
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
// check max/min
var val = $(this.el).val();
var new_val = this.format(this.clean($(this.el).val()));
// if was modified
if (val != '' && val != new_val) {
// cancel event
return false;
// color
if (this.type == 'color') {
var color = '#' + $(this.el).val();
if ($(this.el).val().length != 6 && $(this.el).val().length != 3) color = '';
$(this.el).next().find('div').css('background-color', color);
if ($(obj.el).is(':focus')) this.updateOverlay();
// list, enum
if (['list', 'enum', 'file'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
// need time out to show icon indent properly
setTimeout(function () { obj.refresh(); }, 5);
// date, time
if (['date', 'time'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
// convert linux timestamps
var tmp = parseInt(obj.el.value);
if (w2utils.isInt(tmp) && tmp > 1000) {
if (this.type == 'time') $(obj.el).val(w2utils.formatTime(new Date(tmp), options.format)).change();
if (this.type == 'date') $(obj.el).val(w2utils.formatDate(new Date(tmp), options.format)).change();
click: function (event) {
// lists
if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
if (!$(this.el).is(':focus')) this.focus(event);
// other fields with drops
if (['date', 'time', 'color'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
focus: function (event) {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
// color, date, time
if (['color', 'date', 'time'].indexOf(obj.type) !== -1) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly') || $(obj.el).attr('disabled')) return;
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay')[0].hide();
setTimeout(function () { obj.updateOverlay(); }, 150);
// menu
if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly') || $(obj.el).attr('disabled')) return;
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay')[0].hide();
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.type == 'list' && $(obj.el).is(':focus')) {
setTimeout(function () { obj.updateOverlay(); }, 1);
}, 1);
// file
if (obj.type == 'file') {
$(obj.helpers.multi).css({ 'outline': 'auto 5px #7DB4F3', 'outline-offset': '-2px' });
blur: function (event) {
var obj = this;
var options = obj.options;
var val = $(obj.el).val().trim();
// hide overlay
if (['color', 'date', 'time', 'list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay')[0].hide();
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
if (val !== '' && !obj.checkType(val)) {
if (options.silent === false) {
$(obj.el).w2tag('Not a valid number');
setTimeout(function () { $(obj.el).w2tag(''); }, 3000);
// date or time
if (['date', 'time'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
// check if in range
if (val !== '' && !obj.inRange(obj.el.value)) {
if (options.silent === false) {
$(obj.el).w2tag('Not in range');
setTimeout(function () { $(obj.el).w2tag(''); }, 3000);
} else {
if (obj.type == 'date' && val !== '' && !w2utils.isDate(obj.el.value, options.format)) {
if (options.silent === false) {
$(obj.el).w2tag('Not a valid date');
setTimeout(function () { $(obj.el).w2tag(''); }, 3000);
if (obj.type == 'time' && val !== '' && !w2utils.isTime(obj.el.value)) {
if (options.silent === false) {
$(obj.el).w2tag('Not a valid time');
setTimeout(function () { $(obj.el).w2tag(''); }, 3000);
// clear search input
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
// file
if (obj.type == 'file') {
$(obj.helpers.multi).css({ 'outline': 'none' });
keyPress: function (event) {
var obj = this;
var options = obj.options;
// ignore wrong pressed key
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'hex', 'color', 'alphanumeric'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
// keyCode & charCode differ in FireFox
if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.charCode != event.keyCode && event.keyCode > 0)) return;
var ch = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
if (!obj.checkType(ch, true) && event.keyCode != 13) {
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
// update date popup
if (['date', 'time'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
setTimeout(function () { obj.updateOverlay(); }, 1);
keyDown: function (event, extra) {
var obj = this;
var options = obj.options;
var key = event.keyCode || (extra && extra.keyCode);
// numeric
if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
if (!options.keyboard || $(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
var cancel = false;
var val = parseFloat($(obj.el).val().replace(options.moneyRE, '')) || 0;
var inc = options.step;
if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) inc = 10;
switch (key) {
case 38: // up
if (event.shiftKey) break; // no action if shift key is pressed
$(obj.el).val((val + inc <= options.max || options.max === null ? Number((val + inc).toFixed(12)) : options.max)).change();
cancel = true;
case 40: // down
if (event.shiftKey) break; // no action if shift key is pressed
$(obj.el).val((val - inc >= options.min || options.min === null ? Number((val - inc).toFixed(12)) : options.min)).change();
cancel = true;
if (cancel) {
setTimeout(function () {
// set cursor to the end
obj.el.setSelectionRange(obj.el.value.length, obj.el.value.length);
}, 0);
// date
if (obj.type == 'date') {
if (!options.keyboard || $(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
var cancel = false;
var daymil = 24*60*60*1000;
var inc = 1;
if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) inc = 10;
var dt = w2utils.isDate($(obj.el).val(), options.format, true);
if (!dt) { dt = new Date(); daymil = 0; }
switch (key) {
case 38: // up
if (event.shiftKey) break; // no action if shift key is pressed
var newDT = w2utils.formatDate(dt.getTime() + daymil, options.format);
if (inc == 10) newDT = w2utils.formatDate(new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth()+1, dt.getDate()), options.format);
cancel = true;
case 40: // down
if (event.shiftKey) break; // no action if shift key is pressed
var newDT = w2utils.formatDate(dt.getTime() - daymil, options.format);
if (inc == 10) newDT = w2utils.formatDate(new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth()-1, dt.getDate()), options.format);
cancel = true;
if (cancel) {
setTimeout(function () {
// set cursor to the end
obj.el.setSelectionRange(obj.el.value.length, obj.el.value.length);
}, 0);
// time
if (obj.type == 'time') {
if (!options.keyboard || $(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
var cancel = false;
var inc = (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ? 60 : 1);
var val = $(obj.el).val();
var time = obj.toMin(val) || obj.toMin((new Date()).getHours() + ':' + ((new Date()).getMinutes() - 1));
switch (key) {
case 38: // up
if (event.shiftKey) break; // no action if shift key is pressed
time += inc;
cancel = true;
case 40: // down
if (event.shiftKey) break; // no action if shift key is pressed
time -= inc;
cancel = true;
if (cancel) {
setTimeout(function () {
// set cursor to the end
obj.el.setSelectionRange(obj.el.value.length, obj.el.value.length);
}, 0);
// color
if (obj.type == 'color') {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
// paste
if (event.keyCode == 86 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
$(obj.el).prop('maxlength', 7);
setTimeout(function () {
var val = $(obj).val();
if (val.substr(0, 1) == '#') val = val.substr(1);
if (!w2utils.isHex(val)) val = '';
$(obj).val(val).prop('maxlength', 6).change();
}, 20);
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.shiftKey) {
if (typeof obj.tmp.cind1 == 'undefined') {
obj.tmp.cind1 = -1;
obj.tmp.cind2 = -1;
} else {
switch (key) {
case 38: // up
case 40: // down
case 39: // right
case 37: // left
if (obj.tmp.cind1 < 0) obj.tmp.cind1 = 0;
if (obj.tmp.cind1 > this.pallete.length - 1) obj.tmp.cind1 = this.pallete.length - 1;
if (obj.tmp.cind2 < 0) obj.tmp.cind2 = 0;
if (obj.tmp.cind2 > this.pallete[0].length - 1) obj.tmp.cind2 = this.pallete[0].length - 1;
if ([37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(key) != -1) {
// list/select/combo
if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
var cancel = false;
var selected = $(obj.el).data('selected');
var focus = $(obj.helpers.focus).find('input');
if (obj.type == 'list') {
if ([37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(key) == -1) obj.refresh(); // arrows
// apply arrows
switch (key) {
case 27: // escape
if (obj.type == 'list') {
if ($(focus).val() != '') $(focus).val('');
event.stopPropagation(); // escape in field should not close popup
case 37: // left
case 39: // right
// cancel = true;
case 13: // enter
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) break; // no action if overlay not open
var item = options.items[options.index];
var multi = $(obj.helpers.multi).find('input');
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
if (item != null) {
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'add', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
item = eventData.item; // need to reassign because it could be recreated by user
// default behavior
if (selected.length >= options.max && options.max > 0) selected.pop();
delete item.hidden;
delete obj.tmp.force_open;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
// trigger event
