
631 lines
16 KiB

#include "plugin_manager.h"
* Plugin table to store the loaded plugin
static struct plugin_entry *plugin_table[HASHSIZE];
config_t server_config;
* Decode the HTTP POST request with URL encode
* @param client socket client
* @param len content length
* @return query string
char* post_url_decode(int client,int len)
char *query = (char*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
recv(client, (query+i), 1, 0);
//query = url_decode(query);
LOG("POST Query %s\n", query);
return query;
* Decode the HTTP request
* Get the cookie values
* if it is the GET request, decode the query string into a dictionary
* if it is a POST, check the content type of the request
* - if it is a POST request with URL encoded : decode the url encode
* - if it is a POST request with multipart form data: de code the multipart
* - if other - UNIMPLEMENTED
* @param client socket client
* @param method HTTP method
* @param query query string in case of GET
* @return a dictionary of key- value
dictionary decode_request(int client,const char* method,const char* query)
dictionary request = NULL;
dictionary cookie = NULL;
char* line;
char * token;
if(strcmp(method,"GET") == 0)
// this for check if web socket is enabled
int ws= 0;
char* ws_key = NULL;
while((line = read_line(client)) && strcmp("\r\n",line))
token = strsep(&line,":");
trim(token,' ');
if(token != NULL &&strcasecmp(token,"Cookie") == 0)
if(!cookie) cookie = decode_cookie(line);
else if(token != NULL && strcasecmp(token,"Upgrade") == 0)
// verify that the connection is upgrade to websocket
trim(line, ' ');
trim(line, '\n');
trim(line, '\r');
if(line != NULL && strcasecmp(line,"websocket") == 0)
ws = 1;
} else if(token != NULL && strcasecmp(token,"Sec-WebSocket-Key") == 0)
// get the key from the client
trim(line, ' ');
trim(line, '\n');
trim(line, '\r');
ws_key = strdup(line);
request = decode_url_request(query);
if(ws && ws_key != NULL)
ws_confirm_request(client, ws_key);
// insert wsocket flag to request
// plugin should handle this ugrade connection
// not the server
if(!request) request = dict();
char* ctype = NULL;
int clen = -1;
line = read_line(client);
while (line && strcmp("\r\n",line))
token = strsep(&line,":");
trim(token,' ');
if(token != NULL &&strcasecmp(token,"Content-Type") == 0)
ctype = strsep(&line,":");
trim(ctype,' ');
} else if(token != NULL &&strcasecmp(token,"Content-Length") == 0)
token = strsep(&line,":");
trim(token,' ');
clen = atoi(token);
else if(token != NULL &&strcasecmp(token,"Cookie") == 0)
if(!cookie) cookie = decode_cookie(line);
line = read_line(client);
if(ctype == NULL || clen == -1)
LOG("Bad request\n");
return NULL;
// decide what to do with the data
if(strstr(ctype,FORM_URL_ENCODE) > 0)
request = decode_url_request(post_url_decode(client,clen));
} else if(strstr(ctype,FORM_MULTI_PART)> 0)
//printf("Multi part form : %s\n", ctype);
request = decode_multi_part_request(client,ctype);
else if(strstr(ctype,APP_JSON) > 0)
char* query = json_data_decode(client,clen);
request = dict();
dput(request,"json", strdup(query));
LOG("Un supported yet %s\n",ctype);
return NULL;
//if(cookie->key == NULL) {free(cookie);cookie= NULL;}
if(cookie && !request)
request = dict();
return request;
void __px(const char* data,int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
printf(" %02x", data[i]);
* Send header to the client to confirm
* that the websocket is accepted by
* our server
void ws_confirm_request(int client, const char* key)
char buf[256];
char rkey[128];
char sha_d[20];
char base64[64];
//printf("RESPONDKEY '%s'\n", rkey);
SHA1_CTX context;
SHA1_Update(&context, rkey, strlen(rkey));
SHA1_Final(&context, sha_d);
Base64encode(base64, sha_d, 20);
//printf("Base 64 '%s'\n", base64);
// send accept to client
sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n");
send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
sprintf(buf, "Upgrade: websocket\r\n");
send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
sprintf(buf, "Connection: Upgrade\r\n");
send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
sprintf(buf, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n",base64);
send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
sprintf(buf, "\r\n");
send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
LOG("%s\n", "Websocket is now enabled for plugin");
* Decode the cookie header to a dictionary
