#include "../plugin.h" #define MAXSIZE 500000 #define FRECORD "{\"recid\":%d,\"name\":\"%s\",\"size\":%d,\"changed\":\"%s\",\"type\":%d,\"style\":\"%s\",\"mime\":\"%s\"}" #define RRECORD "{ \"records\":[%s], \"total\":%d,\"folder\":\"%s\",\"router\":[%s]}" #define FOLLIST "{ \"name\":\"%s\", \"path\":\"%s\"}" char* folder_list_from(const char* aPath) { if(aPath == NULL || strlen(aPath)==0 || strcmp(aPath,DIR_SEP)==0) return __s(FOLLIST,"HTDOCS",DIR_SEP); list path = split(aPath,DIR_SEP); char* flist=__s(FOLLIST,"HTDOCS",DIR_SEP); char* route = ""; if(path) { for(list np = path; np != NULL; np=np->next) { route = __s("%s%s%s", route, DIR_SEP, np->value.s); if(flist == NULL) flist = __s(FOLLIST, np->value.s,route); else flist = __s("%s,%s", flist,__s(FOLLIST,np->value.s,route)); } } free(path); //free(route); return flist; } void execute(int client,const char* method,dictionary rq) { DIR *d; struct dirent *dir; struct stat st; int frec=0,rrec = 0, id =0; char* flist = "",*dlist = ""; char* tmp= NULL; char* rpath = R_STR(rq,"path"); if(!rpath || strlen(rpath) == 0) rpath = DIR_SEP; char* path = __s("%s%s",__plugin__.htdocs,rpath); d = opendir(path); if (d) { while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) { //ignore curent directory, parent directory and hidden files and folders if(strcmp(dir->d_name,".") == 0 || strcmp(dir->d_name,"..")==0|| *(dir->d_name)=='.') continue; if( stat(__s("%s%s%s",path,DIR_SEP,dir->d_name), &st) == 0 ) { if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { tmp = __s(FRECORD,id, dir->d_name, (int)st.st_size, __time(st.st_mtime), 0, "font-weight: bold;", "folder"); if(rrec != 0) dlist = __s("%s,%s",dlist,tmp); else dlist = tmp; rrec++; //free(tmp); } else { tmp = __s(FRECORD, id, dir->d_name, (int)st.st_size, __time(st.st_mtime),1,"", mime(dir->d_name)); if(frec != 0) flist = __s("%s,%s",flist,tmp); else flist = tmp; frec++; //free(tmp); } id++; } } closedir(d); if(strlen(dlist) == 0) dlist = flist; else if(strlen(flist) > 0) dlist = __s("%s,%s",dlist,flist); } json(client); __t(client,RRECORD,dlist,frec+rrec,rpath,folder_list_from(rpath)); //if(path) free(path); //if(rpath) free(rpath); if(tmp) free(tmp); } void add(int c, const char* m, dictionary rq) { json(c); if(IS_GET(m)) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Bad request:GET"); return; } char* rpath = R_STR(rq,"path"); if(!rpath) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Unknow path"); return; } char * file_name = R_STR(rq,"pfile.file"); if(file_name == NULL) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Cannot send file to server"); return; } int size = R_INT(rq,"pfile.size"); if(size>MAXSIZE) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Cannot accept file more than 500Kb"); return; } if(!upload(R_STR(rq,"pfile.tmp"),__s("%s/%s/%s",__plugin__.htdocs,rpath,file_name))) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Cannot move file to plugin dir"); return; } __t(c,__RESULT__,1,"OK"); return; } void mkfolder(int c, const char* m, dictionary rq) { json(c); if(IS_GET(m)) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Bad request:GET"); return; } char* dname = R_STR(rq,"dname"); char* rpath = R_STR(rq, "path"); if(!dname) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Folder name is empty"); return; } if(!rpath) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Unknow path"); return; } if(mkdir(__s("%s%s%s%s",__plugin__.htdocs,rpath,DIR_SEP,dname), 0755)) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Error when create directory."); return; } __t(c,__RESULT__,1,"OK"); } void rmfolder(int c, const char* m, dictionary rq) { json(c); if(IS_GET(m)) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Bad request:GET"); return; } char* name = R_STR(rq,"name"); char* rpath = R_STR(rq, "path"); if(!name) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Folder name is empty"); return; } if(!rpath) { __t(c,__RESULT__,0,"Unknow path"); return; } removeAll(__s("%s%s%s%s",__plugin__.htdocs,rpath,DIR_SEP,name),1); //LOG("%s\n",name ); //LOG("%s\n",rpath ); __t(c,__RESULT__,1,"OK"); } void pexit() { LOG("Exit file manager,plugins\n"); }