item = { id: multi.val(), text: multi.val() }
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'new', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
item = eventData.item; // need to reassign because it could be recreated by user
// default behavior
if (typeof obj.onNew == 'function') {
if (selected.length >= options.max && options.max > 0) selected.pop();
delete obj.tmp.force_open;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
if (item) $(obj.el).data('selected', item).val(item.text).change();
if ($(obj.el).val() == '' && $(obj.el).data('selected')) $(obj.el).removeData('selected').val('').change();
if (obj.type == 'list') {
// hide overlay
obj.tmp.force_hide = true;
case 8: // backspace
case 46: // delete
if (obj.type == 'enum' && key == 8) {
if ($(obj.helpers.multi).find('input').val() == '' && selected.length > 0) {
var item = selected[selected.length - 1];
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'remove', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
if (obj.type == 'list' && $(focus).val() == '') {
$(obj.el).data('selected', {}).change();
case 38: // up
options.index = w2utils.isInt(options.index) ? parseInt(options.index) : 0;
while (options.index > 0 && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index--;
if (options.index == 0 && options.items[options.index].hidden) {
while (options.items[options.index] && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index++;
cancel = true;
case 40: // down
options.index = w2utils.isInt(options.index) ? parseInt(options.index) : -1;
while (options.index < options.items.length-1 && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index++;
if (options.index == options.items.length-1 && options.items[options.index].hidden) {
while (options.items[options.index] && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index--;
// show overlay if not shown
var input = obj.el;
if (['enum'].indexOf(obj.type) != -1) input = obj.helpers.multi.find('input');
if ($(input).val() == '' && $('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) {
obj.tmp.force_open = true;
} else {
cancel = true;
if (cancel) {
if (options.index < 0) options.index = 0;
if (options.index >= options.items.length) options.index = options.items.length -1;
// cancel event
setTimeout(function () {
// set cursor to the end
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
var tmp = obj.helpers.multi.find('input').get(0);
tmp.setSelectionRange(tmp.value.length, tmp.value.length);
} else if (obj.type == 'list') {
var tmp = obj.helpers.focus.find('input').get(0);
tmp.setSelectionRange(tmp.value.length, tmp.value.length);
} else {
obj.el.setSelectionRange(obj.el.value.length, obj.el.value.length);
}, 0);
// expand input
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
var input = obj.helpers.multi.find('input');
var search = input.val();
input.width(((search.length + 2) * 8) + 'px');
// run search
if ([16, 17, 18, 20, 37, 39, 91].indexOf(key) == -1) { // no refreah on crtl, shift, left/right arrows, etc
setTimeout(function () {
if (!obj.tmp.force_hide) obj.request();
}, 1);
keyUp: function (event) {
if (this.type == 'color') {
if (event.keyCode == 86 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) $(this).prop('maxlength', 6);
clearCache: function () {
var options = this.options;
options.items = [];
this.tmp.xhr_loading = false;
this.tmp.xhr_search = '';
this.tmp.xhr_total = -1;
request: function (interval) {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
var search = $(obj.el).val() || '';
// if no url - do nothing
if (!options.url) return;
// --
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
var tmp = $(obj.helpers.multi).find('input');
if (tmp.length == 0) search = ''; else search = tmp.val();
if (obj.type == 'list') {
var tmp = $(obj.helpers.focus).find('input');
if (tmp.length == 0) search = ''; else search = tmp.val();
if (options.minLength != 0 && search.length < options.minLength) {
options.items = []; // need to empty the list
if (typeof interval == 'undefined') interval = 350;
if (typeof obj.tmp.xhr_search == 'undefined') obj.tmp.xhr_search = '';
if (typeof obj.tmp.xhr_total == 'undefined') obj.tmp.xhr_total = -1;
// check if need to search
if (options.url && $(obj.el).prop('readonly') != true && (
(options.items.length === 0 && obj.tmp.xhr_total !== 0) ||
(obj.tmp.xhr_total == options.cacheMax && search.length > obj.tmp.xhr_search.length) ||
(search.length >= obj.tmp.xhr_search.length && search.substr(0, obj.tmp.xhr_search.length) != obj.tmp.xhr_search) ||
(search.length < obj.tmp.xhr_search.length)
)) {
// empty list
obj.tmp.xhr_loading = true;
// timeout
obj.tmp.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
// trigger event
var url = options.url;
var postData = {
search : search,
max : options.cacheMax
$.extend(postData, options.postData);
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'request', target: obj.el, url: url, postData: postData });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
url = eventData.url;
postData = eventData.postData;
// console.log('REMOTE SEARCH:', search);
if (obj.tmp.xhr) obj.tmp.xhr.abort();
var ajaxOptions = {
type : 'GET',
url : url,
data : postData,
dataType : 'JSON' // expected from server
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'JSON') {
ajaxOptions.type = 'POST';
ajaxOptions.data = JSON.stringify(ajaxOptions.data);
ajaxOptions.contentType = 'application/json';
obj.tmp.xhr = $.ajax(ajaxOptions)
.done(function (data, status, xhr) {
// trigger event
var eventData2 = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'load', target: obj.el, search: postData.search, data: data, xhr: xhr });
if (eventData2.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
data = eventData2.data;
if (typeof data == 'string') data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.status != 'success') {
console.log('ERROR: server did not return proper structure. It should return', { status: 'success', items: [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }] });
// remove all extra items if more then needed for cache
if (data.items.length > options.cacheMax) data.items.splice(options.cacheMax, 100000);
// remember stats
obj.tmp.xhr_loading = false;
obj.tmp.xhr_search = search;
obj.tmp.xhr_total = data.items.length;
options.items = obj.normMenu(data.items);
if (search == '' && data.items.length == 0) obj.tmp.emptySet = true; else obj.tmp.emptySet = false;
// console.log('-->', 'retrieved:', obj.tmp.xhr_total);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData2, { phase: 'after' }));
.fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
// trigger event
var errorObj = { status: status, error: error, rawResponseText: xhr.responseText };
var eventData2 = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'error', target: obj.el, search: search, error: errorObj, xhr: xhr });
if (eventData2.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
if (status != 'abort') {
var data;
try { data = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText) } catch (e) {}
console.log('ERROR: Server communication failed.',
'\n EXPECTED:', { status: 'success', items: [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }] },
'\n OR:', { status: 'error', message: 'error message' },
'\n RECEIVED:', typeof data == 'object' ? data : xhr.responseText);
// reset stats
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData2, { phase: 'after' }));
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, interval);
search: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
var search = $(obj.el).val();
var target = obj.el;
var ids = [];
var selected= $(obj.el).data('selected');
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
target = $(obj.helpers.multi).find('input');
search = target.val();
for (var s in selected) { if (selected[s]) ids.push(selected[s].id); }
if (obj.type == 'list') {
target = $(obj.helpers.focus).find('input');
search = target.val();
for (var s in selected) { if (selected[s]) ids.push(selected[s].id); }
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'search', target: target, search: search });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
if (obj.tmp.xhr_loading !== true) {
var shown = 0;
for (var i in options.items) {
var item = options.items[i];
var prefix = '';
var suffix = '';
if (['is', 'begins'].indexOf(options.match) != -1) prefix = '^';
if (['is', 'ends'].indexOf(options.match) != -1) suffix = '$';
try {
var re = new RegExp(prefix + search + suffix, 'i');
if (re.test(item.text) || item.text == '...') item.hidden = false; else item.hidden = true;
} catch (e) {}
// do not show selected items
if (obj.type == 'enum' && $.inArray(item.id, ids) != -1) item.hidden = true;
if (item.hidden !== true) shown++;
if (obj.type != 'combo') { // don't preselect first for combo
options.index = 0;
while (options.items[options.index] && options.items[options.index].hidden) options.index++;
} else {
options.index = -1;
if (shown <= 0) options.index = -1;
options.spinner = false;
setTimeout(function () {
var html = $('#w2ui-overlay').html() || '';
if (options.markSearch && html.indexOf('$.fn.w2menuHandler') != -1) { // do not highlight when no items
}, 1);
} else {
options.items.splice(0, options.cacheMax);
options.spinner = true;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