* @param client The client socket
* @return The Dictionary socket or NULL
dictionary decode_cookie(const char* line)
char *token,*token1;
char *cpstr = strdup(line);
dictionary dic = NULL;
while((token = strsep(&cpstr,";")))
token1 = strsep(&token,"=");
if(dic == NULL)
dic = dict();
LOG("Found cookie : %s = %s\n",token1,token);
trim(token1,' ');
return dic;
* Decode the multi-part form data from the POST request
* If it is a file upload, copy the file to tmp dir
* and generate the metadata for the server-side
* @param client the socket client
* @param ctype Content-Type of the request
* @param clen Content length, but not used here
* @return a dictionary of key - value
dictionary decode_multi_part_request(int client,const char* ctype)
char * boundary;
char * boundend;
char * line;
char * str_copy = strdup(ctype);
char* token;
char* keytoken ;
char* valtoken ;
char* part_name;
char* part_file;
char* file_path;
char buf[BUFFLEN];
char* field;
dictionary dic = NULL;
FILE *fp = NULL;
boundary = strsep(&str_copy,"="); //discard first part
boundary = strsep(&str_copy,"=");
if(boundary && strlen(boundary)>0)
dic = dict();
trim(boundary,' ');
boundend = __s("%s--",boundary);
//find first boundary
while((line = read_line(client))&&strstr(line,boundary) <= 0);
// loop through each part separated by the boundary
while(line && strstr(line,boundary) > 0){
// search for content disposition:
while((line = read_line(client)) &&
strstr(line,"Content-Disposition:") <= 0);
if(strstr(line,"Content-Disposition:") <= 0) return NULL;
// extract parameters from header
part_name = NULL;
part_file = NULL;
while((token = strsep(&line,";")))
keytoken = strsep(&token,"=");
if(keytoken && strlen(keytoken)>0)
trim(keytoken,' ');
valtoken = strsep(&token,"=");
trim(valtoken,' ');
if(strcmp(keytoken,"name") == 0)
part_name = valtoken;
} else if(strcmp(keytoken,"filename") == 0)
part_file = valtoken;
// get the binary data
if(part_name != NULL)
// go to the beginer of data bock
while((line = read_line(client)) && strcmp(line,"\r\n") != 0);
if(part_file == NULL)
* This allow only 1024 bytes of data (max),
* out of this range, the data is cut out.
* Need an efficient way to handle this
line = read_line(client);
trim(line,' ');
// find the next boundary
while((line = read_line(client)) && strstr(line,boundary) <= 0);
file_path = __s("%s%s.%u",server_config.tmpdir,part_file,(unsigned)time(NULL));
fp=fopen(file_path, "wb");
int totalsize=0,len=0;
//read until the next boundary
while((len = read_buf(client,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0 && strstr(buf,boundary) <= 0)
fwrite(buf, len, 1, fp);
totalsize += len;
//remove \r\n at the end
fseek(fp,-2, SEEK_CUR);
totalsize -= 2;
line = buf;
field = __s("%s.file",part_name);
field = __s("%s.tmp",part_name);
field = __s("%s.size",part_name);
field = __s("%s.ext",part_name);
LOG("Cannot wirte file to :%s\n", file_path );
// check if end of request
LOG("End request %s\n", boundend);
return dic;
* Decode a query string (GET request or POST URL encoded) to
* a dictionary of key-value
* @param query : the query string
* @return a dictionary of key-value
dictionary decode_url_request(const char* query)
char* str_copy = strdup(query);
//str_copy = ;
char* token;
if(query == NULL) return NULL;
if(strlen(query) == 0) return NULL;
dictionary dic = dict();
while ((token = strsep(&str_copy, "&")))
char* key;
char* val;
key = strsep(&token,"=");
if(key && strlen(key)>0)
val = strsep(&token,"=");
return dic;
* Decode JSON query string to string
char* json_data_decode(int client,int len)
char *query = (char*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
recv(client, (query+i), 1, 0);
//query = url_decode(query);
LOG("JSON Query %s\n", query);
return query;
* read the request as a string line format
* @param sock socket
* @return a request string
char* read_line(int sock)
char buf[BUFFLEN];
return strdup(buf);
* Read the socket request in to a buffer or size
* The data is read until the buffer is full or
* there are a carrier return character
* @param sock socket
* @param buf buffer
* @param size size of buffer
* @return number of bytes read
int read_buf(int sock, char*buf,int size)
int i = 0;
char c = '\0';
int n;
while ((i < size - 1) && (c != '\n'))
n = recv(sock, &c, 1, 0);
if (n > 0)
buf[i] = c;
c = '\n';
buf[i] = '\0';
return i;
* Locate a plugin in the plugin table
* @param s plugin name