updateOverlay: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
// color
if (this.type == 'color') {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) {
} else {
// bind events
$('#w2ui-overlay .color')
.on('mousedown', function (event) {
var color = $(event.originalEvent.target).attr('name');
var index = $(event.originalEvent.target).attr('index').split(':');
obj.tmp.cind1 = index[0];
obj.tmp.cind2 = index[1];
.on('mouseup', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay').removeData('keepOpen')[0].hide();
}, 10);
// date
if (this.type == 'date') {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) {
$(obj.el).w2overlay('<div class="w2ui-reset w2ui-calendar" onclick="event.stopPropagation();"></div>', {
css: { "background-color": "#f5f5f5" }
var month, year;
var dt = w2utils.isDate($(obj.el).val(), obj.options.format, true);
if (dt) { month = dt.getMonth() + 1; year = dt.getFullYear(); }
(function refreshCalendar(month, year) {
$('#w2ui-overlay > div > div').html(obj.getMonthHTML(month, year));
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-calendar-title')
.on('mousedown', function () {
if ($(this).next().hasClass('w2ui-calendar-jump')) {
} else {
var selYear, selMonth;
$(this).after('<div class="w2ui-calendar-jump" style=""></div>');
setTimeout(function () {
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-calendar-jump')
.find('.w2ui-jump-month, .w2ui-jump-year')
.on('click', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('w2ui-jump-month')) {
selMonth = $(this).attr('name');
if ($(this).hasClass('w2ui-jump-year')) {
selYear = $(this).attr('name');
if (selYear != null && selMonth != null) {
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-calendar-jump').fadeOut(100);
setTimeout(function () { refreshCalendar(parseInt(selMonth)+1, selYear); }, 100);
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-calendar-jump >:last-child').prop('scrollTop', 2000);
}, 1);
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-date')
.on('mousedown', function () {
var day = $(this).attr('date');
$(this).css({ 'background-color': '#B6D5FB', 'border-color': '#aaa' });
.on('mouseup', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay').removeData('keepOpen')[0].hide();
}, 10);
$('#w2ui-overlay .previous').on('mousedown', function () {
var tmp = obj.options.current.split('/');
tmp[0] = parseInt(tmp[0]) - 1;
refreshCalendar(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
$('#w2ui-overlay .next').on('mousedown', function () {
var tmp = obj.options.current.split('/');
tmp[0] = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1;
refreshCalendar(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
}) (month, year);
// date
if (this.type == 'time') {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) {
$(obj.el).w2overlay('<div class="w2ui-reset w2ui-calendar-time" onclick="event.stopPropagation();"></div>', {
css: { "background-color": "#fff" }
var h24 = (this.options.format == 'h24' ? true : false);
$('#w2ui-overlay > div').html(obj.getHourHTML());
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-time')
.on('mousedown', function (event) {
$(this).css({ 'background-color': '#B6D5FB', 'border-color': '#aaa' });
var hour = $(this).attr('hour');
$(obj.el).val((hour > 12 && !h24 ? hour - 12 : hour) + ':00' + (!h24 ? (hour < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '')).change();
.on('mouseup', function () {
var hour = $(this).attr('hour');
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay')[0].hide();
$(obj.el).w2overlay('<div class="w2ui-reset w2ui-calendar-time"></div>', { css: { "background-color": "#fff" } });
$('#w2ui-overlay > div').html(obj.getMinHTML(hour));
$('#w2ui-overlay .w2ui-time')
.on('mousedown', function () {
$(this).css({ 'background-color': '#B6D5FB', 'border-color': '#aaa' });
var min = $(this).attr('min');
$(obj.el).val((hour > 12 && !h24 ? hour - 12 : hour) + ':' + (min < 10 ? 0 : '') + min + (!h24 ? (hour < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '')).change();
.on('mouseup', function () {
setTimeout(function () { if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay').removeData('keepOpen')[0].hide(); }, 10);
// list
if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) {
var el = this.el;
var input = this.el;
if (this.type == 'enum') {
el = $(this.helpers.multi);
input = $(el).find('input');
if (this.type == 'list') {
input = $(this.helpers.focus).find('input');
if ($(input).is(':focus')) {
if (options.openOnFocus === false && $(input).val() == '' && obj.tmp.force_open !== true) {
if (obj.tmp.force_hide) {
setTimeout(function () {
delete obj.tmp.force_hide;
}, 1);
if ($(input).val() != '') delete obj.tmp.force_open;
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) options.index = 0;
var msgNoItems = w2utils.lang('No matches');
if (options.url != null && $(input).val().length < options.minLength && obj.tmp.emptySet !== true) msgNoItems = options.minLength + ' ' + w2utils.lang('letters or more...');
if (options.url != null && $(input).val() == '' && obj.tmp.emptySet !== true) msgNoItems = w2utils.lang('Type to search....');
$(el).w2menu('refresh', $.extend(true, {}, options, {
search : false,
render : options.renderDrop,
maxHeight : options.maxDropHeight,
msgNoItems : msgNoItems,
// selected with mouse
onSelect: function (event) {
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
var selected = $(obj.el).data('selected');
if (event.item) {
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'add', target: obj.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item: event.item });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
if (selected.length >= options.max && options.max > 0) selected.pop();
delete event.item.hidden;
$(obj.el).data('selected', selected).change();
if ($("#w2ui-overlay").length > 0) $('#w2ui-overlay')[0].hide();
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
$(obj.el).data('selected', event.item).val(event.item.text).change();
if (obj.helpers.focus) obj.helpers.focus.find('input').val('');
inRange: function (str) {
var inRange = false;
if (this.type == 'date') {
var dt = w2utils.isDate(str, this.options.format, true);
if (dt) {
// enable range
if (this.options.start || this.options.end) {
var st = (typeof this.options.start == 'string' ? this.options.start : $(this.options.start).val());
var en = (typeof this.options.end == 'string' ? this.options.end : $(this.options.end).val());
var start = w2utils.isDate(st, this.options.format, true);
var end = w2utils.isDate(en, this.options.format, true);
var current = new Date(dt);
if (!start) start = current;
if (!end) end = current;
if (current >= start && current <= end) inRange = true;
} else {
inRange = true;
// block predefined dates
if (this.options.blocked && $.inArray(str, this.options.blocked) != -1) inRange = false;
if (this.type == 'time') {
if (this.options.start || this.options.end) {
var tm = this.toMin(str);
var tm1 = this.toMin(this.options.start);
var tm2 = this.toMin(this.options.end);
if (!tm1) tm1 = tm;
if (!tm2) tm2 = tm;
if (tm >= tm1 && tm <= tm2) inRange = true;
} else {
inRange = true;
return inRange;
checkType: function (ch, loose) {
var obj = this;
switch (obj.type) {
case 'int':
if (loose && ['-', obj.options.groupSymbol].indexOf(ch) != -1) return true;
return w2utils.isInt(ch.replace(obj.options.numberRE, ''));
case 'percent':
ch = ch.replace(/%/g, '');
case 'float':
if (loose && ['-', w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol, obj.options.groupSymbol].indexOf(ch) != -1) return true;
return w2utils.isFloat(ch.replace(obj.options.numberRE, ''));
case 'money':
case 'currency':
if (loose && ['-', obj.options.decimalSymbol, obj.options.groupSymbol, obj.options.currencyPrefix, obj.options.currencySuffix].indexOf(ch) != -1) return true;
return w2utils.isFloat(ch.replace(obj.options.moneyRE, ''));
case 'hex':
case 'color':
return w2utils.isHex(ch);
case 'alphanumeric':
return w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(ch);
return true;
addPrefix: function () {
var obj = this;
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.type === 'clear') return;
var helper;
var tmp = $(obj.el).data('tmp') || {};
if (tmp['old-padding-left']) $(obj.el).css('padding-left', tmp['old-padding-left']);
tmp['old-padding-left'] = $(obj.el).css('padding-left');
$(obj.el).data('tmp', tmp);
// remove if already displaed
if (obj.helpers.prefix) $(obj.helpers.prefix).remove();
if (obj.options.prefix !== '') {
// add fresh
'<div class="w2ui-field-helper">'+
obj.options.prefix +
helper = $(obj.el).prev();
'color' : $(obj.el).css('color'),
'font-family' : $(obj.el).css('font-family'),
'font-size' : $(obj.el).css('font-size'),
'padding-top' : $(obj.el).css('padding-top'),
'padding-bottom' : $(obj.el).css('padding-bottom'),
'padding-left' : $(obj.el).css('padding-left'),
'padding-right' : 0,
'margin-top' : (parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-top'), 10) + 2) + 'px',
'margin-bottom' : (parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-bottom'), 10) + 1) + 'px',
'margin-left' : $(obj.el).css('margin-left'),
'margin-right' : 0
.on('click', function (event) {
if (obj.options.icon && typeof obj.onIconClick == 'function') {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'iconClick', target: obj.el, el: $(this).find('span.w2ui-icon')[0] });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// intentionally empty
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
if (obj.type == 'list') {
} else {
$(obj.el).css('padding-left', (helper.width() + parseInt($(obj.el).css('padding-left'), 10)) + 'px');
// remember helper
obj.helpers.prefix = helper;
}, 1);
addSuffix: function () {
var obj = this;
var helper, pr;
setTimeout(function () {
if (obj.type === 'clear') return;
var tmp = $(obj.el).data('tmp') || {};
if (tmp['old-padding-right']) $(obj.el).css('padding-right', tmp['old-padding-right']);
tmp['old-padding-right'] = $(obj.el).css('padding-right');
$(obj.el).data('tmp', tmp);
pr = parseInt($(obj.el).css('padding-right'), 10);
if (obj.options.arrows) {
// remove if already displaed
if (obj.helpers.arrows) $(obj.helpers.arrows).remove();
// add fresh
'<div class="w2ui-field-helper" style="border: 1px solid transparent"> '+
' <div class="w2ui-field-up" type="up">'+
' <div class="arrow-up" type="up"></div>'+
' </div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-field-down" type="down">'+
' <div class="arrow-down" type="down"></div>'+
' </div>'+
var height = w2utils.getSize(obj.el, 'height');
helper = $(obj.el).next();
'color' : $(obj.el).css('color'),
'font-family' : $(obj.el).css('font-family'),
'font-size' : $(obj.el).css('font-size'),
'height' : ($(obj.el).height() + parseInt($(obj.el).css('padding-top'), 10) + parseInt($(obj.el).css('padding-bottom'), 10) ) + 'px',
'padding' : 0,
'margin-top' : (parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-top'), 10) + 1) + 'px',
'margin-bottom' : 0,
'border-left' : '1px solid silver'
.css('margin-left', '-'+ (helper.width() + parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-right'), 10) + 12) + 'px')
.on('mousedown', function (event) {
$('body').on('mouseup', tmp);
$('body').data('_field_update_timer', setTimeout(update, 700));
// timer function
function tmp() {
$('body').off('mouseup', tmp);
// update function
function update(notimer) {
obj.keyDown($.Event("keydown"), {
keyCode : ($(event.target).attr('type') == 'up' ? 38 : 40)
if (notimer !== false) $('body').data('_field_update_timer', setTimeout(update, 60));
pr += helper.width() + 12;
$(obj.el).css('padding-right', pr + 'px');
// remember helper
obj.helpers.arrows = helper;
if (obj.options.suffix !== '') {
// remove if already displaed
if (obj.helpers.suffix) $(obj.helpers.suffix).remove();
// add fresh
'<div class="w2ui-field-helper">'+
obj.options.suffix +
helper = $(obj.el).next();
'color' : $(obj.el).css('color'),
'font-family' : $(obj.el).css('font-family'),
'font-size' : $(obj.el).css('font-size'),
'padding-top' : $(obj.el).css('padding-top'),
'padding-bottom' : $(obj.el).css('padding-bottom'),
'padding-left' : '3px',
'padding-right' : $(obj.el).css('padding-right'),
'margin-top' : (parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-top'), 10) + 2) + 'px',
'margin-bottom' : (parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-bottom'), 10) + 1) + 'px'
.on('click', function (event) {
if (obj.type == 'list') {
} else {
helper.css('margin-left', '-'+ (w2utils.getSize(helper, 'width') + parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-right'), 10) + 2) + 'px');
pr += helper.width() + 3;
$(obj.el).css('padding-right', pr + 'px');
// remember helper
obj.helpers.suffix = helper;
}, 1);
addFocus: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
var width = 0; // 11 - show search icon, 0 do not show
// clean up & init
// build helper
var html =
'<div class="w2ui-field-helper">'+
' <div class="w2ui-icon icon-search"></div>'+
' <input type="text" autocomplete="off">'+
$(obj.el).attr('tabindex', -1).before(html);
var helper = $(obj.el).prev();
obj.helpers.focus = helper;
width : $(obj.el).width(),
"margin-top" : $(obj.el).css('margin-top'),
"margin-left" : (parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-left')) + parseInt($(obj.el).css('padding-left'))) + 'px',
"margin-bottom" : $(obj.el).css('margin-bottom'),
"margin-right" : $(obj.el).css('margin-right')
cursor : 'default',
width : '100%',
outline : 'none',
opacity : 1,
margin : 0,
border : '1px solid transparent',
padding : $(obj.el).css('padding-top'),
"padding-left" : 0,
"margin-left" : (width > 0 ? width + 6 : 0),
"background-color" : 'transparent'
// INPUT events
.on('click', function (event) {
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) obj.focus(event);
.on('focus', function (event) {
$(obj.el).css({ 'outline': 'auto 5px #7DB4F3', 'outline-offset': '-2px' });
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
.on('blur', function (event) {
$(obj.el).css('outline', 'none');
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
.on('keyup', function (event) { obj.keyUp(event) })
.on('keydown', function (event) { obj.keyDown(event) })
.on('keypress', function (event) { obj.keyPress(event); });
// MAIN div
helper.on('click', function (event) { $(this).find('input').focus(); });
addMulti: function () {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
// clean up & init
// build helper
var html = '';
var margin =
'margin-top : 0px; ' +
'margin-bottom : 0px; ' +
'margin-left : ' + $(obj.el).css('margin-left') + '; ' +
'margin-right : ' + $(obj.el).css('margin-right') + '; '+
'width : ' + (w2utils.getSize(obj.el, 'width')
- parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-left'), 10)
- parseInt($(obj.el).css('margin-right'), 10))
+ 'px;';
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
html = '<div class="w2ui-field-helper w2ui-list" style="'+ margin + '; box-sizing: border-box">'+
' <div style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-right: 20px; display: inline-block">'+
' <ul>'+
' <li style="padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px" class="nomouse">'+
' <input type="text" style="width: 20px" autocomplete="off" '+ ($(obj.el).attr('readonly') ? 'readonly': '') + '>'+
' </li>'
' </ul>'+
' </div>'+
if (obj.type == 'file') {
html = '<div class="w2ui-field-helper w2ui-list" style="'+ margin + '; box-sizing: border-box">'+
' <div style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-right: 20px; display: inline-block">'+
' <ul><li style="padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px" class="nomouse"></li></ul>'+
' <input class="file-input" type="file" name="attachment" multiple style="display: none" tabindex="-1">'
' </div>'+
'background-color' : 'transparent',
'border-color' : 'transparent'
var div = $(obj.el).prev();
obj.helpers.multi = div;
if (obj.type == 'enum') {
$(obj.el).attr('tabindex', -1);
// INPUT events
.on('click', function (event) {
if ($('#w2ui-overlay').length == 0) obj.focus(event);
.on('focus', function (event) {
$(div).css({ 'outline': 'auto 5px #7DB4F3', 'outline-offset': '-2px' });
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
.on('blur', function (event) {
$(div).css('outline', 'none');
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
.on('keyup', function (event) { obj.keyUp(event) })
.on('keydown', function (event) { obj.keyDown(event) })
.on('keypress', function (event) { div.find('.w2ui-enum-placeholder').remove(); obj.keyPress(event); });
// MAIN div
div.on('click', function (event) { $(this).find('input').focus(); });
if (obj.type == 'file') {
$(obj.el).css('outline', 'none');
div.on('click', function (event) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
.on('dragenter', function (event) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
.on('dragleave', function (event) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
var tmp = $(event.target).parents('.w2ui-field-helper');
if (tmp.length == 0) $(div).removeClass('w2ui-file-dragover');
.on('drop', function (event) {
if ($(obj.el).attr('readonly')) return;
var files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
for (var i=0, l=files.length; i<l; i++) obj.addFile.call(obj, files[i]);
// cancel to stop browser behaviour
.on('dragover', function (event) {
// cancel to stop browser behaviour
.on('click', function (event) {
.on('change', function () {
if (typeof this.files !== "undefined") {
for (var i = 0, l = this.files.length; i < l; i++) {
obj.addFile.call(obj, this.files[i]);
addFile: function (file) {
var obj = this;
var options = this.options;
var selected = $(obj.el).data('selected');
var newItem = {
name : file.name,
type : file.type,
modified : file.lastModifiedDate,
size : file.size,
content : null
var size = 0;
var cnt = 0;
var err;
for (var s in selected) {
// check for dups
if (selected[s].name == file.name && selected[s].size == file.size) return;
size += selected[s].size; cnt++;
// trigger event
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'add', target: obj.el, file: newItem, total: cnt, totalSize: size });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// check params
if (options.maxFileSize !== 0 && newItem.size > options.maxFileSize) {
err = 'Maximum file size is '+ w2utils.size(options.maxFileSize);
if (options.silent === false) $(obj.el).w2tag(err);
console.log('ERROR: '+ err);
if (options.maxSize !== 0 && size + newItem.size > options.maxSize) {
err = 'Maximum total size is '+ w2utils.size(options.maxSize);