* @return a plugin entry in the plugin table
struct plugin_entry *plugin_lookup(char *s)
struct plugin_entry *np;
for (np = plugin_table[hash(s, HASHSIZE)]; np != NULL; np = np->next)
if (strcmp(s, np->pname) == 0)
return np; /* found */
return NULL; /* not found */
* Load a plugin to the plugin table
* Only load when not available in the plugin table
* @param name plugin name
* @return pointer to the loaded plugin
struct plugin_entry *plugin_load(char *name)
struct plugin_entry *np;
unsigned hashval;
if ((np = plugin_lookup(name)) == NULL) { /* not found */
np = (struct plugin_entry *) malloc(sizeof(*np));
if (np == NULL || (np->pname = strdup(name)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((np->handle = plugin_from_file(name)) == NULL)
return NULL;
hashval = hash(name,HASHSIZE);
np->next = plugin_table[hashval];
plugin_table[hashval] = np;
} else /* already there */
LOG("The plugin %s id already loaded\n", name);
return np;
* Find a plugin in a file, and load it in to the plugin table
* @param name Name of the plugin
* @return
void * plugin_from_file(char* name)
void *lib_handle;
char* error;
char* path = __s("%s%s%s",server_config.plugins_dir,name,server_config.plugins_ext);
void (*fn)(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,int);
lib_handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!lib_handle)
LOG("Cannot load plugin '%s' : '%s'\n",name,dlerror());
return NULL;
// set database path
fn = (void (*)(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *,int))dlsym(lib_handle, "__init_plugin__");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
LOG("Problem when setting data path for %s : %s \n", name,error);
(*fn)(name,server_config.db_path, server_config.htdocs,server_config.plugins_dir,server_config.port);
return lib_handle;
void unload_plugin(struct plugin_entry* np)
char* error;
void (*fn)() = NULL;
// find and execute the exit function
fn = (void (*)())dlsym(np->handle, "pexit");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
LOG("Cant not find exit method from %s : %s \n", np->pname,error);
// execute it
//free((void *) np->handle);
free((void *) np->pname);
Unload a plugin by its name
void unload_plugin_by_name(const char* name)
LOG("%s\n","Unloading thing");
struct plugin_entry *np;
int hasval = hash(name, HASHSIZE);
np = plugin_table[hasval];
if(strcmp(np->pname,name) == 0)
plugin_table[hasval] = np->next;
for (np; np != NULL; np = np->next)
if (np->next != NULL && strcmp(name, np->next->pname) == 0)
if(np == NULL) return; // the plugin is is not loaded
np->next = np->next->next;
* Unload all the plugin loaded on the plugin table
void unload_all_plugin()
LOG("Unload all plugins\n");
for(int i=0;i<HASHSIZE;i++)
struct plugin_entry *np;
for (np = plugin_table[i]; np != NULL; np = np->next)
plugin_table[i] = NULL;
* Execute a plugin based on the http requeset
* First decode the http request header to find the correct plugin
* and the correct function on the plugin
* Second, decode all parameters necessary of the request and pass it
* to the callback function.
* Execute the callback function if sucess
* @param client soket client
* @param path request path
* @param method request method
* @param query_string GET query string
* @return -1 if failure
* 1 if sucess
int execute_plugin(int client, const char *path, const char *method, const char *query_string)
char pname[255];
char pfunc[255];
void (*fn)(int, const char*,const char*, dictionary);
struct plugin_entry *plugin ;
int plen = strlen(path);
char * rpath = (char*) malloc((plen+1)*sizeof(char));
char *error;
rpath[plen] = '\0';
char * delim = strchr(rpath,'/');
if(delim == NULL)
int npos,fpos;
npos = delim - rpath;
fpos = strlen(rpath) - npos ;
pname[npos] = '\0';
LOG("Client %d\n",client );
LOG("Path : '%s'\n", rpath);
LOG("Method:%s\n", method);
LOG("Plugin name '%s'\n",pname);
LOG("Query path. '%s'\n", pfunc);
LOG("query :%s\n", query_string);
//load the plugin
if((plugin = plugin_lookup(pname)) == NULL)
if((plugin= plugin_load(pname)) == NULL)
return -1;
// load the function
fn = (void (*)(int, const char *, const char*, dictionary))dlsym(plugin->handle, PLUGIN_HANDLER);
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
LOG("Problem when finding %s method from %s : %s \n", PLUGIN_HANDLER, pname,error);
return -1;
dictionary dic = decode_request(client,method,query_string);
return 1;