if (options.silent === false) $(obj.el).w2tag(err);
console.log('ERROR: '+ err);
if (options.max !== 0 && cnt >= options.max) {
err = 'Maximum number of files is '+ options.max;
if (options.silent === false) $(obj.el).w2tag(err);
console.log('ERROR: '+ err);
// read file as base64
if (typeof FileReader !== "undefined") {
var reader = new FileReader();
// need a closure
reader.onload = (function () {
return function (event) {
var fl = event.target.result;
var ind = fl.indexOf(',');
newItem.content = fl.substr(ind+1);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
} else {
normMenu: function (menu) {
if ($.isArray(menu)) {
for (var m = 0; m < menu.length; m++) {
if (typeof menu[m] == 'string') {
menu[m] = { id: menu[m], text: menu[m] };
} else {
if (typeof menu[m].text != 'undefined' && typeof menu[m].id == 'undefined') menu[m].id = menu[m].text;
if (typeof menu[m].text == 'undefined' && typeof menu[m].id != 'undefined') menu[m].text = menu[m].id;
if (typeof menu[m].caption != 'undefined') menu[m].text = menu[m].caption;
return menu;
} else if (typeof menu == 'object') {
var tmp = []
for (var m in menu) tmp.push({ id: m, text: menu[m] });
return tmp;
getColorHTML: function () {
var html = '<div class="w2ui-color">'+
'<table cellspacing="5">';
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
html += '<tr>';
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
html += '<td>'+
' <div class="color" style="background-color: #'+ this.pallete[i][j] +';" name="'+ this.pallete[i][j] +'" index="'+ i + ':' + j +'">'+
' '+ ($(this.el).val() == this.pallete[i][j] ? '•' : ' ')+
' </div>'+
html += '</tr>';
if (i < 2) html += '<tr><td style="height: 8px" colspan="8"></td></tr>';
html += '</table></div>';
return html;
getMonthHTML: function (month, year) {
var td = new Date();
var months = w2utils.settings.fullmonths;
var days = w2utils.settings.fulldays;
var daysCount = ['31', '28', '31', '30', '31', '30', '31', '31', '30', '31', '30', '31'];
var today = td.getFullYear() + '/' + (Number(td.getMonth()) + 1) + '/' + td.getDate();
// normalize date
year = w2utils.isInt(year) ? parseInt(year) : td.getFullYear();
month = w2utils.isInt(month) ? parseInt(month) : td.getMonth() + 1;
if (month > 12) { month -= 12; year++; }
if (month < 1 || month === 0) { month += 12; year--; }
if (year/4 == Math.floor(year/4)) { daysCount[1] = '29'; } else { daysCount[1] = '28'; }
this.options.current = month + '/' + year;
// start with the required date
td = new Date(year, month-1, 1);
var weekDay = td.getDay();
var tabDays = w2utils.settings.shortdays;
var dayTitle = '';
for ( var i = 0, len = tabDays.length; i < len; i++) {
dayTitle += '<td>' + tabDays[i] + '</td>';
var html =
'<div class="w2ui-calendar-title title">'+
' <div class="w2ui-calendar-previous previous"> <div></div> </div>'+
' <div class="w2ui-calendar-next next"> <div></div> </div> '+
months[month-1] +', '+ year +
'<table class="w2ui-calendar-days" cellspacing="0">'+
' <tr class="w2ui-day-title">' + dayTitle + '</tr>'+
' <tr>';
var day = 1;
for (var ci=1; ci<43; ci++) {
if (weekDay === 0 && ci == 1) {
for (var ti=0; ti<6; ti++) html += '<td class="w2ui-day-empty"> </td>';
ci += 6;
} else {
if (ci < weekDay || day > daysCount[month-1]) {
html += '<td class="w2ui-day-empty"> </td>';
if ((ci) % 7 === 0) html += '</tr><tr>';
var dt = year + '/' + month + '/' + day;
var className = '';
if (ci % 7 == 6) className = ' w2ui-saturday';
if (ci % 7 === 0) className = ' w2ui-sunday';
if (dt == today) className += ' w2ui-today';
var dspDay = day;
var col = '';
var bgcol = '';
var tmp_dt = w2utils.formatDate(dt, this.options.format);
if (this.options.colored && this.options.colored[tmp_dt] !== undefined) { // if there is predefined colors for dates
tmp = this.options.colored[tmp_dt].split(':');
bgcol = 'background-color: ' + tmp[0] + ';';
col = 'color: ' + tmp[1] + ';';
html += '<td class="'+ (this.inRange(tmp_dt) ? 'w2ui-date ' : 'w2ui-blocked') + className + '" style="'+ col + bgcol + '" date="'+ tmp_dt +'">'+
dspDay +
if (ci % 7 === 0 || (weekDay === 0 && ci == 1)) html += '</tr><tr>';
html += '</tr></table>';
return html;
getYearHTML: function () {
var months = w2utils.settings.shortmonths;
var mhtml = '';
var yhtml = '';
for (var m in months) {
mhtml += '<div class="w2ui-jump-month" name="'+ m +'">'+ months[m] + '</div>';
for (var y = 1950; y <= 2020; y++) {
yhtml += '<div class="w2ui-jump-year" name="'+ y +'">'+ y + '</div>'
return '<div>'+ mhtml +'</div><div>'+ yhtml +'</div>';
getHourHTML: function () {
var tmp = [];
var h24 = (this.options.format == 'h24' ? true : false);
for (var a=0; a<24; a++) {
var time = (a >= 12 && !h24 ? a - 12 : a) + ':00' + (!h24 ? (a < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '');
if (a == 12 && !h24) time = '12:00 pm';
if (!tmp[Math.floor(a/8)]) tmp[Math.floor(a/8)] = '';
var tm1 = this.fromMin(this.toMin(time));
var tm2 = this.fromMin(this.toMin(time) + 59);
tmp[Math.floor(a/8)] += '<div class="'+ (this.inRange(tm1) || this.inRange(tm2) ? 'w2ui-time ' : 'w2ui-blocked') + '" hour="'+ a +'">'+ time +'</div>';
var html =
'<div class="w2ui-calendar-time"><table><tr>'+
' <td>'+ tmp[0] +'</td>' +
' <td>'+ tmp[1] +'</td>' +
' <td>'+ tmp[2] +'</td>' +
return html;
getMinHTML: function (hour) {
if (typeof hour == 'undefined') hour = 0;
var h24 = (this.options.format == 'h24' ? true : false);
var tmp = [];
for (var a=0; a<60; a+=5) {
var time = (hour > 12 && !h24 ? hour - 12 : hour) + ':' + (a < 10 ? 0 : '') + a + ' ' + (!h24 ? (hour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm') : '');
var ind = a < 20 ? 0 : (a < 40 ? 1 : 2);
if (!tmp[ind]) tmp[ind] = '';
tmp[ind] += '<div class="'+ (this.inRange(time) ? 'w2ui-time ' : 'w2ui-blocked') + '" min="'+ a +'">'+ time +'</div>';
var html =
'<div class="w2ui-calendar-time"><table><tr>'+
' <td>'+ tmp[0] +'</td>' +
' <td>'+ tmp[1] +'</td>' +
' <td>'+ tmp[2] +'</td>' +
return html;
toMin: function (str) {
if (typeof str != 'string') return null;
var tmp = str.split(':');
if (tmp.length == 2) {
tmp[0] = parseInt(tmp[0]);
tmp[1] = parseInt(tmp[1]);
if (str.indexOf('pm') != -1 && tmp[0] != 12) tmp[0] += 12;
} else {
return null;
return tmp[0] * 60 + tmp[1];
fromMin: function (time) {
var ret = '';
if (time >= 24 * 60) time = time % (24 * 60);
if (time < 0) time = 24 * 60 + time;
var hour = Math.floor(time/60);
var min = ((time % 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (time % 60);
if (this.options.format.indexOf('h24') != -1) {
ret = hour + ':' + min;
} else {
ret = (hour <= 12 ? hour : hour - 12) + ':' + min + ' ' + (hour >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am');
return ret;
$.extend(w2field.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.field = w2field;
}) (jQuery);
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
* - w2form - form widget
* - $().w2form - jQuery wrapper
* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2fields, w2tabs, w2toolbar, w2alert
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
* - refresh(field) - would refresh only one field
* - include delta on save
* - create an example how to do cascadic dropdown
* - form should read <select> <options> into items
* - two way data bindings
* - verify validation of fields
* - when field is blank, set record.field = null
* - show/hide a field
* - added getChanges() - not complete
(function () {
var w2form = function(options) {
// public properties
this.name = null;
this.header = '';
this.box = null; // HTML element that hold this element
this.url = '';
this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
this.formURL = ''; // url where to get form HTML
this.formHTML = ''; // form HTML (might be loaded from the url)
this.page = 0; // current page
this.recid = 0; // can be null or 0
this.fields = [];
this.actions = {};
this.record = {};
this.original = {};
this.postData = {};
this.toolbar = {}; // if not empty, then it is toolbar
this.tabs = {}; // if not empty, then it is tabs object
this.style = '';
this.focus = 0; // focus first or other element
this.msgNotJSON = w2utils.lang('Return data is not in JSON format.');
this.msgAJAXerror = w2utils.lang('AJAX error. See console for more details.');
this.msgRefresh = w2utils.lang('Refreshing...');
this.msgSaving = w2utils.lang('Saving...');
// events
this.onRequest = null;
this.onLoad = null;
this.onValidate = null;
this.onSubmit = null;
this.onSave = null;
this.onChange = null;
this.onRender = null;
this.onRefresh = null;
this.onResize = null;
this.onDestroy = null;
this.onAction = null;
this.onToolbar = null;
this.onError = null;
// internal
this.isGenerated = false;
this.last = {
xhr: null // jquery xhr requests
$.extend(true, this, w2obj.form, options);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
$.fn.w2form = function(method) {
if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
var obj = this;
// check name parameter
if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2form')) return;
// remember items
var record = method.record;
var original = method.original;
var fields = method.fields;
var toolbar = method.toolbar;
var tabs = method.tabs;
// extend items
var object = new w2form(method);
$.extend(object, { record: {}, original: {}, fields: [], tabs: {}, toolbar: {}, handlers: [] });
if ($.isArray(tabs)) {
$.extend(true, object.tabs, { tabs: [] });
for (var t in tabs) {
var tmp = tabs[t];
if (typeof tmp === 'object') object.tabs.tabs.push(tmp); else object.tabs.tabs.push({ id: tmp, caption: tmp });
} else {
$.extend(true, object.tabs, tabs);
$.extend(true, object.toolbar, toolbar);
// reassign variables
for (var p in fields) {
var field = $.extend(true, {}, fields[p]);
if (typeof field.name == 'undefined' && typeof field.field != 'undefined') field.name = field.field;
if (typeof field.field == 'undefined' && typeof field.name != 'undefined') field.field = field.name;
object.fields[p] = field;
for (var p in record) {
if ($.isPlainObject(record[p])) {
object.record[p] = $.extend(true, {}, record[p]);
} else {
object.record[p] = record[p];
for (var p in original) {
if ($.isPlainObject(original[p])) {
object.original[p] = $.extend(true, {}, original[p]);
} else {
object.original[p] = original[p];
if (obj.length > 0) object.box = obj[0];
// render if necessary
if (object.formURL != '') {
$.get(object.formURL, function (data) { // should always be $.get as it is template
object.formHTML = data;
object.isGenerated = true;
if ($(object.box).length != 0 || data.length != 0) {
} else if (object.formHTML != '') {
// it is already loaded into formHTML
} else if ($(this).length != 0 && $.trim($(this).html()) != '') {
object.formHTML = $(this).html();
} else { // try to generate it
object.formHTML = object.generateHTML();
// register new object
w2ui[object.name] = object;
// render if not loaded from url
if (object.formURL == '') {
if (String(object.formHTML).indexOf('w2ui-page') == -1) {
object.formHTML = '<div class="w2ui-page page-0">'+ object.formHTML +'</div>';
object.isGenerated = true;
return object;
} else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return this;
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2form');
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
w2form.prototype = {
get: function (field, returnIndex) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var all = [];
for (var f1 in this.fields) {
if (this.fields[f1].name != null) all.push(this.fields[f1].name);
return all;
} else {
for (var f2 in this.fields) {
if (this.fields[f2].name == field) {
if (returnIndex === true) return f2; else return this.fields[f2];
return null;
set: function (field, obj) {
for (var f in this.fields) {
if (this.fields[f].name == field) {
$.extend(this.fields[f] , obj);
return true;
return false;
reload: function (callBack) {
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url && this.recid != 0) {
// this.clear();
} else {
// this.refresh(); // no need to refresh
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
clear: function () {
this.recid = 0;
this.record = {};
error: function (msg) {
var obj = this;
// let the management of the error outside of the grid
var eventData = this.trigger({ target: this.name, type: 'error', message: msg , xhr: this.last.xhr });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
// need a time out because message might be already up)
setTimeout(function () { w2alert(msg, 'Error'); }, 1);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
validate: function (showErrors) {
if (typeof showErrors == 'undefined') showErrors = true;
$().w2tag(); // hide all tags before validating
// validate before saving
var errors = [];
for (var f in this.fields) {
var field = this.fields[f];
if (this.record[field.name] == null) this.record[field.name] = '';
switch (field.type) {
case 'int':
if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isInt(this.record[field.name])) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not an integer') });
case 'float':
if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isFloat(this.record[field.name])) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a float') });
case 'money':
if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isMoney(this.record[field.name])) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not in money format') });
case 'color':
case 'hex':
if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isHex(this.record[field.name])) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a hex number') });
case 'email':
if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isEmail(this.record[field.name])) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a valid email') });
case 'checkbox':
// convert true/false
if (this.record[field.name] == true) this.record[field.name] = 1; else this.record[field.name] = 0;
case 'date':
// format date before submit
if (!field.options.format) field.options.format = w2utils.settings.date_format;
if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isDate(this.record[field.name], field.options.format)) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a valid date') + ': ' + field.options.format });
} else {
case 'list':
case 'combo':
case 'enum':
// === check required - if field is '0' it should be considered not empty
var val = this.record[field.name];
if (field.required && (val === '' || ($.isArray(val) && val.length == 0) || ($.isPlainObject(val) && $.isEmptyObject(val)))) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Required field') });
if (field.equalto && this.record[field.name] != this.record[field.equalto]) {
errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Field should be equal to ') + field.equalto });
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'validate', errors: errors });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// show error
if (showErrors) for (var e in eventData.errors) {
var err = eventData.errors[e];
if (err.field.type == 'radio') { // for radio and checkboxes
$($(err.field.el).parents('div')[0]).w2tag(err.error, { "class": 'w2ui-error' });
} else if (['enum', 'file'].indexOf(err.field.type) != -1) {
(function (err) {
setTimeout(function () {
var fld = $(err.field.el).data('w2field').helpers.multi;
}, 1);
} else {
$(err.field.el).w2tag(err.error, { "class": 'w2ui-error' });
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return errors;
getChanges: function () {
var differ = function(record, original, result) {
for (var i in record) {
if (typeof record[i] == "object") {
result[i] = differ(record[i], original[i] || {}, {});
if (!result[i] || $.isEmptyObject(result[i])) delete result[i];
} else if (record[i] != original[i]) {
result[i] = record[i];
return result;
return differ(this.record, this.original, {});
request: function (postData, callBack) { // if (1) param then it is call back if (2) then postData and callBack
var obj = this;
// check for multiple params
if (typeof postData == 'function') {
callBack = postData;
postData = null;
if (typeof postData == 'undefined' || postData == null) postData = {};
if (!this.url || (typeof this.url == 'object' && !this.url.get)) return;
if (this.recid == null || typeof this.recid == 'undefined') this.recid = 0;
// build parameters list
var params = {};
// add list params
params['cmd'] = 'get-record';
params['recid'] = this.recid;
// append other params
$.extend(params, this.postData);
$.extend(params, postData);
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'request', target: this.name, url: this.url, postData: params });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) { if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' }); return; }
// default action
this.record = {};
this.original = {};
// call server to get data
var url = eventData.url;
if (typeof eventData.url == 'object' && eventData.url.get) url = eventData.url.get;
if (this.last.xhr) try { this.last.xhr.abort(); } catch (e) {};
// process url with routeData
if (!$.isEmptyObject(obj.routeData)) {
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(url);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
if (obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue;
url = url.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
var ajaxOptions = {
type : 'POST',
url : url,
data : eventData.postData,
dataType : 'text' // expected from server
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'HTTP') {
ajaxOptions.data = String($.param(ajaxOptions.data, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']');
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'RESTFULL') {
ajaxOptions.type = 'GET';
ajaxOptions.data = String($.param(ajaxOptions.data, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']');
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'JSON') {
ajaxOptions.type = 'POST';
ajaxOptions.data = JSON.stringify(ajaxOptions.data);
ajaxOptions.contentType = 'application/json';
this.last.xhr = $.ajax(ajaxOptions)
.done(function (data, status, xhr) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: obj.name, type: 'load', xhr: xhr });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' });
// parse server response
var data;
var responseText = obj.last.xhr.responseText;
if (status != 'error') {
// default action
if (typeof responseText != 'undefined' && responseText != '') {
// check if the onLoad handler has not already parsed the data
if (typeof responseText == "object") {
data = responseText;
} else {
// $.parseJSON or $.getJSON did not work because those expect perfect JSON data - where everything is in double quotes
// TODO: avoid (potentially malicious) code injection from the response.
try { eval('data = '+ responseText); } catch (e) { }
if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
data = {
status : 'error',
message : obj.msgNotJSON,
responseText : responseText
if (data['status'] == 'error') {
} else {
obj.record = $.extend({}, data.record);
obj.original = $.extend({}, data.record);
} else {
obj.error('AJAX Error ' + xhr.status + ': '+ xhr.statusText);
data = {
status : 'error',
message : obj.msgAJAXerror,
responseText : responseText
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// call back
if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data);
.fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
// trigger event
var errorObj = { status: status, error: error, rawResponseText: xhr.responseText };
var eventData2 = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'error', error: errorObj, xhr: xhr });
if (eventData2.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
if (status != 'abort') {
var data;
try { data = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText) } catch (e) {}
console.log('ERROR: Server communication failed.',
'\n EXPECTED:', { status: 'success', items: [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }] },
'\n OR:', { status: 'error', message: 'error message' },
'\n RECEIVED:', typeof data == 'object' ? data : xhr.responseText);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData2, { phase: 'after' }));
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
submit: function (postData, callBack) {
return this.save(postData, callBack);
save: function (postData, callBack) {
var obj = this;
$(this.box).find(':focus').change(); // trigger onchange
// check for multiple params
if (typeof postData == 'function') {
callBack = postData;
postData = null;
// validation
var errors = obj.validate(true);
if (errors.length !== 0) return;
// submit save
if (typeof postData == 'undefined' || postData == null) postData = {};
if (!obj.url || (typeof obj.url == 'object' && !obj.url.save)) {
console.log("ERROR: Form cannot be saved because no url is defined.");
obj.lock(obj.msgSaving + ' <span id="'+ obj.name +'_progress"></span>');
// need timer to allow to lock
setTimeout(function () {
// build parameters list
var params = {};
// add list params
params['cmd'] = 'save-record';
params['recid'] = obj.recid;
// append other params
$.extend(params, obj.postData);
$.extend(params, postData);
params.record = $.extend(true, {}, obj.record);
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'submit', target: obj.name, url: obj.url, postData: params });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
var url = eventData.url;
if (typeof eventData.url == 'object' && eventData.url.save) url = eventData.url.save;
if (obj.last.xhr) try { obj.last.xhr.abort(); } catch (e) {};
// process url with routeData
if (!$.isEmptyObject(obj.routeData)) {
var info = w2utils.parseRoute(url);
if (info.keys.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
if (obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue;
url = url.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
var ajaxOptions = {
type : 'POST',
url : url,
data : eventData.postData,
dataType : 'text', // expected from server
xhr : function() {
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
// upload
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) {
if (evt.lengthComputable) {
var percent = Math.round(evt.loaded / evt.total * 100);
$('#'+ obj.name + '_progress').text(''+ percent + '%');
}, false);
return xhr;
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'HTTP') {
ajaxOptions.data = String($.param(ajaxOptions.data, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']');
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'RESTFULL') {
if (obj.recid != 0) ajaxOptions.type = 'PUT';
ajaxOptions.data = String($.param(ajaxOptions.data, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']');
if (w2utils.settings.dataType == 'JSON') {
ajaxOptions.type = 'POST';
ajaxOptions.data = JSON.stringify(ajaxOptions.data);
ajaxOptions.contentType = 'application/json';
obj.last.xhr = $.ajax(ajaxOptions)
.done(function (data, status, xhr) {
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: obj.name, type: 'save', xhr: xhr, status: status });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// parse server response
var data;
var responseText = xhr.responseText;
if (status != 'error') {
// default action
if (typeof responseText != 'undefined' && responseText != '') {
// check if the onLoad handler has not already parsed the data
if (typeof responseText == "object") {
data = responseText;
} else {
// $.parseJSON or $.getJSON did not work because those expect perfect JSON data - where everything is in double quotes
// TODO: avoid (potentially malicious) code injection from the response.
try { eval('data = '+ responseText); } catch (e) { }
if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
data = {
status : 'error',
message : obj.msgNotJSON,
responseText : responseText
if (data['status'] == 'error') {
} else {
obj.original = $.extend({}, obj.record);
} else {
obj.error('AJAX Error ' + xhr.status + ': '+ xhr.statusText);
data = {
status : 'error',
message : obj.msgAJAXerror,
responseText : responseText
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// call back
if (data.status == 'success' && typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data);
.fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
// trigger event
var errorObj = { status: status, error: error, rawResponseText: xhr.responseText };
var eventData2 = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'error', error: errorObj, xhr: xhr });
if (eventData2.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behavior
console.log('ERROR: server communication failed. The server should return',
{ status: 'success' }, 'OR', { status: 'error', message: 'error message' },
', instead the AJAX request produced this: ', errorObj);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData2, { phase: 'after' }));
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
}, 50);
lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
var box = $(this.box).find('> div:first-child');
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
w2utils.lock.apply(window, args);
unlock: function () {
var obj = this;
setTimeout(function () { w2utils.unlock(obj.box); }, 25); // needed timer so if server fast, it will not flash
goto: function (page) {
if (typeof page != 'undefined') this.page = page;
// if it was auto size, resize it
if ($(this.box).data('auto-size') === true) $(this.box).height(0);
generateHTML: function () {
var pages = []; // array for each page
var group = '';
var page;
for (var f in this.fields) {
var html = '';
var field = this.fields[f];
if (typeof field.html == 'undefined') field.html = {};
field.html = $.extend(true, { caption: '', span: 6, attr: '', text: '', page: 0 }, field.html);
if (typeof page == 'undefined') page = field.html.page;
if (field.html.caption == '') field.html.caption = field.name;
var input = '<input name="'+ field.name +'" type="text" '+ field.html.attr +'/>';
if ((field.type === 'pass') || (field.type === 'password')){
input = '<input name="' + field.name + '" type = "password" ' + field.html.attr + '/>';
if (field.type == 'checkbox') input = '<input name="'+ field.name +'" type="checkbox" '+ field.html.attr +'/>';
if (field.type == 'textarea') input = '<textarea name="'+ field.name +'" '+ field.html.attr +'></textarea>';
if (field.type == 'toggle') input = '<input name="'+ field.name +'" type="checkbox" '+ field.html.attr +' class="w2ui-toggle"/><div><div></div></div>';
if (field.html.group) {
if (group != '') html += '\n </div>';
html += '\n <div class="w2ui-group-title">'+ field.html.group + '</div>\n <div class="w2ui-group">';
group = field.html.group;
if (field.html.page != page && group != '') {
pages[pages.length-1] += '\n </div>';
group = '';
html += '\n <div class="w2ui-field '+ (typeof field.html.span != 'undefined' ? 'w2ui-span'+ field.html.span : '') +'">'+
'\n <label>' + w2utils.lang(field.html.caption) +'</label>'+
'\n <div>'+ input + w2utils.lang(field.html.text) + '</div>'+
'\n </div>';
if (typeof pages[field.html.page] == 'undefined') pages[field.html.page] = '';
pages[field.html.page] += html;
page = field.html.page;
if (group != '') pages[pages.length-1] += '\n </div>';
if (this.tabs.tabs) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.tabs.length; i++) if (typeof pages[i] == 'undefined') pages[i] = '';
for (var p in pages) pages[p] = '<div class="w2ui-page page-'+ p +'">' + pages[p] + '\n</div>';
// buttons if any
var buttons = '';
if (!$.isEmptyObject(this.actions)) {
var addClass = '';
buttons += '\n<div class="w2ui-buttons">';
for (var a in this.actions) {
if (['save', 'update', 'create'].indexOf(a.toLowerCase()) != -1) addClass = 'btn-green'; else addClass = '';
buttons += '\n <button name="'+ a +'" class="btn '+ addClass +'">'+ w2utils.lang(a) +'</button>';
buttons += '\n</div>';
return pages.join('') + buttons;
action: function (action, event) {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: action, type: 'action', originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default actions
if (typeof (this.actions[action]) == 'function') {
this.actions[action].call(this, event);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
resize: function () {
var obj = this;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'resize' });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default behaviour
var main = $(this.box).find('> div');
var header = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-form-header');
var toolbar = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-form-toolbar');
var tabs = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-form-tabs');
var page = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-page');
var cpage = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-page.page-'+ this.page);
var dpage = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-page.page-'+ this.page + ' > div');
var buttons = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-buttons');
// if no height, calculate it
if (parseInt($(this.box).height()) == 0 || $(this.box).data('auto-size') === true) {
(header.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) +
((typeof this.tabs === 'object' && $.isArray(this.tabs.tabs) && this.tabs.tabs.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(tabs, 'height') : 0) +
((typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && $.isArray(this.toolbar.items) && this.toolbar.items.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0) +
(page.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(dpage, 'height') + w2utils.getSize(cpage, '+height') + 12 : 0) + // why 12 ???
(buttons.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(buttons, 'height') : 0)
$(this.box).data('auto-size', true);
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
function resizeElements() {
// resize elements
toolbar.css('top', (obj.header != '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0));
tabs.css('top', (obj.header != '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)
+ ((typeof obj.toolbar == 'object' && $.isArray(obj.toolbar.items) && obj.toolbar.items.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0));
page.css('top', (obj.header != '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)
+ ((typeof obj.toolbar == 'object' && $.isArray(obj.toolbar.items) && obj.toolbar.items.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') + 5 : 0)
+ ((typeof obj.tabs === 'object' && $.isArray(obj.tabs.tabs) && obj.tabs.tabs.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(tabs, 'height') + 5 : 0));
page.css('bottom', (buttons.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(buttons, 'height') : 0));
refresh: function () {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var obj = this;
if (!this.box) return;
if (!this.isGenerated || typeof $(this.box).html() == 'undefined') return;
// update what page field belongs
$(this.box).find('input, textarea, select').each(function (index, el) {
var name = (typeof $(el).attr('name') != 'undefined' ? $(el).attr('name') : $(el).attr('id'));
var field = obj.get(name);
if (field) {
// find page
var div = $(el).parents('.w2ui-page');
if (div.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (div.hasClass('page-'+i)) { field.page = i; break; }
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'refresh', page: this.page })
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default action
$(this.box).find('.w2ui-page.page-' + this.page).show();
// refresh tabs if needed
if (typeof this.tabs === 'object' && $.isArray(this.tabs.tabs) && this.tabs.tabs.length > 0) {
$('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').show();
this.tabs.active = this.tabs.tabs[this.page].id;
} else {
$('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').hide();
// refresh tabs if needed
if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && $.isArray(this.toolbar.items) && this.toolbar.items.length > 0) {
$('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').show();
} else {
$('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').hide();
// refresh values of all fields
for (var f in this.fields) {
var field = this.fields[f];
if (typeof field.name == 'undefined' && typeof field.field != 'undefined') field.name = field.field;
if (typeof field.field == 'undefined' && typeof field.name != 'undefined') field.field = field.name;
field.$el = $(this.box).find('[name="'+ String(field.name).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') +'"]');
field.el = field.$el[0];
if (typeof field.el == 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: Cannot associate field "'+ field.name + '" with html control. Make sure html control exists with the same name.');
if (field.el) field.el.id = field.name;
var tmp = $(field).data('w2field');
if (tmp) tmp.clear();
$(field.$el).off('change').on('change', function () {
var value_new = this.value;
var value_previous = obj.record[this.name] ? obj.record[this.name] : '';
var field = obj.get(this.name);
if (['list', 'enum', 'file'].indexOf(field.type) != -1 && $(this).data('selected')) {
var nv = $(this).data('selected');
var cv = obj.record[this.name];
if ($.isArray(nv)) {
value_new = [];
for (var i in nv) value_new[i] = $.extend(true, {}, nv[i]); // clone array
if ($.isPlainObject(nv)) {
value_new = $.extend(true, {}, nv); // clone object
if ($.isArray(cv)) {
value_previous = [];
for (var i in cv) value_previous[i] = $.extend(true, {}, cv[i]); // clone array
if ($.isPlainObject(cv)) {
value_previous = $.extend(true, {}, cv); // clone object
if (field.type == 'toggle') value_new = ($(this).prop('checked') ? 1 : 0);
// clean extra chars
if (['int', 'float', 'percent', 'money', 'currency'].indexOf(field.type) != -1) {
value_new = $(this).data('w2field').clean(value_new);
if (value_new === value_previous) return;
// event before
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'change', value_new: value_new, value_previous: value_previous });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
$(this).val(obj.record[this.name]); // return previous value
// default action
var val = this.value;
if (this.type == 'select') val = this.value;
if (this.type == 'checkbox') val = this.checked ? true : false;
if (this.type == 'radio') {
field.$el.each(function (index, el) {
if (el.checked) val = el.value;
if (['int', 'float', 'percent', 'money', 'currency', 'list', 'combo', 'enum', 'file', 'toggle'].indexOf(field.type) != -1) {
val = value_new;
if (['enum', 'file'].indexOf(field.type) != -1) {
if (val.length > 0) {
var fld = $(field.el).data('w2field').helpers.multi;
obj.record[this.name] = val;
// event after
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
if (field.required) {
} else {
// attach actions on buttons
$(this.box).find('button, input[type=button]').each(function (index, el) {
$(el).off('click').on('click', function (event) {
var action = this.value;
if (this.id) action = this.id;
if (this.name) action = this.name;
obj.action(action, event);
// init controls with record
for (var f in this.fields) {
var field = this.fields[f];
var value = (typeof this.record[field.name] != 'undefined' ? this.record[field.name] : '');
if (!field.el) continue;
field.type = String(field.type).toLowerCase();
if (!field.options) field.options = {};
switch (field.type) {
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
case 'email':
case 'pass':
case 'password':
field.el.value = value;
case 'int':
case 'float':
case 'money':
case 'currency':
case 'percent':
case 'hex':
case 'alphanumeric':
case 'color':
case 'date':
case 'time':
field.el.value = value;
$(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: field.type }));
case 'toggle':
if (w2utils.isFloat(value)) value = parseFloat(value);
$(field.el).prop('checked', (value ? true : false));
this.record[field.name] = (value ? 1 : 0);
// enums
case 'list':
case 'combo':
if (field.type == 'list') {
var tmp_value = ($.isPlainObject(value) ? value.id : value);
// normalized options
var items = field.options.items;
if ($.isArray(items) && items.length > 0 && !$.isPlainObject(items[0])) {
field.options.items = w2obj.field.prototype.normMenu(items);
// find value from items
for (var i in field.options.items) {
var item = field.options.items[i];
if (item.id == tmp_value) {
value = $.extend(true, {}, item);
obj.record[field.name] = value;
} else if (field.type == 'combo' && !$.isPlainObject(value)) {
field.el.value = value;
} else if ($.isPlainObject(value) && typeof value.text != 'undefined') {
field.el.value = value.text;
} else {
field.el.value = '';
if (!$.isPlainObject(value)) value = {};
$(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: field.type, selected: value }));
case 'enum':
case 'file':
if (!$.isArray(value)) value = [];
$(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: field.type, selected: value }));
// standard HTML
case 'select':
// generate options
var items = field.options.items;
if (typeof items != 'undefined' && items.length > 0) {
items = w2obj.field.prototype.normMenu(items);
for (var it in items) {
$(field.el).append('<option value="'+ items[it].id +'">' + items[it].text + '</option');
case 'radio':
$(field.$el).prop('checked', false).each(function (index, el) {
if ($(el).val() == value) $(el).prop('checked', true);
case 'checkbox':
$(field.el).prop('checked', value ? true : false);
$(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: field.type }));
// wrap pages in div
var tmp = $(this.box).find('.w2ui-page');
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
if ($(tmp[i]).find('> *').length > 1) $(tmp[i]).wrapInner('<div></div>');
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
render: function (box) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var obj = this;
if (typeof box == 'object') {
// remove from previous box
if ($(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form')
this.box = box;
if (!this.isGenerated) return;
if (!this.box) return;
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'render', box: (typeof box != 'undefined' ? box : this.box) });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// default actions
if ($.isEmptyObject(this.original) && !$.isEmptyObject(this.record)) {
this.original = $.extend(true, {}, this.record);
var html = '<div>' +
(this.header != '' ? '<div class="w2ui-form-header">' + this.header + '</div>' : '') +
' <div id="form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar" class="w2ui-form-toolbar"></div>' +
' <div id="form_'+ this.name +'_tabs" class="w2ui-form-tabs"></div>' +
this.formHTML +
$(this.box).attr('name', this.name)
.addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form')
if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
// init toolbar regardless it is defined or not
if (typeof this.toolbar.render !== 'function') {
this.toolbar = $().w2toolbar($.extend({}, this.toolbar, { name: this.name +'_toolbar', owner: this }));
this.toolbar.on('click', function (event) {
var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'toolbar', target: event.target, originalEvent: event });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// no default action
obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && typeof this.toolbar.render == 'function') {
this.toolbar.render($('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar')[0]);
// init tabs regardless it is defined or not
if (typeof this.tabs.render !== 'function') {
this.tabs = $().w2tabs($.extend({}, this.tabs, { name: this.name +'_tabs', owner: this }));
this.tabs.on('click', function (event) {
obj.goto(this.get(event.target, true));
if (typeof this.tabs == 'object' && typeof this.tabs.render == 'function') {
this.tabs.render($('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs')[0]);
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
// after render actions
var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
if (url && this.recid != 0) {
} else {
// attach to resize event
if ($('.w2ui-layout').length == 0) { // if there is layout, it will send a resize event
this.tmp_resize = function (event) { w2ui[obj.name].resize(); }
$(window).off('resize', 'body').on('resize', 'body', this.tmp_resize);
setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); obj.refresh(); }, 150); // need timer because resize is on timer
// focus on load
function focusEl() {
var inputs = $(obj.box).find('input, select, textarea');
if (inputs.length > obj.focus) inputs[obj.focus].focus();
if (this.focus >= 0) setTimeout(focusEl, 500); // need timeout to allow form to render
return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
destroy: function () {
// event before
var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'destroy' });
if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
// clean up
if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && this.toolbar.destroy) this.toolbar.destroy();
if (typeof this.tabs == 'object' && this.tabs.destroy) this.tabs.destroy();
if ($(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').length > 0) {
.removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form')
delete w2ui[this.name];
// event after
this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
$(window).off('resize', 'body')
$.extend(w2form.prototype, w2utils.event);
w2obj.form = w2form;